cardio acceleration



  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    There is nothing inherently wrong with this type of training. It represents more of a "general" approach to fitness--i.e. a form of circuit training--so it is not a "one size fits all" program.

    It is another example of how the fitness business works. This approach is based (loosely) on one or two studies that looked at including a 60 sec cardio interval between sets of strength exercise. I can't remember any specific effects of "raising metabolism", but it did show that strength gains were a little higher and recovery a little faster. Like many studies, this used beginning exercisers. It also used IIRC selectorized machines for the strength exercises.

    So you have limited research that suggests an approach that might have some benefits for some groups. Nothing wrong with that, right?

    Then someone takes the idea, slaps a pithy name on it, puts up a website and--voila!--it's touted a "revolutionary" new program, the will "melt fat" and "torch metabolism".

    Unfortunately, this happens almost every day in the fitness "business". Someone takes a nice little concept that could be a useful approach for some people (I've used this routine myself with certain clients, after I read the original research when it was first published over a year ago), and turns it into something sleazy.

    Too bad.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I did not use the forum to judge your fitness level.

    Then what did you use to judge her fitness level?
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I do both cardio acceleration and HIIT in a weeks schedule. What I do not do is slow steady boring cardio.

    Boring is a very subjective term, a long run or a long bike ride are anything but boring........
    I did not use the forum to judge your fitness level.

    So then how did you judge her fitness level.....ESP?

    So sad that you have to stroke your own ego by turning fitness into a "mine is bigger than yours" type of conversation......
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    I did not use the forum to judge your fitness level.

    Then what did you use to judge her fitness level?

    Yes! I'm also wondering. :laugh:
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I used exactly how people are judging my fitness level on here which is the photos.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I do both cardio acceleration and HIIT in a weeks schedule. What I do not do is slow steady boring cardio.

    Boring is a very subjective term, a long run or a long bike ride are anything but boring........

    I'm going to have to agree with this. Have you ever ridedn a mountain bike on the edge of a cliff? Gone 40+mph down a dirt hill, narrowly avoiding trees? Have you ever gone hiking into the middle of nowhere, climbed a 2 mi long hill, then taken in the view? Have you ever swam across a lake? Have you ever gone surfing or white water kayaking?

    All of those are relatively steady-state cardio, and none of them are anything near boring.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I used exactly how people are judging my fitness level on here which is the photos.

    *Gasp!* No way! How could we possibly do that!? OH MY! With a forum, of course!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I do both cardio acceleration and HIIT in a weeks schedule. What I do not do is slow steady boring cardio.

    Boring is a very subjective term, a long run or a long bike ride are anything but boring........

    I'm going to have to agree with this. Have you ever ridedn a mountain bike on the edge of a cliff? Gone 40+mph down a dirt hill, narrowly avoiding trees? Have you ever gone hiking into the middle of nowhere, climbed a 2 mi long hill, then taken in the view? Have you ever swam across a lake? Have you ever gone surfing or white water kayaking?

    All of those are relatively steady-state cardio, and none of them are anything near boring.

    I live in Maryland. The good bike trails are far or out of state in.
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    I used exactly how people are judging my fitness level on here which is the photos.

    If you wanna judge, at least look at the person's profile. But hey, you aren't sharing yours...
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    I used exactly how people are judging my fitness level on here which is the photos.

    no one judged you, I commented on what exactly cardio acceleration was and how it was not for me. You then judged my fitness level.
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    I do both cardio acceleration and HIIT in a weeks schedule. What I do not do is slow steady boring cardio.

    Boring is a very subjective term, a long run or a long bike ride are anything but boring........

    I'm going to have to agree with this. Have you ever ridedn a mountain bike on the edge of a cliff? Gone 40+mph down a dirt hill, narrowly avoiding trees? Have you ever gone hiking into the middle of nowhere, climbed a 2 mi long hill, then taken in the view? Have you ever swam across a lake? Have you ever gone surfing or white water kayaking?

    All of those are relatively steady-state cardio, and none of them are anything near boring.

    +1 to this. And IMO better well rounded exercises/sport than any gym program trying to get you to do LESS to have MAXIMUM results.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I used exactly how people are judging my fitness level on here which is the photos.

    no one judged you, I commented on what exactly cardio acceleration was and how it was not for me. You then judged my fitness level.

    You said you need a 15 minute warmup Which did not make sense for a good fitness level.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I do both cardio acceleration and HIIT in a weeks schedule. What I do not do is slow steady boring cardio.

    Boring is a very subjective term, a long run or a long bike ride are anything but boring........

    I'm going to have to agree with this. Have you ever ridedn a mountain bike on the edge of a cliff? Gone 40+mph down a dirt hill, narrowly avoiding trees? Have you ever gone hiking into the middle of nowhere, climbed a 2 mi long hill, then taken in the view? Have you ever swam across a lake? Have you ever gone surfing or white water kayaking?

    All of those are relatively steady-state cardio, and none of them are anything near boring.

    I live in Maryland. The good bike trails are far or out of state in.

    LOL! Are you kidding? You live on the east coast! There are TONNES of epic trails out there. Are you saying there are 0 acres of forestland in your state? If you have a forest or conservatin area, or anything that resembles a small hill (or larger, of course), you will have extremely good trails to ride on.

    “Cynicism masquerades as wisdom, but it is the farthest thing from it. Because cynics don’t learn anything. Because cynicism is a self-imposed blindness, a rejection of the world because we are afraid it will hurt us or disappoint us.”
    ― Stephen Colbert
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    I used exactly how people are judging my fitness level on here which is the photos.

    no one judged you, I commented on what exactly cardio acceleration was and how it was not for me. You then judged my fitness level.

    You said you need a 15 minute warmup Which did not make sense for a good fitness level.

    Here is my fitness level

    101 mile ride in under 7 hours
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I used exactly how people are judging my fitness level on here which is the photos.

    no one judged you, I commented on what exactly cardio acceleration was and how it was not for me. You then judged my fitness level.

    You said you need a 15 minute warmup Which did not make sense for a good fitness level.

    Professional atheletes take 10-15 minutes to warm up. Heck, top level cyclists warm up for 30-45 minutes before a time trial.

    It's biology. No matter your fitness level, you need a solid, long warm up before you go all-out. If you think you're special because your fitness level is higher than everyone elses, then you are truely the definition of ignorance.
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    I used exactly how people are judging my fitness level on here which is the photos.

    no one judged you, I commented on what exactly cardio acceleration was and how it was not for me. You then judged my fitness level.

    You said you need a 15 minute warmup Which did not make sense for a good fitness level.

    Warmup time doesn't mean anything about fitness level.
    I do a 30-40 minutes warmup before my track speedwork.... Doesn,t mean I'm not in good shape, it means I'm smart enough to do anything I can to avoid stupid injuries.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    whats an example of a work out you do for cardio acceleration?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I do both cardio acceleration and HIIT in a weeks schedule. What I do not do is slow steady boring cardio.

    Boring is a very subjective term, a long run or a long bike ride are anything but boring........

    I'm going to have to agree with this. Have you ever ridedn a mountain bike on the edge of a cliff? Gone 40+mph down a dirt hill, narrowly avoiding trees? Have you ever gone hiking into the middle of nowhere, climbed a 2 mi long hill, then taken in the view? Have you ever swam across a lake? Have you ever gone surfing or white water kayaking?

    All of those are relatively steady-state cardio, and none of them are anything near boring.

    +1 to this. And IMO better well rounded exercises/sport than any gym program trying to get you to do LESS to have MAXIMUM results.

    You compare less duration exercising to minimum effort which is not the way I workout.
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    I used exactly how people are judging my fitness level on here which is the photos.

    no one judged you, I commented on what exactly cardio acceleration was and how it was not for me. You then judged my fitness level.

    You said you need a 15 minute warmup Which did not make sense for a good fitness level.

    Here is my fitness level

    101 mile ride in under 7 hours

    DUDE, you are awesome!!

    Here is my fitness level (and first marathon!):
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    I used exactly how people are judging my fitness level on here which is the photos.

    no one judged you, I commented on what exactly cardio acceleration was and how it was not for me. You then judged my fitness level.

    You said you need a 15 minute warmup Which did not make sense for a good fitness level.

    Warmup time doesn't mean anything about fitness level.
    I do a 30-40 minutes warmup before my track speedwork.... Doesn,t mean I'm not in good shape, it means I'm smart enough to do anything I can to avoid stupid injuries.


    I do at least 20 minutes stretching, mobility and then increase heart rate work before I do anything. Why? I avoid injury, get loose and get myself ready to kick *kitten* for as long as I want.