An open letter...



  • brekkyjuice
    dear face,

    why won't you get thinner? i have been drinking water like mad, but you still continue to scare me away from the mirror.


    the rest of your poor body
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
    Dear hubby,

    I understand that sometimes you need to go to the toilet at night and that sometimes you're still really sleepy, really I do... but you have really bad aim! Please check the toilet seat for residue, I am sick to death of having to wipe it off first thing in the morning when it's my turn... or, when I haven't bothered to check, end up with it all over my *kitten*...

    Love, your darling wife
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Dear Older Sisters,

    Please quit acting like teenagers, you're in for 40's for God's sake. Maybe if you were a little nicer, not so self-absorbed, you both could probably find and keep a job. Also, quit doing things to each other to start fights and expect everyone else to pick sides. It makes me feel bad that I couldn't invite either of you over for Thanksgiving due to petty fighting. Mom and Dad are getting up there in age, I'm sure they would like to see all of thier kids on the holidays.


    Your youngest, tired of playing peacekeeper sister
  • frankborelli
    frankborelli Posts: 218 Member
    Dear wife:

    Seventeen years later I would think you accept it as the truth when I tell you I think you're sexy. If you don't believe me that's your choice, but please don't call me a liar or assume I'm just trying to "get some". Perhaps you should take a long honest look in the mirror, identify what you're unhappy with and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT rather than thinking I'm just a sex-crazed maniac.

    Along those same lines: Just because I'm trying to lose a few pounds and get in better shape it doesn't automatically mean that either 1) I've got a girlfriend, or 2) that I just want to be able to "perform" longer. And for what it's worth, I'd think most sexually active women in their 40s would appreciate a man who wanted to be in better shape, have better stamina and, in general, have better health. Most wives I know would rather their husbands be healthy and in shape rather than being fat heart-diseased couch potatoes. Perhaps you could be encouraging rather than the opposite?

    And, yes... I know... tomorrow I'll regret having typed this all out but it felt good for now.

  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Dear almost sister,
    I adore you. Really I do. If I have to deal with you on top of planning your wedding for you, I may kill you. You've been engaged less than 24 hours and I'm already over it.

    Your not quite sister
  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    Dear 60s plus woman,

    That mini skirt and "do-me" shoes shouldn't be seen in public on a woman your age. I think it's fantastic if your husband finds you attractive and sexy when you are dressed that way, but I don't. Keep it at home, please.

    Also....that Dolly Parton wig is laughable. You might want to find something a little less over the top.


    Nauseated at the grocery store.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Dear Nostrils and Throat,

    OMGWTF??? I have been sick for an entire week, is that not enough for you? Seriously? I am SO OVER IT. Clear the eff up and leave me alone. Damn.


    Your pissed off and not feeling good attackee
  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    Dear man at the Wendy's,

    I'm pretty tolerant most of the time, but when I have to move to another table to avoid gagging (literally), while eating my salad, you either haven't bathed in several days, or your work involves cleaning septic tanks from the inside.

    Please either use the drive through window, or at least take your meal outside and eat in your car.


    lost my appetite (and almost my lunch)
  • CreativeRedhead
    Dear family,

    You know how you all wanted to get the tree up and lights up and make it look all christmasy around the house...yeah I thought it wasn't too funny when I started pulling boxes out and everyone disappeared FOR HOURS!!!:angry: That stupid fake tree was nearly the death of me, I was sweating after putting that thing together. :grumble: Don't worry though I got it all up and it looks really nice! Just know when it comes time to take it all down.....the door is getting locked and I'm plopping myself down right in front of it, I'll be sipping my tea watching you guys take every last bit of it down. :laugh:
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Dear Brothers,

    Can we, for once, remember that I am 1 of 8 children and not an only child? I'm getting a little tired of always planning Mom and Dad's gifts and celebrations for every holiday. Just because I'm the only girl doesn't make it my responsibility. If I call you and ask for a contribution, you act like I'm some kind of beggar, if I don't call and ask for a contribution on something, then you call me the day before the Holiday to find out what "We're" getting. Seriously? And if I have one of your wives tell me again that you're on the brink of poverty and can't possibly contribute and then proceed to tell me about the $400 gaming system that you're getting, I promise that I will finally say something that we will all regret.

    Love You All
    Feels like an Only Child

    PS If your wives can't be pleasant, then please leave them home:grumble:
  • Rosehawk
    Dear Monday,
    I hate you. I hate the way the alarm wakes me up at 6:00am and I have an hour to drive just to finish working on a project then go to work. I hate it that you lie to me. I thought it was going to be a sunny day but no you love to screw with me. It freakin rainin in sheets outside. I just wanted to go home and curl in bed. But you said NO! I had to come fight with people about presentations and test. I really cant stand you. I am thinking about cutting you out of my calendar. But I couldn't punish Tuesday...thats the only reason I put up with you!
    Yours Truly
    Weekend Lover
  • sheenabe
    sheenabe Posts: 61 Member
    Dear Loving Boyfriend,
    I really do love you with all of my heart that is the reason that I must scream this at you....Please call the Dr. and get on some meds. You and I both know that you are in a depression, and that is okay. I have tried to be patient with you. I have tried to give you some nudging and some gentle reminders, but to no avail.... :( It is really starting to affect everyone in the house. I am sure as much as our three year old loves you, she does not want to sit in the house with you everyday doing nothing but watching TV. She and you both need to get out and enjoy life. Take her swimming, or to the ball room, to the library, anywhere just get out of the house!! Please Baby just take the plunge and get yourself well again!

