How important is it to "eat clean"



  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    it's not.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Personally, if I eat a 300 calorie meal of brocolli, carrots, peas and beans, - you get the idea - then I'm full for longer and I don't crave to eat again until the next meal is due.

    If I eat 300 calories of millionaire shortbread, then I'm craving to eat another 300 calories of millionaire shortbread in the next 20 minutes.

    Junk food contains high amounts of sugar and salt with fat which are all addictive and in combination even more so, whereas "clean" foods do not trigger such acute cravings.
    Are fruits clean? Cause they trigger my hunger more than any "junk" food ever could. I guess fruit is addictive.

    If you find it addictive then yes, I guess - for you - maybe.

    See...If I ate broccoli, carrots and beans, I'd be hungry again within an hour because I'd need fat and protein to stay sated.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Personally, if I eat a 300 calorie meal of brocolli, carrots, peas and beans, - you get the idea - then I'm full for longer and I don't crave to eat again until the next meal is due.

    If I eat 300 calories of millionaire shortbread, then I'm craving to eat another 300 calories of millionaire shortbread in the next 20 minutes.

    Junk food contains high amounts of sugar and salt with fat which are all addictive and in combination even more so, whereas "clean" foods do not trigger such acute cravings.
    Are fruits clean? Cause they trigger my hunger more than any "junk" food ever could. I guess fruit is addictive.

    In your case, clean or not, they're probably a bad idea. But wait, is that your real picture? If so, I bet there are days a little extra hunger is good for you. To fuel whatever the heck you're doing to look like that!

    We need a new definition of food. Instead of clean or junk or whatever, we need a nice shiny word that means compatible with a particular person's health, calorie goals, and satiety signals. Someone invent a new term!

    Individually Optimal?

    Nah, sounds silly.

    If it fits...something that describes or measures health/goals/satiety... Maybe?

    That's what I'm looking for. But people like short snappy one word descriptions (no wonder it's then hard to define our eating terms like 'clean'!). But a new word would be great. Even if no one could sell books off it because it acknowledges that what works for one person's goals, lifestyle, and physiology might cause problems for someone else or simply be unnecessary.

    Now I'll wait for someone to tell me special snowflakes don't exist, a cute term with legs that is actually proven false every time a crime is solved using DNA.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Here how I look at it the more nutrient dense foods you eat the better your body does what is needs to do.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Mmm.. basically you just want to make sure your body is properly nourished. All the vitamins, minerals, macros, etc... Eating "clean" helps people achieve those goals because the foods are usually nutrient dense. But if you have some junk here and there, its fine as long as it's within your calories and you got all the other nutrients already. And it's not like junk food is completely devoid of nutrients. A chip was once a potato and ice cream still has the calcium. Even toaster strudels will have some healthy fats and nutrients in them. It's just not easy to get all of what you need if that's all you eat.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Here how I look at it the more nutrient dense foods you eat the better your body does what is needs to do.

    Seems to work for me.

    Long story short, yesterday I consumed egg, dairy, and added sugar for the first time in over 50 days.

    I feel horribly guilty because I violated my own ethics. So I regret doing it.

    But I don't regret it from a healthy eating standpoint. I felt horrible last night and I feel worse today. Sick and weak, very much like a bad hangover, but worse. Just gross. My face wants to divorce my mouth, my body wants a separation from my belly, and overall I'd like to crawl out of my skin completely.

    I guess for me plant based no bread was working.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Personally, if I eat a 300 calorie meal of brocolli, carrots, peas and beans, - you get the idea - then I'm full for longer and I don't crave to eat again until the next meal is due.

    If I eat 300 calories of millionaire shortbread, then I'm craving to eat another 300 calories of millionaire shortbread in the next 20 minutes.

    Junk food contains high amounts of sugar and salt with fat which are all addictive and in combination even more so, whereas "clean" foods do not trigger such acute cravings.
    Are fruits clean? Cause they trigger my hunger more than any "junk" food ever could. I guess fruit is addictive.

