Part 3 ~ turtle club



  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    OK, accountability...

    Over one day this week.
    Lost 0.4 lbs (I'm set for a half pound per week, so I am happy with this)

    May be going over today, as I've got the half tomorrow. Eeeep!

    If I don't get back in here before I hit the road, have a great day!

    2:30 or bust!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I was over by 8 cals one day this week, under the other 6 days. :drinker:

    Down to 141 from 142.5 last Friday ( -1.5) :bigsmile:

    Ran 3 days so far, and running today at 11:00am for a total of 4 running days, and 14 miles this week, and 2 weights days. I guess you can call shoveling poo and riding horses as my cross training as I don't bike or swim. :bigsmile: Therefore, 2 cross train days.

    All in all I am happy with this week. I guess avoiding the cupcakes paid off. :huh:

    I woke this morning so hungry I could have eaten my arm, and maybe a leg. I am never hungry when I wake up, which is why I like running first thing in the morning. I never eat breakfast until I get to work, and I am here and finishing my coffee, and counting the seconds until I eat! :tongue:

    More later, got to go eat, and oh, yeah, I should probably get some work done today! :laugh: :laugh:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Friday!
    I'll say I did well this week. Yesterday I may have gone over by 100 calories -- but my dinner was a huge guess and I think I overestimated -- plus I think 1 hour on that lovely exercise ball would burn more than 250 calories -- just sayin....

    So I give myself a C+ -- still ate a few pieces of halloween candy but DID show some restraint and walked away more than I didn't.

    Starting weight -- 135 -- today 132.

    Shuntae -- good luck with your race!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Wendy -- thanks for the soup recipe - I'll be trying it this weekend!

    Kechie -- will you please share your black bean recipe???

    I make a stew that my kids absolutely love. You can change it however you wish....

    you take 1 lb lean ground beef -- brown -- add taco seasoning as directed (usually add a bit of water)

    to that I add...

    can of yellow corn
    can of white corn (usually leave some of the juice depending on how thick you like it)
    can of dark red kidney beans
    can of light red kidney beans
    can of rotel tomatoes (you can get hot or regular - -I use the one with green chilies)

    cook till beans are soft -- top with a spoon of light sour cream and cheddar cheese. We sometimes eat it with blue corn chips. very yummy!!!!

    that's all I add so the kids will eat it -- but you can add green peppers, onions, you name it!!!!

    Just made it last night -- everyone gobbled it up!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    Man, this logging thing is getting dicouraging. Missed my run today because I was on the road, have been living on salad because that is often the only gluten-free meal you can get when you eat out - supper last night, again for lunch today, again tonight, and I am still over on my calories:explode: WTF? Better go to bed before I break down and raid the pantry
    I was hoping you'd call it the rabbit club. At least then I'd be thinking all that lettuce would be making me faster.

    I hear ya Tom- I always tell my friends I feel like a rabbit because all I eat is salad when we're out somewhere :laugh:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Oh, and just in case I forget later, good luck on your race Shuntae!

    E x
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning Friends :flowerforyou:

    What an inspirational group! I need more data before I can post for accountability this week. I weighed myself and started logging on Tuesday.

    So far, I've been on track just 1 day, yesterday. Of course, reading how well my friends are doing has motivated me to be on track the rest of the weekend. Thanks!

    I'll weigh in again Sunday. I don't like to weigh myself too often (more than once a week) it makes me crazy. So from now on I'll weigh in every Sunday.

    Had a wonderful 4 mile run this morning!

    Happy Friday,
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    I wish I could do a weekly weigh-in. Unfortunately I feel better knowing every day. so instead of putting down my weight for a certain day, I am taking an average for the week. I will weigh mon-fri then post my average on Friday. That way all the crazy fluctuations will be accounted for.....make sense :huh: For instance this week i had a high day (135) and a low day of (131) -- but when I average all 5 days it was 132.

    I'd really only like to weigh right after my long run -- before I drink anything :bigsmile:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Weigh in is whatever you want, and thinking averaging is a very good approach. I usually average Fri/Sat/Sun to balance the variations, but usually don't weigh during the week.

    Kelynn and Tom... wun you wabbits...wun, wun, wun.....

    I love soup too, and love any recipe someone is willing to share. I have a few I'll post as well, I have an amazing beef/barley that is always a hit and easy to make. Next week I'll be making lefse and pumpkin bread, my grandma's heirloom recipe's, and no one else likes the kitchen, but unfortunately I do love to cook.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Ray- My (still new) running partner just contacted me to meet up for a run- she's super motivation :flowerforyou: So, I'll be a wunnin' wabbit.

    Not only am I in the Swine Club this week, I'm the president of the Swine Club. I did horrible. Terrible. No good. Awful. And, on the way into work today, a teacher says "Wow, Kelynn... you look really skinny!" :sad: Felt like saying "Actually I'm a fat @ss, but thanks!" But, I guess I should take the compliment. Imagine what I'd look like if I actually had a good week :laugh:

    Anyhow, we have family (and drama) here this weekend, and my other half has the wknd off :bigsmile: , so it will be a fun, but tempting weekend. I REALLY want to go to the trail where I did all my Half training and bring a backpack and just walk the trial for the whole day- stop and eat a picnic lunch and just keep walking. I don't think the Boy is nearly as thrilled about the idea, but it's my birthmonth so I think I should get my way :tongue:

    Oh, and I'm extending the offer again... anyone willing/interested in stalking my food diary and kicking my tail when I do bad?:noway: I don't want to make it public, but I wouldn't mind locking it w/ a key and giving 1 or a few of you the key so you could yell when necessary- thinking it may help w/ accountability.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Gooood morning everyone!!!! I hope you guys don't mind but I'm not going to be weighing myself regularly, at least not until I start working out again, who knows when that will be but I'm hoping after my injection thing that I'll be able to do more cause it should at least stop the pain temporarily... we shall see! I'm still logging my food though, and today I'm making a batch of healthy pumpkin mashed potatoes, we'll see if they are as good as they look, strange combo for sure! Have a great Friday everyone!

    ~Leash :drinker:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Ray- My (still new) running partner just contacted me to meet up for a run- she's super motivation :flowerforyou: So, I'll be a wunnin' wabbit.

    Not only am I in the Swine Club this week, I'm the president of the Swine Club. I did horrible. Terrible. No good. Awful. And, on the way into work today, a teacher says "Wow, Kelynn... you look really skinny!" :sad: Felt like saying "Actually I'm a fat @ss, but thanks!" But, I guess I should take the compliment. Imagine what I'd look like if I actually had a good week :laugh:

    Anyhow, we have family (and drama) here this weekend, and my other half has the wknd off :bigsmile: , so it will be a fun, but tempting weekend. I REALLY want to go to the trail where I did all my Half training and bring a backpack and just walk the trial for the whole day- stop and eat a picnic lunch and just keep walking. I don't think the Boy is nearly as thrilled about the idea, but it's my birthmonth so I think I should get my way :tongue:

    Oh, and I'm extending the offer again... anyone willing/interested in stalking my food diary and kicking my tail when I do bad?:noway: I don't want to make it public, but I wouldn't mind locking it w/ a key and giving 1 or a few of you the key so you could yell when necessary- thinking it may help w/ accountability.

    I'll kick your tail if you kick mine!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Gooood morning everyone!!!! I hope you guys don't mind but I'm not going to be weighing myself regularly, at least not until I start working out again, who knows when that will be but I'm hoping after my injection thing that I'll be able to do more cause it should at least stop the pain temporarily... we shall see! I'm still logging my food though, and today I'm making a batch of healthy pumpkin mashed potatoes, we'll see if they are as good as they look, strange combo for sure! Have a great Friday everyone!

    ~Leash :drinker:

    Who cares.... we need bionic full speed Leash back! The times you post are amazing, and we are just excited to have you around right now (and certain I speak for all here). Good luck on the injection, it sounds eerily similar to an alien abduction?!? Also, you can keep the pumpkin potatoes...ahemmm... seriously. Haha, just poking at ya to RETURN THE FAVOR...haha!

  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Julie~ bwaahhaahaaa! :laugh: I swear we live in a parallel universe! That is something that would totally happen here! I agree, I would prefer to not weigh in until tomorrow after 22 miles! :wink:

    Leash~ BUY IT!!! It's only $30 and change! Go for it! JMO! :happy: No worries about the weigh in!

    Wendy ~ thanks for the soup recipe! Great job on the run! :drinker:

    Kelynn~ hang in's been an intense year for you. I'm sure you're a bit worn out. As long as you don't give up completely, you'll be fine ! (((hugs)))

    Kechie~ a cold morning to run today! Brrr! Nice job!:bigsmile: Everyday is a new day and pretty soon you'll hae a huge string of on track days!

    Tom~ hope you're able to get in some miles this weekend. Any chance you're heading north? And do you make house calls??? :laugh: (more on that to come!)

    Erika~ has your blustery weather improved yet?:huh: How is your dad feeling?

    Tabby~ yes, it is a good life! I laughed because your description of 9:30 fall into a coma is pretty accurate! :tongue: Sometimes I actually make it to 10:30 or gasp! even 11 last night! Had to make it through Private Practice!

    Ray~ thanks for the rules/guidelines/etc! :flowerforyou: Love them! :bigsmile:

    B~ what's on your schedule for today? :huh: Busy Friday?

    Shuntae~ as one of our Biggest Losers (I mean that in the best admiration!) do you have any suggestions/hints/pointers that you could share? :smile:

    Let's see...overall weekly rating~ I'm going with a C....some good days, some bad days
    I do think I might have to give myself an oink or two though because... mother of God! I've been eating everything in sight!
    There are NOT enough carbs in the world! :noway:
    I was over Monday and Tuesday
    but under by almost exactly the same number of calories on Wed/Thurs so I zeroed out
    I know I will be over today and possibly tomorrow.
    Pre run pizza tonight and post run Outback tomorrow. We've had a gift card for months. I figure it's a good day to use it. Last long run before the race!
    It will take a lot of work to be even on Sunday, but it is definitely my priority!

    Happy news from the scale ~ 148 (down 2 pounds) I was hoping some of what showed up Monday was sodium related. I've been drinking gallons of water and I think cutting back on the fast food is already helping.

    So, back to asking Tom about house calls....
    Did I tell y'all that we did go back and get another kitten? Brother to the 1st. The 1st guy was named Logan aka Wolverine so there could be no other name for this guy than Victor aka Sabretooth. Well, he is a lunatic. I'e been waiting for him to break something from the minute he pounced and bounced into the house. He climbs eerything, jumps from any height...he is a terror on 4 paws. We adore him!!!!This morning, I had just fed the dog, had one cat eating, another tripping me, kitten in the litter box ~ opened the door to put out food for the stray I feed...literally just turned my back for two seconds...heard thumping and still eating, kitten and one cat shot out the back door...other cat kept clue what happened...anyway Victor was holding his right front leg up ...(it looked like Harry Potters arm in the one movie when the spell went bad) I'm usually a wait and see for a day but with the weekend, I figured I should go in. It *felt* broken. Take oldest DD to school, drop in at the vet...she was sure it was broken...and of course not an easy break, but a go to USC or Clemson for a 3k surgery by a specialist and it might heal ok (distal break? location?or type of fracture? not sure) or option B ~ splint it and hope for the best. I love my critters but 3k isn't in the budget so totally a splint it and see. Well...5 xrays later (the machine wasn't working properly) either it irradiated itself together or it wasn't broken! Now I just have to keep a 7 week old kitten quiet for several days. hahahahhahahaha! :laugh: :laugh: RIGHT!:noway: Oh, and the best part...little guy didn't make a peep through all the manipulation of the leg, etc, but OMG! I put flea medicine on him and got his 1st vaccinations! OMG!!! He acted like I poured acid on him, stabbed him with a sword and shot him with a cannon! The leukemia vaccination isn't even a shot, it's a new method and is air propelled. sounds scary, but No needle!

    So that is my start to the day! :laugh:

    I hope everyone else is having a boring day! :wink:

    (btw~ my V key is sticking so if there are lots of hae and haent or eer instead of have, havent,ever, just pretend I[m breaking out a Scottish brogue! )
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Becky -- I think we might be "brothers from another mother!" I swear I have NEVER in all my years met anyone who could go head to head with me on stories -- but I think I have found my match!!!! I LOVE IT -- thanks for making all my chaos seem somewhat normal!

    And Kelynn-- I could squish your family drama in one good story! Hang in there -- it stinks -- but eventually you learn to laugh at it!

    Leash - BUY IT!!! Shopping is therapy --> you're feeling sick --> purchasing it will make the planets align properly -- VERY IMPORTANT -- make the purchase!

    just got a call from the school nurse -- gotta go -- more on that later!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Ray- Glad to hear I'm liked around here! I have to admit I was kind of over the runners club cause all my favorite people were hard to find on it, you may have been one of those people :smile: And I'm telling you, your going to be begging me for the pumpkin potato recipe, just wait! I want to be bionic Leash again too, maybe the alien injection will do the trick, seriously the word "injection" just sounds scary and kind of creepy...

    Becky- Thats quite a cat story, I hope the little thing stays quiet, and thanks for the mental image of you stabbing a cat and pouring acid on it haha ... um I think you convinced me to buy the ipad case, thanks! Seriously thanks. :bigsmile:

    Kelynn- If you want me to stalk you I'm pretty good at it, remember I stalked my doctor for 3 days haha

    I'm off for a walk. Trying to be excited about this cause there really are a lot of people that can't even walk.

