Part 3 ~ turtle club



  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    Kelynn~ how has your weekend been? Any fun birthday month celebrations? :huh:

    Actually, yes! It wasn't a birthday celebration per-say, but we did go to the Dane Cook show last night... that was my ab work for the day- he's HILARIOUS! :laugh:

    Hoping to get in a whole mile later today :grumble: Didn't wear my insoles at all yesterday (they don't exactly fit so well in my Ugg's :laugh: ) so we'll see how my feet feel!

    Have a great Sunday, everyone :flowerforyou:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Its sunday SUNDAY!!!! I was wide awake at 6:30 since I normally get up at 7-7:30... so I read a little and listened to the STUPID rain!

    Um I used all of your guys calories yesterday, thanks for that! haha

    Kechie- I'm sure you did great at your race! I think your done, cause its 8 am here and I can't remember where you live but either way I hope you did or are doing awesome! :smile: BTW smooth move deleting your email haha

    Becky- Is thunder road a trail run? Sorry to here about Zenyatta, honestly it means nothing to me but since I like you I'll pretend to care :laugh:

    Tom- Aw yes the holiday treats, since I have to eat gluten free now I think it'll be a bit easier but without running who knows! Just log the miles and you'll be good to go.

    Julie- I used your calories yesterday, don't think I'll need em today so enjoy :smile:

    Ray- Don't go disappearing on us! We are a needy group, so unless you post everyday don't bother at all haha jk!

    Erica- Hope your havin fun with the fam!

    Kelynn- Thanks for the kind thoughts, next time lets just both go on mfp at 3:42 in the morning that way we won't be twiddling our thumbs so much.

    B- Sore from the bball? Hope not cause then it gives the youngins 10 points, I don't know why I'm talking like I'm not one of those young people normally haha

    Vball tryouts today, eeek, going to be some tears, its cut throat when tryouts come around! Have a great day all! MRI in 3 days, please keep me in your thoughts!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    KELYNN- You saw Dane Cook?!!! I'm soooooo jealous!!!! My favorite one is the "Creepy Guy at Work." "So that day when he finally snaps and comes into the office with a sawed off shotgun, and then he'll get to my office.... thanks for the candy." "You laugh now, but you know come monday morning your going to be like, hey Marcus."

    I don't know if your laughing while reading this but I'm dying so thats all the matters :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Sunday!
    10 miles done....started at a 10:20 pace for the first 1/3 -- then 10:10 for the next 1/3 -- then I still felt great so I keep speeding up and finished the last mile at a 9:00 pace. Woohoo! Maybe that 4:30 goal for the marathon will be within reach!

    Leash -- I love that you crack yourself up!!!!

    Tom -- all this talk of food diaries makes me sad. I know I really need to work on my diet -- but I just don't want to. I know if I could drop 5 pounds it would make running easier. Any suggestions? I need a plan:sad:

    Off to play kickball!
    Enjoy the day!
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hi All,

    Family day was good thanks! Ate way too much, drank too much wine, inhaled way too much bonfire smoke! It was nice to see everyone, and as a bonus my best friend was visiting her family too, so I got to see her for a couple of hours as well.

    Got in a steady 4 miles today, but haven't had a chance to catch up here yet, I'll post properly tomorrow.

    Erika x
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Darn those food diaries!!:grumble: Ate a sensible breakfast and lunch. Had a banana and an apple for snacks. When I started figuring out how many calories I was going to eat for dinner (boneless pork spareribs), I had to change from a rest day and got out for 7.5 miles. Now I can have some dessert too!:wink:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    I'm sitting here enjoying a glass of wine with almonds and some chocolate....thinking the diet is definitely starting tomorrow:huh:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    I am sitting here with a Corona light, after a decent helping of pizza…oh my!!!

    Very busy weekend, and I’ll break it into two short stories.

    With a weekend full of house projects I am constantly reminded that my hands are trained for spreadsheets and not rip cutting OSB. I removed tons of siding, wrapped the house, yanked a shrub, tore down an outdoor playset, removed a patio door, replaced with a French door (the second I had to buy) and fine tuning everything so the fit & finish is impeccable, I am sorta a perfectionist with my projects. The worst is dealing with my wife, who constantly is asking “do you know what you are doing”, and “should you be cutting that” etc…. Haha… I sent her shopping…. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh how glorious is riding in shorts and short sleeves in November!!! My best friend and I schlepped over 60 miles today, bucking a little wind but having a great time. I am very sore, that would have been an easy ride a few months ago but I am spending too much time running…woohoo!

    OK, that’s my weekend and I am spent…..

    Leash…thanks for noticing I am below quota…haha! Hope the tryouts went well!! So sorry for the sleep deprivation too, and PAIN..ugh.. it is over rated.

    Becky… crazy run with the accident, there certainly are stories to tell if you do this long enough. Also, you should be fine for Kelynn’s Birthweek to take it off, or…aka Thanksgiving. Enjoy that time with the money folks…haha! Next year you can come to my mobile home…:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Dane Cook rocks!

    Logging food does not rock! Tom, not sure I would have had the courage for “will run for supper”.. Good job!

    Julie, wine and almonds, cool! Never done that before, but curious. What would be the right choice, likely a white of some sort, right?

    Did Erika say she inhaled… haha! Glad you had fun!!!

    OK, this post made up for everything...right..!!

  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Kechie... how the heck did ya do? I checked your profile and there was nada posted. Let us know, or maybe it's a man brain thing and missed it, it was next year or something stupid...haha. Never understimate a guy with a big heart and small brain...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Kechie!!!! Where the heck are you!?