    In your case, clean or not, they're probably a bad idea. But wait, is that your real picture? If so, I bet there are days a little extra hunger is good for you. To fuel whatever the heck you're doing to look like that!

    We need a new definition of food. Instead of clean or junk or whatever, we need a nice shiny word that means compatible with a particular person's health, calorie goals, and satiety signals. Someone invent a new term!

    Individually Optimal?

    Nah, sounds silly.

    If it fits...something that describes or measures health/goals/satiety... Maybe?

    That's what I'm looking for. But people like short snappy one word descriptions (no wonder it's then hard to define our eating terms like 'clean'!). But a new word would be great. Even if no one could sell books off it because it acknowledges that what works for one person's goals, lifestyle, and physiology might cause problems for someone else or simply be unnecessary.

    Now I'll wait for someone to tell me special snowflakes don't exist, a cute term with legs that is actually proven false every time a crime is solved using DNA.

    Maybe "macros" could be a part of an...acronym?
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Personally, if I eat a 300 calorie meal of brocolli, carrots, peas and beans, - you get the idea - then I'm full for longer and I don't crave to eat again until the next meal is due.

    If I eat 300 calories of millionaire shortbread, then I'm craving to eat another 300 calories of millionaire shortbread in the next 20 minutes.

    Junk food contains high amounts of sugar and salt with fat which are all addictive and in combination even more so, whereas "clean" foods do not trigger such acute cravings.
    Are fruits clean? Cause they trigger my hunger more than any "junk" food ever could. I guess fruit is addictive.

    In your case, clean or not, they're probably a bad idea. But wait, is that your real picture? If so, I bet there are days a little extra hunger is good for you. To fuel whatever the heck you're doing to look like that!

    We need a new definition of food. Instead of clean or junk or whatever, we need a nice shiny word that means compatible with a particular person's health, calorie goals, and satiety signals. Someone invent a new term!

    Individually Optimal?

    Nah, sounds silly.

    If it fits...something that describes or measures health/goals/satiety... Maybe?

    That's what I'm looking for. But people like short snappy one word descriptions (no wonder it's then hard to define our eating terms like 'clean'!). But a new word would be great. Even if no one could sell books off it because it acknowledges that what works for one person's goals, lifestyle, and physiology might cause problems for someone else or simply be unnecessary.

    Now I'll wait for someone to tell me special snowflakes don't exist, a cute term with legs that is actually proven false every time a crime is solved using DNA.

    Maybe "macros" could be a part of an...acronym?

    Haha how about Indioptimacros! Too many syllables still for us lazy humans.
  • shadesof66
    shadesof66 Posts: 75 Member
    For people who want to "eat clean", I'm sure it's very important.

    For people who don't, I'm not sure its important at all.

    Hope that answers your question.

    ^^^ this is spot on....

    on any weight loss plan - just stick with -15 to -20 % TDEE and you will lose weight regardless of what form the calories come in...Big Mac and fries and a beer and as long as you are below your TDEE you will lose weight....however, most people on MFP don't just want to lose weight they want to become more healthy too to reduce body fat, gain lean muscle, so they cut out the junk, the food additives, the processed carbs etc...but its all about what your goals are...

    Hope this helps...:smile:
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Not very.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Personally, if I eat a 300 calorie meal of brocolli, carrots, peas and beans, - you get the idea - then I'm full for longer and I don't crave to eat again until the next meal is due.

    If I eat 300 calories of millionaire shortbread, then I'm craving to eat another 300 calories of millionaire shortbread in the next 20 minutes.

    Junk food contains high amounts of sugar and salt with fat which are all addictive and in combination even more so, whereas "clean" foods do not trigger such acute cravings.
    Are fruits clean? Cause they trigger my hunger more than any "junk" food ever could. I guess fruit is addictive.

