Stupid drivers.......what drives you crazy???

Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
Ok. We all do stupid moves now and then because we may not be paying attention. However, some people just want to have their tires shot out. Today, on the highway, going at a good 120 kms, the can in front of me, about 7 car lengths ahead, decided to break for no reason. No reason. WTF. You want to get hit? Then a little later, I am in the fast lane doing a constant 120 clicks because I am on cruise, *kitten* in the middle lane, speeds up to pass, then slows once in the fast lane. I really did not want to take the cruise off and they blink me to back off. You are the one going slower than you should be if you are speeding up to pass me in the fast lane. I am on cruise, so *kitten* you. If you are going to do something, be consistent. If you do a *kitten* move, commit to it, because everyone else has already compensated for your stupidity. The accident occurs when you decide to change your mind half way through your idiocy throwing everyone around you into confusion.

So, who has pissed you off on the roads lately. Feel free to nickname them so the conversation flows smoothly.:devil: :mad:


  • Firemansam79
    Firemansam79 Posts: 416 Member
    I have learned to deal with most of my pet peeves while driving, except 1!

    People that go around you on the right (in a right turn lane, not a bypass lane) while turning or while someone in front of you is turning, that you waiting for.

    This is illegal in MN, but people still do it all the FING time.
  • carfanman
    carfanman Posts: 271 Member
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Even though I'm a pretty anxious person, I am generally kinda "Zen" on the road, surprisingly.

    Traffic doesn't rattle me much and I tend to be patient. The only thing that realllllly gets me is when someone is driving very recklessly and almost causes an accident and/or slams into me. That really bugs me.

    I am also annoyed by people who drive super slowly or carelessly because they are on the phone. I'm not trying to be holier than thou about it -- I regularly talk on the phone when I am driving, especially on my short drive to/from work -- but I only do it when I can also pay attention to the road and keep up with traffic. And I only ever text at stoplights or trains. Some people are driving down the road in a 45 mph zone going 25, texting and/or yakking away.
  • toolzz
    toolzz Posts: 163 Member
    You must be Canadian if you're doing 120K.!


    I hate people who brake for no reason whatsoever. People who ride up your butt - I don't get it - why???

    People who straddle the lane with their heads out the window like a dog seeing if there is an opportunity to pass in bumper to bumper traffic.

    I could go on and on.....
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    People who don't use their turn signal
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I don't like people that tailgate me for sure... I drive the speed limit and most of the time 5 over (it is what is the typical flow of traffic around here)... So it's not like I'm driving at the speed of a turtle here.. and then people who pass me (while I'm going 5 over) in the left turn lane (it's a left turn lane all the way down the road), that lane is for TURNING not you personal passing lane... tailgating me is a good way to get me to slow all the way down to under the speed limit...

    and lack of turn signal use.. it's not rocket science people...
  • ProfessorOwl
    ProfessorOwl Posts: 312 Member
    People who stay right in my blind spot and there's nobody else around.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Im also hate those drivers who drive all the way to the front of the line on an exit and cut in. That is what cause the most lag time.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Pretty much all of them. Why do these people insist on driving on my roads?
  • ProfessorOwl
    ProfessorOwl Posts: 312 Member
    Im also hate those drivers who drive all the way to the front of the line on an exit and cut in. That is what cause the most lag time.

    The problem is somebody always lets them in, so it works.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Well, If the person is driving a ****ty car, and done not mind another dent, and the guy in the line has a dentless car, their is a battle of wills.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Where to begin?

    Tailgaters - yes, definitely. If someone is tailgating me, I give them a kilometer or two to back off. If they don't, and we're in the far right lane, I slow down 5 kmph. Still there? Antoher 5 kmph. I keep doing this until the driver behind me backs off or passes. Once I hit 40 kmph in an 80kmph zone because the person behind me never backed off.

    I'm looking for a bumper sticker that reads "The closer you are, the slower I go."

    People who blatently break the law - Left turn from the far right lane, for example.

    Texting/talking on the phone while driving - my best friend was nearly killed by someone doing this. He was in the back seat of a Chevy Impala when the guy driving a RAM 3500 was texting on his phone. Slammed into the back of the car diong 90+kmph, didn't even touch the brakes. My friend was in hospital for 9 months and has noticable - but not serious - brain trauma.

    Excessive speeding/driving recklessly - it has been proven that speeding does not cause car collisions. However, goin faster than the flow of traffic does increase the risk of an collision and the faster you are giong, the harder the impact is (remember - inertia is mass times speed squared. If you double your speed, the impact will be four times as powerful). Reckless drivers are the one that cause collisions.

    Driving BELOW the speed limit - What the hell is up with city drivers!? I grew up in the country and the only people who drive slowly out there are sunday drivers and tractors - both of which I can stand. One route I regularlytake to work has an 80 zone, a 60 zone, and a 70 zone. In the 80 zone, I'm lucky if I get above 75, in the 60 zone, everyone does 70-80, and in the 70 zone, everyone drives at 50! I don't freaking get it! I can stand driving *at* the speed limit, but once you start going under it *for no apparently reason at all* it drives me nuts! MOVE, PEOPLE! DAMMIT! The hilarity of it is that, once you get onto a highway, everyone is doing 20+ over the limit.

    I've come to the conclusion that city people do not know how to drive.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    People riding my tail when I'm already going 10 miles over the speed limit, especially in an area with a high deer population. I almost got it from both ends when I had to stop short for a deer and the guy behind me almost hit me. So I have this on the back of my car now. The image link didn't work.

    Also had a guy try to pass me in the right turn lane recently, and again, I was speeding, but he ran out of lane and ended up in someone's front yard. Someone else did the same thing from a left turn lane, trying to cut off the guy in front of me, and she almost hit the oncoming car. I'm pretty sure that person had to change their pants. I don't understand the lack of respect for other people on the road.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Pretty much all other drivers make me crazy. It's like they stopped teaching common sense in driver's ed. Seriously, who thinks it's a smart move to stop on top of the railroad tracks when you are waiting on a red light to change??? When you are in the right turn lane and you have a green arrow telling you that you can go, why would you come to a complete stop? Read the sign, it says no turn on red school days between 7-8 AM, not all freaking day long!

    I could go on and on. I will be so happy when I move to a more rural area with a ton less traffic!
  • eplerd
    eplerd Posts: 91 Member
    I'd reply with all my complaints but there's so much with Tampa driving that makes me nuts I'd probably exceed the post length!!

    I ride a motorcycle so I guess my biggest beef is "distracted drivers"

    You know, the ones texting, or yakkin' on the cell phone, or putting on makeup/shaving/doing hair.
    I can't tell you how many times I've almost been taken out by inattentive drivers!
  • jstavix
    jstavix Posts: 407 Member
    I hate driving in Albuquerque, New Mexico period! I have lived in a few cities in my life and I have to say Albq. takes the award for worst drivers. No-one knows how to use their blinkers when they are going to turn. They will be in the far left hand lane and decide to take an exit and just drive alllll the way across all the other lanes not looking to see if it's clear or not. We have bicyclist get hit and killed daily here because people don't look for them. Last Saturday we were in an accident because this silly woman decided to flip a uturn in a construction zone and didn't look to see if it was clear, it wasn't....we were there and she hit us! Bummer part? My car is probably totaled and we just paid it off a few months ago. I have to think positive though, we all walked away and cars can be replaced.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    People who text while driving. If caught on cruiser video camera, they should face the same penalties as DUI. At this point, they're killing a lot more people than the drunks.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    People who can't even seem to drive the speed limit. You get behind them in a no passing zone or heavy traffic where you can't pass and then as soon as you get to where you can pass them the *kitten* speed up to 65 or so and you have to go 70+ to get around them because as soon as you can't pass again they are right back to 45 mph. UGH! Pisses me off every single day on my 45 minute drive to work all on a two lane highway.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I was almost killed by a texter. I was waiting to go into a parking lot and was waiting behind another car. I was in the front seat with my wife and my 6 month old in the back seat. It was morning, it was a 3 lane street. No other cars on the street. This truck, the type company employees drive, hit me at 80 kms no breaks. The car was accordianed.(spelling). The guy says, why did you jam on your breaks??? Then says relax it was just an accident. It wasn't until I limped to the back door, which I almost could not open to get my baby out, when he says,"There was a baby in the back" I looked at the seat and said, you nhit me hard enough that the impact snapped the metal security clipping". He shut up right away. He knew he almost killed a child. Unfortunately, hard to prove he was texting and the insurance did not care. Thats the problem with Canada.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member

