Eggs will kill you



  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I am eating eggs (whites and some yolks) and nobody is going to stop me!! :tongue:
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    Now I need to go find the study that had 2 groups of people consumed high cholesterol diets...people with and people who had normal levels. NEITHER groups showed a difference. It is genetic.

    Some of it is genetic. Not everyone has to watch their cholesterol. Some people have high cholesterol no matter what they do, but that doesn't mean they are bound to die of heart disease, either.

    I agree it can go either way. I've had heart patients who avoided every animal product known to man and still struggle to keep a normal HDL / LDL ratio and would cry to me as to why it is. On the other hand, my grandfather ate bacon eggs sausage and biscuits and gravy and sometimes steak and eggs or pork chops for breakfast every morning. His cholesterol was good. He was a hard worker, one of the last real cowboys, in my opinion. He died at 76 of lung cancer (smoker) and didn't weaken til the very end. God I miss him. Just goes to show, no matter what, you can abstain all your life and get hit by a street car. Can't always control how you go. I am not saying everyone is that way, it is wise to be health conscious but isn't fool proof.

    My grandmother has super high cholesterol. Even on meds, it's WAY higher than it should be.

    She's never had a stroke or heart attack or any other serious illness. She's 94 and still living on her own.

    So, when I saw my cholesterol was high, but all my other numbers were good, I made the decision to continue eating well and exercising (the RD I spoke to basically told me to eat what I already eat, anyway) and not worry about it.

    I don't overdo the eggs, but more because there are other things I'd rather eat. I have them when I want them.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Eating cholesteral doesn't increase your cholesteral. Its NOT that simple. You'r body itself produces the majority of the cholesteral in your body. In fact, natural production of cholesterol slows when you get more dietary cholesterol.

    Saying eating cholesterol gives you high cholesterol is as one-sided and ingorant as saying eating fat makes you fat.

    I have 2-6 eggs a day, EVERY day, and I eat the whole thing. If I'm trying to cut fat I'll usually eat 2 along with 1/2 cup of egg substitute for breakfast. If I'm trying to build muscle I'll usually eat 6/day, 4 for breakfast and 2 more in the afternoon.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Thanks for the laughs and the I am off to eat an egg sandwich for lunch :laugh:
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    omg who are these people. There are differant types of cholesterol so why the bleep do they think its ok to put them all in the same boat. I am sure this is someones opinion and not based off actual research. My favorite saying comes to mind. We all have opinions just like we all have a butholes and they all stink!!!!

  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Eggs give me the kind of gas that lingers in the air. The kind so thick you can cut it with a knife. The kind that will make children jump from a moving car. The kind that will lead to a divorce, I am sure.

    Me too! But only if they are hard boiled. It's why my children dread Easter.

    I only have an issue with hard boiled eggs as well. But my issue is the egg burps. Sooooo nasty.