Stupid drivers.......what drives you crazy???



  • WhatAnAss
    WhatAnAss Posts: 1,598 Member
    People who pull right out in front of you when there is not a single car behind you and decide they need to turn on the next road that is like 10 feet away. :mad:
  • littlebutlean
    littlebutlean Posts: 2,159 Member
    Just old people in general, usually 70+ .. I call them silver hairs as in, "Oh look what we have here, another silver hair doing 20 under the speed limit. Shocker!"

    They're literally the most identifiable worst drivers on the road.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    My husband was at a dead stop in traffic and was rear ended by a big Ryder moving truck thing (10 wheels) doing 65 mph while texting. So that's my thing.

    Generally I only get pissed when people are reckless and put my kids lives in danger. Before the accident, I was a really high strung driver, but now I just don't sweat that stuff. Don't be on your phone in your car, please and don't drive like you're in Nascar.
  • 1959sunshine
    1959sunshine Posts: 29 Member
    People who are turning left and dont know what the frig the turn lane in for. They slow down in the ongoing lane and move to the turn lane at the last possible moment. Thats what the turn lane is for.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Oh I did think of one - here in San Antonio, we use Yield signs for pretty much EVERYTHING. And rarely do people know that yield does not mean stop. That makes me a little nuts.
  • xShreddx
    xShreddx Posts: 127 Member
    I about lost my life due to a distracted driver....rolled my car several times and am still paying for it physically to this day. Due to this, my tolerance for stupidity on the road is slim to none. Just a few days ago I saw a young lady texting with both hands while driving on the freeway. I agree that this should be punishable as DUI is.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I have learned to deal with most of my pet peeves while driving, except 1!

    People that go around you on the right (in a right turn lane, not a bypass lane) while turning or while someone in front of you is turning, that you waiting for.

    This is illegal in MN, but people still do it all the FING time.

    This is a good one.

    The one thing I can't figure out is why people can't fit their car between the lines on the ground that denote a parking spot. It baffles me.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Basically, people that are in a hurry all the time. For example,

    Speeding up and swerving in and out of traffic just to get one or two cars ahead on the highway.

    The ones that speed all the way up on a ramp and try to cut in line instead of waiting their turn.


    People that speed going down my neighborhood street. There are kids riding their bikes on the sidewalk! Slow down!

    And speeding through parking lots. I can't tell you how many times I've almost gotten run over.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,041 Member
    people who do not change their out brake lights.

    people who do not use turn signals.
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    I have 2.

    Living in Vermont, when the leaf-peepers come in the fall and STOP DEAD IN THE ROAD TO TAKE A BLASTED PICTURE!!!!!! Honestly, if you have seen one orange leaf, you have seen them all and I am so tired of almost rear-ending some out-of-stater with a NIKON taking pictures of the follage!

    My other complaint? My apologies to the Canadians in here but, the drivers from Montreal make me nuts! They are always either driving too slow or too fast(KPH to MPH conversion deficient).
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    Ohhh...where to begin?

    Driving in the passing lane and NOT passing anyone.
    Driving below the speed limit, not yielding to faster drivers
    Not reaching highway speed before merging onto the highway
    Failure to use indicator lights
    Throwing cigarette butts out the window
    Throwing litter out the window
    Texting while driving
    Talking on cell while driving and not paying attention.
    Braking for no apparent reason
    Driving slow, then when I go to pass, you speed up. JERKS!
    People who slow down when they are driving next to a semi truck.
    Not properly restraining your children and pets in your vehicle.

    I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones I encountered on my commute this morning. And yeah, I have issues with drivers.

    ETA: People who cut in line in traffic, typically at a busy exit or in merging construction zones. I do my best to stop people from doing this.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    People who can't even seem to drive the speed limit. You get behind them in a no passing zone or heavy traffic where you can't pass and then as soon as you get to where you can pass them the *kitten* speed up to 65 or so and you have to go 70+ to get around them because as soon as you can't pass again they are right back to 45 mph. UGH! Pisses me off every single day on my 45 minute drive to work all on a two lane highway.

    This right here!
    I had a coworker that bragged about doing this and she said she doesn't think people should drive fast and she will make sure that she prevents as many people as she can. She drives under the speed limit but purposely gets in the fast lane.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    Ohhh...where to begin?

