what are carbs and what do they do



  • Dr__Girlfriend
    Dr__Girlfriend Posts: 100 Member
    I ate under 20 net carbs for almost 6 weeks and it was horrible.

    I was so foggy headed and actually got sick, which made me mad because I never get sick.

    I'm sure it is the magic ticket for some, but not me.

    A lot of women have found that low-carb(under 50, or 100 depending on the person) really hurt their thyroid levels and hormones, long term. Regardless, that low in carbs will put you in Ketosis. Whispering low-carb in my women's lifting group (with 6,000 ladies) brings forth books of warnings and stories from women explaining the horrific, permanent damage they encountered doing such. It's actually quite sad. That's why they are so outspoken about it.

    Anyway, you're not alone in your experience. Glad you listened to your body.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    balanced diet? that's crazy talk...

    Yeah, I know right?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Idk what they are but they make me fat.

    Calories make you fat (me too)......but I don't pig out on steak or broccoli.

    Carbs are not evil.....they are necessary for energy. OP: If you have medical issues then you should limit carbs. Low carb diets are "popular" right now......and some people should diet this way. But not everyone.

    My personal preference .....IIFYM .....if it fits your macros. I try to get adequate protein & fat.....the rest is carbs. For me this is a lifestyle change. Sure, I can eat XX + YY - ZZ for a few months.....then what? How do I keep the weight from coming back? Low carb for life? ...... I don't think so.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Carbs don't make you fat.
    Caloric surplus does.

    I load up on mtns of carbs daily to fuel my distance running and other workouts. I've always stayed thin. Too thin. (working on it)
    It's because I end up in a deficit after excercise and I'm unable to shovel in 4000+ cals to maintain.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    You're telling me that, if you ate 20 baconators a day, you wouldn't gain weight because it's not carbs - it's all fat and "meat"/protein byproducts?


    No! each baconator is 840 calories. If you ate 20 baconators, that would be 16800 calories. You would gain weight cause you can't burn 16800 calories normally in a day. Plus the bun on a baconator is a carb.
  • gmstarr1
    gmstarr1 Posts: 66 Member
    I don't hate carbs, and I don't think carbs are evil, but I've been on low carb diet since February. Even knowing that it's all about calories in versus calories out doesn't help me. If I eat carbs, I want more carbs. I don't have the discipline to stay on just a low calorie diet. I can say 'okay I'm going to go to Pizza Hut and have two pieces of pizza'. Well, two pieces of pizza ends up being four pieces and an order of breadsticks and a Coca-Cola. It's better for me if I just avoid them. :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I don't hate carbs, and I don't think carbs are evil, but I've been on low carb diet since February. Even knowing that it's all about calories in versus calories out doesn't help me. If I eat carbs, I want more carbs. I don't have the discipline to stay on just a low calorie diet. I can say 'okay I'm going to go to Pizza Hut and have two pieces of pizza'. Well, two pieces of pizza ends up being four pieces and an order of breadsticks and a Coca-Cola. It's better for me if I just avoid them. :)

    That's not the carbs. It's the evil, evil fats.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I don't hate carbs, and I don't think carbs are evil, but I've been on low carb diet since February. Even knowing that it's all about calories in versus calories out doesn't help me. If I eat carbs, I want more carbs. I don't have the discipline to stay on just a low calorie diet. I can say 'okay I'm going to go to Pizza Hut and have two pieces of pizza'. Well, two pieces of pizza ends up being four pieces and an order of breadsticks and a Coca-Cola. It's better for me if I just avoid them. :)

    Someday the smaller you will need to "deal with carbs".....or maybe you want to be low carb for life. IDK.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    You're telling me that, if you ate 20 baconators a day, you wouldn't gain weight because it's not carbs - it's all fat and "meat"/protein byproducts?


    No! each baconator is 840 calories. If you ate 20 baconators, that would be 16800 calories. You would gain weight cause you can't burn 16800 calories normally in a day. Plus the bun on a baconator is a carb.

