Fat Chick Works Out



  • wannabehealthyagain
    If you were completely physically unable to do anything more than those exercises, then it might be a reasonable start. However, being fat does not equal "completely physically unable". People wanting to get results without even breaking a sweat is why the diet industry makes billions and the world gets fatter by the day.

    Love this!^^^

    Sure, everyone should love themselves no matter what size they are. In fact if everyone loved themselves while fat it could just possibly help them to lose the weight. Self love equals self respect which equals healthy mind and body. I don't see how you can love yourself and continue to treat your body like crap.

    And what she said about how society should change its ways instead of the individuals is just effing ludicrous!!! Give me a break! Sure, society should be empathetic to overweight people and society should encourage everyone to be healthy instead of pushing fad diets and pills, but there is a reason this world isn't "made for fat people"....fat people are a product of an unhealthy society and really shouldn't exist in the first place (I'm talking more about morbid obesity, not carrying a few extra lbs, ya know?)

    I was with you until you tried to say that I shouldn't exist. I'm morbidly obese. Yes, I did it to myself however I am "un-doing" it as well but to say that I shouldn't even exist is downright wrong.

    (And.....I personally don't think the "workout" this thread is about is worth much)
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    Yeah...33 pounds due to a low carb diet and WALKING without breaking a sweat. Soooooooo....
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    And what she said about how society should change its ways instead of the individuals is just effing ludicrous!!! Give me a break! Sure, society should be empathetic to overweight people and society should encourage everyone to be healthy instead of pushing fad diets and pills, but there is a reason this world isn't "made for fat people"....fat people are a product of an unhealthy society and really shouldn't exist in the first place (I'm talking more about morbid obesity, not carrying a few extra lbs, ya know?)
    So what are you saying about your own existence or anyone else here for that matter?
  • skyblue2001
    This video strikes a nerve. I swear if I ever find out this crap is being promoted to my child, I will *kitten* pink twinkies. I have to wonder if these idiots have children. The lady on the left has to be crushing every organ she has and I'll be damned if I'm going to bow down to this nonsense and say it's okay. If society starts down this path, were going to end up with a country full of people that have an average life span of 40. As far as the person who said the morbidly obese shouldn't exist, I think I understand what they meant, in that, the world is not designed for 500lb people because it should not be the norm..... EVER. Bus seats, airplane seats, my freaking couch... were not made for people that size and if it becomes the norm, what does that mean for those of us that have enough of a brain to know that it is not and never will be healthy. At all, period. If a person needs two seats on an airplane, they should have to pay for it. Why the world should have to conform to what is blatant gluttony is beyond me. But hey... they can move so they must be healthy, right?
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    I can't stand her. She's part of that obnoxious, excuse-making, fit-hating NAAFA crowd. Woman has no clue and no business telling anyone anything about health and fitness. She and her ilk really do promote obesity.
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I tend to burn about a calorie a minute and sweat very little unless the temp is over 74. I exercise primarily inside in ac for that reason. I don't like sweating. My face gets a slight rash when I do much of it. It burns and hurts. I work my butt off but that doesn't mean I sweat much.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I just had to giggle at NAAFA. It reminded me of NAMBLA.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I could be wrong but it seemed from the interview the "exercises" were more for mobility than cardio/ weight loss
    That is exactly right. Those ladies are not interested in losing weight, they are interested in loving themselves just as they are. I have a friend who has been obese her entire life and said her weight does not bother her at all. She's an insulin dependent diabetic and has no plans to ever lose weight. She said if people don't like her the way she is that's their problem.

    I disagree with the ladies in the video that weight and health are two separate issues. Being overweight causes many health problems, but just because you are overweight does not mean you WILL have them, it just means a person is more at risk.

    I can't tell you the difference in my body since I've lost 43 pounds: I sleep better, move better, run better, feel better, sleep better, and the lists of "better" goes on.

    I do agree in loving and accepting yourself no matter what weight you are, but I would think self love and acceptance is the foundation to successfully taking the weight off and keeping it off.

