I'm in an abusive relationship.



  • briankalish
    I have been in that similar situation when I was stationed in Colorado Springs many moons ago. I looked at myself in the mirror and knew that the hardest part was simply leaving. Once you are away from that person, you can feel free to be you again. Do what you need administratively (Divorce, get your stuff and junk back, etc.).

    Life is too short to spend it with someone who is sucking that life out of you. We can all lose weight, but it's harder to be good to ourselves in other ways. Good for you for moving on. It's funny, we would think the nagging, name calling and all that would want us to lose weight. But, it works on us the opposite way. It's only when we are free of that, or find the right person that we decide to do it please us. If it pleases another, that's simply what I like to call "Residual Joy".

    Best of luck to you!! You are free...now soar!!!

  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I really need to adopt your attitude. Can I copy and paste it to post up for myself somewhere in my house?