Two + Months in, not a pound gone



  • PamCharro
    PamCharro Posts: 2
    That sounds so exasperating! I can relate a little bit, but not a single pound in all that time, can't really imagine.

    There are so many reasons, many being touched on here already. It's important to log food accurately, and measure and weigh portions, especially at the beginning, but it's not an exact science and when you are doing enough things right, you should see results. My weight loss also slowed down when I wasn't taking in enough calories, since I work out so hard, but if you have a personal trainer, that shouldn't be an issue.

    I can go for weeks on end with no change, and I want to lose 20 pounds, but when I keep at it, I do eventually see results. Try to keep in mind that it isn't just physical change you want to see, but a complete lifestyle change and not depending on the things you used to depend on to feel content. It's a big deal and not only will you eventually lose weight, you will feel better and be healthier and have a better life overall. In that regard, you should already be seeing a little of that, since you are working out and taking better care of yourself. You can already be proud of what you are accomplishing, even if the scale hasn't moved. I don't think the majority of people even come close to the effort you're putting in, and you can't help but get results.

    Are you sleeping better? Breathing easier? Clothes fit any differently? All of these results are just as important as the scale moving, if not more. Try to look for all of the ways that you are benefitting, aside from the scale. I do hope you find the help you need eventually! Try to be proud of who you are and what you're doing RIGHT NOW, and look for the positives. Please stay in touch on here. -- Pam
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    The fact you won't open your diary speaks volumes. You don't even need to say anything else. You know you eat too much, you know EXACTLY what the problem is. What it actually comes down to is that you don't actually want help, you either want attention/validation or you want to find an excuse that you can use to justify your weight. Maybe at first you wanted to lose weight but now you've reached a point where you're not losing weight eating the way you want so you want a reason to give up. Sorry not sorry.
    There is nothing else to the posts OP is making. Move on everyone.

    Wow. That's compassionate. I always wonder if people like this live their lives like this or they just project this into the internet. Or if they've never suffered any hardships themselves. What a rough upbringing that must result in such lack of empathy. But, then again, when I was 22, I thought everything was black and white too.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The fact you won't open your diary speaks volumes. You don't even need to say anything else. You know you eat too much, you know EXACTLY what the problem is. What it actually comes down to is that you don't actually want help, you either want attention/validation or you want to find an excuse that you can use to justify your weight. Maybe at first you wanted to lose weight but now you've reached a point where you're not losing weight eating the way you want so you want a reason to give up. Sorry not sorry.
    There is nothing else to the posts OP is making. Move on everyone.

    Wow. That's compassionate. I always wonder if people like this live their lives like this or they just project this into the internet. Or if they've never suffered any hardships themselves. What a rough upbringing that must result in such lack of empathy. But, then again, when I was 22, I thought everything was black and white too.

    Oh please. OP is asking for help figuring out why she isn't losing weight, and is refusing to reveal to us what she eats. I think it's pretty clear what's going on here.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that the incidence of PCOS and Hashimoto's does not support the number of people on MFP who claim to have these disorders. Again, I could be wrong but it seems like every time I turn around someone else is posting about how they can't lose weight because they have PCOS. If a physician diagnoses it, fine, but if not... it's just an excuse.
    I think the number of people who think they have a 'ruined metabolism from dieting' is waaaay more than any diagnosed issue. But I've never seen anyone self-diagnose Hashimotos or PCOS.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    My friend is a doctor, and she was very obese. She volunteered for a study where she went away with others to a clinic in AZ and they were put on a 500 calorie a day diet and did light workouts. She gained weight. Turned out she had a hormone imbalance that made her metabolism non-existent. She now is seeing a Chiropractor that specializes in weight loss. She has lost 22 pounds in 5 weeks. He keeps her on a strict diet that he designs for each patient himself. She goes to his office 3 times a week and they do a workout. She seems to like it, but says the diet is very boring and restricted.

