1200 cal/day girls! Let's share our diaries!



  • RaJoCo
    RaJoCo Posts: 101 Member
    Add me..I'm doing 1246 cals a day. I'm sure you'll find my diary interesting and helpful. I cook all of my meals and you're sure to find great ideas and delicious healthy options in my food diary. No BLAND or BORING boiled chicken breasts here! ;)
  • catestewart4
    catestewart4 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me too! I shoot for 1200 calories a day. I cook abouit half the time, and if I don't I get healthy salads and stuff from the grocery store. I lost 20 pounds since college and only have couple more to lose. The last few are the hardest though!
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    Add me! Doing 1280ish. MFP gave me 1200 - but then I did a calculator thingy and got 1280. Im 5'5" and trying to lose a pound a week - but at this point, I'll take a half pound, as long as it's not going up.

    I eat back my exercise calories - and go over 1200 alot but only if it's alcholol :-(... Damn alcohol - it kills my caloric goal!!!

    Still been losing though so Im happy. Im not tired, Im not cranky, Im not hungy, and I have muscle. 1200 is a perfectly sustainable number for me. It's my lack of self control and comitment that kills me - I dont eat an entire bag of rasinets / jelyl beans / reses cups because Im hungry... I eat them because its there, and my self control sucks. And then i feel sick afterwards, but know i would eat a seocnd bag if it was there...and a third...and a fourth...

    I log daily and feel free to check it out, I would also like other's diarys to creep on and get some meal ideas! I like simple, packable, and stuff i can make on Sunday that will last all week :-)
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member

    Use the calculator on www.iifym.com

    The MFP calculators are awful. If you are 5'10" your BMR is much more than 1200.

    Could be doing yourself a huge disservice in the long run if you eat too little. Think about the nutrients alone, do you really think you are eating 100% of your vitamin A every day eating 1200 kcals, just as an example? It builds over time and you can end up malnourished.

    Anyway, use the calculators on www.iifym.com they are way more accurate.

    I can't work out due to an injury so I'm completely sedentary, I'm the same height as you and I'm currently cutting at 1680 with great success.

    i did mine and it says BMR is 1685 does that mean i need to eat that daily? im 5 foot 3 and weight right now 219.9 (as of this morning) female and 30

    YES! There are two things to look at - your BMR and your TDEE. Your TDEE is what you burn off doing normal, daily living things; your BMR is what you'd burn if you were completely sedentary, like bed ridden.

    These are the calories you need to live. Plus, if you were used to say a 3,000 calorie/day diet before you started the lifestyle change and then you all of a sudden went to 1,200 you would shock your body into rapid weightloss BUT our bodies are amazing in that they adapt very quickly to new caloric intakes. With this in mind, you will plateau and then you'd have to create another deficit to continue to lose weight. I am not saying 1,200 is wrong for you but when you go too much below your BMR you will lose fat, yes, but you may also start to lose lean body mass, essentially muscle, and that can cause further issues.

    I know what's right for me, well investigating and experiementing (it takes a lot of time to figure this out) but I don't know what's right for you - all I can say is to educate yourself surrounding what your body needs and then go from there!
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    Hello you can add me if you like. My diary is open to friends and I'm on 1200. However, the only way I like chicken breasts is boiled otherwise I feel that they are too dry. Good luck to ya! :flowerforyou:
  • sdb111
    sdb111 Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me... I'm in! Lets do this!
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Always check out mine, I stick to 1200 Mon to Thurs then just add wine at the weekends, but food still about the same level!!
    Currently at 145 lbs looking to slowly reduce to 139 lbs but in no hurry, more interested in getting some tone and shape...
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    My diary is public, don't know how helpful it will be though. :)
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    You can add me. I stay at around 1200. My Dr actually gave me that number so I know people are saying we can eat more, but my Dr has me on a certain diet because of medical issues.

    Anywho, anyone can feel free to add me. I will ask him about upping mine on Thursday when I have my check in appt.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Always check out mine, I stick to 1200 Mon to Thurs then just add wine at the weekends, but food still about the same level!!
    Currently at 145 lbs looking to slowly reduce to 139 lbs but in no hurry, more interested in getting some tone and shape...

    If you're looking to "tone" and "shape" eating 1,200 calories a day will lead you to huge disappointment - the only thing reducing calories does is weight loss.

    If you want to tone, really tone, LIFT! Lift 3 x week! My legs are big still, yes, but I hit 35% BF starting closer to 70% (yes, I was really, really unhealthy). I am not perfect - I have built an incredible amount of muscle and it's that muscle that will keep my weight off, not a calorie reduction.

    As a woman, YOU WILL NOT BULK, period. Only women who want to bulk, bulk. You will get into amazing shape with lifting.

    And if you're going to lift, for it to be effective you need to eat more than 1200 calories/day. I am 5'9 and currently eat about 2,000.
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    Hello ladies,

    You can add me. I was doing 1,200/day previously and tracking my food on Livestrong.com. I have only recently started tracking my food on MFP and I've bumped my calories up to 1,500 to be more appropriate with my TDEE and also because I'm trying to tone up a bit. I track EVERYTHING and weigh ALL of my food (other than prepackaged items). The rule that has helped me the most is to input my food BEFORE I eat it. I try to log an entire day's meal plan one day in advance. Though my intake is around 1,500, you can easily tailor it to suit your needs by removing some of my snacks. Some days I'll be around 1,300 if I'm slacking on the gym that week.
  • MsLaToya30
    MsLaToya30 Posts: 29
    You can add me. I'm going to be adding some of you ladies for support!
  • annziexo
    annziexo Posts: 90 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm on the 1200 and submit everyday :)
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member

    Use the calculator on www.iifym.com

    The MFP calculators are awful. If you are 5'10" your BMR is much more than 1200.

    Could be doing yourself a huge disservice in the long run if you eat too little. Think about the nutrients alone, do you really think you are eating 100% of your vitamin A every day eating 1200 kcals, just as an example? It builds over time and you can end up malnourished.

    Anyway, use the calculators on www.iifym.com they are way more accurate.

    I can't work out due to an injury so I'm completely sedentary, I'm the same height as you and I'm currently cutting at 1680 with great success.

    i did mine and it says BMR is 1685 does that mean i need to eat that daily? im 5 foot 3 and weight right now 219.9 (as of this morning) female and 30

    YES! There are two things to look at - your BMR and your RMR. Your BMR is what you burn off doing normal, daily living things; your RMR is what you'd burn if you were completely sedentary, like bed ridden.

    These are the calories you need to live. Plus, if you were used to say a 3,000 calorie/day diet before you started the lifestyle change and then you all of a sudden went to 1,200 you would shock your body into rapid weightloss BUT our bodies are amazing in that they adapt very quickly to new caloric intakes. With this in mind, you will plateau and then you'd have to create another deficit to continue to lose weight. I am not saying 1,200 is wrong for you but when you go too much below your BMR you will lose fat, yes, but you may also start to lose lean body mass, essentially muscle, and that can cause further issues.

    I know what's right for me, well investigating and experiementing (it takes a lot of time to figure this out) but I don't know what's right for you - all I can say is to educate yourself surrounding what your body needs and then go from there!

    BMR is at rest; see definition link http://www.yourdictionary.com/basal-metabolic-rate

    Not sure where you saw 'burn off during normal daily activity' and BMR but what was written by a poster is more in line with TDEE(total daily energy expenditure) Hope this helps.

    A helpful site for both these numbers and their calculations is fat2fit radio, see BMR calculators.
  • bekki29
    bekki29 Posts: 1
    I'm 35, 5ft 5", was 175lbs, now 146lbs - its been a LONG hard struggle but finally feel like I'm in the right mind set to do it this time - diary is a million times better than it used to be so feel free to add :-) x
  • mtdang
    mtdang Posts: 35 Member
    Please add me. I am into my 40s, new and have trouble with 1200, especially on days I don't exercise (rare but they happen).
    Good luck!
  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    Feel free to add me, I`m on 1200cal/day, log everyday. go over occasionally when I do huge exercise burns, but not generally in normal exercise.
  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member

    Feel free yo add me too. I am at 1200 cal per day and have logged everyday so far. Although I have gone over nowhere as bad as when I did not log so just the logging has been great.
    Need all the support I can get. Thanks out there
  • cranjo773
    cranjo773 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi ladies! I am attempting to start using myfitnesspal fresh again, today!, after not having been on for a very long time. I thought I'd join your group for support. I really need to lose about 70 lbs. I am doing this for many reasons, but one of the biggest being for my health. I really need to keep track of everything which has always been a challenge for me. I also need to be healthy for the sake of my family.
  • AlisaK27
    AlisaK27 Posts: 8 Member
    HI, I am wondering how you made your cute little butterfly counter, or any of them? Thanks, Alisa