Fat Burners



  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I'd caution if you are already drinking a lot of coffee and then wanting to take a "fat burner". That is going to be A LOT of caffeine in a day. This could cause you to be shakey, dizzy, upset your stomach, loss of sleep, or worse cause heart issues. I do take a pre-workout drink that has a lot of caffeine in it but I limit myself to one cup of coffee first thing in the morning. The pre-workout drink does help with motivation and stamina. It does cause some sleep issues though.
  • sara_xo
    sara_xo Posts: 195 Member
    now now boys...

    caffeine and nicotine are indeed both proven to raise your metabolism and will help you get/stay thinner.....

    so do heroin, meth, and coke

    none are good for you.



    very true :p
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Some will cause a crash. Some effect you sleeping or going into REM sleep properly and when you come of certain ones you will find yourself feeling overly drained and tired. Your body starts to use this as an energy supply so to speak so when you stop taking them your body is at an all time (s)low.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    no you don't have serious medical issues if you don't take caffeine though, you do if you don't have enough calcium or iron. All i'm saying is that instead of boosting yourself with an unnecessary pill, why don't you run for 15 more minutes, or eat a couple of almonds 20 minutes before you go to the gym to burn more calories
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Mcanals- Bottom line everyone has to find their own way. Being a grad student earning nothing and barely on the affording rent side of life, tend to go with things that dont require extras- I run and occasionally do one of the cardio dvds accumulated through years of being a teenage/twentysomething or those that are on instant play on netflix. I work extra hard at getting extra veggies in each day, and staying close to my cals (sometimes I go over, sometimes I dont) and in the long run, my grocery bills have even started to drop. That's what works for me.

    If you want, I am part of this great thread of (mostly) women in our twenties. They are all great, enthusiastic and supportive and a couple of them are at maintence stages, so they have great "been there" advice. Here's the thread.

    Good luck what ever you choose to do.
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    I use fat burners every so often for extra energy. they way my teaching (aerobics/Zumba) schedule is, i sometimes need an extra burst of energy when teach back to back classes several days a week. hydroxycut hardcore were my favorites then they took them off the market and remade the formula. I haven't tried the new ones. i recently bought the Lipo 6 Hers (black label) and seem to like them. i don't use them everyday but do like a boost every once in a while. i'm not here to argue with anyone, just answering a question.
  • mcanals123
    thank you so much for your help i will look into your group i most def need some support especially on the weekends
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    the point is... good or bad debate aside... that fat burners only serve any purpose if you are actually working out.
    doing nothing (no excercise) and taking them, serves no purpose, you still need to get your workouts in for them to be effective in any form....
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    thank you so much for your help i will look into your group i most def need some support especially on the weekends

    You can do it! :-) Good luck
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Screw caffiene- you need some more variety in your diet- you have some kind of crap or other every day! Eat a vegetable!

    judgmental much!?

    She asked about fat burners, not for you to be a rude jerk.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    It is virtually impossible to mention that you have any success with fat burners without getting slammed by someone on this board.

    Nevertheless, I will state again that I use Mega T and have since the beginning of July. Yes, I have followed a diet program. However, I have never been previously able to successfully stay on a diet and lose weight. This time I have.

    The Mega T may not burn any fat, as such, but I feel it has helped me control my appetite. I don't know exactly what it is doing, if anything. I only know that I feel it has helped me.

    Not looking for any judgement, just answering the original question.
  • mcanals123
    It is virtually impossible to mention that you have any success with fat burners without getting slammed by someone on this board.

    Nevertheless, I will state again that I use Mega T and have since the beginning of July. Yes, I have followed a diet program. However, I have never been previously able to successfully stay on a diet and lose weight. This time I have.

    The Mega T may not burn any fat, as such, but I feel it has helped me control my appetite. I don't know exactly what it is doing, if anything. I only know that I feel it has helped me.

    Not looking for any judgement, just answering the original question.

    thank you :happy:
  • halzuzu
    halzuzu Posts: 60 Member
    Yes, I tried Slimquick. I lost a couple pounds but nothing significant that I couldn't have done without amping up the exercise and healthy eating. After a couple weeks on it I started having heart palpatations, horrible dry mouth and panic attacks. I stopped taking them immediately. Now to this day I still have panic attacks which I never had before taking Slimquick so I'm wondering if it had some permanant side effects. Exercise and healthy eating are the only true fat burners without the horrible side effects.
  • jdsouthernbelle
    the point is... good or bad debate aside... that fat burners only serve any purpose if you are actually working out.
    doing nothing (no excercise) and taking them, serves no purpose, you still need to get your workouts in for them to be effective in any form....

