8 Drinks! Are You Kidding Me???



  • mahletost
    mahletost Posts: 5
    Is 7 drinks a week considered being a heavy drinker...one glass of wine a day? I think not.. but all the sugar in alcohol keeps me far away from it except on occasion. To each his own.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Years ago, I had a doctor who insisted that I was an Alcoholic, because I was consume 4 or more beers in one setting. Now, I told her that these sittings would only happen once every two months or so (as I do not drink that much.). She still insisted that I needed help, that I was an alcoholic and a binge drinker.

    I never saw her after that.

    By medical definition, a binge drinker is a woman who consumes 4 or more drinks during one sitting or a male who consumes 5 or more drinks during one sitting. So that is why she was referring to you as a binge drinker.

    However, for a male to be considered a heavy drinker, he would need to consume 15+ drinks a week (which you do not do).

    I get what you're saying re: binge drinking but I think the point he was trying to make is that the doctor shouldn't have been so insistent on such a negative label since it happened so infrequently. Labels have varying amounts of impact on people, as seen in this thread. If it were me in that situation, the all or nothing approach would have bothered me as well, but for others, they may use it as a way of denial. (Note: the denial thing isn't directed at anyone, just a thought in general because I could see people doing that.)

    As for the 8 drinks making a woman a "heavy drinker," that seems a bit low, especially if it's 15 for men. I get that women are typically smaller than men, but it seems like a rather large disparity without having any idea as to the reasoning, which I'm willing to admit. So, if someone has the reason for this, I'd love to know.

    Women are more vulnerable to alcohol's side effects.
  • janine2355
    janine2355 Posts: 628 Member
    First I heard it's reccommened to have a glass a night, now it's not???? Whatever, you just can't listen to the news and all of the crap. I myself rarely drink but I know from one drink a night is not a lot and like I said, It's been recommended for years now! Who knows anymore
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I rarely drink, but this is say 2 glasses of wine every other day is heavy... and having one glass a night(which is recommended) is almost being a heavy drinker. thats insane
    And yet, that's what most doctors say is HEALTHY and GOOD FOR YOU. go figure.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    If it bothers you that much, it might be a good idea to ask yourself why.

    I second this.

    It may be the fact that I don't drink but I believe someone who drinks 8 drinks a week is a moderate to heavy drinker. Who has time for that?

    In the medical community, 8 drinks a week is without a doubt classified as a heavy drinker.
    Time for what?
    In the medical community 7 drinks is "optimal". How long does the 8th take? 72 hours?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Is 7 drinks a week considered being a heavy drinker...one glass of wine a day? I think not.. but all the sugar in alcohol keeps me far away from it except on occasion. To each his own.
    Have you looked at the sugar and carbs in, say, a chardonnay?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Haha just women huh? What a crock. 8 drinks is nothin!

    What a bunch of lightweights.
    I would be dead on my feet if I had a drink a day. I weigh a buck and change and never drink.
    You'd be dead from a drink? Do you have no liver?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm intrigued by the replies. Obviously.

    I consider myself a moderate drinker. I have wine with dinner most nights. I enjoy wine. I rarely over indulge. But the extremes on this thread (as they often do on a FOOD site.... about BOOZE) fascinate me.

    Again, folks. The recommendations for a woman are HAVE A GLASS OF WINE a day. But suddenly, have TWO just once a week and you've gone over. Think of all the cultures we supposedly emulate "the french paradox" etc. Does this not seem odd?

    In france they serve wine by the carafe at university cafeterias I've been too. FOR LUNCH. Now imagine saying to a woman: one wine a day. YES. two...cancer. "heavy drinker".

    Seems odd.

    Signed: sometimes has two. sometimes even has THREE.
  • klfoster88
    klfoster88 Posts: 65 Member
    Well classify me. I am known to have a glass of wine every night sometimes two. Let's not even start on some of my weekend drinks. I hate that these "studies" always pinpoint women and try to make us feel bad.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Quick, someone tell the French they're all a bunch of lushes and they're going to shorten their lives!

    Oh wait. Don't they live longer than us? And drink more than 8 measly 5 oz glasses a week, I'm sure.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Quick, someone tell the French they're all a bunch of lushes and they're going to shorten their lives!

    Oh wait. Don't they live longer than us? And drink more than 8 measly 5 oz glasses a week, I'm sure.

