Part 3 ~ turtle club



  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Wow Erika -- that's so interesting -- thanks for sharing. As a good Catholic girl, I better stay home from that celebration. Otherwise I might end up being the one thrown on the bonfire!
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Just a brisk 5K today. Woke up this morning to 36* :noway: Didn't see that one coming! Running just now, temp is up to 45*, but 15mph winds make the "feels like" temp a balmy 38*. I know i should be used to it by now, but not looking forward to hanging out w/ Old Man you-know-who...
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hey all-

    Yes... Ray is right... I have a brithMONTH :blushing: I've never made a huge deal out of my birthday, but my boyfriend does (and he's not the type to make a big deal out of ANYTHING :laugh: ) and he's kind of persuaded me to make a bigger deal out of my birthday- he says it's the most important day of the year because you're celebrating yourself! :bigsmile: So, I've kind of adopted that thought process.... and I just like when my birthday is on a holiday... and apparently I like talkin' about it because now I have everyone talkin' about it :indifferent:

    Anyhow, feet felt a little achey in the insoles today. This weekend I think I'm going to go out for a mile run. Hate starting at the beginning again, but it's better than not running at all. Overall, I do think my feet are improving because they don't hurt just sitting still on the couch like they did a few weeks ago.

    Bgood- I'm not looking forward to that old man either :laugh: It's almost time to put the "s" tires on the car (don't want to say the actual s-word)... totally stinks.

    Becky- I'm Scottish, too! :drinker:

    Leash- I'm going to be 26 and I still celebrate (and don't count calories on my birthday) :bigsmile: Speaking of that, I am getting a glute-free carrot cake for my birthday from an amazing local GF bakery... people even come from out of state to go to this bakery- it's THAT good! I can't wait! :smile:

    Great big hello & Happy Friday to Kechie, Julie, Erika, Mr. Nitz and anyone else I missed :flowerforyou:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Friday night!
    Got in 5 miles tonight!
    Enjoying Chinese food now -- seems a little counter-productive.:ohwell:

    Kelynn -- I like your bfs philosophy. Embrace the birth month! Enjoy and go for presents every day...hehehehehehehehe
    Carrot cake is one of my favorites -- yummmmm -- make sure you bring me a piece on your way to Beckyy's beach house:bigsmile:
    hope you all have a great evening!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Twidling my thumbs at 3:42 in the morning, go away pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sad:

    You guys better have some kick *kitten* workouts for me today, and that's an order!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    -Leash :heart:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Oh Leash -- I'm so sorry you are in pain -- Tuesday will be here soon -- I know it's not soon enough. Hope things ease up for you!
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Leash, sorry you're still hurting:flowerforyou:
    Ran 7 miles for you this morning. Great morning for a run - only 50 degrees and not humid. My shirt was still dry at the end. Such a nice change from flop sweat!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Thanks you guys, seriously my favorite people online are in this group!

    Thanks for the run Tom, can I use the calorie burn from that? haha Sounds too cold to me but glad you enjoyed it.

    Have a great Saturday everyone! I'm going shopping with my mom, tomorrow we have vball tryouts, its not the age that I'm coaching but its the girls that I coached last year, going to be some tears... most of them should make the team but usually more girls tryout for 14s so we'll have to choose 12 from about 50 eeek!

    :drinker: :drinker: :smile:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Twidling my thumbs at 3:42 in the morning, go away pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sad:

    You guys better have some kick *kitten* workouts for me today, and that's an order!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    -Leash :heart:

    I was twiddling my thumbs at 3:42 in the morning, too... but that's because my boyfriend was snoring like a freight train :grumble: On a serious note, Leash, hope you feel better soon- even if you aren't able to run in the immediate future, I hope you can at least sleep at night! Hang in there :flowerforyou:
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Oh Leash! (((hugs!))) I'm so sorry you are still in so much pain! Hang in there! Have fun shopping:happy: and good luck tomorrow :drinker: with the tryouts! Making cuts must be the worst part, but I truly believe in them..none of this *everyone wins!* :noway: foolishness. The girls will learn great life lessons from their tryouts!
    Oh and I'll share some of my calorie burn from 12 miles this morning! :wink:

    Tom~ there is a fine line between not being drenched in sweat and freezing. Sounds like you had a few degrees on me! Way to get out there and get it done! :bigsmile:

    Ok, I realize all you Northeners will mock me,but it was a cold run this morning!
    it's only 49 right now :cry: with a predicted low of 25 :sad: tonite....granted 70 again by Monday but BRRRR! today!
    They are predicting a mild winter for us and today was more typical of a mid December day so I'm hoping for warmer temps on race day. Even though I get body temp warm in my Breath Thermo (best material EVER!) my muscles stay tight through the whole run and I never quite reach that relaxed easy stride.
    I was very grateful today was only 12 miles! Next week we are going for 22 and then TAPER time! :bigsmile:

    Oh, scary moment...we head way out in the country for our longer runs, came around a curve to see a truck had completely missed the curve and gone head on into a group of trees. Fortunately two cars were already stopped and aiding the driver. We think he had to have been there for quite a while though, there was no smoke or any fluids coming from the truck and the front end was destroyed. Have a bad feeling because they didn't seem to be speaking with the drvier and had pretty horrified expressions on their faces.We asked if we could do anything and they said they had called it in so we kept going. It was right on the town/county border and it took FOREVER before we saw any 1st responders heading to the wreck and they were in no hurry, not running lights or sirens. Definitely rather sobering. Never know what we will see or experience on our runs.

    Kechie~ can't wait to hear your race report!

    B~ the candy got me yesterday...walked by it once, but couldn't resist the half off autumn color M&Ms the 2nd time

    Ray~ do you think I'll be okay at this stage of training to take Thanksgiving weekend off (no long run that weekend) ? It's 2 weekends out from raceday and we will have done 3~18+ milers by then

    Nitz~sooo, are you running bandit for sure?

    Erika~ hope you're having a great weekend with family and fireworks!

    Julie~ I think you and Kelynn should both run away Turkey weekend and come to the beach! From the sound of it, the house is so big, we would have plenty of room!

    Kelynn~ I love it! A birthday MONTH! Great attitude! I will no longer be celebrating birthdays after this year so celebrate for me too!

    Ttyl! :flowerforyou:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    We get so used to sweating like crazy about 8 months of the year. The other four months, dry wick fabrics actually work. Who knew!

    Need to start logging my diet again. Haven't been cross training much lately, but have been eating as much as usual. Grabbed my jeans after my run this morning, and they are tight:grumble: :noway: Maybe need to post my weight loss ticker again for accountability.
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    We get so used to sweating like crazy about 8 months of the year. The other four months, dry wick fabrics actually work. Who knew!

    Need to start logging my diet again. Haven't been cross training much lately, but have been eating as much as usual. Grabbed my jeans after my run this morning, and they are tight:grumble: :noway: Maybe need to post my weight loss ticker again for accountability.

    :laugh: :laugh: That is awesome! Who knew indeed?!?!? It is a very strange feeling to not be soaking wet by the end of the run!

    I hear you about posting the weight loss ticker again. Clothes are still fitting ok, but can definitely see the lack of weight training from the abs up :frown: Hungry ALL the TIME lately!

    oh yeah...and look!:bigsmile: I am soooo miles ticker is creeping up on you!!! I can't believe it! :noway:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Went to the race expo to pick up my packet today... Had a "real life Kechie moment":laugh: On Thursday, the race organizers emailed me my bib number. I have never been emailed my bib number before a race. So, I read the email. Then, deleted it. Not bothering to memorize my bib number. This morning I arrived at the expo to pick up my packet. Guess what the nice race volunteer asked me? She wanted to know my bib number.:laugh: The race organizers were prepared for the Kechie's of the world and had a list posted so we could look up our bib numbers.:laugh:

    I'll check in tomorrow after the race. Thanks so much for all of the well wishes. It is supposed to be 29 for the over night low tonight. I expect to race in temps much cooler than I am used to.:drinker: I am hoping the cold will make me a lot faster.:noway:
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Okay...well, no backing out now!
    I just spent $100 and am officially registered for Thunder Road next month! :bigsmile:
    Kicking myself for not registering earlier...would've been only $70 a few months ago. :ohwell:

    Kechie~ your story made me laugh! I don't know that I would've realized I was supposed to memorize my bib number either! :laugh: I'm glad you were able to find a way around it! :tongue: You're going to do great tomorrow! It will be cold to start, but I did 12 today and by the end of mile 1~ I was already warming up pretty well. Plus, if it's a large race, you'll have all that great body heat from other runners! Rest and hydrate for the rest of the day! :flowerforyou:

    Watching a different type of racing....thoroughbred racing! breeder's cup day! :bigsmile: GO ZENYATTA!!!!! Beat the boys ~ AGAIN!
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Leash -- so sorry!!! i went to the Y this morning for the first time in years. dropped the boy off at the play place, and i was shooting baskets in the gym all by myself. even ran a few washboards just to get loosened up (crazy, i know) then later played 2-on-2 with some high school kids for an hour. just about wore me out!!! (but the old man can still shoot -- skunked 'em one game 7-0) anyway, will get back out and log some running miles later today -- just for you!! :wink:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    I hear you about posting the weight loss ticker again. Clothes are still fitting ok, but can definitely see the lack of weight training from the abs up :frown: Hungry ALL the TIME lately!

    oh yeah...and look!:bigsmile: I am soooo miles ticker is creeping up on you!!! I can't believe it! :noway:

    The hunger thing is a real problem for me when I am training for a marathon - I can eat everything in sight. It is frustrating to be working out so much and still gaining some weight, even when you eat 'well'.

    I should have signed up for my Christmas 1/2 M for motivation to pick up my miles. But you have a taper coming up!:tongue:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Leash -- so sorry!!! i went to the Y this morning for the first time in years. dropped the boy off at the play place, and i was shooting baskets in the gym all by myself. even ran a few washboards just to get loosened up (crazy, i know) then later played 2-on-2 with some high school kids for an hour. just about wore me out!!! (but the old man can still shoot -- skunked 'em one game 7-0) anyway, will get back out and log some running miles later today -- just for you!! :wink:

    Thanks for the great workout! I'm glad you beat up on some young kids.

    Ok so now I have calories burned from Tom's 7 miles and this bball game, and I think Julie or Becky offered me theres... hm better go out out to dinner! :laugh:

    I did just get back from a long walk, I've been walking at least an hour a day, it doesn't increase the pain more than it hurts at rest so I figure I'm not hurting myself any more...

    ~Leash :heart:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Rest day for me -- except for a tough game of fottball -- me and my son against my husband and daughter. Tons of fun!

    long run tomorrow -- 10 or so....

    Leash -- not sure if I had any extra calories -- enjoying a glass of wine and some chocolate -- but tomorrow I should have extras and they are ALL yours:bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Enjoy the evening! I become a hunting widow for a whole week starting tomorrow:sad: Will probably have some record "Becky' posts to occupy my time:bigsmile: Luv u Becky!!!!:heart:
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    :happy: Rest day! Or sort of rest day...will probably do a bunch of yard work.

    I discovered Hal Higdon's post marathon recovery plan last nite. I love it! I am really enjoying having step by step guidance through the process!

    Kechie~ I hope the race went well. Brrrry cold out there this morning! Hopefully it helped you run extra fast! :bigsmile:

    Julie~ :heart: u too! :wink: Enjoy the hunting widow week. One of my favorite week's of the year! I love my DH, but I don't mind the time alone either! :tongue:

    Leash~ way to hang in there! :drinker: You are one tough lady! Any fun purchases yesterday?

    B~ nice job on showing up the youngsters! :happy:

    Tom~ I definitely will need to start watching my calories soon. :cry: Hal points that out repeatedly during taper week and the recovery plan. Oh and on an off topic~ dog is better! Thank you! Now the cat is limping though!:grumble:

    Erika~ hope you had a terrific weekend with the family! :happy:

    Kelynn~ how has your weekend been? Any fun birthday month celebrations? :huh:

    Ray~ busy weekend with the family? Any epic rides or runs? :smile:

    Oh, if anyone cares...update on Zenyatta...she lost by a nose...the jockey was in was very sad...just figured since i brought it up yesterday, i had a duty to inform you of the results
    Lots of horsepower in the racing today...Nascar @ Texas
    I suppose I'll also check on Jared's progress in NYC as well

    Happy Sunday! :flowerforyou:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Tom~ I definitely will need to start watching my calories soon. :cry: Hal points that out repeatedly during taper week and the recovery plan. Oh and on an off topic~ dog is better! Thank you! Now the cat is limping though!:grumble:
    Oh, if anyone cares...update on Zenyatta...she lost by a nose...the jockey was in was very sad...just figured since i brought it up yesterday, i had a duty to inform you of the results
    Lots of horsepower in the racing today...Nascar @ Texas
    I suppose I'll also check on Jared's progress in NYC as well

    Happy Sunday! :flowerforyou:

    Dusted off the food diary yesterday. It does make you pay attention to what you're eating. Especially coming into the holidays.

    Too bad about Zenyatta, but what a heck of a race!
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