I can't get drunk



  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    Sounds like a build up of tollerance to me. How often do you really drink?

    In the past 7 months about 1/10th of what I used to. But even still it is so inconsistent. When I drank before it would usually be 3-5 drinks sometimes a few days in a row or there might be weeks in between drinks and the occasional more at a big party. The biggest change has been only having one drink instead of a few. Again, there can be weeks in between drinks. I calculated the 1/10th by 5 drinks x 2 days = 10 and now it would be one drink for one day. My drinking on average probably went from 10-15 drinks a month to 1-2 per month. There is still a lot of inconsistency.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    oops..double post.
    liquid breakfast

    I lOVE a good breakfast beer.

    Reading some of these posts I'm reminded that 'merica was founded by puritanical types. :laugh:
  • KiminNorCal
    KiminNorCal Posts: 40 Member
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Alcohol is so faux paus and demonized in American culture that anything over 2-3 drinks a week is considered clinical alcoholism.

    So silly and ridiculous.

    Don't worry about everyone saying you're going to die from drinking a bottle of wine.

    That's not how it works.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Alcohol is so faux paus and demonized in American culture that anything over 2-3 drinks a week is considered clinical alcoholism.

    So silly and ridiculous.

    Don't worry about everyone saying you're going to die from drinking a bottle of wine.

    That's not how it works.

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Alcohol is so faux paus and demonized in American culture that anything over 2-3 drinks a week is considered clinical alcoholism.

    So silly and ridiculous.

    Don't worry about everyone saying you're going to die from drinking a bottle of wine.

    That's not how it works.

    That is not alcoholism. I think you may be confusing the medical guidelines on drinking as it relates to health issues for people saying it is alcoholism.

    It also depends on the person. For me the guidelines of what I can drink is less than what is generally recommended because I am very small. A much smaller amount of alcohol raises my BAC.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Sounds like a build up of tollerance to me. How often do you really drink?

    In the past 7 months about 1/10th of what I used to. But even still it is so inconsistent. When I drank before it would usually be 3-5 drinks sometimes a few days in a row or there might be weeks in between drinks and the occasional more at a big party. The biggest change has been only having one drink instead of a few. Again, there can be weeks in between drinks. I calculated the 1/10th by 5 drinks x 2 days = 10 and now it would be one drink for one day. My drinking on average probably went from 10-15 drinks a month to 1-2 per month. There is still a lot of inconsistency.

    So since you have been dieting for the past 7 months, you only have one or two drinks per month?
    I've been dieting for 7 months straight now with daily calories between 1000-1550 per day and the occasional 2000 calorie day. I've cut way back on my drinking because of the calories. But the few times I've drank heavily, Super Bowl Sunday and last night in particular, I allocated for the calories but couldn't even catch a buzz. At Super Bowl I was drinking vodka and Crystal Light, last night I drank an entire bottle of red wine. There have been at least a half dozen other times since the diet that I've felt like it was a total waste of time and calories. Any thoughts? Any medical reasons why dieting deters drunkeness?

    So here you say that on at least 8 occasions over the past 7 months, you have drank in excess? So more than one drink a month?

    Both of these times I was NOT TRYING to get DRUNK.

    oh really?
    I've felt like it was a total waste of time and calories. Any thoughts? Any medical reasons why dieting deters drunkeness?

    You seem to be in a lot of denial about your drinking habits. Buzzed is just code for drunk. If you drink a whole bottle of wine and get behind the wheel, you are LEGALLY DRUNK. Whether or not you FEEL drunk, doesn't matter. You risk your life and the life of everyone else on the road. I sincerely hope you are not driving when you go out drinking. It would not surprise me if you do not already have a history of DUI, as by your description, you were drinking 10 times more before you started restricting 7 months ago.