    Your quietly losing patience girl

    Dear Beautiful daughters of mine,
    I am so glad that at 14 yrs old you have taken an interest in your 3 year old sister. I just wish though, that in taking an interest you didn't pass on bad habits and make them seem fun and cool. No 3 year old should be high fiving to "pulling an all nighter" UGH are you kiding me??? And to my 3 year old please take this as a reminder that Santa is watching your every move and there is still time to take you off the "good girl" list......NOW GO TO BED!

    Your increasingly frustrated Mom! <3
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    Dear Ex-friend...(you know who you are)

    I will never understand why what I offered to you in friendship was not good enough for you. My heart aches thinking about all the fun times we had, and how fake you really are. The "oh hunni's" and "oh sweeties!", all fake. You flatter everyone with them, everyone thinks you're so kindhearted and sincere. I can't believe you've gotten into the hearts of my other friends. Even at just ONE friend, you made sure she was the oldest friend I had, so you can be fake to her and try to get her to love you as I did. And then drop her, because she will never be good enough to meet your standards. No one ever is.


    Your ex-friend.
  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    Dear Cashier at the discount store,

    I should have taken the time to stop and tell you this in person, but as usual, I was in my own little world, hustling off to something else, rather than taking the time to thank you.

    As I was standing in the check out line next to yours, I watched you. The elderly man and woman that were in your line were really quite helpless. You took the time to speak kindly to them, came around the counter and carefully unloaded their items from the baskets on their wheelchairs. You smiled continuously, and spoke to them as if they were the only people in the world, like they were the most important people in your life. You continued to speak kindly to them, and actually paid attention to what they were saying to you. If you weren't interested in listening to the stories of their children/grandchildren/etc, it didn't show, because you interacted with them, asking questions and showing great interest in their responses.

    When the man had technical difficulties with the credit card reader, you politely and carefully provided instructions, and then, without losing your patience, gave the instructions again when he made a mistake. Finally, you cheerfully stood next to him and watched what he was doing, giving polite and loving instructions all through the process, (even though it was slow and tedious for his arthritic hands).

    In short... you were FANTASTIC. If only I could be so loving and kind with all the people in my life, rather than rushing through it.

    I didn't get your name, but the next time I see you in that store, I will make an effort to compliment you on your selfless attitude, and then provide the store manager with a glowing report about you.

    Thanks for demonstrating that there are still some loving, caring people in this world.


    A very humbled man.
  • kargreen
    Dear 12 year old son that I love more than life -
    I know that getting up in the morning is hard - believe me I don't like getting up either. It's part of life and we all have to do it - whether its for work or for school - it's life! Every morning I get out of bed and wake you up first so that you have enough time to get ready (your usual complaint is not enough time), but today you asked why you couldn't sleep longer... I just have to shake my head and walk away. I get up earlier than I have to for YOU! So when you stomp into the bathroom, pee all over my toliet seat, leave your dirty clothes on the floor and complain about being too tired to eat... it REALLY irritates me....

    Maybe you should try going to bed earlier instead of listening to your IPOD or texting on your phone OR come home from school and take a nap. No one is there to bother you - take advantage of it - I WOULD....

    Love your irritated and tired mom
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    Dear Cashier at the discount store,

    I should have taken the time to stop and tell you this in person, but as usual, I was in my own little world, hustling off to something else, rather than taking the time to thank you.

    As I was standing in the check out line next to yours, I watched you. The elderly man and woman that were in your line were really quite helpless. You took the time to speak kindly to them, came around the counter and carefully unloaded their items from the baskets on their wheelchairs. You smiled continuously, and spoke to them as if they were the only people in the world, like they were the most important people in your life. You continued to speak kindly to them, and actually paid attention to what they were saying to you. If you weren't interested in listening to the stories of their children/grandchildren/etc, it didn't show, because you interacted with them, asking questions and showing great interest in their responses.

    When the man had technical difficulties with the credit card reader, you politely and carefully provided instructions, and then, without losing your patience, gave the instructions again when he made a mistake. Finally, you cheerfully stood next to him and watched what he was doing, giving polite and loving instructions all through the process, (even though it was slow and tedious for his arthritic hands).

    In short... you were FANTASTIC. If only I could be so loving and kind with all the people in my life, rather than rushing through it.

    I didn't get your name, but the next time I see you in that store, I will make an effort to compliment you on your selfless attitude, and then provide the store manager with a glowing report about you.

    Thanks for demonstrating that there are still some loving, caring people in this world.


    A very humbled man.

    This is fantastic!! I love hearing stories like this! :love:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,933 Member
    Dear Mother Nature,

    The snow you sent us today was perfect. Seeing the flakes fly around but not sticking to the roads was so peaceful. I wish it would always be that way this winter. However, I'm sure my kids would be heartbroken.

    Pleased to not have to navigate snowy and slick roads tonight
  • frankborelli
    frankborelli Posts: 218 Member
    Dear Gym Manager;

    Yes, I know your sister owns the place; yes, I know you have to about commit murder to get fired -

    BUT - staring at the women's backsides while they work out and then STANDING on a treadmill while all the rest are full just so you can get a better look at the television while you eat your bag of potato chips...

    You are NOT helping the business grow and some of those ladies say they won't be coming back if you're there. Could you... I don't know... maybe... GROW UP a little bit?

    a peeved gym member
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Dear Son,

    You know that you can't have dairy! Why do you scream and cry for it? I don't like cleaning up puke any more than you like puking, so please do us both a favor and leave sissy's string cheese in the fridge! I know that it isn't fair that you can't have dairy, but it is just part of life. I try to not eat anything that you can't have (unless I am at work and you can't see me) and I spend lots of money on the veggie cheese and soy milk and soy ice cream that you can have. So please, put the cheese down! I love you and I know your only 3 but I didn't give you Celiac disease, your daddy did, so puke on him next time.

    Love you always,
    Mommy (aka family puke scrubber upper)