    ~Leash :drinker:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Yay Julie!!! Thats 2 votes for me to buy the case, ok I'm going to get it on my way out later.... uh oh school nurse, I hope your little one is ok.

    ~Leash :drinker:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Tom~ hope you're able to get in some miles this weekend. Any chance you're heading north? And do you make house calls??? :laugh: (more on that to come!)
    So, back to asking Tom about house calls....
    Did I tell y'all that we did go back and get another kitten? Brother to the 1st. The 1st guy was named Logan aka Wolverine so there could be no other name for this guy than Victor aka Sabretooth. Well, he is a lunatic. I'e been waiting for him to break something from the minute he pounced and bounced into the house. He climbs eerything, jumps from any height...he is a terror on 4 paws. We adore him!!!!This morning, I had just fed the dog, had one cat eating, another tripping me, kitten in the litter box ~ opened the door to put out food for the stray I feed...literally just turned my back for two seconds...heard thumping and still eating, kitten and one cat shot out the back door...other cat kept clue what happened...anyway Victor was holding his right front leg up ...(it looked like Harry Potters arm in the one movie when the spell went bad) I'm usually a wait and see for a day but with the weekend, I figured I should go in. It *felt* broken. Take oldest DD to school, drop in at the vet...she was sure it was broken...and of course not an easy break, but a go to USC or Clemson for a 3k surgery by a specialist and it might heal ok (distal break? location?or type of fracture? not sure) or option B ~ splint it and hope for the best. I love my critters but 3k isn't in the budget so totally a splint it and see. Well...5 xrays later (the machine wasn't working properly) either it irradiated itself together or it wasn't broken! Now I just have to keep a 7 week old kitten quiet for several days. hahahahhahahaha! :laugh: :laugh: RIGHT!:noway: Oh, and the best part...little guy didn't make a peep through all the manipulation of the leg, etc, but OMG! I put flea medicine on him and got his 1st vaccinations! OMG!!! He acted like I poured acid on him, stabbed him with a sword and shot him with a cannon! The leukemia vaccination isn't even a shot, it's a new method and is air propelled. sounds scary, but No needle!

    So that is my start to the day! :laugh:

    I hope everyone else is having a boring day! :wink:

    (btw~ my V key is sticking so if there are lots of hae and haent or eer instead of have, havent,ever, just pretend I[m breaking out a Scottish brogue! )

    :laugh: It must take work to post a response to everybody like this. After being away from MFP for about 28 hours, I had 2.5 pages of posts to catch up on. I thought I read through them all, but half of your responses, I don't even know what you're talking about.

    Got back last night from Baltimore. The weekend is just an excursion to Orlando. Hopefully I can run Sunday morning. Haven't run since Tuesday, so I'll be due.

    Maybe the kitten had a dislocation that they popped back in during the manipulation? If he is not using it well after the weekend, you may still want to consider a splint for support while it is healing.

    Dang, in the time it took me to respond to this post, there are three new posts. I'll never get back to speed!
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Ha ha Becky, when I first got my boxer I had to have her spayed and was told to "keep her quiet" after the surgery. :huh: Um, yeah. She was a year old and totally insane. I had to give her benadryl to knock her out. :laugh: Not sure if you can do that with a teeny kitten or not. Tom? :laugh: Maybe shave some powder off the tablet and give it to him. :tongue:

    And, for the record, I love weighting after a run. I don't ususally count it though unless I am feeling really bad about myself. AND I weigh every day before I get in the shower. (can't weigh wet, that adds weight). If I weigh, and then pee, I weigh again. :bigsmile:

    Leash, buy the case! And YES there are lots of people who can't even walk! It is hard, but we have to try to be grateful for what we can do! :bigsmile:

    Kelynn, hang in there. You can do it, oh, and btw, I have a dog suggestion for you: German Shorthaired Pointer. LOVE those dogs. Tons of energy for running, but they love to be couch potatoes the rest of the time. A lot like Boxers. Plus, they are so beautiful! :heart:

    Ray, as always you make me laugh. I snort enough when I laugh, I didn't want to be making any extra oinks this week!

    Shuntae, good luck this weekend!

    Everyone else, hope you all are having a great FRIDAY! :flowerforyou:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Oh, and Kechie, I am Octoberfest bound tonight! I have like 900 calories left after lunch, so I think I can squeeze one it. Bottoms up! :drinker: Have you had Sam Adams' Chocolate Bock? They only sell it in the 12-pack sampler, if you could buy it by itself I would be over on calories every day! It is really, really good!