    You are 49 years old. You are not a college party girl anymore. You have definitely built up quite a tolerance to alcohol, which is not a good sign as far as your health goes. You should be very concerned that you feel nothing after a whole bottle of wine. Your liver is in hyperdrive right now, filtering out the poisons in the alcohol you are consuming. It will probably not last you much longer at this rate. There is no dialysis for liver failure. The only remedy is a liver transplant, but it you are an alcoholic, you are not very high on the waiting list, if you can even be put on the list.

    You are also at high risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes, and pancreatitis, as well as high risk for pancreatic cancer (no cure), stomach cancer, liver cancer, bladder cancer, brain cancer, and also kidney failure and other organ failure.

    You and others on here might call this post judgmental. I am not a tee-totaller when it comes to social drinking, but your habits and your attitude toward alcohol is not normal for a 49 yr old woman. If you are honest with yourself, I am sure that you would see alcohol use causing you problems in your family and friend relationships, your health, your job, and perhaps even legal issues.

    I have seen up close, with too many loved ones, how alcohol abuse can destroy your life.

    Here is a good website with info on sensible alcohol use.

  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member

    Glad you feel comfortable making all those conclusions based on a couple of message board posts. Especially the stuff about the DUIs...
  • earthboundmisfit
    earthboundmisfit Posts: 192 Member
    I can't get drunk except on hard liquor, if your intention is to get drunk you might have to switch to that. I can't drink any more, it got me into trouble plus the empty calories really put weight on me.:sad:
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    I've been dieting for 7 months straight now with daily calories between 1000-1550 per day and the occasional 2000 calorie day. I've cut way back on my drinking because of the calories. But the few times I've drank heavily, Super Bowl Sunday and last night in particular, I allocated for the calories but couldn't even catch a buzz. At Super Bowl I was drinking vodka and Crystal Light, last night I drank an entire bottle of red wine. There have been at least a half dozen other times since the diet that I've felt like it was a total waste of time and calories. Any thoughts? Any medical reasons why dieting deters drunkeness?

    You're not buzzed off of a bottle of red wine. Are you Irish?

    What's wrong with the Irish?
  • mucirl
    mucirl Posts: 17 Member
    I've been dieting for 7 months straight now with daily calories between 1000-1550 per day and the occasional 2000 calorie day. I've cut way back on my drinking because of the calories. But the few times I've drank heavily, Super Bowl Sunday and last night in particular, I allocated for the calories but couldn't even catch a buzz. At Super Bowl I was drinking vodka and Crystal Light, last night I drank an entire bottle of red wine. There have been at least a half dozen other times since the diet that I've felt like it was a total waste of time and calories. Any thoughts? Any medical reasons why dieting deters drunkeness?

    You're not buzzed off of a bottle of red wine. Are you Irish?

    "I am Irish " and after a celebration with 1 bottle of wine last night I am feeling dreadful today . I find I just can't drink volumes any more without it taking days to recover . Still love a glass of vino though!!!
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member

    Glad you feel comfortable making all those conclusions based on a couple of message board posts. Especially the stuff about the DUIs...

  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    I can't get drunk except on hard liquor, if your intention is to get drunk you might have to switch to that. I can't drink any more, it got me into trouble plus the empty calories really put weight on me.:sad:

    Empty? They are energy! Wine has antioxidants.
    I am sure that you would see alcohol use causing you problems in your family and friend relationships, your health, your job, and perhaps even legal issues.
    No not once. Unless you consider turning down a drink causing problems with family, friends and job.

    My liver is great and my risk for diabetes has been ruled out by a Northwestern University study that said I wasn't worth tracking for the next 6 years because my blood results were too good.
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    I can't get drunk except on hard liquor, if your intention is to get drunk you might have to switch to that. I can't drink any more, it got me into trouble plus the empty calories really put weight on me.:sad:

    Empty? They are energy! Wine has antioxidants.
    I am sure that you would see alcohol use causing you problems in your family and friend relationships, your health, your job, and perhaps even legal issues.
    No not once. Unless you consider turning down a drink causing problems with family, friends and job.

