I just had some ice cream bread? HELP



  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    A cheat meal will not only affect your 1 day diet, In fact you may lose your motivation for the whole weight loss process.
    So try to cut down all those high calorie food from your diet and try different kinds of fruits as deserts.
    Its true that a calorie is calorie but it should come from all the healthy sources. so you will get all the essential
    vitamins from those food along with the calorie.

    If you really want to lose weight including these high calorie deserts in your diet won't work well.
    Always remember - "Its not a diet ...its a life style change "

    Really? Can you tell me more on how it doesn't work well?

    If it's a life style change as you say, shouldn't I learn to eat all the foods that I enjoy just in better portion control, so that well I can follow this for the rest of my life?

    Well off to plan my day around my chocolate pound cake and gelato so I can see what else I can eat :)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member

    We do it right in Korea. We skip the bread and go for the waffle. Usually with cream and honey but sometimes with ice cream too!

    Korea is waffle heaven. Pick your poison:

    Can I have one of each thanks!
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    In Chicago they have wonuts (waffle donuts).



    Waffle donuts AND Jonny Depp in one post? Drowning in drool over here
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    A cheat meal will not only affect your 1 day diet, In fact you may lose your motivation for the whole weight loss process.
    So try to cut down all those high calorie food from your diet and try different kinds of fruits as deserts.
    Its true that a calorie is calorie but it should come from all the healthy sources. so you will get all the essential
    vitamins from those food along with the calorie.

    If you really want to lose weight including these high calorie deserts in your diet won't work well.
    Always remember - "Its not a diet ...its a life style change "


    I actually totally disagree with the "lifestyle change" philosophy. Without a strong driver like an illness or moral/religious reasons, totally changing your lifestyle is not known to succeed long term because people tend to fall back into their old lifestyle. I'm in the "lifestyle tweak" camp. You take your current lifestyle, and see what you could add/adit to achieve your goal, so it's not too vastly different from what you are used to.

    I have easily, and yes I say easily, lost 37 kg (81.5 lb) by eating the way I used to eat, with some tweaks. For me, I went with oversizing my low cal favourite foods to automatically downsize my higher calorie foods, sticking my "trigger" foods in times and places where I cannot have more or I'm already full, and using veggie fillers in my higher calorie recipes to bulk the size of portions without bulking calories too much - since I'm a volume eater. I just eat whatever I want, on whichever days I want without worrying too much about calories and I just happen to fall within my weekly target on most weeks. It had an exciting learning curve, but now it's just a second nature. Different strategies work for different people depending on their own personality and situation.

    I do agree with you that "cheat meals" may not work for everyone, simply because the concept of "cheating" makes some people overdo it. When that concept is removed from your diet, it stops being a "reward" or a "guilty meal" and it just becomes a normal part of the way you eat, no negative or positive feelings attached - other than the normal satisfaction of eating something you like.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    So I baked some ice cream bread because I wanted to try out the recipe. All I did was adding vanilla ice cream and self-raising flour and baked it. It turned out okay but I was kind of disappointed so I ate like half of it and threw it away. In the morning I had some sweet potatoes. Should I not eat for the rest of the day? I usually have a big breakfast and try to avoid processed foods and eat SO LITTLE for lunch and dinner because I don't feel hungry if I eat a big breakfast. Please help... what should I do for the rest of the day and week?

    You try to avoid processed food but decided to make ice cream bread? What?

    Just start over tomorrow with a normal calorie goal, normal macro goals, and stop eating half a loaf of ice cream bread every day...

  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Hey, yesterday I shared some crab dip and bread pudding with a colleague...plus I had a nocoise salad. No beer, though. I came in about 100 cal over my goal for the day and I didn't exercise. But you know what? That would still put me losing at a rate of 1.3 lbs per week. Today is a new day, and I'm happy for it.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    When you make a poor dietary decision you shouldn't "starve" yourself the rest of the day to compensate for it. All that does it put your body on a metabolic roller coaster (especially when eating something as simple sugar dense as "ice cream bread" and then going to nothing). Doing those sorts of things are horrible for your thyroid and hormone secretion regulation….

    If temptation comes around next time, especially carb cravings… when your body is craving simple carbs it is often times due to a protein deficiency, so try eating something quick like jerky or a chicken breast, or tuna… a protein shake possibly? Also try consuming a piece of fruit like banana or apple when your sweet tooth is calling. Remember that cravings are in your head and real hunger is in your stomach, listen to your bodies needs rather than its wants.
    Okay, but what if I don't want jerk, chicken, tuna, a shake, a banana or an apple? What if I just want ice cream? Should I never eat ice cream?

    Korea is waffle heaven. Pick your poison:
    Oh my god. That's like, heaven.