    If you find it addictive then yes, I guess - for you - maybe.

    See...If I ate broccoli, carrots and beans, I'd be hungry again within an hour because I'd need fat and protein to stay sated.

    - well apart from the carrots these are reasonable sources of protein but I've got enough fat around my middle to not need any for quite a while!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Personally, if I eat a 300 calorie meal of brocolli, carrots, peas and beans, - you get the idea - then I'm full for longer and I don't crave to eat again until the next meal is due.

    If I eat 300 calories of millionaire shortbread, then I'm craving to eat another 300 calories of millionaire shortbread in the next 20 minutes.

    Junk food contains high amounts of sugar and salt with fat which are all addictive and in combination even more so, whereas "clean" foods do not trigger such acute cravings.
    Are fruits clean? Cause they trigger my hunger more than any "junk" food ever could. I guess fruit is addictive.

    If you find it addictive then yes, I guess - for you - maybe.

    See...If I ate broccoli, carrots and beans, I'd be hungry again within an hour because I'd need fat and protein to stay sated.

    - well apart from the carrots these are reasonable sources of protein but I've got enough fat around my middle to not need any for quite a while!

    Nice try, but beans and broccoli aren't a complete protein and dietary fat is not the same thing as body fat :wink:
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Okay, acronym: How about OFY

    Optimal For You

    Then of course every individual has to do the work of adding and subtracting foods to figure out what that is.

    Nope, definitely won't be selling any diet books off it.

    But I like it. Think I'll use it. I'll just look at people if they ask me what my plan was and say OH-FEE!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Okay, acronym: How about OFY

    Optimal For You

    Then of course every individual has to do the work of adding and subtracting foods to figure out what that is.

    Nope, definitely won't be selling any diet books off it.

    But I like it. Think I'll use it. I'll just look at people if they ask me what my plan was and say OH-FEE!

    I say "If it fits your macros" but OH-FEE! works too.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    The definition of "clean eating" can mean anything you want it to. I eat clean myself, I wash all of my food before I eat it and I buy it from a local grocery store. I also use the 10 second rule if I drop something, which is totally legit.

    Doesn't matter what your definition of clean eating is, if you eat at a calorie surplus you will gain weight, if it's a deficit you'll lose weight. It's as simple as that. You don't have to eat like a caveman did in the Paleolithic era to lose weight.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Okay, acronym: How about OFY

    Optimal For You

    Then of course every individual has to do the work of adding and subtracting foods to figure out what that is.

    Nope, definitely won't be selling any diet books off it.

    But I like it. Think I'll use it. I'll just look at people if they ask me what my plan was and say OH-FEE!

    I say "If it fits your macros" but OH-FEE! works too.

    Haha yeah, I was slow on the uptake with IIFYM. The I realized what you meant. I think a lot of people are confused by that, thinking there is one set of ideal macros everyone 'in the know' uses instead of realizing it's good to find your own best settings. Or at best there are 'low carb' ones and 'regular ones' and ones recommended by MFP or this or that diet book.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Okay, acronym: How about OFY

    Optimal For You

    Then of course every individual has to do the work of adding and subtracting foods to figure out what that is.

    Nope, definitely won't be selling any diet books off it.

    But I like it. Think I'll use it. I'll just look at people if they ask me what my plan was and say OH-FEE!

    I say "If it fits your macros" but OH-FEE! works too.

    Haha yeah, I was slow on the uptake with IIFYM. The I realized what you meant. I think a lot of people are confused by that, thinking there is one set of ideal macros everyone 'in the know' uses instead of realizing it's good to find your own best settings. Or at best there are 'low carb' ones and 'regular ones' and ones recommended by MFP or this or that diet book.

    There's protein and fat minimums, natch.

    And there's also suggested carb intake depending on goals and based on research, which is more complicated than I'll ever get with this.

    And it doesn't describe micronutrients because -geez- RDA and we're allegedly intelligent adults.

