The best things about being single



  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Not having to sneak more new dresses, shoes and lululemon into the house.
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    Having more time for the number one guy in my life, my horse... I can spend four hours a day at the barn and nobody complains!

    Also, the freedom to look for jobs Europe-wide without taking someone else into account.
  • ferasaldarmi
    ferasaldarmi Posts: 29 Member
    Everyone looks at the negative side?

    The best thing about it is the freedom of being able to decide on the right partner and prepare yourself for a wonderful life together. Obviously I'm happy to not be single although I was a hard core bachelor all my life.

  • HunterKiller_deleted
    Lots of amazing sex!! Oh wait......
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    shouldn't you be able to buy or do everything when you are involved? man I would want to stay single if that's the type of relationships you guys go through LOL

    Yeah, we're just a bunch of losers. Good thing for you you're better than us. :drinker:
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    shouldn't you be able to buy or do everything when you are involved? man I would want to stay single if that's the type of relationships you guys go through LOL

    Yeah, we're just a bunch of losers. Good thing for you you're better than us. :drinker:
    Well I'm better than A LOT of people, I never mentioned which ones =P

    And how is it again that you're single?

  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    -Not having to hide my shopping bags
    -Full rights to the remote
    -Doing what I want
  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    Not sneaking in with shopping, new clothes and relaxed evenings without boring conversations...Not shaving every day and going to bed without make up lol
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Interesting. I'm in a relationship, we are monogamous, and we don't feel "constricted" at all! We love talking to eachother and sharing time, but we both have friends and activities we enjoy seperatly and give eachother space with ZERO resentment or question. I would argue that if you're feeling like you have to constantly "answer to someone" and feel stifled..the problem is not being married/in a relationship, the problem is the person you're with!!!!

    When I left my ex, I remember feeling relieved and "free", but once i found the right guy, I realized the man for me would never make me feel stifled in the first place.

    This X 1000. My ex made me feel that "suffocating" feeling, my current makes me feel free, like a weight off my shoulder.
  • Kisuke30
    Kisuke30 Posts: 668 Member
    Not having to put the toilet seat down. Yeah, I went there. :-P
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    I was single for a long time and like all the freedom etc however now I have my boyfriend and it's great because we don't live together so I get most of the great single stuff (freedom, remote etc) but I also get all the nice couply stuff when I want it. :)
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I can be a total recluse without anyone dragging me out to do things :D

    Now, mine knows how introverted I am, so he doesn't push. But i still feel bad if we don't go out and "have fun" every once in a while.

    Oh, and not being around someone all the time. I don't like being around people, like, ever.

    But this is a personal problem lol
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member
    Not having to put the toilet seat down. Yeah, I went there. :-P

    To hell with that, it's OK to leave it up.
    We're all adults. I don't huff when a woman leaves it down ( despite my needing it up ) so why should she get annoyed if I leave it up.
    You're a big girl, you Know how a toilet seat works, get over it.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    1. Thy Will Be Done!

    A relationship is nothing but bondage, and not even the sexy kind. No one will ever tell you to tuck your shirt in if you don’t want to. Nobody shall wish to correct you if you wish to fling your towel on the bed, and leave it there. You will be the God of your own space. Sw

    2. No Awkward ‘We-Need-To-Talk’ Moments

    Women are borderline emotional wrecks and a single wrong gesture can have them emptying their tear glands for dear life. Let’s face it, men are averse to emotions. Neither do they indulge in crying nor can they handle criers well. Being single means never having to deal with situations like these.

    3. Gawk at Anyone

    Being single means having no one to shoot dirty looks at you for letting your eyes roam astray, leaving you to feel as happy as a hungry bunny in a field full of carrots.

    4. Rampant Bed Space

    Being single means that you can occupy all the bed space and sleep in peace, without having to play tug-of-war for the blanket. You can sleep with your legs on the headboard, or even roll off the edges and never have anyone to complain about it.

    5. Saving Money

    She’ll max out your credit card for insignificant things like her dog’s manicure, eyelash lengthening and buying the entire department store in a single visit. Not to be sexist, but the only task women perform with perfection is spending money!
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    Casual sex!!!
  • jmurray90
    jmurray90 Posts: 431 Member
    not having to shave your legs on a daily basis.

    lol unless your married.
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    For me, there is no best thing about being single.

    I have been married for 42 years to the same lady and that is what is the best thing (for me anywho)