    Poison is right. *DEAD*
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Icecream bread? ICECREAM BREAD?? What on earth is icecream bread, makes no sense to me whatsoever.
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member

    Korea is waffle heaven. Pick your poison:

    If you think Korea is waffle heaven, you should come to Belgium. It's kind of what they do here. Along with beer, mussels, fries, and chocolate. Fat kid heaven.

    As for the OP: I agree with the sentiment that the day is over. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just start anew tomorrow.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    trying to lose weight yet make and eat ice cream bread and whines abou it. why even make it?

    Lol, good thing she didn't actually like it or she may have eaten the whole loaf

    That's so mean. Stop talking about the OP like that. >_< OP, I tried that recipe before! It was meh for me too. You don't need to starve yourself for the rest of the week though. Like others have said, just eat normally again!

    No one was mean. :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    So I baked some ice cream bread because I wanted to try out the recipe. All I did was adding vanilla ice cream and self-raising flour and baked it. It turned out okay but I was kind of disappointed so I ate like half of it and threw it away. In the morning I had some sweet potatoes. Should I not eat for the rest of the day? I usually have a big breakfast and try to avoid processed foods and eat SO LITTLE for lunch and dinner because I don't feel hungry if I eat a big breakfast. Please help... what should I do for the rest of the day and week?

    Maybe the ice cream bread is what caused your diarrhea that you wondered about a few days ago???
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    If you think Korea is waffle heaven, you should come to Belgium. It's kind of what they do here. Along with beer, mussels, fries, and chocolate. Fat kid heaven.

    I know. I was there around Christmas. I loved the stroopwaffles and fries (but not so much with the mayo on them - the fries that is)
  • thursdaystgiles
    thursdaystgiles Posts: 98 Member
    I don't understand why you'd eat half a loaf of something that disappointed you. That seems like a big problem right there. You need to learn not to use up calories on things that you don't really love. By all means, indulge yourself--I've lost 30lb since Jan, and before I got pregnant I lost 60lb in 8 months, and both times it was about learning moderation and not being afraid to indulge myself, but also knowing that if you don't love what you're eating, it isn't worth spending your calories. Save them for something you love. That being said, I agree with those who said what you ate isn't THAT big of an expenditure, and you should plan on eating the rest of your calories, and maybe squeezing in another workout when you can.

    As to ice cream bread? Not worth it. We've done if 3 different times, each with a different ice cream, thinking we just hadn't found the right flavour to make it amazing. Nope. Disappointing every time. Took it into work and let coworkers have a go at it.
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    trying to lose weight yet make and eat ice cream bread and whines abou it. why even make it?

    Exactly, but now that you did.......... go about your normal day... yes your calories will be off the hook for today...and not in accordance with your daily goal, but its okay to mess up one day. it takes 3,500 ...yes 3,500 extra calories to gain a pound. That ice cream bread may have set you back 500, at worst. That won't make as big of difference so long as you continue to eat properly for the rest of the day, maybe go for a job or do some cardio to bump your metabolism and work some of that ice cream bread off. But, trust me, you'll be fine if you only do this today...don't splurge on your daily calories anymore anytime soon. Whatever you do, don't starve yourself! Your body needs protein and other nutrients daily to function properly, and you did not get those from the ice cream bread so you still need to eat!
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    *Go for a jog* no job lol
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    Okay so Korea and Chicago - anywhere else I need to start planning a trip to???


    Green tea ice cream in Japan.

    That looks really nasty to me... I do enjoy the green tea frappucino at starbucks .......well I used to more often when I wasn't eating healthily... anyway.......I don't like that glob of black stuff and the ice cubes. it just looks really weird. eww.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    Okay so Korea and Chicago - anywhere else I need to start planning a trip to???


    Green tea ice cream in Japan.

    That looks really nasty to me... I do enjoy the green tea frappucino at starbucks .......well I used to more often when I wasn't eating healthily... anyway.......I don't like that glob of black stuff and the ice cubes. it just looks really weird. eww.

    The "black stuff" is actually cooked,sweetened red beans and the "ice cubes" are actually like a mild jello. It's really delicious! Korea and Japan both put the sweet red beans as filling in doughnuts and pastries too - and even replaces "fudge" in popsicles.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    Oh...Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream has Green Tea Tiramisu flavor right now. It's awesome! I don't think it would work in a bread recipe though.
  • thursdaystgiles
    thursdaystgiles Posts: 98 Member
    red beans are an acquired taste, but once you learn to love them, they're great. I recommend getting some red bean ice cream from your local asian food store. That being said, the texture can be very off-putting, especially when served as in the above picture. I lived in Japan for a while, so I got used to their type of sweets, but yeah, some things are never gonna win me over--like red beans in that form, or those jello squares. However, Japanese crepes have French ones beat, hands down. And they're way better than waffles!
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I've.... never heard of ice cream bread.

    I.......love it. If nothing else, because it sounds so bizarre.