    I'm not at all into "movements" for a particular groups of people.
  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    I'm not sure if it's the same in the US, so I don't mean to be offensive... but in the UK clips of 'Fox news' are only shown for comedy purposes, not as a legitimate foreign news source... (same kind of comedy thing as Sarah Palin clips...)

    And basically they don't want to lose weight or face up to their heath issues, so if you do it shouldn't be relevant for you.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    This video strikes a nerve. I swear if I ever find out this crap is being promoted to my child, I will *kitten* pink twinkies. I have to wonder if these idiots have children. The lady on the left has to be crushing every organ she has and I'll be damned if I'm going to bow down to this nonsense and say it's okay. If society starts down this path, were going to end up with a country full of people that have an average life span of 40. As far as the person who said the morbidly obese shouldn't exist, I think I understand what they meant, in that, the world is not designed for 500lb people because it should not be the norm..... EVER. Bus seats, airplane seats, my freaking couch... were not made for people that size and if it becomes the norm, what does that mean for those of us that have enough of a brain to know that it is not and never will be healthy. At all, period. If a person needs two seats on an airplane, they should have to pay for it. Why the world should have to conform to what is blatant gluttony is beyond me. But hey... they can move so they must be healthy, right?

    you just became my favourite person ever. Stolen.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Well honestly guys this video is bull****. There is no way people THAT fat aren't impacting their health in a pretty big way. HOWEVER!!! I absolutely am a proponent of the idea that the concept of being healthy does not involve being under 15% body fat and having 6 pack abs or whatever bull**** standard society wants to set for you. I will tell you that as someone who was very fat (40%+ body fat starting out) Society has rebounded onto fat people. Fat people always got some ribbing, name calling and discrimination. But because we are now not allowed to hate on different races or classes all the *kitten* of our society who don't want to think they are *kitten* now hate on fat people. And you only have to be a little fat to qualify. The standard is also bull****. I am still at about 27-28% body-fat and there are skinny people at the gym who WISH they where as fit and healthy as me. And that's a fact. It's true I still want to lose more weight. But if it ever get's to the point where I have to do unhealthy or unsustainable crap to keep dropping weight I am going to accept where I am. I won't ruin my health for other peoples expectations. So yes I am a big supporter of what HAES stands for. But there ARE limits and these two chicks in that video are over them. Showing an extreme video like this does nothing to undermine the notion that being a bit fat isn't really as unhealthy as everyone says it is.

    That being said perhaps this video does have some place among the morbidly obese. I know when i was at my heaviest and unfit just moving around sometimes got me breaking out in a sweat. So perhaps there is room for a super low impact exercise regime. However the fact that these girls describe themselves as healthy is truly ludicrous. They are not healthy.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    This is just crap and annoys the hell out of me! As someone that did have severe health issues that most were because of my weight, to be promoting "Yay scales" or whatever that crap was is not helping. It's a cop out. I'm all for loving yourself no matter what your physical appearance is but not acknowledging and accepting that the excessive weight is not healthy is Bull!

    I had limited mobility when I started, I worked my *kitten* off to improve that. I couldn't tie my damn shoes, couldn't stand for more than 5 minutes, it took constant work to increase that and losing lots of weight!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Well honestly guys this video is bull****. There is no way people THAT fat aren't impacting their health in a pretty big way. HOWEVER!!! I absolutely am a proponent of the idea that the concept of being healthy does not involve being under 15% body fat and having 6 pack abs or whatever bull**** standard society wants to set for you. I will tell you that as someone who was very fat (40%+ body fat starting out) Society has rebounded onto fat people. Fat people always got some ribbing, name calling and discrimination. But because we are now not allowed to hate on different races or classes all the *kitten* of our society who don't want to think they are *kitten* now hate on fat people. And you only have to be a little fat to qualify. The standard is also bull****. I am still at about 27-28% body-fat and there are skinny people at the gym who WISH they where as fit and healthy as me. And that's a fact. It's true I still want to lose more weight. But if it ever get's to the point where I have to do unhealthy or unsustainable crap to keep dropping weight I am going to accept where I am. I won't ruin my health for other peoples expectations. So yes I am a big supporter of what HAES stands for. But there ARE limits and these two chicks in that video are over them. Showing an extreme video like this does nothing to undermine the notion that being a bit fat isn't really as unhealthy as everyone says it is.

