Heavy Lifting Goals for Ladies?



  • gabster004
    gabster004 Posts: 14 Member
    I would recommend doing a strength program. i just use simple WEndler 531. Bench has been going steadily up. currently benching 165#. Strenght is about consistency.
    Also, when i did a push up challenge my BP went up by 10# in 2 weeks. I started with 25 push ups a day 1st week, second week 50, third 75, and fourth 100. i would just get them in when i could reps of 10 here and there until i collected my total number for the day. if you are not good at push ups start with 10 and increase by 10 every week. hope that helps.

    BP 165#
    Press 125#
    Squat 330# (w/safety bar)
    DL 385#

    I'd like to learn more about the pushup challenge...I am really struggling with my bench and OHP. This may be a good way to increase my upper body strength. Is it here on MFP?

    Not really. something my coach told me to do. Just pick a number to start with. If you are a beginner i would start with 15 a day. Then next week go to 25. then 50. then 75. if you miss you should make up the reps the next day. Give it 4 week of commitment and let me know how that worked for you. if you dont PR your bench by 5# i'll eat my shorts or my lulu haha.. good luck! i'm actually starting mine today at 25 if you want to be push up buddies. :)