    Driving BELOW the speed limit - What the hell is up with city drivers!? I grew up in the country and the only people who drive slowly out there are sunday drivers and tractors - both of which I can stand. One route I regularlytake to work has an 80 zone, a 60 zone, and a 70 zone. In the 80 zone, I'm lucky if I get above 75, in the 60 zone, everyone does 70-80, and in the 70 zone, everyone drives at 50! I don't freaking get it! I can stand driving *at* the speed limit, but once you start going under it *for no apparently reason at all* it drives me nuts! MOVE, PEOPLE! DAMMIT! The hilarity of it is that, once you get onto a highway, everyone is doing 20+ over the limit.

    I cannot STAND people who drive slow. When conditions are perfect (dry, sunny day), there is no need to be going 10-15km under the speed limit! I had someone in front of me like that this morning. Where I live (Edmonton, AB area) there must be some unwritten rule that you have to go slower than the limit, but I wasn't informed! While heading out on the highway, it usually takes about 5 km before people FINALLY start approaching the 100 km/h speed. Drives me crazy. Get out of my way!

    There is a distracted driving law here, so only handsfree devices are allowed. However I still see people on their phones all the time. And I want to say to people "putting your phone on speaker & holding it up in front of your face doesn't count as handsfree!".

    I have a lot of road rage, but its usualy because of the slow drivers that insist on driving beside other slow drivers so there's never a chance to get around them.
  • WhatAnAss
    WhatAnAss Posts: 1,598 Member
    People who pull right out in front of you when there is not a single car behind you and decide they need to turn on the next road that is like 10 feet away. :mad:
  • littlebutlean
    littlebutlean Posts: 2,159 Member
    Just old people in general, usually 70+ .. I call them silver hairs as in, "Oh look what we have here, another silver hair doing 20 under the speed limit. Shocker!"

    They're literally the most identifiable worst drivers on the road.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    My husband was at a dead stop in traffic and was rear ended by a big Ryder moving truck thing (10 wheels) doing 65 mph while texting. So that's my thing.

    Generally I only get pissed when people are reckless and put my kids lives in danger. Before the accident, I was a really high strung driver, but now I just don't sweat that stuff. Don't be on your phone in your car, please and don't drive like you're in Nascar.
  • 1959sunshine
    1959sunshine Posts: 29 Member
    People who are turning left and dont know what the frig the turn lane in for. They slow down in the ongoing lane and move to the turn lane at the last possible moment. Thats what the turn lane is for.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Oh I did think of one - here in San Antonio, we use Yield signs for pretty much EVERYTHING. And rarely do people know that yield does not mean stop. That makes me a little nuts.
  • xShreddx
    xShreddx Posts: 127 Member
    I about lost my life due to a distracted driver....rolled my car several times and am still paying for it physically to this day. Due to this, my tolerance for stupidity on the road is slim to none. Just a few days ago I saw a young lady texting with both hands while driving on the freeway. I agree that this should be punishable as DUI is.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I have learned to deal with most of my pet peeves while driving, except 1!

    People that go around you on the right (in a right turn lane, not a bypass lane) while turning or while someone in front of you is turning, that you waiting for.

    This is illegal in MN, but people still do it all the FING time.

    This is a good one.

    The one thing I can't figure out is why people can't fit their car between the lines on the ground that denote a parking spot. It baffles me.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Basically, people that are in a hurry all the time. For example,

    Speeding up and swerving in and out of traffic just to get one or two cars ahead on the highway.

    The ones that speed all the way up on a ramp and try to cut in line instead of waiting their turn.


    People that speed going down my neighborhood street. There are kids riding their bikes on the sidewalk! Slow down!

    And speeding through parking lots. I can't tell you how many times I've almost gotten run over.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    people who do not change their out brake lights.

    people who do not use turn signals.
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    I have 2.

    Living in Vermont, when the leaf-peepers come in the fall and STOP DEAD IN THE ROAD TO TAKE A BLASTED PICTURE!!!!!! Honestly, if you have seen one orange leaf, you have seen them all and I am so tired of almost rear-ending some out-of-stater with a NIKON taking pictures of the follage!

    My other complaint? My apologies to the Canadians in here but, the drivers from Montreal make me nuts! They are always either driving too slow or too fast(KPH to MPH conversion deficient).