    Driving in the passing lane and NOT passing anyone.
    Driving below the speed limit, not yielding to faster drivers
    Not reaching highway speed before merging onto the highway
    Failure to use indicator lights
    Throwing cigarette butts out the window
    Throwing litter out the window
    Texting while driving
    Talking on cell while driving and not paying attention.
    Braking for no apparent reason
    Driving slow, then when I go to pass, you speed up. JERKS!
    People who slow down when they are driving next to a semi truck.
    Not properly restraining your children and pets in your vehicle.

    I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones I encountered on my commute this morning. And yeah, I have issues with drivers.

    ETA: People who cut in line in traffic, typically at a busy exit or in merging construction zones. I do my best to stop people from doing this.

    All of this.. I'm sure there is more.
    I hate driving. I live in California and we get a lot of traffic. I deal with idiots on a daily basis and it drives me nuts. It's really not that hard to drive but apparently people have difficulty with it.
  • _cdngirl71_
    _cdngirl71_ Posts: 112 Member
    I can't stand people who don't look in their blind spots!! Drives me nuts!

    Or when there are two lanes that turn and the driver on your left decides to get in your lane after the turn without looking. Happened to me last night, grrrrrr!!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    People who can't even seem to drive the speed limit. You get behind them in a no passing zone or heavy traffic where you can't pass and then as soon as you get to where you can pass them the *kitten* speed up to 65 or so and you have to go 70+ to get around them because as soon as you can't pass again they are right back to 45 mph. UGH! Pisses me off every single day on my 45 minute drive to work all on a two lane highway.

    This right here!
    I had a coworker that bragged about doing this and she said she doesn't think people should drive fast and she will make sure that she prevents as many people as she can. She drives under the speed limit but purposely gets in the fast lane.

    I can't understand not at least going the speed limit, especially when there's no bad weather. What shocked me was twice in one night, two people I had gotten stuck behind, both driving under the speed limit, actually pulled over and let me pass. I thought I was in the Twilight Zone.
  • caringiscreepyx
    Sounds silly, but when people coming in the opposite direction don't acknowledge when you've let them come past you, all they have to do is a smile or little wave. i end up sticking my thumb up sarcastically to them as they drive by.

  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    I'd reply with all my complaints but there's so much with Tampa driving that makes me nuts I'd probably exceed the post length!!

    I ride a motorcycle so I guess my biggest beef is "distracted drivers"

    You know, the ones texting, or yakkin' on the cell phone, or putting on makeup/shaving/doing hair.
    I can't tell you how many times I've almost been taken out by inattentive drivers!

    Look twice, save a life!! :flowerforyou:

    And yeah I hate drivers who txt and drive. I want to scream :explode:
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    Sounds silly, but when people coming in the opposite direction don't acknowledge when you've let them come past you, all they have to do is a smile or little wave. i end up sticking my thumb up sarcastically to them as they drive by.


    :laugh: I do the same thing! Even to the guy who completely cut me off coming from across the street this morning. Seriously, I drive a Jeep, how do you not see it?!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    People who are turning left and dont know what the frig the turn lane in for. They slow down in the ongoing lane and move to the turn lane at the last possible moment. Thats what the turn lane is for.

    In my office park, some of them never make it into the turn lane at all. It's a 3 lane road, and they're sitting still in the right lane with their left turn blinker going...MOVE. If it's morning and I'm on my way TO work it's not a problem, not in a hurry to get there, LOL! But if I'm trying to get home at the end of the day I get annoyed.
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    Ohhh...where to begin?

    Driving in the passing lane and NOT passing anyone.
    Driving below the speed limit, not yielding to faster drivers
    Not reaching highway speed before merging onto the highway
    Failure to use indicator lights
    Throwing cigarette butts out the window
    Throwing litter out the window
    Texting while driving
    Talking on cell while driving and not paying attention.
    Braking for no apparent reason
    Driving slow, then when I go to pass, you speed up. JERKS!
    People who slow down when they are driving next to a semi truck.
    Not properly restraining your children and pets in your vehicle.

    I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones I encountered on my commute this morning. And yeah, I have issues with drivers.

    ETA: People who cut in line in traffic, typically at a busy exit or in merging construction zones. I do my best to stop people from doing this.

    Yep all of the above !!!