    My liver is great and my risk for diabetes has been ruled out by a Northwestern University study that said I wasn't worth tracking for the next 6 years because my blood results were too good.


    is that what you want to hear??
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Go see your doctor and ask him why you can't get drunk. Maybe he can figure it out.
  • petter26
    petter26 Posts: 9
    Over 600 calories in a bottle of wine...
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    Over 600 calories in a bottle of wine...

    Which is less than a Big Mac and fries. Or one Pina Colada. I allocated for the calories.

    Some people are alcoholics. I am not. However, I do have an addiction to sugar, carbs and food. Alcohol does have sugar but it doesn't trigger binges for me or negative consequences. For some bizarre reason I can stop drinking so easily when I exceed my calorie goals. However if you put a box of Little Debbie Swiss Rolls in front of me and I have one bite, I cannot stop until they are gone.

    I don't understand why so many people get up in arms about drinking and destroying your liver and a bottle of wine occasionally is going to kill me and yet when it comes to sweets, breads and carbs they say "Everything in moderation." My pet peeve is that saying. Giving up alcohol far easier for me than giving up carbs because you don't need alcohol in your life. You need food. Too much fruit sets me off with cravings.

    If you who suggest I have an alcohol problem are also the same people that say "everything in moderation" or "there are no such thing as bad foods" than you don't know a thing about addiction. I'm dealing with my addiction one day at a time. If I didn't let off a little steam with a bottle of wine, I could have easily abandoned the weight loss effort because I'm just exhausted from doing it every single day for over 7 months. Even though I didn't even get a buzz (which a bottle should have made me drunk - hence the title), I woke up the next morning feeling great and ready to exercise and eat right.
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    Over 600 calories in a bottle of wine...

    Which is less than a Big Mac and fries. Or one Pina Colada. I allocated for the calories.

    Some people are alcoholics. I am not. However, I do have an addiction to sugar, carbs and food. Alcohol does have sugar but it doesn't trigger binges for me or negative consequences. For some bizarre reason I can stop drinking so easily when I exceed my calorie goals. However if you put a box of Little Debbie Swiss Rolls in front of me and I have one bite, I cannot stop until they are gone.

    I don't understand why so many people get up in arms about drinking and destroying your liver and a bottle of wine occasionally is going to kill me and yet when it comes to sweets, breads and carbs they say "Everything in moderation." My pet peeve is that saying. Giving up alcohol far easier for me than giving up carbs because you don't need alcohol in your life. You need food. Too much fruit sets me off with cravings.

    If you who suggest I have an alcohol problem are also the same people that say "everything in moderation" or "there are no such thing as bad foods" than you don't know a thing about addiction. I'm dealing with my addiction one day at a time. If I didn't let off a little steam with a bottle of wine, I could have easily abandoned the weight loss effort because I'm just exhausted from doing it every single day for over 7 months. Even though I didn't even get a buzz (which a bottle should have made me drunk - hence the title), I woke up the next morning feeling great and ready to exercise and eat right.

    Why are you spending so much time and effort defending yourself?

    When you come into the forums saying how much you drank,and how you didn't get drunk, as an alcoholic myself, my first reaction is that you need to evaluate why you're drinking.

    When you quit drinking for the taste and to enjoy the drink, and instead drink for the sole purpose of getting drunk, it's time to take a step back and think about things.

    If you want to drink, drink. Quit spending so much time trying to justify it...it's not healthy.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    fwiw: if you are going through menopause, or taking HRT of any kind, you*may* find that your tolerance goes up.
    Interesting thought about menopause although not the case yet. However, I can say some times of the month I can hardly drink anything without feeling nauseous. I think you hit the nail on the head with female timing.

    Yes, for me, the time leading up to ovulation I'm a light weight and the time leading up to my period 2 glasses of wine and I'm loopy, the same amount affects me much less.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Yeah this is me. BUT my mind still thinks I can drink the same amount. This has led to both interesting evenings and turrible mornings.

    I love your ticker.