    I am reasonably confident that there is much more to this story than you are describing as gaining weight on 500 calories per day while exercising is physically impossible with the exception of water weight which any credible study on weight loss would measure.

    The fact that a chiropractor was the eventual solution and that an educated person would consult one for weightloss leaves me baffled as well.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    My friend is a doctor, and she was very obese. She volunteered for a study where she went away with others to a clinic in AZ and they were put on a 500 calorie a day diet and did light workouts. She gained weight. Turned out she had a hormone imbalance that made her metabolism non-existent. She now is seeing a Chiropractor that specializes in weight loss. She has lost 22 pounds in 5 weeks. He keeps her on a strict diet that he designs for each patient himself. She goes to his office 3 times a week and they do a workout. She seems to like it, but says the diet is very boring and restricted.

    I am reasonably confident that there is much more to this story than you are describing as gaining weight on 500 calories per day while exercising is physically impossible with the exception of water weight which any credible study on weight loss would measure.

    The fact that a chiropractor was the eventual solution and that an educated person would consult one for weightloss leaves me baffled as well.

    I don't think many physicians refer to their chiropractors for weight loss. That whole story is fishy.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Open your diary.
  • MagicalGiraffe
    MagicalGiraffe Posts: 102 Member
    My friend is a doctor, and she was very obese. She volunteered for a study where she went away with others to a clinic in AZ and they were put on a 500 calorie a day diet and did light workouts. She gained weight. Turned out she had a hormone imbalance that made her metabolism non-existent. She now is seeing a Chiropractor that specializes in weight loss. She has lost 22 pounds in 5 weeks. He keeps her on a strict diet that he designs for each patient himself. She goes to his office 3 times a week and they do a workout. She seems to like it, but says the diet is very boring and restricted.

    I am reasonably confident that there is much more to this story than you are describing as gaining weight on 500 calories per day while exercising is physically impossible with the exception of water weight which any credible study on weight loss would measure.

    The fact that a chiropractor was the eventual solution and that an educated person would consult one for weightloss leaves me baffled as well.

    I don't think many physicians refer to their chiropractors for weight loss. That whole story is fishy.

    My OH is a chiropractor, people will come to see him for pains relating to obesity etc, but for weightloss that's a referral to a dietician or nutritionist. Chiros don't give specialised nutritional advice and I'm not sure what snap, crackle and popping someone would do for their weight.. That story seems wrong on so many levels.
  • tulosai
    tulosai Posts: 20 Member
    OP as others have said, open your diary. If your fab fab nutritionist was really all that, you'd have lost weight.

    If you are telling the truth, you don't have anything to lose or fear by opening it. The vast majority of us will 'play nice' and legitimately try to help. No one really cares if you eat oreos for breakfast as long as you are telling the truth about your calorie intake and macros. If you are truthful, open it up.

    If you're not being truthful none of us can help anyway, so whatever.
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    The fact you won't open your diary speaks volumes. You don't even need to say anything else. You know you eat too much, you know EXACTLY what the problem is. What it actually comes down to is that you don't actually want help, you either want attention/validation or you want to find an excuse that you can use to justify your weight. Maybe at first you wanted to lose weight but now you've reached a point where you're not losing weight eating the way you want so you want a reason to give up. Sorry not sorry.
    There is nothing else to the posts OP is making. Move on everyone.

    Wow. That's compassionate. I always wonder if people like this live their lives like this or they just project this into the internet. Or if they've never suffered any hardships themselves. What a rough upbringing that must result in such lack of empathy. But, then again, when I was 22, I thought everything was black and white too.

    Oh please. OP is asking for help figuring out why she isn't losing weight, and is refusing to reveal to us what she eats. I think it's pretty clear what's going on here.

  • joeherbert48
    joeherbert48 Posts: 47 Member
    Start a Lean Cuisine diet and Banquet Lasagna. 2 lean cuisines and 1 banquet per day. Don't worry about the calories so much as just eating till your hunger is satisfied (not full). In the mornings have a Hashbrown (cooked in microwave) sandwich with 1 slice of Tyson Lean Ham Reduced fat and 1/2 slice of Sargento cheese low fat kind with low sodium ketchup.