    Tryouts sucked, tears, tears, and more tears... uhhh At least its OVA!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    time for bed, but quick accountability check -- sadly i did NOT make it out for any additional miles last night, and this morning it was a challenge just dragging my old bones out of bed and getting to church! :noway: sorry leash -- the boys got their 10 pts, i'm afraid. sore back, sore legs, sore arms (what's up with that one???). i think tomorrow will be a rest day, and it's back to the track on Tuesday. no Corona for me, but just like Ray -- the pizza was good today! what are these "calories" you speak of??? :wink:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning :flowerforyou:

    I needed yesterday to lick my wounds. I set a pr. It took me the longest that it has ever taken me to complete this course. It was not pretty but I crossed that finish line. I am amazed at how determined I was.:laugh:

    Today, I am glad I had such an awful race because that experience has made me more committed to my running. It has been a long time since I felt committed to running. I think if I had pr'd yesterday I might have quit running. You know did a Michael Jordan (exit on a high note). Since yesterday was so awful, I will be registering for next year's race as soon as registration opens - I think it opens next month. Plus, I have already printed out my training schedule for my half at the end of March. I am serious.:happy:

    And... I am going to start logging my food AGAIN. For the first time ever, I was covered in salt after my race yesterday. Definitely having some nutrition challenges... And we all know how easy those are to fix.:tongue: I hate logging.:angry: But I know it works so I'll be logging.:grumble:

    Here are the numbers:
    2008: 2:08:25
    2009: 2:08:52
    2010: 2:19:47

    Thanks for being supportive and amazing friends :flowerforyou:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member

    Thanks for checking in…..if you did not then you’d be running fast for sure because we’d be chasing ya down…haha!

    Not every race is a PR, but pulling a personal worst must be difficult to process. You are entirely right about going forward, and it is your true character that shows in those situations. Let those wounds simmer a bit and attack that plan, because you know it’s in you.

  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Well Kechie -- sounds like my last 1/2. I keep getting slower! I too decided to start logging a little better. If I would get my eating under control my running would definitely improve. Maybe we can help each other! :flowerforyou: I even weighed in this morning. Goal is to drop 10 pounds by my marathon in March.
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Kechie ~ (((hugs))) I'm sorry the race didn't go as you'd hoped! :frown: Great job on pushing through and finishing! :drinker: Way to get organized and planning ahead!
    ? about your comment about being covered in salt. Is that a bad thing? I am always covered in salt at the end of my runs? I just thought I was sweating a lot....which I do 8 months of the year as Tom commented in an earlier post!

    B~ awww! Poor guy!:wink: Sorry the b*ball kicked your butt! Rest and get back out there tomorrow!

    Ray~ sounds like a very busy weekend! Good work on the home projects and the awesome bike ride! :bigsmile:

    Leash~ whew! Glad you survived tryouts and cuts! Now you can get to the fun part of coaching! :happy: I loved your last posts. It seems that you had a couple of great days! MRI tomorrow?

    Julie ~ count me in on the getting eating under control and helping eachother with it!

    ...sounds like a lot of us are wanting to drop some pounds over the next few months! I know we can all do it! ....especially since we have such a terrific support system here. I've been afraid to get too near the scale, but last I checked, I was about 12 pounds from goal and I believe about 5 have crept back on. Ugh!
    It was pizza nite here yesterday as well! Yummm! (that could be part of my problem :laugh: I'm not giving it up, but 2 pieces vs 4 is probably a better plan)

    My plan for today is to hit the elliptical, heavy bag class and then self defense tonight. Last week before taper time! :happy:

    Oh, looked up some celebrity times from NYC yesterday...pretty sure I can beat Al Roker (over 7 hours) Hoping to be much faster than Jared (5:15 or so) but definitely not Bobby Flay (4:01:37, he missed his break 4 hours by just over 90 seconds!) But the real goal is truly just to finish and run the full thing!

    Have a great Monday! :flowerforyou:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Hey Becky -- when you met with your black and blue club you mentioned the nutrition talk. Any pointers/hints/guidelines you can pass along. I need guidance! Have 10 pounds to drop -- and 5 are fake pounds -- the same 5 I fluctuate in a week. Any help/advice would be appreciated!

    I also am covered in salt after a run :huh:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Becky- Yes tryouts are over for this weekend but it wasn't my team that was being picked, thats next weekend so it will be even more stressful eek! This weekend was hard cause it was the girls I coached last year... yup MRI tomorrow! Finally!!!! And your going to leave Al in the dust!!!!

    Kechie- I'm sorry to hear about your race, I'm so glad that its only motivated you to do better though, and remember 13.1 miles is still 13.1 miles, not very many people can walk let alone run that so still nice job!!!

    I'm off for a walk!

    Have a great Monday everyone!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Leash, glad the mri is tomorrow.:flowerforyou:

    Salty sweats are "normal" for a lot of runners. Like Becky, I am a very heavy sweater. I am not usually visibly salty though. However, you can be a salty sweater without it being visible. If your sweat stings your eyes or tastes salty, you're a salty sweater. If you are normally a salty sweater, I've read that you can improve your performance by drinking a high sodium sports drink (gatorade) instead of water during workouts.

    Since I am not normally visibly salty, I had muscle cramps, and I wasn't thirsty during the race, I thought my visible saltiness was not good. I wish I had taken a picture of myself. You could write messages in my salt coated skin. Of course, my symptoms could all be explained b/c it was so bleeping cold.:laugh:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    What have I been missing over here????
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    What have I been missing over here????

    Sssshhhh.... hahaha welcome to the um turtle club, the club all about how we're obsessed with turtles :huh: :laugh:

    BTW who the eff thought of that title? Cause I think its perfect :bigsmile:

    Welcome Shuntae!!!

    ~Leash :heart: