Part 3 ~ turtle club

Happy November everyone! :flowerforyou:

It was a good weekend around here. Didn't do much yesterday except eat and sleep! :laugh: I was tired after Saturday's run!

I'm getting refocused on my diet today! I've got the exercise down, now I just need to fix the nutrition. Grrr!
I am also going to start adding in more weights as the miles taper down. I'm losing too much definition! :grumble:

Tom~ have temps dropped in Tampa yet? We are entering frigid territory. Only 60 for a high tomorrow! :sad: Time to break out the Breath Thermo for runs!

Kelynn~ loved your comment about the girl @ the bar and her *costume*! Whatever it takes to get the motivation back! :wink:

Ray~ welcome home! Are you stateside for a while now? I can't wait to hear about your goals (after you've reached them of course!) :smile:

Leash~ I am sooo sorry to hear that you are still having so much pain and don't have any answers yet!:frown: Keep us posted please!

B~ sorry I stole your thunder! I know you're busy @ work and I just got too impatient! :wink:

Julie~ how was your weekend? Life staying calm(er)? :huh: To answer your question...6 weeks and counting down until Thunder Road! Eek!

Sorry if I forgot anyone!

Happy Monday everyone! :flowerforyou:


  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Hey guys!!!

    So I have 3 doctor's appointments this week, had 2 last week OMG! I go to a new guy today, some spine specialist or something so keep your fingers crossed. I had a pretty fun halloween, I coached all day and then went to a friends house, had a good time... we watched frequency, seriously creepy!!!!

    Becky- I was doing so good with my eating yesterday and then someone made homemade carmel corn, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! haha so I ate my weight in that.... and I can't workout so probably not the best idea o well, you live and learn. And yes I'm pretty sure you have the exercise down :bigsmile:

    By the way its supposed to be a beautiful 73 today, yes you can hate me :laugh:

    Have a great day guys!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    no comment...yet

    just stopping by to say hello :drinker:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Woohoo! Love the new thread name!!!

    Been nursing this sore knee. Actually took 5 days off. Still a little sore -- but I am so excited to get back running. Not sure what crazy gene I possess that makes me enjoy this torture :bigsmile:

    Leash -- so sorry to hear that you are still in pain. Was hoping that the lack of response meant you were busy getting better :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Oh -- and high of 54 here today :grumble:

    Looking forward to getting back in touch with all you old-timers :bigsmile:

    Enjoy your day!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Hey everybody!!!

    I'll be stateside for a while now, but travel to Nashville in a couple weeks and may try to hit the wild horse saloon for some line dancing again... haha...I am serious too!

    Leash, good luck and keep on pushing. Ummm keep the 73 to yourself.

    Julie, take care!!! Ughh, gotta keep the knee's healthy.

    Everyone... repeat Becky, refocus on diet, destroy candy, etc.....

  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member

    I promise to run 8,000 miles if need be -- but PLEASE -- don't take away my candy!!!!! :bigsmile:

    I would be training for a marathon -- but can't seem to find a training program....ummmmhummmm (clearing throat!) Anyone know of a good one :bigsmile:
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Haha! Ray! I'll happily get refocused but trust me...NO ONE wants me to give up M&Ms...NO ONE :noway:

    Julie~ I am loving the Hal Higdon plan(although, i do believe there may have been a bit of sarcasm in your post!:tongue: ) No complicated tempo or speed workouts. I'm so happy with it that I've already decided to use it next year, maybe just go up a level in intensity. How sick is that?!?!:huh: Still 6 weeks out until my 1st marathon and I'm already planning next year's! :laugh:

    Leash~ I hope you get some answers this week! You must be soooo tired of doctor appointments! :frown:

    So happy to be able to find y'all! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Happy November everyone! :flowerforyou:

    It was a good weekend around here. Didn't do much yesterday except eat and sleep! :laugh: I was tired after Saturday's run!

    I'm getting refocused on my diet today! I've got the exercise down, now I just need to fix the nutrition. Grrr!
    I am also going to start adding in more weights as the miles taper down. I'm losing too much definition! :grumble:

    Tom~ have temps dropped in Tampa yet? We are entering frigid territory. Only 60 for a high tomorrow! :sad: Time to break out the Breath Thermo for runs!

    Kelynn~ loved your comment about the girl @ the bar and her *costume*! Whatever it takes to get the motivation back! :wink:

    Ray~ welcome home! Are you stateside for a while now? I can't wait to hear about your goals (after you've reached them of course!) :smile:

    Leash~ I am sooo sorry to hear that you are still having so much pain and don't have any answers yet!:frown: Keep us posted please!

    B~ sorry I stole your thunder! I know you're busy @ work and I just got too impatient! :wink:

    Julie~ how was your weekend? Life staying calm(er)? :huh: To answer your question...6 weeks and counting down until Thunder Road! Eek!

    Sorry if I forgot anyone!

    Happy Monday everyone! :flowerforyou:

    You just wanted your name on the header for starting the thread!

    Early morning runs at down to the mid-60s this week, but still hitting 80s by the afternoon.

    I haven't had an M&M all week, which is pretty good since there was Halloween candy in the house. Did grab a couple Reese's cups yesterday, but with all the trick--or-treaters we get, there's never anything left over, so that is good.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Day 1 of my insoles today... not sure how I feel about them yet but they're hurting me! :ohwell:

    ...More later I'm at work right now :wink:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member

    I promise to run 8,000 miles if need be -- but PLEASE -- don't take away my candy!!!!! :bigsmile:

    I would be training for a marathon -- but can't seem to find a training program....ummmmhummmm (clearing throat!) Anyone know of a good one :bigsmile:

    Ok...... eat your candy ya little victim...HA! My precious airplane time was corrupted by a certain Jack *kitten* that reclined his chair the WHOLE FLIGHT!!! No way a laptop will open, and I barely had room to eat a sandwich. HA! So... still working on it but promise to deliver soon.

  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    confession -- i like chocolate candy, and i might not stop eating it for weeks. :embarassed:

    with 3 kids, out on three consecutive nights (grandma's "house," church trunk-or-treat, and official neighborhood canvassing) we hauled in enough candy to feed a small football team. we're currently sorting and trying to find clever ways to dispose of some of the goods (ways that don't involve me eating it!!!)

    forgot to bring my iPod home from work on Fri, drove all the way back on Sat to get it (unauthorized trip) and then didn't get out for a run after all, with the craziness that was Saturday. resting up again today (too fat to move) but gearing up for track tuesday tomorrow.

    good to see the group is up and running (get it?) thanks so much becky. you are swell :wink: (i think tom is on to your evil plan)
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511

    I promise to run 8,000 miles if need be -- but PLEASE -- don't take away my candy!!!!! :bigsmile:

    I would be training for a marathon -- but can't seem to find a training program....ummmmhummmm (clearing throat!) Anyone know of a good one :bigsmile:

    Ok...... eat your candy ya little victim...HA! My precious airplane time was corrupted by a certain Jack *kitten* that reclined his chair the WHOLE FLIGHT!!! No way a laptop will open, and I barely had room to eat a sandwich. HA! So... still working on it but promise to deliver soon.


    Ah ha! I KNEW there was an underlying current to those comments!
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    confession -- i like chocolate candy, and i might not stop eating it for weeks. :embarassed:

    good to see the group is up and running (get it?) thanks so much becky. you are swell :wink: (i think tom is on to your evil plan)

    Nice pun B! :laugh:

    Ok, ok...maybe Tom is on to something...maybe... :tongue:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    This is more like it! Before when Becky would go on a posting rampage, you could hardly tell cause it was mixed in with 8,000 other posts. I'm glad things are right in the world again -- the planets have truly re-aligned! ahhhhhhhhh
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    yeah, are we gonna institute a post per page limit? :huh: just sayin... :wink:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    WARNING long explanation of what doc said at bottom of post YET not so much a rant... hm

    Julie- I like the runners world ones but I haven't ran in so long, what do I know!? haha I hope your knee is feeling better, I'm pretty sure that candy is a perscription for pain because I was in the least amount of pain yesterday than I have been in a long time, hm.... better go get some more 3 musketeers!

    Ray- I'm sorry but I started cracking up when I read your post, I just imagined you attempting to eat a sandwich all curled up... so thanks for the laugh!!!

    bg- NO LIMIT! Please don't do that to us!!!!!

    Kelynn- Sorry to hear about your insoles, maybe give a few trys, did you go to the running store for them?

