Running with stiches on bottom of foot



  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    However, running is my life. I'd call it am addiction

    Oh get over it! you have to wait like what? 2 weeks?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    However, running is my life. I'd call it am addiction

    Oh get over it! you have to wait like what? 2 weeks?

    I know but she's probably used to running a lot. I remember those feels when I was first injured. Also since the only freinds I had were workout buddies for rollerblading bikini gal friends for the beach and a gym class aerobics gal friend and a biking guy bud when I couldn't workout and I'd have to call them to tell them I was hurt and can't make it but have fun without me it felt like...


    Bad feels are something we all get OP and there's no way AROUND them we have to go through them. This is true for weight loss journeys and for life in general.
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    I know you're going to do what you want anyway, and you usually rock things out, but if it's only a few weeks out of your life? - no biggie.

    I KNOW how it feels like to not be able to run! It blows! I feel your pain! But it's for the better that you DON'T run.

    Better to be out for two weeks vs. months!
  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm really just here for MyChocolateDiet and her gifs... but I'll pipe in with a "don't do it" just in case.
  • MFPMol
    MFPMol Posts: 151 Member

    However, running is my life. I'd call it am addiction. It's been 4 days since I fell off that machanical bull and stepped on glass.

    I think trolling is your life. Ever day you have a new post that makes me ask myself, "wow, are you f*cking kidding me?"
  • MFPMol
    MFPMol Posts: 151 Member
    Hi there. Before you ask, the doc in the ER said no running until stiches are out..

    However, running is my life. I'd call it am addiction. It's been 4 days since I fell off that machanical bull and stepped on glass. I sliced my big toe open. I currently have 7 stiches on the bottom of my big toe.

    I've been biking 20-25 miles a day.. I want to run. I can walk around fine. Why not try it out says the little voice inside my head.

    To run or not to run?

    Just don't run on that foot. :laugh:
  • RyanDryFly
    RyanDryFly Posts: 92 Member
    Tape it up, rub some dirt on it and get after it. :)
  • icywindow
    icywindow Posts: 33 Member
    Listen to your doctor. Rest. Your biking will take care of your endorphins and lower cardio endurance. I know it sucks to not run. Think of it as an opportunity to work on your upper body in the mean time.

    Maybe even think of it as a taper. You'll come back stronger after you readjust.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Run now and be able to run a mile before you break open your stitches -- then explain to the doc what happened and be off running for an extended period of time ... OR ... Wait till you are cleared and run til your heart is content... Sounds like a no-brainer to me.

    Now the short answer NO.
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    Run now and risk permanent damage that never let's you run again. Still seem worth it?

    Missing one toe probably won't matter. Run like the wind!!!
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    How long till the stitches are removed by a skilled professional?

    Obviously you'll do what you want, I just wanted to say, it sucks that it happened! It's not even a running injury! Being benched for a non running injury seems just awful! Hang in there!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I'm really just here for MyChocolateDiet and her gifs... but I'll pipe in with a "don't do it" just in case.

    Me too!!!
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    Victoria. You need to chill. It's only a matter of a short period of time and you'll be back to your *kitten* kicking self. Sure you could run on the stitches and possibly no harm would come of it. Or, you could develop an infection, get blood poisoning, end up in the hospital on IV antibiotics for a few weeks to get it cleared up. Just ride the bike, lift the weights, and plot your comeback when you are cleared to run again. Don't make a bad situation worse.
  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    However, running is my life. I'd call it am addiction

    Oh get over it! you have to wait like what? 2 weeks?

    I know but she's probably used to running a lot. I remember those feels when I was first injured. Also since the only freinds I had were workout buddies for rollerblading bikini gal friends for the beach and a gym class aerobics gal friend and a biking guy bud when I couldn't workout and I'd have to call them to tell them I was hurt and can't make it but have fun without me it felt like...


    Bad feels are something we all get OP and there's no way AROUND them we have to go through them. This is true for weight loss journeys and for life in general.

    I know but she sounds like a child being told they can't have sweets because they have had their tooth out, or they can't go out to play because they have a broken toe etc.