

  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    I'd add some health myths as well, since these are all pseudo medicine and woo.

    01. Oil Pulling
    02. Homeopathy
    03. Chiropractic
    05. Feng Shui
    06. Naturopathy
    07. Pretty much all "Eastern Medicine"
    08. Acupuncture
    09. Chelation "Therapy"
    10. The Pro-Disease, anti-vaccination crowd of celebs like Jenny McCarthy

    All of that is crap and in some cases dangerous.

    Partially agree, although I think chiropractors can be really bad or really good. Depends on the person you see, since I had a chiropractor who I realized was basically a scam artist, but now I have a chiropractor who actually figured out the reason for my migraines which countless specialists and head scans couldn't figure out. He's taught me ways of keeping my joints aligned myself so my chronic pain is better.
    Regardless of good or bad, you're basically seeing a chiropractor for physical therapy. Fine if you want to see a chiropractor for that, however, I'd rather see a licensed physical therapist whose practice is based on science-based medicine. I'm aware that chiropractors have their own licensing requirements in many cases, but I trust that as much I would trust a licensed psychic for making financial or relationship decisions.
    Or if you flip it on its head, PTs are like Chiros without the ability to adjust and less school. I'd much rather go to a good Chiro than a PT when my back is out, I can do exercises on my own thank you, just move that area I can't! PTs just don't fill the same shoes, no relief vs significant relief after Chiropractic adjustment in my case several times. For school, Chiros have more training and school hours in radiology and nutrition than MDs even. But just like MDs some of them hold strange ideas...and I'm sure NOBODY has heard of Dr. Oz.... I sympathize with the perception though, I've seen some off the wall stuff from some Chiros. You need to do the work and find a good one...or you get situations just like with my MDs who missed conditions I had that my Chiro caught and sent me to the right specialist, definitely changed my life...
    Yes, they may have "more training" (which I don't believe for second) but is their training a science based approach or is it based upon pre-scientific understanding of the body? These adjustments you are receiving, that are purport to treat everything - including insomnia for new borns - is a significant medical intervention. Chiro, like other woo, is immersed in its own dogma, I would not trust one-wit of their "training."

    Have you considered the reason why you're given exercises for your back is to treat the underlying cause and not treat the symptom?

    And if you think Chiro like M.D. hold "strange ideas" then why bother to see any of them? You clearly think the pool is poisoned.

    You got things backwards again, my point is that there are good and bad MDs and Chiros, not that either one is "no good", but they have their place and you need to evaluate them and get second opinions. The PT scenario is also reversed in this case, they did not improve my symptoms and did not treat the cause, the Chiro did treat the cause and a good Chiro not only adjusts but ALSO does what the PT does and can give you similar exercises and therapies afterwards. Its sounding like you heard others talk about Chiros, or have been to an as you say "woo" one, and haven't been to a good Chiro is all.

    I'm not going to reveal what conditions I had, but I definitely owe some very important organ functions to a Chiro who had scientific knowledge of the body and referred me to the MD specialist for an emergency intervention in one case, not to the two MDs I went to who ignored my symptoms that I specifically asked about! Yes definitely there is science based training and there are good and bad Chiros and MDs.

    The fact that they are good and bad MDs and Chiros is irrelevant. I am referring to mythologies that each disciplines uses. What you're playing is a game of equivocation. Fact is, they are not equal in methodology, although you also try to claim the mantel that they are. Please.

    You really went to a Chiro for problems with your organs?

    Good luck that.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    The one I hate the most is the idea that any one sarcastic, mocking person has the answer.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Anything that involves the phrase 'one weird trick'.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    The one I hate the most is the idea that any one sarcastic, mocking person has the answer.

    No individual sarcastic mocking person has all the answers.
    It takes an entire collective of sarcastic, mocking people to give all of the required answers.
    We're all just individuals. We have families, jobs.
    It takes a village to insult an entire website.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    The one I hate the most is the idea that any one sarcastic, mocking person has the answer.