    OK so I saw the spine specialist today and hes probably the best doctor I've ever been to, not because he gave me good news but because he had a freaking personality and listened to me and actually seemed to care, finally Kasier you didn't fail me, SHOCKER!!! :laugh:

    So once I got into explaining alllllll of my symptoms he said, "Sounds like a herniated disc." I wanted to cry, scream, punch the wall, jump off a building (jk), ect.... but I didn't do any of those things, reminder: I've left crying about 80 percent of my appointments. He thinks it could be from hitting volleyballs. This is the one thing I have NEVER stopped doing for a very very long time and in the last year I probably doubled how much I did it cause I coach all year around, at least 5 days a week, many times 6 or 7. I'm not jumping and hitting but I'm standing and hitting so I'm rotating and turning my spine every single time and I hit way more than an average player would cause I just keep nailing ball after ball at the diggers. So he scheduled me for an MRI NEXT week, which was another surprise to get in so quickly which would show if I have a herniated disc or it could be my SI joint if the MRI is normal. The problem is I don't think I can stop hitting, I mean I probably could for a time period but my club team starts in 2 weeks sooo I have no transition period from my college team to my club team, college has at least another month so they overlap at it is. I could try hitting with bad form but not sure if that will help, anyways I just have to say f$%k. :laugh: Thats pretty much all I'm thinking right now! I'm surprisingly positive just cause I finally feel like a found a doctor that is going to listen and do something about it plus he perscribed me some pain pills, so at least I won't be in as much pain as often. Ok theres that story... anyone know anything about herniated discs? Be gentle or I'll start crying all over my computer :smile:

    PS Loving this new thread... whosever idea this was "snaps" to you. Wow I'm seriously a loser.

    ~Leash :heart:
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Hey everyone. :smile:

    Yesterday's marathon is history... And like they say, know your history or you will be doomed to repeat it. (Or something like that) When I have some time tomorrow I'm going to give a thorough breakdown of the Doomsday Death March into Arlington.

    Want a hint as to how it will go? I got a nice, SLOW tour of some very famous national monuments and talked to a ladybug for about a minute. :laugh:

    It's nice to see the normal group again.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Tom- Forgot to say I hadn't been craving a reese at all which are one of my favorites until I read your post so thanks a lot, I hope halloween candy is being sold for next to nothing! I bet the m&ms are sooo cheap :laugh:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Hey everyone. :smile:

    Yesterday's marathon is history... And like they say, know your history or you will be doomed to repeat it. (Or something like that) When I have some time tomorrow I'm going to give a thorough breakdown of the Doomsday Death March into Arlington.

    Want a hint as to how it will go? I got a nice, SLOW tour of some very famous national monuments and talked to a ladybug for about a minute. :laugh:

    It's nice to see the normal group again.

    Nitz! Haven't seen you in awhile, your posts probably got lost in all the pages... can't wait to here your report even if you don't think it went well. You talked to a ladybug? :huh:

    bg- Did I go past the limit yet?

    ~Leash :heart:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    I feel like one of the pink ladies and the thunderbirds -- the whole gang is back together again! Yippeee!! We go together like sham-a-lam-a-lam-a ka-dinkity-dinky-donk. (and yes, I'm pretty sure I did spell those correctly!)
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    B- you're here with a bunch of chicks... can't put a limit on blabbing... after all, you DO like us girls, don't you? :angry:

    Leash- I know nothing about hernaited disks (can't even spell it), but the first step to getting better is identifying the problem, so if you found a doc that is actually able to do that, you're getting there! :flowerforyou:

    Nitz- "Slow" is a relative term. My fastest mile EVER is 9:33, so be careful how you throw the word "slow" around :wink: Can't wait to hear all about it :bigsmile:

    Ray- I once sat next to a woman that was trying to balance holding a small [crying] baby and utilizing her barf bag at the same time... all the way from Connecticut to Vegas :noway: I feel your pain. Flying sucks sometimes.

    Julie- 100% agreed :bigsmile: :heart: you guys and missed you all- felt like we all drowned in the Runner's Sea :laugh:

    The insoles were given to me by my foot doctor. He did say that they would take a few days to get used to. So, I'm hoping that by the end of the week I like them more.






    Disappear :sad: