Ladies - TOM what do you do?



  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    I used to get so sick during my period, horrid migraines and cramps so bad I could hardly even get to my job, let alone work out. So depending on your medical/personal/religious/etc preferences, you could always go on birth control that cuts out the period week. My Doc writes my scripts so I take it continuously, best thing ever! If that isn't an option for you, I would suggest either baggy pants or super tight bike shorts under your normal workout clothes...that is what one of my friends who could only wear pads did.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    OP, have you tried OB original? They are very small, like the size of your pinky. I had a hard time with tampons before I became sexually active as well. OBs are still the only ones I like.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    It might sound gross, but what about trying just not wearing anything? I have heavy flow and normally wear tampons, but lately I've been trying to not use them as much as possible due to intense vaginal/rectal pain I get from endometriosis. I've been experimenting with moon cups, those are ok, but I find I don't bleed much during a workout and definitely not through my workout pants when I'm running (they're black, of course, and I don't wear underwear with them), so I've just been going without and jump in the shower after a workout. Maybe I'm disgusting, but I feel great :-)
    ummm where does the blood go? Please don't get it all over the equipment, gross...

    Yep, if I don't feel like I got enough blood and uterine lining on that seat, I make sure to go back for a second round. Talk about internal motivation and dedication! I would certainly break my no-gym rule if you let me know where you go. Gotta spread my sloughing uterine cells whenever and wherever I can!

    But really, I don't go to a gym because they're filthy, revolting, poop-holes. I run outside in the bosom of good ol' mother nature and lift weights and do body weight resistance at home or on the beach.

    You think menstrual blood on the equipment is gross? Guess what? Every kind of human secretion is smothered all over those machines already, so get used to the idea of swimming in other people's filth.

    However, I just don't bleed much while I'm exercising other than a spot or two that doesn't leak through my pants. Once I sit down to pee after my run, it all flows on out (hope you have a vivid imagination.) I have very very heavy periods due to advanced endometriosis, but I have to guess something physiologically happens while I'm running that clenches everything up and keeps it all in there- no idea why, but it does. I do workout pretty hard, running between 5-9 miles at a decent pace, so maybe the intensity at which I workout has something to do with it.

    It's worth a try if the OP can't insert anything like tampons and is uncomfortable while wearing pads. Cardio is one of the only things that can get me through my worst periods, I'm prescribed Percocet and that doesn't even reduce the pain as well as forcing myself to do a good run does.

    baw ha ha ha ha ha

    all the laughing and sloughing aside.... I find this to be fairly true- I am not brave enough to go without unless I'm REALLY spotty- but I tend to not have much going on when I'm working out- I like to change immediately after due to sweat issues- and sometimes it makes me not happy because they are more on the dry side... boooooooo :(
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    .. Are you sure you can't wear tampons? Sleeping in a panty liner is already difficult- can't imagine working out with it. I go to the gym with cramps, working out always makes the cramps/soreness go away for a short period of time - the only time I get intense cramps is when I'm sitting down/laying down.

    According to my doctor, the reason I can't is because the passage is just too narrow. The only few times I've ever tried they HURT. People told me you're not even supposed to know they're there, and I never stopped feeling them.
    I'm sure they hurt if you say they do, but a) the vagina is a birth canal and small living things come out of it (c sections happen due to the bones not opening/widening enough) and b) are you sure you push the tampon high enough? If the end of it sits close to the opening, the tampon can push uncomfortably on the bone and cause pain. Tampons with an insert thingy might help. They might also hurt if a woman is too dry, which should be discussed with a gynecologist. Just a thought.
  • EllaIsNotEnchanted
    EllaIsNotEnchanted Posts: 226 Member
    I do my workout. I complain a lot, but I do my workout.
  • lj3jones
    lj3jones Posts: 94 Member
    During my period I workout as normal but I do wear tampons. Maybe invest in a DivaCup or the Instead cup if it's that much of an issue. I can not IMAGINE working out with a pad.... :(

    I don't know very much about this DivaCup, but isn't it something that gets inserted too? The problem isn't really the discomfort, it's the fact that there isn't enough SPACE for a tampon. If the DivaCup is something that gets inserted, I likely can't use that either.

    ETA: The appearance of the pad through workout pants is a really a very minor thing to me. I just thought I'd add it to see what other people do. The reason the pad bothers me is chafing, because even though the pad stays where it should in my underwear, my underwear moves against my skin.
    Go to a running store and buy body glide. It is worth it's weight in gold. I also use it when I'm wearing a skirt without panty hose in the summer.
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    I never have had cramps with my period and need to wear a pad for the first 2-3 days of my period, as does my mother and sister for that matter. I LOVE Always Infinity because they're absorbent, can't really tell it's there and quite comfortable/you don't feel like you're wearing a diaper as they are quite thin. I'll normally wear snug fitting underwear with baggy shorts, no one is the wiser
  • SaltNBurnBoys
    SaltNBurnBoys Posts: 170 Member
    .. Are you sure you can't wear tampons? Sleeping in a panty liner is already difficult- can't imagine working out with it. I go to the gym with cramps, working out always makes the cramps/soreness go away for a short period of time - the only time I get intense cramps is when I'm sitting down/laying down.

    According to my doctor, the reason I can't is because the passage is just too narrow. The only few times I've ever tried they HURT. People told me you're not even supposed to know they're there, and I never stopped feeling them.
    I'm sure they hurt if you say they do, but a) the vagina is a birth canal and small living things come out of it (c sections happen due to the bones not opening/widening enough) and b) are you sure you push the tampon high enough? If the end of it sits close to the opening, the tampon can push uncomfortably on the bone and cause pain. Tampons with an insert thingy might help. They might also hurt if a woman is too dry, which should be discussed with a gynecologist. Just a thought.

    My OBGYN is the one who told me the passage is too narrow. The smallest speculum she used almost cut me when she opened it.

    You guys all have some great suggestions. I'll look into Bodyglide for sure. I think that may be the simplest fix.
  • marshallexi
    marshallexi Posts: 162 Member
    I wear tampons, but if I couldn't I'd check out the Diva Cup. It's a reusable silicone cup. I heard about it on this natural living forum, but I have not tried it, but many eco/green living women swear by it. But then if you can't use a tampon, I'm not sure how comfortable a Diva Cup would be for you.


    I use a LadyCup (because they're smaller than all other cups and I'm *ahem* tiny) mostly because I'm lazy and only have to change it before bed/ upon waking but also because they're SO secure. Tampons made me leak all over the place (and gave me the worst cramps ever - that wasn't my period, it was the dyes and chemicals in the tampons, and the chemicals in pads just dry my skin out beyond belief.)

    If you're brave, and can find a small one, it's worth a go. I could always feel tampons in me, but then it's hard not to feel a wedge of cotton wool, a cup I cannot feel at all.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    .. Are you sure you can't wear tampons? Sleeping in a panty liner is already difficult- can't imagine working out with it. I go to the gym with cramps, working out always makes the cramps/soreness go away for a short period of time - the only time I get intense cramps is when I'm sitting down/laying down.

    According to my doctor, the reason I can't is because the passage is just too narrow. The only few times I've ever tried they HURT. People told me you're not even supposed to know they're there, and I never stopped feeling them.
    how will you have children or sex?
    I'm sure they hurt if you say they do, but a) the vagina is a birth canal and small living things come out of it (c sections happen due to the bones not opening/widening enough) and b) are you sure you push the tampon high enough? If the end of it sits close to the opening, the tampon can push uncomfortably on the bone and cause pain. Tampons with an insert thingy might help. They might also hurt if a woman is too dry, which should be discussed with a gynecologist. Just a thought.

    My OBGYN is the one who told me the passage is too narrow. The smallest speculum she used almost cut me when she opened it.

    You guys all have some great suggestions. I'll look into Bodyglide for sure. I think that may be the simplest fix.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    This might be the weirdest period thread I've seen here.
  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    *Waits for Escoflowne's expert advice*
  • idontcarroll
    idontcarroll Posts: 216 Member
    Personally I would never attempt to work out in a pad or do anything in a pad for that matter. It already smells gross and to add sweat to it? No thanks.

    I would suggest giving tampons another try.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    *Waits for Escoflowne's expert advice*

    I truly believe that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with chocolate!!!!
  • idontcarroll
    idontcarroll Posts: 216 Member
    *Waits for Escoflowne's expert advice*

    I truly believe that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with chocolate!!!!

    You clearly didn't read the thread. She is looking for advice in wearing something other than pads and tampons are not an option as she has a narrow vagina.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    *Waits for Escoflowne's expert advice*

    I truly believe that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with chocolate!!!!

    You clearly didn't read the thread. She is looking for advice in wearing something other than pads and tampons are not an option as she has a narrow vagina.

    I really wish Shena didn't say my name, I really wanted to avoid this thread and now...I regret EVERYTHING!!!!

    But as a man, I have a serious does intercourse work if a tampon is too big?
  • idontcarroll
    idontcarroll Posts: 216 Member
    *Waits for Escoflowne's expert advice*

    I truly believe that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with chocolate!!!!

    You clearly didn't read the thread. She is looking for advice in wearing something other than pads and tampons are not an option as she has a narrow vagina.

    I really wish Shena didn't say my name, I really wanted to avoid this thread and now...I regret EVERYTHING!!!!

    But as a man, I have a serious does intercourse work if a tampon is too big?