    For an evening snack have an apple, orange, or banana. Also for that time of hunger before or after a main meal eat one slice of great value hamburger bun (low cal low sodium) and 1 tbls of peanut butter. If you still find you have hunger pains in the middle of the day or at night eat 3 cups of popcorn.

    I lost 40lbs on this diet from last Aug to present. Of course I have cheated like everyone else along the way. (just can't give up pizza and hamburgers) but I compensate when I do. But, not all at once just a few calories, fat, saturated fat per day. I think that is why they call them a "balanced" diet. So long as you balance the numbers over time there is no harm done.

    Concerning Pizza: Culinary Kitchen makes a great ultra thin crust pizza with low calories per slice. Sometimes in place of a Lean Cuisine and a Banquet dinner I will eat 2 slices of this pizza. Calories about the same, little more salt content if you are on a low salt diet.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    The fact you won't open your diary speaks volumes. You don't even need to say anything else. You know you eat too much, you know EXACTLY what the problem is. What it actually comes down to is that you don't actually want help, you either want attention/validation or you want to find an excuse that you can use to justify your weight. Maybe at first you wanted to lose weight but now you've reached a point where you're not losing weight eating the way you want so you want a reason to give up. Sorry not sorry.
    There is nothing else to the posts OP is making. Move on everyone.

    Wow. That's compassionate. I always wonder if people like this live their lives like this or they just project this into the internet. Or if they've never suffered any hardships themselves. What a rough upbringing that must result in such lack of empathy. But, then again, when I was 22, I thought everything was black and white too.

    Oh please. OP is asking for help figuring out why she isn't losing weight, and is refusing to reveal to us what she eats. I think it's pretty clear what's going on here.
    What does a diary prove? If she's lying about her intake, why not lie about it in the diary?

    Nearly 10 years ago I frequented a diet forum ( where one gal had a legion of followers. She had a cute pic and amazing stats and a food journal that went back years, about her <800 calorie/day diet. I got banned for eventually suggesting her diet wasn't a very good idea. It was all fiction-- the diary, the pic, the stats.
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    I don't think that opening up my diary will help at all. I started out only eating 1300 calories a day, that's what I naturally eat when I eat what I want and don't try to watch what I'm eating (including dessert). I track every bite by weighing with a food scale or measuring with measuring cups and spoons, I never estimate and I always record what I've eaten before I move from the table,so I don't forget anything. I am very serious and dedicated to my weight loss. I'm not an over eater and I'm not a person who thinks they can fudge the numbers and "no one will know." I measure, I weigh and I record.

    The first thing my nutritionist did was start increasing my caloric intake. She looks as my app to see what I've eaten since our last meeting (every two weeks) and tells me where to adjust (more variety, more vegetables, less fat, etc). She worked me up slowly since 1300 is what I was comfortable eating and any more than that felt like over eating and that feels gross. So, now I'm up to 2500 calories a day (total, not net). I burn 2800 on a lazy day and 3000-3200 on most days, according to my BMF. I had a resting metabolic rate test done (the serious one with the cart, not the portable one that is prone to miscalculation) and it is 2345.

    So, for me it is not as simple as caloric deficit = weightloss, unfortunately. If that were the case I would have had more than a 1,000 calorie deficit before I started and I am still carrying a deficit of 500 on most days.

    Still no weightloss.

    I have to agree that if you ask for advice, you have to give us data to work with. Seeing the types of food and drink you are consuming and in what quantities, seeing the types of exercise and amounts of time spent-is the data we need.

    You have professionals on your team for your journey to health. Somewhere along the line-they are not getting accurate information that they need to help you. Some of us here on MFP are professionals as well-and we're not getting the information we need.

