Do carbs make you fat?

I have been on every type of diet and have lost and gained a significant amount of weight several times. However I find it impossible to loose weight unless I do some sort of low carb diet. I love carbs and have tried any and every diet out there to try and include carbs. Reducing my calories doesn't work I've tried all different calorie ranges even going below the commonly recommended 1200 min and nothing but low carbs seems to work. It just drives me nuts when I hear it's all about calories from experts or anyone for that matter because that's not the case for me. I realize I may differ from the norm and this calorie counting May work for most people. I'm just frustrated and trying to learn more. My question is has anyone else experienced this? Or come across research that indicates why this is. I've heard that some people metabolize certain foods better than others and I know my body and what I need to do to get the numbers moving just trying to get more information on what's going on.

Thanks for any insight experiences or advice you may have


  • LaneB89
    LaneB89 Posts: 93 Member
    It just drives me nuts when I hear it's all about calories from experts or anyone for that matter because that's not the case for me.

    Yes it is, it's the case for every human being. Different peoples' bodies do not work differently on such a fundamental level as how and what they burn for energy. Calories are literally units of energy - your body doesn't burn specifically fats, carbs, or proteins, it burns units of energy. High carb can cause more intense fluctuations in water weight which maybe masked weight loss for you, or you just weren't counting accurately or didn't give it enough time to see a change. I personally find it impossible to see a change in weight on a daily or even weekly basis and always feel like I'm "stalling", but when I look at a long term graph of my trending weight it's always in a decline.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    No, carbs do not make you fat. Eating too much makes you fat. And it doesn't matter if you eliminate all kinds of breads, sweets, etc. You still need to track calories, because it is possible to over eat no matter what type of diet you choose to follow (despite what some may say). It is all about calories in and calories out. You just need to figure out your calories in and your calories out accurately, so you can create a deficit.

    If you aren't already, I suggest buying a food scale and weighing all your solids including things like peanut butter. Use measuring spoons and cups for liquids. Until you get a good handle on how much you are really eating, it is difficult to know whether you are in a deficit or not.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It just drives me nuts when I hear it's all about calories from experts or anyone for that matter because that's not the case for me.

    Yes it is, it's the case for every human being. Different peoples' bodies do not work differently on such a fundamental level as how and what they burn for energy. Calories are literally units of energy - your body doesn't burn specifically fats, carbs, or proteins, it burns units of energy. High carb can cause more intense fluctuations in water weight which maybe masked weight loss for you, or you just weren't counting accurately or didn't give it enough time to see a change. I personally find it impossible to see a change in weight on a daily or even weekly basis and always feel like I'm "stalling", but when I look at a long term graph of my trending weight it's always in a decline.

    What evidence do you have that every person's body responds the same to all food calories, regardless of the source?

    ETA: While you are correct that the body burns units of energy, that is not the same as saying that every calorie from food we eat is processed or used by the body the same in each of us. The human body is a very complex organism and what happens to those food calories can vary from human to human.
  • mr_mitch
    mr_mitch Posts: 176 Member
    It just drives me nuts when I hear it's all about calories from experts or anyone for that matter because that's not the case for me.

    Yes it is, it's the case for every human being. Different peoples' bodies do not work differently on such a fundamental level as how and what they burn for energy. Calories are literally units of energy - your body doesn't burn specifically fats, carbs, or proteins, it burns units of energy. High carb can cause more intense fluctuations in water weight which maybe masked weight loss for you, or you just weren't counting accurately or didn't give it enough time to see a change. I personally find it impossible to see a change in weight on a daily or even weekly basis and always feel like I'm "stalling", but when I look at a long term graph of my trending weight it's always in a decline.

    Exactly this.

    I don't mean to sound harsh but if counting calories, down to 1200 doesn't cause you to lose weigh then you're eating more than 1200. Its as simple as that. Inaccurate logging most likely.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    In to read after it erupts.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    It just drives me nuts when I hear it's all about calories from experts or anyone for that matter because that's not the case for me.

