Starting Insanity 60 Day



  • ohaston
    ohaston Posts: 218 Member
    Hello ALL,
    I just received INSANITY This morning and would love to start. Is it too late?
    Inbox me if I can still join!

    This looks rather scary tho, But IM all IN ! ! ! ! !
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    Admittedly something has always confused me about Insanity and peoples approach to it.

    I watched a couple of insanity videos. I consider myself reasonably fit, I ran a 10k in close to 50 minutes, I can run for hours if need be, I work out 6 times a week, I am 170 pounds and 6' tall.

    I took one look at those videos and thought "Yeah, not quite in shape enough to do that". Then I come on MFP and see people who are just starting to diet and exercise going out and picking up Insanity. Many of these people are seriously overweight as well or have not exercised at all for years.

    No offense OP but can you actually do these workouts? I doubt I could and from your description yourself I think I'm probably in better shape. Why do people seek out the hardest thing they can possibly find and then slam their face against it repeatedly rather than finding a workout that better fits their level of fitness.

    I'm honestly not trying to be rude but seriously I think I probably could run a half marathon and I would say flat out I am not in good enough shape to do Insanity.

    Im in the same boat as you but I can do insanity - granted, I modify the push ups as I cant do a full one yet but thats about it. The question is why do you doubt your ability to do the workouts and why dont you try it and see before saying its too hard?
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Just be sure and stretch very good before you workout (including calf muscles). I injured myself twice doing that workout and have decided to not ever do it again. Best of luck to you though. In my honest opinion Insanity is more about the diet than the workout. I mean I barely broke 850 calories burned in most workouts. (I am 6'4" 225) My current workout exceeds 1250 calories six times a week and that affords me more wiggle room on food.

    I would say the stretching is highly subjective. For example I can't stretch before workout, I would most likely hurt myself.

    Agree stretching is subjective. I personally skip the stretching part prior to the workout now as static stretching prior to intense workouts has been proven to cause more injuries than it saves.
    This also saves me time in the mornings so its win/win.

    ETA I do my own dynamic stretching instead, which is much quicker than the Insanity routine.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    People with knee pain from Insanity should try doing it barefoot - modern running shoes could be the cause of your discomfort! Shaun T himself advocates barefoot training:

    I am all for barefoot training but really don't want to get into argument with other people on the net, especially those who look down on me just because I have never done a full marathon...LOL

    Puzzled by your comment here sorry? I don't see where full marathon comes from, probably me being dense!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    People with knee pain from Insanity should try doing it barefoot - modern running shoes could be the cause of your discomfort! Shaun T himself advocates barefoot training:

    I am all for barefoot training but really don't want to get into argument with other people on the net, especially those who look down on me just because I have never done a full marathon...LOL

    Puzzled by your comment here sorry? I don't see where full marathon comes from, probably me being dense!

    I was speaking in real life...when I brought up the subject of barefoot training, I had people who claimed to be marathon runners looked down on me...bascially saying that I don't know what real runners are going through. LOL, not in this thread, sorry about the confusion.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Just be sure and stretch very good before you workout (including calf muscles). I injured myself twice doing that workout and have decided to not ever do it again. Best of luck to you though. In my honest opinion Insanity is more about the diet than the workout. I mean I barely broke 850 calories burned in most workouts. (I am 6'4" 225) My current workout exceeds 1250 calories six times a week and that affords me more wiggle room on food.

    I would say the stretching is highly subjective. For example I can't stretch before workout, I would most likely hurt myself. On the others side, I do a lot of stretching AFTER workout. I just found out it works much better for me to stretch when all muscles are warmed up and my heart rate is up.
    Personally, I do more stretches than Shaun T does. I find his stretching routine too short and inadequate. He doesn't do any calf stretches which I miss the most after insanity workout. So I ended up doing the insanity stretching and then continue with my own stretching routine.

    I was wondering if he meant to say "warm-up"....stretching usually is more effective if your body is warm, right?
  • JessieJaeg
    JessieJaeg Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on day 20 today and haven't seen ANY weight loss :/ However I feel good, I can do the moves much better. I'm hoping my body kicks into gear in month two?!? I need to stop weighing myself every day and log every bit of food in my mouth. Regardless of numbers I feel a ton better!