Part 3 ~ turtle club



  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Salty after a run just means you sweat a ton, so it is a 2 step function, you are too warm or you went a really long ways, maybe some of both. Since it’s fall it is easy to layer a bit too much trying to stay warm. Rule of thumb is dress ~20 degrees warmer when running. There is nothing wrong with it, but it makes you need water/sport drink that much more during a run. I always want to be brrr cold at the start of a run, and if it’s 50 I will wear shorts, long sleeves, and maybe a vest too.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    What many don’t realize, I started at 250+ lbs on this fitness journey and I’d seriously be ~300lbs right now if I didn’t do all this stuff. I have 5 brothers that remind me what I could be..Ho Ho Ho! I let about 5 creep in over the last 2 weeks and that’s gotta stop too.

    Let’s all get skinny with it…:smile::tongue: :noway: :frown: :smile: :tongue: :noway: :frown:

    For those interested, we make a fun quirky plan to shed the final few. Maybe we make a simple post each day for how we did, and then deal with it amongst us, and public humiliation is on-par for me at least…haha!

    Xx consecutive days on-track
    Daily report (kickin butt, could be better, ate everything put in front of me, etc…)
    Sharing time (some trick, or good decision, recipe, etc…)

    Thoughts? Let’s spin this and make it fun AND accountable. Sprinkle in some humility if we go off track, perhaps we all vote at the end of the week for something silly like best job, worst job, etc…. The inherent visibility and competition would be fun and helpful.

  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    I just got registered for the Philly Marathon. I couldn't get myself to do it bandit. I'm registered through one of the charity sponsors, Team Lung Love. It's the race team for the Lung Cancer Alliance. Now.... all I have to do is raise money.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    I just got registered for the Philly Marathon. I couldn't get myself to do it bandit. I'm registered through one of the charity sponsors, Team Lung Love. It's the race team for the Lung Cancer Alliance. Now.... all I have to do is raise money.

    Good Guy wins!! Long Live Lung Love!! Good call!!

  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    I just got registered for the Philly Marathon. I couldn't get myself to do it bandit. I'm registered through one of the charity sponsors, Team Lung Love. It's the race team for the Lung Cancer Alliance. Now.... all I have to do is raise money.

    Good Guy wins!! Long Live Lung Love!! Good call!!

    Thanks Ray. I feel better morally signing up. Being able to help a worthy cause, even better.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Salty after a run just means you sweat a ton, so it is a 2 step function, you are too warm or you went a really long ways, maybe some of both. Since it’s fall it is easy to layer a bit too much trying to stay warm. Rule of thumb is dress ~20 degrees warmer when running. There is nothing wrong with it, but it makes you need water/sport drink that much more during a run. I always want to be brrr cold at the start of a run, and if it’s 50 I will wear shorts, long sleeves, and maybe a vest too.

    For 50, I wear a race tank and shorts!:noway: Between 40-50, I'll wear short sleeves and shorts. It has to be below 40 to get me to wear long sleeves and capri length pants (I know they don't make these for guys). If it is less than 35, I wear my NB jacket that looks like a long sleeve shirt and running pants.:laugh:

    It is amazing how different we are in this area and fun to watch at cold races. I saw people that were wearing tanks and shorts all the way to people with coats, hats, and gloves.

    Interesting topic...
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    So does that mean I win the bet -- I told you he would be running the Philly :bigsmile:

    As for weight loss -- I'm all for a little public humiliation. I juest need to figure out how many calories I "should" be consuming. Never really figured that out. I can track all day long -- but if you don't have a goal it just doesn't matter now does it!

    I just checked and a year ago I was 10 pounds thinner. I know a lot of it has to do with this mystery health issue -- but at this rate I'll be 400 pounds -- so I can't wait on the docs miracle answer any longer. I'm in. So far so good for today. Yogurt -- apple -- almonds -- soup -- spaghetti squash casserole planned for dinner. I HATE TRACKING!!!! :explode:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    What many don’t realize, I started at 250+ lbs on this fitness journey and I’d seriously be ~300lbs right now if I didn’t do all this stuff. I have 5 brothers that remind me what I could be..Ho Ho Ho! I let about 5 creep in over the last 2 weeks and that’s gotta stop too.

    Let’s all get skinny with it…:smile::tongue: :noway: :frown: :smile: :tongue: :noway: :frown:

    For those interested, we make a fun quirky plan to shed the final few. Maybe we make a simple post each day for how we did, and then deal with it amongst us, and public humiliation is on-par for me at least…haha!

    Xx consecutive days on-track
    Daily report (kickin butt, could be better, ate everything put in front of me, etc…)
    Sharing time (some trick, or good decision, recipe, etc…)

    Thoughts? Let’s spin this and make it fun AND accountable. Sprinkle in some humility if we go off track, perhaps we all vote at the end of the week for something silly like best job, worst job, etc…. The inherent visibility and competition would be fun and helpful.