    Yes it is, it's the case for every human being. Different peoples' bodies do not work differently on such a fundamental level as how and what they burn for energy. Calories are literally units of energy - your body doesn't burn specifically fats, carbs, or proteins, it burns units of energy. High carb can cause more intense fluctuations in water weight which maybe masked weight loss for you, or you just weren't counting accurately or didn't give it enough time to see a change. I personally find it impossible to see a change in weight on a daily or even weekly basis and always feel like I'm "stalling", but when I look at a long term graph of my trending weight it's always in a decline.


    Low carb prompts a bunch of water weight up front. So it "appears" to be more effective than regular dieting. Go back to eating carbs again.....and water weight comes back. So it "appears" carbs make you fat.

    Stop the yo-yo by picking a plan that changes "something" permanently. Lifestyle changes help you maintain a weight loss. I've been a yo-yo too. So I know what you are going thru. I manage carbs because I know I wouldn't be low carb forever.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Food makes you fat if you eat too much. Thats it.
  • LaneB89
    LaneB89 Posts: 93 Member
    It just drives me nuts when I hear it's all about calories from experts or anyone for that matter because that's not the case for me.

    Yes it is, it's the case for every human being. Different peoples' bodies do not work differently on such a fundamental level as how and what they burn for energy. Calories are literally units of energy - your body doesn't burn specifically fats, carbs, or proteins, it burns units of energy. High carb can cause more intense fluctuations in water weight which maybe masked weight loss for you, or you just weren't counting accurately or didn't give it enough time to see a change. I personally find it impossible to see a change in weight on a daily or even weekly basis and always feel like I'm "stalling", but when I look at a long term graph of my trending weight it's always in a decline.

    What evidence do you have that every person's body responds the same to all food calories, regardless of the source?

    The numerous peer-reviewed studies that have been done that all show parity in diet effectiveness despite different macronutrient breakdowns. Barring a medical condition, macros do not matter in terms of weight loss. And even in those cases where they do matter, they only matter to a small extent, and the mechanisms that make one macro "better" for weight loss than another in a person with a medical condition are usually mechanisms of increased RMR, which all comes back to calories in vs. calories out.
  • Muzica1959
    Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
    It honestly is all about calories in-calories out. That being said, carbohydrates are energy. There are good carbs and bad carbs. All carbs are not created equal when it comes to delivering energy to our bodies. Fresh fruits, veggies and whole grain will give you more bang for your buck than processed, sugary, starchy carbs and junk food carbs. Go to the database and put in your favorite junk food item, then put in a good amount of your favorite healthy vegetable dish...not laden with fats and oils. Broccoli, cauliflower, carrot medley is packed with vitamins but cost very little in the way of calories. An orange has less calories than the same amount of chocolate per gram or ounces but has much more in the way of vitamins and minerals.

    I have done low carb before and at first what you are losing is water weight. You have a big quick loss then it begins to slow down. As for as under 1200 calories, that is not healthy eating and does not give the body enough energy, nutrients and vitamins to sustain a healthy metabolism for very long.
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    For me, yes. I've figured out I'm insulin resistant and cannot consume a certain amount of carbs per day.

    Add me if u want. Been doing this 3 years now and have lots of stuff to share with u :-)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It just drives me nuts when I hear it's all about calories from experts or anyone for that matter because that's not the case for me.

    Yes it is, it's the case for every human being. Different peoples' bodies do not work differently on such a fundamental level as how and what they burn for energy. Calories are literally units of energy - your body doesn't burn specifically fats, carbs, or proteins, it burns units of energy. High carb can cause more intense fluctuations in water weight which maybe masked weight loss for you, or you just weren't counting accurately or didn't give it enough time to see a change. I personally find it impossible to see a change in weight on a daily or even weekly basis and always feel like I'm "stalling", but when I look at a long term graph of my trending weight it's always in a decline.

    What evidence do you have that every person's body responds the same to all food calories, regardless of the source?

    The numerous peer-reviewed studies that have been done that all show parity in diet effectiveness despite different macronutrient breakdowns. Barring a medical condition, macros do not matter in terms of weight loss. And even in those cases where they do matter, they only matter to a small extent, and the mechanisms that make one macro "better" for weight loss than another in a person with a medical condition are usually mechanisms of increased RMR, which all comes back to calories in vs. calories out.