    I'm not sure. How would getting fingered work, as a super tampon is about the size of an average guys finger?
  • tmjdunn
    tmjdunn Posts: 77 Member
    I have found that working out definitely helps with cramps. My only issue when I am on my period is that I get really fatigued so sometimes i don't feel like I am giving it my all during my workouts.

    I also would suggest looking into a menstrual cup. I have found mine to be way more comfortable than tampons and as a bonus there is no risk of TSS with cups. I wear a cup with a cloth pad as a back up. I have found them to be more comfortable than conventional pads and there is less odor.
  • SaltNBurnBoys
    SaltNBurnBoys Posts: 170 Member
    *Waits for Escoflowne's expert advice*

    I truly believe that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with chocolate!!!!

    You clearly didn't read the thread. She is looking for advice in wearing something other than pads and tampons are not an option as she has a narrow vagina.

    I really wish Shena didn't say my name, I really wanted to avoid this thread and now...I regret EVERYTHING!!!!

    But as a man, I have a serious does intercourse work if a tampon is too big?

    I don't see how that's relevant to my initial question.

    But everyone else has given me really great ideas. I'll look into the cups.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member

    ^ I put these on and power through the workout anyway. :smile: I have found that it actually helps my cramps. As far as the issue with the pads, I am not sure. I haven't worn those things since I was 13. Sorry you have to deal with that issue. Pads do suck.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    *Waits for Escoflowne's expert advice*

    I truly believe that PMS isn't real, kind of like the female orgasm, it's just an excuse for women to act crazy a few days a month and over eat food. That's why women actually complain about weight gain during that time, it has nothing to do with the "hormones". It's because you stuff your face with chocolate!!!!

    You clearly didn't read the thread. She is looking for advice in wearing something other than pads and tampons are not an option as she has a narrow vagina.

    I really wish Shena didn't say my name, I really wanted to avoid this thread and now...I regret EVERYTHING!!!!

    But as a man, I have a serious does intercourse work if a tampon is too big?
    I can only imagine that it doesn't go very smoothly. If you wear a tampon during intercourse, you're gonna have a bad time! :laugh:
  • fullersun35
    fullersun35 Posts: 162 Member
    I take a shot to make it go I don't have to deal with it ever.

  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Sweat pants. Long in the winter, cut off into capri length in the summer. I just grab a generic pair from the mens section of walmart or the dollar store (with a drawstring) so they are really loose and not fitted around the butt. Not the most stylish gymwear, but if you're working out, who really cares how you look?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    ^ I put these on and power through the workout anyway. :smile: I have found that it actually helps my cramps. As far as the issue with the pads, I am not sure. I haven't worn those things since I was 13. Sorry you have to deal with that issue. Pads do suck.

    Yup. This.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    What about riding a bike? Doesn't move around too much then! Would have suggested gentle swimming but thats not going to work!

    I can't imagine anything worse than riding a bike in a maxi pad.
    Wearing a maxi pad in general? Yep, nasty. :noway:
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    Can you wear compression shorts under some running shorts or something? Have you tried a menstrual cup like the Diva Cup? Or maybe just workout at home those days so it doesn't matter what you think you look like?

    I've found that working out has made TOM easier on me. Tampons don't work for me, and I hate pads, so I use a Diva Cup. (I know TMI, sorry.)

    The diva cup was an awful experience for me. I'm strangely uncomfortable with touching my body so having to fish that nonsense out almost sent me to the hospital cause it was stuck. I've heard so many positives about it but yeah it was unbearable for me :/

    OP I always force myself to workout on my period because it really helps with the cramps and the cravings I find. I don't use tampons because of personal reasons but I use a pad, double up on the undies and wear not too tight fitting pants as I don't want my bulkiness to be obvious. I'm also convinced the workouts keep me from being so damn emotional so yeah it's a definite must. :blushing:
  • From a guys perspective his TOM guy sounds like a real douche... Just dump him, you can do better girlfriend! :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    From a guys perspective his TOM guy sounds like a real douche... Just dump him, you can do better girlfriend! :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    :laugh: awesome response!
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Always Infinity pads are extremely slim and can absorb up to eight hours depending on your flow. They're my go-to and I can't see them in my work-out pants.

    Could also try a looser fitting pant too.

    ^this, and I'm a long time tampon user. Yet during times of UTI's or something, I resort to these kinds of things and have no problem working out. Also have found that although it kills my motivation, working out does help with cramps.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    There are pads that don't chafe. Just wear dark coloured pants. Honestly though, to the people who exercise even on the painful days, bravo! I can go the day before and maybe, if I really push myself, some of the later days, but on that one pain day I prefer to just sleep it off as much as possible, or focus on sit down things. To all of you who push through it, good on you!