    So you're telling me I can just take the buns off the 20 Baconators and then I'd lose weight? Don't try distracting me with your "facts," charlatan.
  • shortchange1
    shortchange1 Posts: 146 Member
    They are hated because people don't understand basic nutrition and how insulin really works.

    Exactly! To the misinformed carbs are equal to sweets, bread and pasta. Educate yourselves people! Vegetables and whole grains are mostly carbohydrates.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    You're telling me that, if you ate 20 baconators a day, you wouldn't gain weight because it's not carbs - it's all fat and "meat"/protein byproducts?


    No! each baconator is 840 calories. If you ate 20 baconators, that would be 16800 calories. You would gain weight cause you can't burn 16800 calories normally in a day. Plus the bun on a baconator is a carb.

    So you're telling me I can just take the buns off the 20 Baconators and then I'd lose weight? Don't try distracting me with your "facts," charlatan.

    it's OK to eat the buns if you follow up with an apple cleanse.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    You're telling me that, if you ate 20 baconators a day, you wouldn't gain weight because it's not carbs - it's all fat and "meat"/protein byproducts?


    Yes. That is clearly what people are saying. Calories don't count when bacon is involved.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    You're telling me that, if you ate 20 baconators a day, you wouldn't gain weight because it's not carbs - it's all fat and "meat"/protein byproducts?


    No! each baconator is 840 calories. If you ate 20 baconators, that would be 16800 calories. You would gain weight cause you can't burn 16800 calories normally in a day. Plus the bun on a baconator is a carb.

    So you're telling me I can just take the buns off the 20 Baconators and then I'd lose weight? Don't try distracting me with your "facts," charlatan.

    it's OK to eat the buns if you follow up with an apple cleanse.

    You must also ask for extra pickles, because the vinegar in the brine will prevent you from storing fat.
  • Everburg16
    Everburg16 Posts: 101
    Idk what they are but they make me fat.

    No, too many calories makes you fat. It doesn't matter if those calories are carbs, protein or fat.

    It's definitely the carbs. I know my body.

    Unless your body works differently than the standard human body, the biochemistry is the same. If carbs made one fat, all vegans would be fat. They eat almost nothing but carbs.

    But all bodies DO work differently. She may be like me; excess carbs DO make me fat(ter). I have insulin resistance, and my body doesn't use carbs right. They store my carbs in my mid-section over my belly button, so I have this fantastic "spare tire." LOL All the weight I've gained the past few years has been in that area - I had no idea, I thought I just had this weird, pregnant looking body. LOL
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Idk what they are but they make me fat.

    No, too many calories makes you fat. It doesn't matter if those calories are carbs, protein or fat.

    It's definitely the carbs. I know my body.

    Unless your body works differently than the standard human body, the biochemistry is the same. If carbs made one fat, all vegans would be fat. They eat almost nothing but carbs.

    But all bodies DO work differently. She may be like me; excess carbs DO make me fat(ter). I have insulin resistance, and my body doesn't use carbs right. They store my carbs in my mid-section over my belly button, so I have this fantastic "spare tire." LOL All the weight I've gained the past few years has been in that area - I had no idea, I thought I just had this weird, pregnant looking body. LOL

    No, we all have the same basic biology, with some minor differences, unless there is an actual medical issue present which prevents certain functions from working properly. What you're describing could be a medical issue. Has it been diagnosed by a doctor? Are you being treated for it? What is the prognosis for a cure, and would the cure then allow your body to function properly (ie. like everyone else's)?
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    But all bodies DO work differently. She may be like me; excess carbs DO make me fat(ter). I have insulin resistance, and my body doesn't use carbs right. They store my carbs in my mid-section over my belly button, so I have this fantastic "spare tire."

    I may be ignorant here, but if you are insulin resistant, how would the glucose in your blood be carried to the andipose to manufacture said fat? Rather, I thought insulant resistant subjects have high concentration of glucose in their blood and lead to hyperglycemia???

    What I do know for sure, in a normal functioning body (i.e. where insulin is doing its job), "excess carbs" are carried out of the blood where it is stored either as glycogen or Triglyceride in andipose cells (aka fat).

    Insulin stops the use of fat as an energy source by inhibiting the release of glucagon. Except in the presence of the metabolic disorder diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome, insulin is provided within the body in a constant proportion to remove excess glucose from the blood, which otherwise would be toxic.

    So if you are insulin resistant, the excess glucose is not removed and therefore cannot be stored as fat.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    The other point I forgot to make was, excess carbs make normal people "fat(ter)". Normal as in not having any metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance.
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    Idk what they are but they make me fat.

    No, too many calories makes you fat. It doesn't matter if those calories are carbs, protein or fat.

    It's definitely the carbs. I know my body.

    Unless your body works differently than the standard human body, the biochemistry is the same. If carbs made one fat, all vegans would be fat. They eat almost nothing but carbs.

    Tell me about a standard human body? I am Native, we are genetically disposed to diabetes, PCOS and other insulin related "disorders."

    My "standard human body" does not process carbs well. Period. Does yours? Awesome. But not everyone is the same. Of course I have to lower calories too, but for ME, carbs are a culprit.

    I don't hate carbs, they can come crash at my place any time, but the jerks never clean up after themselves, so I've stopped inviting them in. And it's working for me. And I'm going to regret replying to this post....
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    carbs wont make you fat unless you have a good amount of fiber. find out your bodies diet using this. http://www.customizedfatlosselite.com

    Never heard this. Fiber is a type of carb that human bodies don't have the correct enymes to break them down. so instead of absorbing them into the bloodstream to be used by our cells, they pass through our digestive system and out the poop chute into the toilet as solid waste. I fail to see the connection between excess carbs and fiber is fat production.

    Fiber makes you fuller so you have a less tendency to eat excess carbs and thus may provide success in weight loss. Other than that, again, I fail to see the connection.
  • healthyscratch1978
    Idk what they are but they make me fat.

    No, too many calories makes you fat. It doesn't matter if those calories are carbs, protein or fat.
    It's definitely the carbs. I know my body.

    Unless your body works differently than the standard human body, the biochemistry is the same. If carbs made one fat, all vegans would be fat. They eat almost nothing but carbs.

    But all bodies DO work differently. She may be like me; excess carbs DO make me fat(ter). I have insulin resistance, and my body doesn't use carbs right. They store my carbs in my mid-section over my belly button, so I have this fantastic "spare tire." LOL All the weight I've gained the past few years has been in that area - I had no idea, I thought I just had this weird, pregnant looking body. LOL

    No, we all have the same basic biology, with some minor differences, unless there is an actual medical issue present which prevents certain functions from working properly. What you're describing could be a medical issue. Has it been diagnosed by a doctor? Are you being treated for it? What is the prognosis for a cure, and would the cure then allow your body to function properly (ie. like everyone else's)?

    I'm sorry, but to pretend that everything is completely settled on this issue is just inaccurate. Nutritional science, in the loosest definition of the term, is about 200 years old. The idea that we need vitamins to survive is about 100--Doctors and Scientists thought that there was some bacteria at work affecting the vitamin-deficient. The first trials on the importance of amino acids on human beings happened in the 1940s. We've got what, about 3.5 million years of evolution playing out in each of our bodies? We're systems of systems of systems. There are dimly understood hormonal things going on, colonies of bacteria living in our guts, evolutionary adaptations to specific environments, etc. What works for most may not work forall, even if there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to support it.

    To pretend it's all cut and dried, written in stone and completely unassailable strikes me as a bit absurd. One of the great things about science is that it adapts to new information, and is always assailable.