    Can you explain exactly what you mean by "calories in"? And what medical conditions would matter?
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Carbs only make you fat if you're in a calorie surplus and only eat carbs. Regardless of your personal (unscientific) opinion, it really is calories in vs. Calories out, where those calories come from is completely irrelevant in terms of weight loss. To the extent that you actually believe that carbs make you fat, it's just an excuse. Get a scale, weigh and log all your food, and feel free to eat all the carbs you want. I bet if you do that and refuse to make excuses you'll lose weight, but it's all about consistency and holding yourself accountable.

  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    Carbs do not make you fat. I either hit my carb intake or was over and still managed to loose 16 lbs. It's about moderation.
  • LaneB89
    LaneB89 Posts: 93 Member
    It just drives me nuts when I hear it's all about calories from experts or anyone for that matter because that's not the case for me.

    Yes it is, it's the case for every human being. Different peoples' bodies do not work differently on such a fundamental level as how and what they burn for energy. Calories are literally units of energy - your body doesn't burn specifically fats, carbs, or proteins, it burns units of energy. High carb can cause more intense fluctuations in water weight which maybe masked weight loss for you, or you just weren't counting accurately or didn't give it enough time to see a change. I personally find it impossible to see a change in weight on a daily or even weekly basis and always feel like I'm "stalling", but when I look at a long term graph of my trending weight it's always in a decline.

    What evidence do you have that every person's body responds the same to all food calories, regardless of the source?

    The numerous peer-reviewed studies that have been done that all show parity in diet effectiveness despite different macronutrient breakdowns. Barring a medical condition, macros do not matter in terms of weight loss. And even in those cases where they do matter, they only matter to a small extent, and the mechanisms that make one macro "better" for weight loss than another in a person with a medical condition are usually mechanisms of increased RMR, which all comes back to calories in vs. calories out.

    Can you explain exactly what you mean by "calories in"? And what medical conditions would matter?

    Calories in = calories consumed, i.e. food eaten. Medical conditions that would matter would be primarily diabetes, insulin resistance, and thyroid conditions, although I think thyroid conditions just alter your metabolic rate moreso than change your response to certain macros. There may be other conditions but I'm not a doctor so I haven't bothered to extensively research the matter.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    It just drives me nuts when I hear it's all about calories from experts or anyone for that matter because that's not the case for me.

    Yes it is, it's the case for every human being. Different peoples' bodies do not work differently on such a fundamental level as how and what they burn for energy. Calories are literally units of energy - your body doesn't burn specifically fats, carbs, or proteins, it burns units of energy. High carb can cause more intense fluctuations in water weight which maybe masked weight loss for you, or you just weren't counting accurately or didn't give it enough time to see a change. I personally find it impossible to see a change in weight on a daily or even weekly basis and always feel like I'm "stalling", but when I look at a long term graph of my trending weight it's always in a decline.

    What evidence do you have that every person's body responds the same to all food calories, regardless of the source?

    The numerous peer-reviewed studies that have been done that all show parity in diet effectiveness despite different macronutrient breakdowns. Barring a medical condition, macros do not matter in terms of weight loss. And even in those cases where they do matter, they only matter to a small extent, and the mechanisms that make one macro "better" for weight loss than another in a person with a medical condition are usually mechanisms of increased RMR, which all comes back to calories in vs. calories out.

    Can you explain exactly what you mean by "calories in"? And what medical conditions would matter?

    Calories in = calories consumed, i.e. food eaten. Medical conditions that would matter would be primarily diabetes, insulin resistance, and thyroid conditions, although I think thyroid conditions just alter your metabolic rate moreso than change your response to certain macros. There may be other conditions but I'm not a doctor so I haven't bothered to extensively research the matter.

    I have Hashimoto's and Hypothyroid - I can attest it is still calories in and calories out. Just takes a litttle longer for us ;) but it still works ... Let me add a disclaimer IF IT IS CONTROLLED... if thyroid isn't controlled then it is a whole other matter...
  • Novus175
    Novus175 Posts: 80
    Carbs do not make you fat. Eating above your maintenance calories makes you fat. However, macronutrient management is crucial. Varying degrees of macronutients is the primary difference between all the diet plans on the market. What diet plan works for you depends on what macronutrient percentage works best for your body.

    Carbs raise your blood glucose. When your blood glucose goes up, your body releases insulin to lower it. Insulin causes the body to store carbohydrates as fat because it activates a fat storage enzyme, lipoprotein lipase. Insulin also inhibits the body from being able to draw on stored fat for energy.

    Whether a low carb diet will work for you depends on how much carbs impact your blood glucose and how your body responds to the insulin that is released because of elevated blood glucose. People who are carb sensitive and/or insulin resistant find that a low carb diet is the best (and often only) way to lose weight.

    It is not strictly necessary to reduce your carbs to a ketogenic-inducing level, as in the Atkins diet. Many scientists/theorists/researchers believe that a carb amount below 100g/day is low enough to produce desired glucose management and weight loss.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    It just drives me nuts when I hear it's all about calories from experts or anyone for that matter because that's not the case for me.

    Yes it is, it's the case for every human being. Different peoples' bodies do not work differently on such a fundamental level as how and what they burn for energy. Calories are literally units of energy - your body doesn't burn specifically fats, carbs, or proteins, it burns units of energy. High carb can cause more intense fluctuations in water weight which maybe masked weight loss for you, or you just weren't counting accurately or didn't give it enough time to see a change. I personally find it impossible to see a change in weight on a daily or even weekly basis and always feel like I'm "stalling", but when I look at a long term graph of my trending weight it's always in a decline.
    I bet there are some nice folks with PCOS on the board that may disagree with you, a few ladies in menopause who might as well.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It just drives me nuts when I hear it's all about calories from experts or anyone for that matter because that's not the case for me.

    Yes it is, it's the case for every human being. Different peoples' bodies do not work differently on such a fundamental level as how and what they burn for energy. Calories are literally units of energy - your body doesn't burn specifically fats, carbs, or proteins, it burns units of energy. High carb can cause more intense fluctuations in water weight which maybe masked weight loss for you, or you just weren't counting accurately or didn't give it enough time to see a change. I personally find it impossible to see a change in weight on a daily or even weekly basis and always feel like I'm "stalling", but when I look at a long term graph of my trending weight it's always in a decline.

    What evidence do you have that every person's body responds the same to all food calories, regardless of the source?

    The numerous peer-reviewed studies that have been done that all show parity in diet effectiveness despite different macronutrient breakdowns. Barring a medical condition, macros do not matter in terms of weight loss. And even in those cases where they do matter, they only matter to a small extent, and the mechanisms that make one macro "better" for weight loss than another in a person with a medical condition are usually mechanisms of increased RMR, which all comes back to calories in vs. calories out.

    Can you explain exactly what you mean by "calories in"? And what medical conditions would matter?

    Calories in = calories consumed, i.e. food eaten. Medical conditions that would matter would be primarily diabetes, insulin resistance, and thyroid conditions, although I think thyroid conditions just alter your metabolic rate moreso than change your response to certain macros. There may be other conditions but I'm not a doctor so I haven't bothered to extensively research the matter.

    Is it calories consumed or food eaten? Or do you believe those are always identical?
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Carbs do not make you fat. Eating above your maintenance calories makes you fat. However, macronutrient management is crucial. Varying degrees of macronutients is the primary difference between all the diet plans on the market. What diet plan works for you depends on what macronutrient percentage works best for your body.

    Carbs raise your blood glucose. When your blood glucose goes up, your body releases insulin to lower it. Insulin causes the body to store carbohydrates as fat because it activates a fat storage enzyme, lipoprotein lipase. Insulin also inhibits the body from being able to draw on stored fat for energy.

    Whether a low carb diet will work for you depends on how much carbs impact your blood glucose and how your body responds to the insulin that is released because of elevated blood glucose. People who are carb sensitive and/or insulin resistant find that a low carb diet is the best (and often only) way to lose weight.

    It is not strictly necessary to reduce your carbs to a ketogenic-inducing level, as in the Atkins diet. Many scientists/theorists/researchers believe that a carb amount below 100g/day is low enough to produce desired glucose management and weight loss.