    I like it and am looking forward to the "public humiliation".:laugh:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    For those interested, we make a fun quirky plan to shed the final few. Maybe we make a simple post each day for how we did, and then deal with it amongst us, and public humiliation is on-par for me at least…haha!

    Xx consecutive days on-track
    Daily report (kickin butt, could be better, ate everything put in front of me, etc…)
    Sharing time (some trick, or good decision, recipe, etc…)

    Thoughts? Let’s spin this and make it fun AND accountable. Sprinkle in some humility if we go off track, perhaps we all vote at the end of the week for something silly like best job, worst job, etc…. The inherent visibility and competition would be fun and helpful.

    Count me in... I had to put down my GF pepperoni pizza to type this :blushing: :sad:

    I think that's a GREAT idea, Ray. I wouldn't mind setting a goal, too :wink:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    owwww -- I may lose a few pounds quickly just so I don't have to admit to my current weight :blushing: :sad: :noway:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    owwww -- I may lose a few pounds quickly just so I don't have to admit to my current weight :blushing: :sad: :noway:

    Hell, I may have to purchase a scale. :laugh:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Thanks Kechie -- now my boss thinks I'm a little off my I sit here giggling! I hate scales.....especially mine cause it is possible to change the weight depending on how you stand and where you place your feet. Today I got on like normal person and stood with my weight evenly distributed.....and I'm not happy with the nubmer!
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks Kechie -- now my boss thinks I'm a little off my I sit here giggling! I hate scales.....especially mine cause it is possible to change the weight depending on how you stand and where you place your feet. Today I got on like normal person and stood with my weight evenly distributed.....and I'm not happy with the nubmer!

    Omg, Julie we are so alike! I have figured out that my scale does that too. So I stand on it 3 different ways and write down the answer I like.:laugh: Too funny...
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    you girls are a mess! :noway:

    i just change my height til i get to an ideal BMI :wink:
    what?!? u guys don't believe i'm 8'10" tall :huh:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I'M IN for the counting of calories! I try to log and I usually do an ok job but I could be better!

    Just got back from an hour and a half walk, booorring, I was walking as fast as I freaking could but still barely broke a sweat! It was pretty cold though and when I say cold I mean like 65.

    Have a great day!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    you girls are a mess! :noway:

    i just change my height til i get to an ideal BMI :wink:
    what?!? u guys don't believe i'm 8'10" tall :huh:

    hahahhahahah :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I needed a good laugh! I mean.... yes I believe you.. :huh:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Wow bgood -- that's a great idea. I just stand on the scale on one leg looking a little flamingo-ish! If someone told me I'd weigh less at 3am outdoors, I would be the crazy fool in the driveway perched on my scale!
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    :laugh: dang scales! mine is ao annoying that I can gain and lose up to 10 lbs just by moving it. Like Kechie, I just pick the number I like and go with that one. Liquid diet for 48 hours here I come if we're going to get *serious* about this!

    I love your idea Ray! I need the accountability. Public humiliation is a great motivator! :laugh:
    Truly though, I feel very safe with everyone here and willing to share my numbers with you...I know y'all have my back! :wink: biggest pitfall ~ fast food!Let's put it this way, I had 3 meals at McDonalds/Taco Bell over the weekend. (as in Sat/Sun)
    I don't count pizza in my fast food so, ahem..add in last night's pizza and do you get how awful my weekend was?!?! I wish I could say that was an anomaly, but it isn't.
    I guess a tangible goal for me would be to cut back the fast food to 3x a week thru the end of the year. Long term goal would be to get it down to 2-3x a month.
    I'm sure there are others, and I will add to my list as I think of them.

    Into the deep end I go~

    starting weight~ 150 (up 7 pounds from lowest summer weight)
    goal weight ~ 135
    goal #1 ~ fast food no more than 3x this week (remember excludes pizza for now! :wink: )

    and thanks for the info on sweaty/salty after running..apparently I'm a bigger wuss than i was high 40s by the end of Saturday's run and I was clothed head to toe in Mizuno Breathe Thermo, including headband and gloves! :noway:

    now, hitting post reply before I change my mind and erase my numbers!
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    you girls are a mess! :noway:

    i just change my height til i get to an ideal BMI :wink:
    what?!? u guys don't believe i'm 8'10" tall :huh:

    Bwwwaaaahhhaaaahhaaaa :laugh:

    I forgot to add that I'm 6'2" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    welllll-- if Becky's plunging then I shall too!

    Current weight -- 135 :noway: how DID that happen!
    Goal weight -- 125 (secret long term goal 120)
    Height 5'2.5 but I like to round up to 5'3" -- but for BMIs sake I too am 6'2":bigsmile:

    let's see -- current downfall -- Halloween candy:blushing: Generally eat pretty healthy -- not sure where I'm messing up unless maybe I am under-estimating my portions. Will start measuring :grumble: even my coffee creamer.:angry: