I've only had 800 cals but I'm so FULL :(



  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I don't know what VLCD is, but I don't think I'm on it. You don't have any idea what I eat. You don't know all my medical stuff.

    My muscles get bigger. They have me doing weight-bearing stuff so the muscles will tug on the bones and make the bones stronger. They don't know if it will help, but if they think it's worth a shot, fine, I do it. I follow all the advice I've given by the doctors because I know they know more than I do.

    I have heard about people who like to fight on the Internet. I think you may be one. I will not participate.

    Have a good day.

    The issue is, you're suggesting an 800 calorie diet is an option for everyone - when you're obviously on it for intense medical issues that therefore should not be recommended to person without your exact medical issues (which you don't even seem to know the names of). It's dangerous and people around here aren't really a fan of harmful misinformation being spread around like facts.

    It's not that they want to fight - it's that your post was ignorant with a side of harmful.
    No. "The issue" is that this is craziness. You are chastising me for things I never said, lol.

    At no point did I suggest that I knew what anyone else ought to be doing. I am fully aware that I don't know anything about anyone else's condition. I also am aware that what is right for me may not be right for another.

    All I said was that it is possible to eat 800 calories a day and not be hungry.

    Why you're pretending I said something else, I have no idea.

    Why you're pretending I don't know the names of my different diagnoses, I am also not sure.

    I think you, too, want to fight and make mean-spirited, petty comments. I can't think of any other explanation.

    I like My Fitness Pal, but this is all craziness.

    I wish you all the best of luck, but I did not realize what I was jumping into. I'm jumping out. :)
  • 4mricandy
    4mricandy Posts: 159 Member
    What would Scooby Doo?
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    I don't know how much fat other people are supposed to eat, but I'm supposed to eat none, if possible. I usually do very well with that, but not always. Again, that's a medical thing and not a diet/nutrition thing. I have to balance my medical stuff with my dietary stuff, which is challenging at times. I don't always do it perfectly! But I do pretty well. :)

    I don't know how big your strawberries are ;) but mine aren't 100 calories a piece. I think blueberries are like 1 calorie a piece.

    I don't tailor my food to the calories. I eat what I eat and the calories work themselves out. I only really started keeping track of the calories recently.

    I know you're trying to be helpful, but I'm good. Really. I have doctors and a nutritionist and I'm doing fine. When I'm hungry, I eat. I just ate a strawberry and three blueberries. Chewed while I typed. I can fill up all I want on lettuce and berries and it hardly even registers on the calories. Medically and per the nutritionist, I can eat all the lettuce, fruit and veggies I want. So I do. I do NOT starve! When I'm hungry, I eat!! Sometimes, I will eat shredded lettuce just for the hell of it, the way some people eat chips or pretzels. I've even been known to dump some salsa in a bowl and dip my shredded lettuce in it, kind of like chips and dip. :)

    Given this info... I have questions.

    If you have a doctor and a nutritionist, and you and both of them are happy with what and how much you eat, WHY did you post this in the first place? Were you hoping to give other people who struggle to reduce their calories tips and ideas about the lettuce in salsa thing? Could you not have just asked if it was normal to feel satiated on 800 cals to your nutritionist? Could you not have asked your doctor and nutritionist if eating under 1200 calories a day is okay? They will actually KNOW the answers - as in they will have learned them from an accredited educational center (university)! They're better equipped than the majority of us to answer your questions. People typically go to forums when they don't have access to a professional. You have access.

    Just saying...
  • deliacm
    deliacm Posts: 66 Member
    With the amount of time some of these forum responders spend trolling threads to spout their infinite wisdom of everyone else's metabolism, perhaps they should apply to medical school and actually learn something about what they are talking about.

    If you have a question on whether 800 calories is possible or medically sound, talk to your doctors people, don't get medical advice from internet trolls.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    With the amount of time some of these forum responders spend trolling threads to spout their infinite wisdom of everyone else's metabolism, perhaps they should apply to medical school and actually learn something about what they are talking about.

    If you have a question on whether 800 calories is possible or medically sound, talk to your doctors people, don't get medical advice from internet trolls.

    Who is it that you think is trolling? I'm confused.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    What would Scooby Doo?

    He'd have a Scooby Snack, but only if it's before 7:00 p.m.
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    With the amount of time some of these forum responders spend trolling threads to spout their infinite wisdom of everyone else's metabolism, perhaps they should apply to medical school and actually learn something about what they are talking about.

    If you have a question on whether 800 calories is possible or medically sound, talk to your doctors people, don't get medical advice from internet trolls.
    Oh someone's angry. Funny you say don't get advice from trolls, then why are you on the forums?

    Also, you'd be surprised how many doctors, nurses and other medical professionals are on this forum.

    Also, also, people come looking for advice and other people give it. I'm pretty sure that's how it works. Or should everyone just respond with "you can do it, I support you, flowers and unicorns"?

    Why don't I have a supportive doctor who gives me flowers and unicorns? THIS ISN'T FAIR!!!

    I'm writing a nasty letter to... uh... mfp tech support, yeah! ... I want my flowery unicorn doctor!
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    I want your problem

    Can I have your problem please
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member

    Love it - Bill is like "what did I just hear?".
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    With the amount of time some of these forum responders spend trolling threads to spout their infinite wisdom of everyone else's metabolism, perhaps they should apply to medical school and actually learn something about what they are talking about.

    If you have a question on whether 800 calories is possible or medically sound, talk to your doctors people, don't get medical advice from internet trolls.

    I'm skeptical you know what an internet troll actually is, given your use of the term and the posts you're referring to, but regardless ...

    You can get away with eating 800 calories if you've got plenty of fat to lose, but it makes it incredibly difficult to get enough micronutrients and it's not going to be fun. The bulk of your calories are going to be sources of nearly pure protein and vegetables, as you don't have room for anything else with a VLCD. You're going to run a high risk of developing malnutrition and you run the risk of pushing your deficit to the point that your body starts looking to your lean mass for energy. Even on a lot of popular commercial VLCD programs, malnutrition is not uncommon. If you take average Joe's who just decides to do a VLCD and still eats pizza and other foods every day, you're really rolling the dice when it comes to malnutrition.

    So, is it possible for some people to lose weight on 800 calories without major negative repercussions? Sure. Is it sound advice for the average forum goer to try and diet on 800 calories/day? Hell no.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    With the amount of time some of these forum responders spend trolling threads to spout their infinite wisdom of everyone else's metabolism, perhaps they should apply to medical school and actually learn something about what they are talking about.

    If you have a question on whether 800 calories is possible or medically sound, talk to your doctors people, don't get medical advice from internet trolls.


    and yes this is really what my face is doing right now...

    to the OP...it is 6:30pm where I am...I haven't eaten dinner yet...but it's 7pm in Newfoundland...see it's 7pm somewhere...

    *off to cook pasta with white sauce, shrimp, lobster, cheese, peppers, onions and mushrooms in bacon fat for dinner...to eat after 7pm

    edited for grammer.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    I notice that if I dont wake up at a decent hour I have a harder time filling my day up with food. Try to keep your days consistent on waking and sleeping that may help. And who said you had to stop eating at 7pm? That doesnt provide any benefits unless you have acid reflux at night...
  • cheeks102490
    cheeks102490 Posts: 11 Member
    So far I've only had 800 or so calories for the day and my belly is so full. I had fajita chicken and bell peppers with brown rice and Sriracha at 2 pm and I've stayed full since. Now dinner is coming and I'm not even hungry. There's a box of cookies here in front of me and I don't even want them. I feel totally satisfied, and I'm not TRYING to limit myself, I just don't feel like I can pack any more food into me before 7 pm. And no I haven't exercised today. Do I have to eat to meet 1200 even if I'm not hungry?? Ahhh! Please give me some advice!

    Advice? Eat more and don't melodramatically drama-queen the forums for attention.

    Drama-queen the forums for attention? I simply asked a question. You have some people telling you to stop eating if you're full , and others telling you to find a way to pack the extra calories in, or else. I am getting so much mixed information from different users, and still no answers. FYI: I am eating A LOT of food like eggs, vegetables, beans, wheat bread, and fruit. I'm not going around saying "I've eaten 3 celery stalks today and I'm SOOOO FULLLL!!"
    My issue is how frustrating it is that I'm eating so much and still falling short on calories.
    Sorry if my sincere question was "dramatic." to you
  • GenF32
    GenF32 Posts: 184 Member
    So far I've only had 800 or so calories for the day and my belly is so full. I had fajita chicken and bell peppers with brown rice and Sriracha at 2 pm and I've stayed full since. Now dinner is coming and I'm not even hungry. There's a box of cookies here in front of me and I don't even want them. I feel totally satisfied, and I'm not TRYING to limit myself, I just don't feel like I can pack any more food into me before 7 pm. And no I haven't exercised today. Do I have to eat to meet 1200 even if I'm not hungry?? Ahhh! Please give me some advice!

    Advice? Eat more and don't melodramatically drama-queen the forums for attention.

    Drama-queen the forums for attention? I simply asked a question. You have some people telling you to stop eating if you're full , and others telling you to find a way to pack the extra calories in, or else. I am getting so much mixed information from different users, and still no answers. FYI: I am eating A LOT of food like eggs, vegetables, beans, wheat bread, and fruit. I'm not going around saying "I've eaten 3 celery stalks today and I'm SOOOO FULLLL!!"
    My issue is how frustrating it is that I'm eating so much and still falling short on calories.
    Sorry if my sincere question was "dramatic." to you

    You are NOT falling short on calories though! Your diet sounds perfectly balanced to me but if you're not weighing your food, you're underestimating its calorie content. There is just no way you can be eating the things you're saying you're eating and be so far under your calorie goal.

    Please take this advice from people who have walked this walk and lost the weight with ACCURACY.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    So far I've only had 800 or so calories for the day and my belly is so full. I had fajita chicken and bell peppers with brown rice and Sriracha at 2 pm and I've stayed full since. Now dinner is coming and I'm not even hungry. There's a box of cookies here in front of me and I don't even want them. I feel totally satisfied, and I'm not TRYING to limit myself, I just don't feel like I can pack any more food into me before 7 pm. And no I haven't exercised today. Do I have to eat to meet 1200 even if I'm not hungry?? Ahhh! Please give me some advice!

    Advice? Eat more and don't melodramatically drama-queen the forums for attention.

    Drama-queen the forums for attention? I simply asked a question. You have some people telling you to stop eating if you're full , and others telling you to find a way to pack the extra calories in, or else. I am getting so much mixed information from different users, and still no answers. FYI: I am eating A LOT of food like eggs, vegetables, beans, wheat bread, and fruit. I'm not going around saying "I've eaten 3 celery stalks today and I'm SOOOO FULLLL!!"
    My issue is how frustrating it is that I'm eating so much and still falling short on calories.
    Sorry if my sincere question was "dramatic." to you

    But no one gains weight because they can't figure out how to inhale some calories. Well so long as there isn't some medical issue in place I guess. You've imposed all these rules on yourself and are now frustrated. And what in the world happens at 7!

    You won't go into starvation mode. But you should fuel your body and not be all eating disordery. And unfortunately some people may take your understandably sincere question as a slap in the face, as in wouldn't it be great to eat 800 cals of non-gag-licious food; I'd weigh 110 lbs in no time with zero effort. But alas. :sad:
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    With the amount of time some of these forum responders spend trolling threads to spout their infinite wisdom of everyone else's metabolism, perhaps they should apply to medical school and actually learn something about what they are talking about.

    If you have a question on whether 800 calories is possible or medically sound, talk to your doctors people, don't get medical advice from internet trolls.

    What if I already have a doctorate? Do I have to get another one?

    You no I think without knowing "everyone else's metabolism" I think I can be safe in saying that one should not publically validate 800 calorie diets as someone being okay to random strangers on the internet. Yeah I'm pretty confident I can say that.