    It really is simple math that you can calculate your body's needs, and what will help it to lose weight. Sorry, don't buy the excuse that there really are special snowflakes that defy logic.

    Either be serious when you ask for advice, or pick up your marbles...

    ETA: I am lucky if I burn 220-250 calories in a bum-kicking workout per day. Having 3 kids, not getting how you can routinely burn off a couple thousand calories a diary would explain or deny.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    The fact you won't open your diary speaks volumes. You don't even need to say anything else. You know you eat too much, you know EXACTLY what the problem is. What it actually comes down to is that you don't actually want help, you either want attention/validation or you want to find an excuse that you can use to justify your weight. Maybe at first you wanted to lose weight but now you've reached a point where you're not losing weight eating the way you want so you want a reason to give up. Sorry not sorry.
    There is nothing else to the posts OP is making. Move on everyone.

    Wow. That's compassionate. I always wonder if people like this live their lives like this or they just project this into the internet. Or if they've never suffered any hardships themselves. What a rough upbringing that must result in such lack of empathy. But, then again, when I was 22, I thought everything was black and white too.

    Oh please. OP is asking for help figuring out why she isn't losing weight, and is refusing to reveal to us what she eats. I think it's pretty clear what's going on here.
    What does a diary prove? If she's lying about her intake, why not lie about it in the diary?

    Nearly 10 years ago I frequented a diet forum ( where one gal had a legion of followers. She had a cute pic and amazing stats and a food journal that went back years, about her <800 calorie/day diet. I got banned for eventually suggesting her diet wasn't a very good idea. It was all fiction-- the diary, the pic, the stats.

    I've never really understood that either. It's one thing to be wrong or mistaken, but what would be the point of lying? And it's just as easy to fake/lie about a food diary. It's a weird thing here about such things.
  • goddesskristie
    It looks like most people here think I must not be logging correctly. That seems like the easiest answer, so I'm going to double down my efforts there and avoid eating out for a few weeks to see if any extra calories are coming from there. Hopefully you guys are right. I would love it if this was all just because of miscalculation and I could start losing weight like normal people.

    I actually was supposed to get an A1c done, but after multiple sticks they couldn't get enough blood, so they did a fasting glucose instead with the intention of doing one later if my fasting was off. Perhaps I should go ahead and have that done.

    I also half considered the night eating thing, but my bodymedia fit would have noticed that I was up in the night.

    Thanks again for all the advice and support. I will try to come back and update.
  • joeherbert48
    joeherbert48 Posts: 47 Member
    The fact you won't open your diary speaks volumes. You don't even need to say anything else. You know you eat too much, you know EXACTLY what the problem is. What it actually comes down to is that you don't actually want help, you either want attention/validation or you want to find an excuse that you can use to justify your weight. Maybe at first you wanted to lose weight but now you've reached a point where you're not losing weight eating the way you want so you want a reason to give up. Sorry not sorry.
    There is nothing else to the posts OP is making. Move on everyone.

    Wow. That's compassionate. I always wonder if people like this live their lives like this or they just project this into the internet. Or if they've never suffered any hardships themselves. What a rough upbringing that must result in such lack of empathy. But, then again, when I was 22, I thought everything was black and white too.

    Oh please. OP is asking for help figuring out why she isn't losing weight, and is refusing to reveal to us what she eats. I think it's pretty clear what's going on here.
    What does a diary prove? If she's lying about her intake, why not lie about it in the diary?

    Nearly 10 years ago I frequented a diet forum ( where one gal had a legion of followers. She had a cute pic and amazing stats and a food journal that went back years, about her <800 calorie/day diet. I got banned for eventually suggesting her diet wasn't a very good idea. It was all fiction-- the diary, the pic, the stats.

