The best things about being single



  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    shouldn't you be able to buy or do everything when you are involved? man I would want to stay single if that's the type of relationships you guys go through LOL


    If I find myself in a relationship where I feel I "have" to do anything, or I feel the need to "hide" any certain behaviour that's a red flag for me that this relationship is a no - go and I GTFO.

    Anything I did single I still enjoyed when I got with my Man. Now that we have children however... well... if the topic was "the best things about not having kids" I could write a book.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    No worrying about the other person.
    you can plan things without getting approval
    you can check people out and not feel guilty
    you can focus on yourself and how to make you happy

    I ended a 5 year relationship almost 4 months ago and IM SO MUCH HAPPIER. That relationship was very negative and I deserve better. I finally woke up and realized it, and now I'm focusing on myself for the first time. And it's great!!

    I don't have to worry about my husband and he doesn't have to worry about me. We're both adults who are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves. Good relationships are not spent in a state of "worry".

    I plan things all the time without approval. Again, a good relationship means you don't have to be constantly joined at the hip, and planning fun surprises for each other is awesome! Yes, sometimes you have to compromise, but that's life in or out of a relationship. If you want a vacation, you still need your bosses approval for the time off, right?

    I'm married, not dead. It's human nature to check other people out and there's no need to get jealous over that. We know where we stand in each others' eyes.

    I focus on myself and my happiness every day. That keeps me sane! I wouldn't be with my husband if he didn't get that and do it for himself, as well.

    You're young, and I'm really happy that you got yourself out of a negative situation. That's awesome, but please don't think that what makes you happy now as a single person has to be given up for a real, loving and nurturing relationship down the road.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Not having to constantly pick up someone else's **** and cleaning someone else's mess.

    (I'm not single, but this is driving me totally bonkers)
  • InFitRealm
    InFitRealm Posts: 36 Member
    Well, If you can find so many frustrating things from when you were with someone and enormous amonunt of good things when you are single, then I would say that the best thing here is become single in the first place. Obviously the person you were with was incompatible with you.
  • Army_Of_One
    Army_Of_One Posts: 107 Member
    It feels good doesn't it? It's called: FREEDOM! Free to excell without anyone telling you can't do something or worse that you HAVE to do something!

  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Being able to do, buy, go, anything anywhere I want without having to listen to criticism or complaints. Having an uncomplicated life with little stress. Making my own decisions and having to stand by them. It does get a little lonely sometimes but I have cats for that.
  • ALambino
    ALambino Posts: 22
    Being able to just chill in your pants, watching what you want, doing what you want, hanging around with whoever you want

  • davelfc49
    davelfc49 Posts: 29 Member
    Not having to watch every single reality tv show or soap opera.
    Not having to nod my head and say 'yes dear' when she's making that verbal noise.
    Being able to walk past shops with soft furnishings in and only have candles for emergency lighting
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    Not having to put the toilet seat down. Yeah, I went there. :-P

    To hell with that, it's OK to leave it up.
    We're all adults. I don't huff when a woman leaves it down ( despite my needing it up ) so why should she get annoyed if I leave it up.
    You're a big girl, you Know how a toilet seat works, get over it.

    I really don't care whether the seat is up or down. It's people of either sex who don't close the lid before they flush that really annoy me.
  • ALambino
    ALambino Posts: 22
    I can be a total recluse without anyone dragging me out to do things :D

    Now, mine knows how introverted I am, so he doesn't push. But i still feel bad if we don't go out and "have fun" every once in a while.

    Oh, and not being around someone all the time. I don't like being around people, like, ever.

    But this is a personal problem lol

    Ha! Marry me
  • mlanders22
    mlanders22 Posts: 140 Member
    Not sure if I'm single at the moment or not, but being able to spend 2 hours at the gym on a Saturday night.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Ice cream for dinner!
  • ProfessorOwl
    ProfessorOwl Posts: 312 Member
    I don't have to worry about my husband and he doesn't have to worry about me. We're both adults who are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves. Good relationships are not spent in a state of "worry".

    I plan things all the time without approval. Again, a good relationship means you don't have to be constantly joined at the hip, and planning fun surprises for each other is awesome! Yes, sometimes you have to compromise, but that's life in or out of a relationship. If you want a vacation, you still need your bosses approval for the time off, right?

    I'm married, not dead. It's human nature to check other people out and there's no need to get jealous over that. We know where we stand in each others' eyes.

    I focus on myself and my happiness every day. That keeps me sane! I wouldn't be with my husband if he didn't get that and do it for himself, as well.

    You're young, and I'm really happy that you got yourself out of a negative situation. That's awesome, but please don't think that what makes you happy now as a single person has to be given up for a real, loving and nurturing relationship down the road.

    Well said. Sad that I spent more than 20 years with the opposite of this.
  • davelfc49
    davelfc49 Posts: 29 Member
    Never having to delete your internet browser history
  • Ripfit138
    Ripfit138 Posts: 1,148 Member
    - Being able to quickly find the things I need in the bathroom cabinets and drawers.

    - Eating over the sink when it's not enough to justify a plate.

    - No need for damage control on anyone's past emotional damage projected onto you.
  • PeteS1170
    PeteS1170 Posts: 3
    Freedom and autonomy.

    I've since learned that if/when I am in a relationship again, if each of us can't maintain that for ourselves, then the relationship is doomed and not worth lingering in for even one moment longer.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Never having to delete your internet browser history

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    Not having to grocery shop and meal plan/prep for two. Sounds like a little thing but man it is exhausting and money/time consuming to always have to plan out a week's worth of meals for two people and do all the shopping/planning/cooking

    I want to eat what I want when I want and only cook for me!
  • cheekym7
    cheekym7 Posts: 570 Member
    making your own decisions and being able to do whatever you want!

    But definate down falls as well.