    That being said perhaps this video does have some place among the morbidly obese. I know when i was at my heaviest and unfit just moving around sometimes got me breaking out in a sweat. So perhaps there is room for a super low impact exercise regime. However the fact that these girls describe themselves as healthy is truly ludicrous. They are not healthy.

    I think the HAES movement looks at markers like blood pressure, blood sugar, ability to sleep comfortably etc to define health. And if you're fat and unhealthy, they actually recommend things like exercise and working with fat friendly doctors to get there. Basically if a doctor can't offer solutions at the current weight short of lose weight, it's time to move on.

    Actually, they were where I first heard of the "only 5% of people who lose weight keep it off permanently" statistic. Assuming those numbers are true, which is something you wouldn't want to go broadcasting on a forum like MFP, the HAES movement makes sense to me as an alternative solution, at the very least a temporary one. For example, if you're not so damn desperate to lose weight, maybe you'd wait for a solution that makes sense rather than every ****ty new fad that rolls out. Some people have the opposite view point, which is try everything at all cost to lose weight. They lose sight of what the process itself is doing to their body because having a smaller number on the scale is valued above all no matter the cost
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Very, very judgmental people here.
    No there are some very realistic people. Rubbish like this aimed at those who are capable of so much more and just making excuses just p****** me off. Just because your fat doesn't mean you have a disability. My wife is disabled and had been totally bedbound for 5 years. She is stuck in a Hospital bed in our Bedroom 24 hours a day. Imagine that a 28 year old unable to life her arm or head on most days. Unable to go to the toilet with out aid and enormous pain. To her exercise is lifting an arm or eating her dinner unaided. She would give the world to be able to do what a lot of people who are making excuses have the opportunity to do. Everytime I go for run I think about how lucky I am to be able to do that when many people cannot.

    This program is just another way for people to make excuses to not do anything. I've made those excuses but this is just encouraging. People should just thank there lucky stars that they are in a situation where they can do something about there health and stop looking for an easy way out. It takes work commitment you got yourself into the situation there is a way out but you have to actually do something.
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    Yes, we feel the same about Fox here in the US. Nobody with a brain is a republican.
    I'm not sure if it's the same in the US, so I don't mean to be offensive... but in the UK clips of 'Fox news' are only shown for comedy purposes, not as a legitimate foreign news source... (same kind of comedy thing as Sarah Palin clips...)

    And basically they don't want to lose weight or face up to their heath issues, so if you do it shouldn't be relevant for you.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    what the hell did I just watch?

  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I don't care enough to watch the video, but for some people, just *moving* is exercise. I watched an interview with a formerly super-obese woman who started exercising by clapping along to the music in workout DVDs. It was more physical activity than she would otherwise be doing, and it got her started. So... eh. For some people walking IS a workout, and it can be quite a strenuous one at that.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.
    -Wayne Dyer

    I wasn't gonna post...but now, yeah. I got some things to say. This is just a justification to people making excuses. I made excuses for years. While you have to want to make the change for you to change, I do not think that enabling excuses is good or should ever be accepted. There are plenty of people who would KILL to be able to move, and too many people make excuses, want to blame everything else, not take personal responsibility for what they did to themselves.

    I believe the same thing about people that make weight loss a lot harder on themselves than they have to. Restricting too much (barring a medical condition), starving themselves, punishing themselves. To me, people make it harder than they have to in order to justify why they wouldn't do it before they wanted it. They want to enable themselves to not change. It's their choice.
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    Being fat is not healthy. Why even bother to exercise if you don't push your limits Walking is great and all, and i walk my dogs and know I burned some extra calories, but it's nothing compared to a good workout. The endorphins put you on a high and it just feels great knowing you did something. I really hope people don't accept being fat as okay. I'm not talking about body shaming, etc, but I do hope people try and be healthier. It took me years to realize this.