    I have found that a LOT on the internet. Fake pictures, fake ages, fake sex even. I once found out I was talking to a paraplegic in a wheelchair back in the ole AOL days. So, I don't frequent chat rooms at all anymore. I will participate in a forum discussion like this but nobody is my friend or going to be my friend only an aquaintance online anymore. If you are real I hope you always remain real. If you're just doing it for kicks in this case I hope you never lose weight. ;)
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    OP at this point I am beginning to wonder why you won't open your diary? Multiple people have requested it in order to help you. I'm not trying to be accusatory but what is your reasoning for not wanting to?
    I'm aware that looks suspicous and I have been lurking around for a while so I expected that. The reason I haven't is because I have a fantastic nutritionist who I meet with every two weeks. We go over my diary every time.

    Then why are you asking for our advice?
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    OP, Kristie
    1st, you've got A Lot more help than most of us do!
    I don't share this info with too many people but since youre in such a "position" I am willing to.
    1st, I am the height of a grade school child (4'2), an amputee (child birth deformity) and starting weight slightly more than 100 over what I should be (health wise).
    Clearly, with you being sooo much more active than I am it seems that you should be able to lose even 1 lb if not a lot more.
    3 months ago when I saw my Dr Id maintained...I hadn't gained anything but I hadn't lost anything.
    About 2 months ago I found out I was diabetic, I cried because of my fear of needles.
    Its hard enough for me to have my blood taken but at least I can somewhat distract myself.
    When I found out that I was going to have to start poking myself on a daily basis, I knew that wasn't the life I wanted for myself.
    In that time I came home, got on MFP, started taking a serious look at the foods I was eating and got a reality check.
    My #'s now fluctuate in the 80's range (today it was 87).
    3 weeks later I went back in & I Id lost 5.5lbs.
    I just went in yesterday at 3.5 weeks and in that time lost 7.5lbs.
    In 6.5 weeks Ive lost 13lbs all on my own.
    I don't weigh my food but I do measure, I keep an eye on food labels and Ive changed out some of my foods.
    Yesterday for the 1st time we had spaghetti squash in replacement of noodles...still using our regular spaghetti sauce.
    I LOVE pasta but the trade wasn't bad and I could have more of it than I could with noodles.
    Ive traded out my high calorie bread for a 35 calorie bread.
    Ive switched to a sugar free jam which really isn't much of a transition (still sweet but not as sugary tasting).
    I could eat 2 sandwiches but instead what I do is (for example): make tuna and instead of putting more mayo on the bread, its already in my tuna so I skip on the "extra."
    Instead of having another sandwich, I take the extra leaves of lettuce and use them as lettuce wraps.
    I take baby carrots, use them to "scoop" the tuna out (your usually not going to get too much tuna on a baby carrot by doing that, more for flavoring)!
    Or I use celery sticks and similar to ants on a log using PB, Ill put some tuna in it.
    I love popcorn but the pre-bagged 1's have too much calories so I bought a bag of kernels & make it at home.
    I use a brown bag (like what youd use for taking your lunch to work), for 2 cups its just 2-3 Tbsp of kernels, fold the bag down 2-3 times, pop it in your microwave and because youre not putting anything on it, any kernels that didn't pop can be reused!
    2 cups of air popped popcorn is 30 calories.
    My husband is not in this to lose weight but he has been on board with me and has made some of his own changes.
    Fruits are good for you (better than reaching for the junk food) but pay attention to the size of them as 1 banana is not the same size as another so everything can be calculated differently based on that alone (is it small, medium or large).
    Ive found that I love the taste of steamed veggies because they're more crunchier and have more color whereas the canned have been sitting in salt water and after cooking are usually mushy.
    My husband would eat some veggies before but he's eating a lot more now in efforts of aiding me.
    No, he doesn't yet eat them plain like I do, he likes to sprinkle a little parmesan for flavor.
    Like your sweets?
    1 Toll House chocolate chip cookie is 90 calories!
    Special K has some crisps (2 in a pk) that's 100 calories BUT this is what we've found:
    Private Selection Belgian Almond Cookies: 140 Calories for 8 Cookies which is like about 17 calories for 1!!
    I can't run or kick up my body parts like most & getting down to the floor is a bit of a struggle...maybe when I'm able to lose some more Ill be able to get back up easier.
    So for people who have the free will of their body and have the capabilities of full range of motion AND have people to assist them in their dietary and physical needs...that's A lot more than what I have!
    No one taught me, went over or monitored anything that I was doing, it's all been on myself.
    I am not perfect, I know theres more that I could be doing (maybe weighing out my food, maybe slightly more difficult exercises) but for not having anyone to help me, let alone to prod me, I think 13lbs in 6.5 weeks is A Ok...maybe not 100% perfect but then again, I never claimed to be!
    MFP initially had me set on a 1230 calorie but after I lost the 1st 5.5 lbs it dropped me to 1210...great reward huh?!?
    I do eat out, I am a lot more aware of what Im ordering (have sauces removed, have dressings on the side (if I have to have salad dressing I lightly dip the tip of my fork in it before taking a bite of salad) ).
    My husband had a 1 scoop ice cream cone while we were out yesterday.
    We haven't had ice cream in 2 1/2 months!
    I had 2 licks, it was yummy and I felt a gratification in having a taste rather than eating it all.
    I use my wheelchair when Im out (for safety reasons) and I always maneuver myself around, that way I can calculate it as an exercise.
    A week or so after Id signed up with MFP someone had suggested chair exercises which is something that I am able to do.
    Its not as strenuous as what everyone else is able to do and clearly not anywhere as a heart rate as what you've been able to do but it's been better than nothing.
    I know a lot of exercises have to do with things that I can't physically do but Im hoping in due time I might be able to incorporate floor exercises (getting down is far easier than getting back up, especially after I'm worn out)!
    So Thanks to those that have given helpful & insightful info, most have been relevant and have helped me to get 13lbs off of me!
    Please keep sending in those tips, without them I would not know 1/2 the things that have helped me on my journey.
    Thank You to those who've offered genuine informative information because that's what I was missing in ways to help me, not in the way of being a bully or know it all!
    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • juliesauber
    juliesauber Posts: 22 Member
    I had twin boys 6 months ago and gained 80 pounds throughout the pregnancy. My MD told me flat out that if I don't keep an accurate food log I won't lose weight. She said exercise is vital, but the amount of actual calories we take in will fool even the most well-intentioned person if they don't closely track them. I have been scared to open my diary because I haven't wanted people to see what I actually eat (chocolate for breakfast here, no food all day and then ice cream for dinner there, etc.) and then I would have to realize (and everyone else would see) that I was sabotaging my results with emotional eating.