    I agree with this.....and you have to be putting the proper fuel in your body as well for any supplement to work. I checked out your food diary too and there is a lot to be said for it. Try to get some fruits and veggies in every day. Try to cut back on eating so much fast food. Use almonds, string cheese, yogurt, peanut butter, etc as heathly snacks mixed in. Also be sure to get at least 8-10 cups of water in a day. I drink lemon water to flush my system.

    I have tried GNC Burn 60 and Mega T Green Tea Fat Burner. They both seem to give me a little extra pep....whether or not they actually burned fat or not...ehh who knows.

    I hope this helps!
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    first of all, I applaud you for putting yourself out there and asking.

    Unlike many MFPers, I would not stigmatize someone for trying the use of stims / thermogenics. I have used them sparingly in conjunction with good exercise and diet with some good results.

    However, in looking at your diary it seems the issue is really your dietary choices as some have mentioned here. Candy, beer, eating a lot out and consuming double your calorie goal are the culprits holding you back. No pill will fix that. It is hard, and everyone here understands and has had to learn to form new dietary habits and fight cravings.

    So my $.02 is find a fruit or veggie you love and can eat regularly, make friends with cottage cheese. Leave Starbucks and other empty calories behind as best you can. Do what you can and constantly strive to improve. And best of luck to you!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Eat breakfast! Every day! It looks like you don't eat breakfast and coffee is your only form of calories in the beginning of the day. Your body needs calories in the beginning of the day. Even something small like a piece of fruit, or some plain yogurt with honey can make the world of a difference. I also would argue that making your own salads are not that hard, also cooking does not need to be too hard if you try crockpots, or oven dishes that you just throw in and go. I know it is hard and exhausting, especially with your 2yo. But, if you don't make the changes now you will never learn how to eat healthy and cook for yourself.
  • mcanals123
    first of all, I applaud you for putting yourself out there and asking.

    Unlike many MFPers, I would not stigmatize someone for trying the use of stims / thermogenics. I have used them sparingly in conjunction with good exercise and diet with some good results.

    However, in looking at your diary it seems the issue is really your dietary choices as some have mentioned here. Candy, beer, eating a lot out and consuming double your calorie goal are the culprits holding you back. No pill will fix that. It is hard, and everyone here understands and has had to learn to form new dietary habits and fight cravings.

    So my $.02 is find a fruit or veggie you love and can eat regularly, make friends with cottage cheese. Leave Starbucks and other empty calories behind as best you can. Do what you can and constantly strive to improve. And best of luck to you!

    any specific cottage cheese you would recommend ive never really looked into it and wouldnt know when to eat it or with what :ohwell:
  • mcanals123
    Eat breakfast! Every day! It looks like you don't eat breakfast and coffee is your only form of calories in the beginning of the day. Your body needs calories in the beginning of the day. Even something small like a piece of fruit, or some plain yogurt with honey can make the world of a difference. I also would argue that making your own salads are not that hard, also cooking does not need to be too hard if you try crockpots, or oven dishes that you just throw in and go. I know it is hard and exhausting, especially with your 2yo. But, if you don't make the changes now you will never learn how to eat healthy and cook for yourself.

    ive tried having breakfast in the morning but i just wake up with no appetite at all and when i try to eat i just get nauseous usually what i used to do was have a snack around 10 and then lunch at 12 but when i used to do that i would always be hungry like i was eating a lil something all day and i would feel guilty
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    any specific cottage cheese you would recommend ive never really looked into it and wouldnt know when to eat it or with what :ohwell:

    Great question. Breakstones small curd is the tastiest in my book. Some people mix small or chopped fruit in, but I like the taste of it plain... And when = anytime. Sometimes I have it for breakfast. I also keep some in the fridge at work to have for snacks. I get the small 4oz containers. Perfect snack size!
  • mcanals123
    any specific cottage cheese you would recommend ive never really looked into it and wouldnt know when to eat it or with what :ohwell:

    Great question. Breakstones small curd is the tastiest in my book. Some people mix fruit in, but I like the taste of it plain...

    perfect thank you will be sure to pick it up this weekend