    No individual sarcastic mocking person has all the answers.
    It takes an entire collective of sarcastic, mocking people to give all of the required answers.
    We're all just individuals. We have families, jobs.
    It takes a village to insult an entire website.
    Right. Because we all know that......sarcasm = information!
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    The one I hate the most is the idea that any one sarcastic, mocking person has the answer.

    No individual sarcastic mocking person has all the answers.
    It takes an entire collective of sarcastic, mocking people to give all of the required answers.
    We're all just individuals. We have families, jobs.
    It takes a village to insult an entire website.
    Right. Because we all know that......sarcasm = information!

    Listen, if we can all just be sarcastic together, then maybe, just MAYBE, we can stop this asteroid from hitting the earth.

    oh nvmd; calorie counting website. as you were.
  • rollng_thundr
    rollng_thundr Posts: 634 Member
    The standard BMI calculator tells me that as a 6'0" male that I need to look like an Auschwitz prisoner at 135-150 lbs to have a "normal" body. Um, sorry pal, that ain't normal, and that ain't healthy. I looked like a stick in high school and I was 158 lbs.

    As a young adult I bicycled 50 miles a day, was in perfect health, and weighed 185 lbs, which is "overweight" according to the BMI calculator. I don't know who came up with that garbage, but it is not based on any reality for a person with normal musculature. I believe the standard BMI calculator is deceiving people into losing both fat and muscle that is in fact healthy for them.

    The range for a 6' male to be "normal" is up to 183lbs. Not 150 like you stated. Still, BMI is BS....lol.

    ^^^ This.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member

    I'd add some health myths as well, since these are all pseudo medicine and woo.

    01. Oil Pulling
    02. Homeopathy
    03. Chiropractic
    05. Feng Shui
    06. Naturopathy
    07. Pretty much all "Eastern Medicine"
    08. Acupuncture
    09. Chelation "Therapy"
    10. The Pro-Disease, anti-vaccination crowd of celebs like Jenny McCarthy

    All of that is crap and in some cases dangerous.

    I respectfully disagree with 7 and 8. I've seen Eastern Medicine and Acupuncture, when practiced properly cure some autoimmune diseases, relieve pain, and help with many other conditions. Eastern Medicine is widely misunderstood in the U.S. and often mocked by Western Medicine but that does not mean it is a myth. But just like any other modality there are good and bad doctors (yes, you have to be a doctor to practice Eastern Medicine). Through personal communication during a grad school residency I learned that acupuncture increases circulation, the release of endorphins and activity in a depressed nervous system.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Real women have curves

    Real women do have curves.
    False women are two-dimensional and have no curves.

  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Real women have curves

    Real women do have curves.
    False women are two-dimensional and have no curves.

    Real men have curves as well.
  • Elliehmltn
    Elliehmltn Posts: 254 Member

    I know this is off topic, but the idea of "shoving a double espresso up your ***" reminds me of beer chicken.

  • st0rmagedd0n
    st0rmagedd0n Posts: 417 Member

    Just.... everything Paleo.

    Bull**** you are eating like Paleolithic man.

    Paleolithic man did not have Whole Foods. He did not have New York strips or non-GMO raw salads or raw, vegan, berry cheesecakes.

    Our meat is not his meat. Our vegetables are not his vegetables. You are following a fad diet espoused largely, if not exclusively, by the ignorant, pretentious, and CrossFit-addled minds of the fitness world.

    Now kindly take your grain and legume-free dinner, and choke on it.
  • Drama_Free_Zone

    Just.... everything Paleo.

    Bull**** you are eating like Paleolithic man.

    Paleolithic man did not have Whole Foods. He did not have New York strips or non-GMO raw salads or raw, vegan, berry cheesecakes.

    Our meat is not his meat. Our vegetables are not his vegetables. You are following a fad diet espoused largely, if not exclusively, by the ignorant, pretentious, and CrossFit-addled minds of the fitness world.

    Now kindly take your grain and legume-free dinner, and choke on it.

    It is said that poop is the perfect evidence. If it is ingested then you can find it there. Recently there was very well preserved fecal matter found from neanderthal and in that glorious morning cake was found traces of phytosterol, a cholesterol like compound that is produced in plants and only in plants.

    "Gram for gram, there’s more cholesterol in meat than there is phytosterol in plants, so it would take a significant plant intake to produce even a small amount of metabolized phytosterol.." [Citation http://newsoffice.mit.edu/2014/did-neanderthals-eat-their-vegetables-0625]

    Grain was consumed by our ancestors, it was traded, used for payment and in the end is responsible for the human condition evolving past throwing rocks at pygmy deer in an attempt to catch dinner. It's cultivation gave rise to empires, allowed longer lifespans, larger frames, sharper minds. Eat your paleo if you want, not my problem, but do it knowing the facts.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    this one must die Die DIE!....Lemon water is not water...only water is water.
  • st0rmagedd0n
    st0rmagedd0n Posts: 417 Member

    Just.... everything Paleo.

    Bull**** you are eating like Paleolithic man.

    Paleolithic man did not have Whole Foods. He did not have New York strips or non-GMO raw salads or raw, vegan, berry cheesecakes.

    Our meat is not his meat. Our vegetables are not his vegetables. You are following a fad diet espoused largely, if not exclusively, by the ignorant, pretentious, and CrossFit-addled minds of the fitness world.

    Now kindly take your grain and legume-free dinner, and choke on it.

    It is said that poop is the perfect evidence. If it is ingested then you can find it there. Recently there was very well preserved fecal matter found from neanderthal and in that glorious morning cake was found traces of phytosterol, a cholesterol like compound that is produced in plants and only in plants.

    "Gram for gram, there’s more cholesterol in meat than there is phytosterol in plants, so it would take a significant plant intake to produce even a small amount of metabolized phytosterol.." [Citation http://newsoffice.mit.edu/2014/did-neanderthals-eat-their-vegetables-0625]

    Grain was consumed by our ancestors, it was traded, used for payment and in the end is responsible for the human condition evolving past throwing rocks at pygmy deer in an attempt to catch dinner. It's cultivation gave rise to empires, allowed longer lifespans, larger frames, sharper minds. Eat your paleo if you want, not my problem, but do it knowing the facts.

    I love you and every steaming pile of evidence you provide.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I like this thread very much. Paleo, water is water, and cleanses, not so much.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    if I lift anything heavier than these tiny pink dumbbells, I'm going to suddenly sprout muscles and look like Arnold Schwarzeneger.

    actually, this isn't a fitness myth I wish would die... I wish it was true.... I wish it really was that easy to get big muscles!!
  • touslesmemes
    What are the top fitness/nutrition myths you would like to straight up murder?

    1. Spot reduction/toning
    2. Carbs are bad and evil like satan
    3. Cleanse/detox. My favourite is the coffee enema because we all know shoving a double espresso up your *kitten* will totally clean your liver.

    1. You took the carbs one so I'm going to say "Dr. Oz"... Anything about him really... Stick your head in the sand and do not listen, you're probably better off.
    2. Any short term fix is long term fix/ E.g. People going on 4 week cabbage soup diets and expecting the results to stay with them, seeing the short term fix as the holy grail.
    3. Unproven learned societal helplessness; "I can't lose weight. It's my metabolism."
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I heard my boss (and bear in mind we help people who want to make some lifestyle changes and start down the losing weight/get fitter road, so she really should know better) tell a client that if she stopped exercising 'her muscle would turn to fat'! What?? Um....no!!

    Omg, this one.

    One of my collegues was telling me the other day the reason she won't lift anything above a 1kg dumbell is because she doesn't want her muscle to turn to fat if she stops.....she's an educated woman, surely people know cells don't morph into other types of cells...

    The other one for me is "bad foods". What is a bad food? One that's been on an immoral drinking, drugs and sex spree across the country for several months? :huh:

    Oh, and ofc VLCD. *hnnnnng*
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    cleanse detox pisses me off to no end ...
    the anti carb people irritate me
    the anti any particular food people actually irritate me -
    except the anti "new" conversation hearts people ... those people are totally spot on .. what was necco thinking...