    If you want help, you will be accountable to the community that you've asked for help by letting them see your food diary to get an idea of where you are making mistakes. Keeping the diary closed keeps you from having that honesty and accountability. The lies we tell others are nothing compared to the lies we tell ourselves. Change is terrifying, but being honest is the only way we can begin that terrifying change to lose weight and become healthy. What we've been doing so far isn't working, and lying to ourselves about what, how much, and why we overeat or badly eat is a huge part of the lies.

    If you really want help from people here, you would be smart to open the diary. It will prove to yourself and others you are serious about your weight loss.

    Best of luck!
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    OP at this point I am beginning to wonder why you won't open your diary? Multiple people have requested it in order to help you. I'm not trying to be accusatory but what is your reasoning for not wanting to?
    I'm aware that looks suspicous and I have been lurking around for a while so I expected that. The reason I haven't is because I have a fantastic nutritionist who I meet with every two weeks. We go over my diary every time.

    Then why are you asking for our advice?

    ^^^This. It's baffling that you come here and ask for help but don't provide the information that is needed to give you any help (by opening your diary). You say you have a fantastic nutritionist, yet you are not losing weight. Sounds to me like your nutritionist isn't so great. If you really want help from this forum (and there is a lot of great advice available here) you need to let us know what's going in your mouth.