    But yeah, goals/satiety/compliance is part of the original description.

    And O-FEE! does have a certain ring to it, especially with a Spanish flair.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Personally, if I eat a 300 calorie meal of brocolli, carrots, peas and beans, - you get the idea - then I'm full for longer and I don't crave to eat again until the next meal is due.

    If I eat 300 calories of millionaire shortbread, then I'm craving to eat another 300 calories of millionaire shortbread in the next 20 minutes.

    Junk food contains high amounts of sugar and salt with fat which are all addictive and in combination even more so, whereas "clean" foods do not trigger such acute cravings.
    Are fruits clean? Cause they trigger my hunger more than any "junk" food ever could. I guess fruit is addictive.

    If you find it addictive then yes, I guess - for you - maybe.

    See...If I ate broccoli, carrots and beans, I'd be hungry again within an hour because I'd need fat and protein to stay sated.

    - well apart from the carrots these are reasonable sources of protein but I've got enough fat around my middle to not need any for quite a while!

    Nice try, but beans and broccoli aren't a complete protein and dietary fat is not the same thing as body fat :wink:

    - its off-topic I know but just to say that "complete protein" thing is old science and body fat is a legitimate source of energy or none of us would lose weight or bodyfat.

    (I don't only eat broccoli and beans - I eat tofu and nuts as well)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Personally, if I eat a 300 calorie meal of brocolli, carrots, peas and beans, - you get the idea - then I'm full for longer and I don't crave to eat again until the next meal is due.

    If I eat 300 calories of millionaire shortbread, then I'm craving to eat another 300 calories of millionaire shortbread in the next 20 minutes.

    Junk food contains high amounts of sugar and salt with fat which are all addictive and in combination even more so, whereas "clean" foods do not trigger such acute cravings.
    Are fruits clean? Cause they trigger my hunger more than any "junk" food ever could. I guess fruit is addictive.

    If you find it addictive then yes, I guess - for you - maybe.

    See...If I ate broccoli, carrots and beans, I'd be hungry again within an hour because I'd need fat and protein to stay sated.

    - well apart from the carrots these are reasonable sources of protein but I've got enough fat around my middle to not need any for quite a while!

    Nice try, but beans and broccoli aren't a complete protein and dietary fat is not the same thing as body fat :wink:

    - its off-topic I know but just to say that "complete protein" thing is old science and body fat is a legitimate source of energy or none of us would lose weight or bodyfat.

    (I don't only eat broccoli and beans - I eat tofu and nuts as well)

    Didn't know that about the complete protein. This is a zombie thread anyway. Thanks!

    Body fat is a source of energy, but not of dietary fat. You still need the dietary fat for quite a few functions.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Okay, acronym: How about OFY

    Optimal For You

    Then of course every individual has to do the work of adding and subtracting foods to figure out what that is.

    Nope, definitely won't be selling any diet books off it.

    But I like it. Think I'll use it. I'll just look at people if they ask me what my plan was and say OH-FEE!

    I say "If it fits your macros" but OH-FEE! works too.

    Haha yeah, I was slow on the uptake with IIFYM. The I realized what you meant. I think a lot of people are confused by that, thinking there is one set of ideal macros everyone 'in the know' uses instead of realizing it's good to find your own best settings. Or at best there are 'low carb' ones and 'regular ones' and ones recommended by MFP or this or that diet book.

    There's protein and fat minimums, natch.

    And there's also suggested carb intake depending on goals and based on research, which is more complicated than I'll ever get with this.

    And it doesn't describe micronutrients because -geez- RDA and we're allegedly intelligent adults.

    But yeah, goals/satiety/compliance is part of the original description.

    And O-FEE! does have a certain ring to it, especially with a Spanish flair.

    :laugh: O-FAY! I just want an excuse to walk around saying O-FEE and O-FAY now. I'm easily amused.