Fat Burners



  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    That is a good thing, the food guilt is something I have dealt with for a long time, but eating small amounts keeps your metabolism going so your burn more calories. I eat 6 small meals a day. Every nutritionist, or dietitian will tell you to try to eat something for breakfast. I suggest something that you really like to eat, or even just a piece of toast. I swear it will help a lot. Once your body gets used to it it will realize that it needs to burn more. I mean would you drive your car with am empty tank of gas?? I am just saying to think about it or try it, I really think it could help :)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Dunkin' Turbo Coffee or if I'm really dragging I take 3 scoops of Xtend (protein powder).
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    any specific cottage cheese you would recommend ive never really looked into it and wouldnt know when to eat it or with what :ohwell:

    Great question. Breakstones small curd is the tastiest in my book. Some people mix fruit in, but I like the taste of it plain...

    perfect thank you will be sure to pick it up this weekend

    I tell everyone try Friendship 1% WHIPPED cottage cheese. It has the consistency of ricotta rather than the gross (IMO) curdlike texture of the others.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Dunkin' Turbo Coffee or if I'm really dragging I take 3 scoops of Xtend (protein powder).
    When did Extenz start making a protein powder? I gotta get me some of that! Oh wait, "Xtend". Never mind. I don't use Extenz...honestly!
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    If used properly, they can give a little boost to your fat loss efforts. Like previous posters said, they are pointless unless you are serious bout your diet and exercise. I used to take Slimquick and it did nothing for me. I NEVER exercised and was semi-strict with my diet. Now, that I hit the gym 3x a week (mostly weight training) and have started paying attention to what I am putting in my mouth, the pounds are melting off. Slimquick is working for me now, because I am working too!

    Here is some tough love now:
    I would suggest you cut at least half of the processed foods from your diet. The salads alone are good, but drizzle some vinegar instead of the dressings that Wendy's provides. Instead of cookies, eat a tablespoon of semi sweet chocolate morsels. If you want to get rid of fat, don't put bad fats in your body to begin with. That's just counterproductive and contradictory (the Chicken Fried Steak???) It'll be hard at first, but you really have to decide what you want more. There is nothing wrong with WANTING that fried chicken or pizza, but you have to make the decision as to whether or not the extra pounds or bloating is worth it.

    See how you do for a whole month being serious. I bet you by the time that month is over, you'll feel like the fat burners are not a NECESSITY! Good luck!
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Also, keep in mind that caffeine and stimulants can be hard on the lining of your stomach and intestines. Not bad on its own, but if for whatever reason you're also on antibiotics or painkillers (also hard on your stomach), or drink nightly, you could be setting yourself up for lasting damage. You should only take diet pills or fat burners under a doctors supervision, and after s/he has given you a 100% clean bill of health.
  • mcanals123
    That is a good thing, the food guilt is something I have dealt with for a long time, but eating small amounts keeps your metabolism going so your burn more calories. I eat 6 small meals a day. Every nutritionist, or dietitian will tell you to try to eat something for breakfast. I suggest something that you really like to eat, or even just a piece of toast. I swear it will help a lot. Once your body gets used to it it will realize that it needs to burn more. I mean would you drive your car with am empty tank of gas?? I am just saying to think about it or try it, I really think it could help :)

    ok i promise to eat something in the morning from now on lol thank you :)
  • mcanals123
    any specific cottage cheese you would recommend ive never really looked into it and wouldnt know when to eat it or with what :ohwell:

    Great question. Breakstones small curd is the tastiest in my book. Some people mix fruit in, but I like the taste of it plain...

    perfect thank you will be sure to pick it up this weekend

    I tell everyone try Friendship 1% WHIPPED cottage cheese. It has the consistency of ricotta rather than the gross (IMO) curdlike texture of the others.

    perfect thank you
  • mcanals123
    If used properly, they can give a little boost to your fat loss efforts. Like previous posters said, they are pointless unless you are serious bout your diet and exercise. I used to take Slimquick and it did nothing for me. I NEVER exercised and was semi-strict with my diet. Now, that I hit the gym 3x a week (mostly weight training) and have started paying attention to what I am putting in my mouth, the pounds are melting off. Slimquick is working for me now, because I am working too!

    Here is some tough love now:
    I would suggest you cut at least half of the processed foods from your diet. The salads alone are good, but drizzle some vinegar instead of the dressings that Wendy's provides. Instead of cookies, eat a tablespoon of semi sweet chocolate morsels. If you want to get rid of fat, don't put bad fats in your body to begin with. That's just counterproductive and contradictory (the Chicken Fried Steak???) It'll be hard at first, but you really have to decide what you want more. There is nothing wrong with WANTING that fried chicken or pizza, but you have to make the decision as to whether or not the extra pounds or bloating is worth it.

    See how you do for a whole month being serious. I bet you by the time that month is over, you'll feel like the fat burners are not a NECESSITY! Good luck!

    thanks for the support im really gonna try my hardest im determined to get my old slim body back