Funny "Problems" with weight loss



  • Bexchubb
    Bexchubb Posts: 55 Member
    I am two completely different sizes, my top is a UK 12 and bottom a UK 18. Its ridiculous. I cant wait to even out a little, I know I wont ever completely even out, being a pear shape and all, but c'mon- this is stupid! I just want the next 20lb to all come off my ar*se.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I look more gross naked now 30+ lbs down than I did before. Everything is saggy and gross... and chances are it will be for awhile longer. I know I'm healthier and stuff and feel better... but I still have days where it depresses the crap out of me.

    I have that same issue. I look at my belly and all the "dimples" and think ... at least when I was 300+lbs it was all tight and smooth.

    Keep pushing on, it's something we'll have to deal with for a bit, but as you said, it is for the better.

    I so relate...the only thing that gets me through this some days is looking at myself in a somewhat body conscious dress and seeing the profile that is all boobs & butt instead of Michelin woMan. It's worth it, ladies.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    My biggest problem has been my shoes. I've had to go out and buy all new shoes because my old ones are too big.
    Eight months ago when I started my journey if you would have told me I was going to lose weight in my feet, I would have told you
    "You are Crazy!!"

    the shoe thing is weird. I have always had kind of small & narrow feet for my body size, for example at 280 lb and 5'8" I wore a size 7.5 or 8. As I went from my HW 307 down to about 200 lb, I still wore 7.5 and sometimes 8. But then when I got under 200 lb suddenly all my 8s literally were falling off and had to be donated. I now buy 7s and a lot of them are honestly too large. As a 5'8" woman who will never be "tiny" I feel absurd shopping for 6.5 shoes...what in the world!?