    I agree that it would be odd to consider that heavy drinking. So, I suspected maybe they were meaning large sized drinks.

    But, different people have different responses to alcohol. I can't drink every day. I start to feel nauseated, headaches, and tired.

    But, when i have a drink i prefer to have a 9 ounce drink less often than to have a 5 ounce every day. Even though the guidelines are to have less at one time.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Quick, someone tell the French they're all a bunch of lushes and they're going to shorten their lives!

    Oh wait. Don't they live longer than us? And drink more than 8 measly 5 oz glasses a week, I'm sure.

    I agree that it would be odd to consider that heavy drinking. So, I suspected maybe they were meaning large sized drinks.

    But, different people have different responses to alcohol. I can't drink every day. I start to feel nauseated, headaches, and tired.

    But, when i have a drink i prefer to have a 9 ounce drink less often than to have a 5 ounce every day. Even though the guidelines are to have less at one time.

    I read the ad earlier today, and I might be remembering it wrong, but I thought they said 5 oz for a glass of wine, which seems absurdly small to me.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Quick, someone tell the French they're all a bunch of lushes and they're going to shorten their lives!

    Oh wait. Don't they live longer than us? And drink more than 8 measly 5 oz glasses a week, I'm sure.

    I agree that it would be odd to consider that heavy drinking. So, I suspected maybe they were meaning large sized drinks.

    But, different people have different responses to alcohol. I can't drink every day. I start to feel nauseated, headaches, and tired.

    But, when i have a drink i prefer to have a 9 ounce drink less often than to have a 5 ounce every day. Even though the guidelines are to have less at one time.

    I read the ad earlier today, and I might be remembering it wrong, but I thought they said 5 oz for a glass of wine, which seems absurdly small to me.

    Yeah, usually that is considered healthy (for people that do not already have alcohol related health conditions due to previous actual heavy drinking).
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Haha just women huh? What a crock. 8 drinks is nothin!

    What a bunch of lightweights.
    I would be dead on my feet if I had a drink a day. I weigh a buck and change and never drink.
    You'd be dead from a drink? Do you have no liver?
    It is a figure of speech no? I have a liver but it doesn't handle alcohol very well at all. And not just a drink a drink everyday of the week.
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm intrigued by the replies. Obviously.

    I consider myself a moderate drinker. I have wine with dinner most nights. I enjoy wine. I rarely over indulge. But the extremes on this thread (as they often do on a FOOD site.... about BOOZE) fascinate me.

    Again, folks. The recommendations for a woman are HAVE A GLASS OF WINE a day. But suddenly, have TWO just once a week and you've gone over. Think of all the cultures we supposedly emulate "the french paradox" etc. Does this not seem odd?

    In france they serve wine by the carafe at university cafeterias I've been too. FOR LUNCH. Now imagine saying to a woman: one wine a day. YES. two...cancer. "heavy drinker".

    Seems odd.

    Signed: sometimes has two. sometimes even has THREE.

    Yeah this is where I am, too, trying to think my way through this. I also get that you have to draw the line somewhere, so to speak, but one over the recommended one per day once per week seems a bit... much.

    I admit that I don't drink one a day but I know a couple who do wine and cheese around 5 daily to separate work from home time. I would hardly classify the woman as a heavy drinker, even if she does occasionally have two glasses instead of one. For some reason, I'm much more all right with classifying 10 a week that way than 8, but I have no good reason as to why.
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    Years ago, I had a doctor who insisted that I was an Alcoholic, because I was consume 4 or more beers in one setting. Now, I told her that these sittings would only happen once every two months or so (as I do not drink that much.). She still insisted that I needed help, that I was an alcoholic and a binge drinker.

    I never saw her after that.

    By medical definition, a binge drinker is a woman who consumes 4 or more drinks during one sitting or a male who consumes 5 or more drinks during one sitting. So that is why she was referring to you as a binge drinker.

    However, for a male to be considered a heavy drinker, he would need to consume 15+ drinks a week (which you do not do).

    I get what you're saying re: binge drinking but I think the point he was trying to make is that the doctor shouldn't have been so insistent on such a negative label since it happened so infrequently. Labels have varying amounts of impact on people, as seen in this thread. If it were me in that situation, the all or nothing approach would have bothered me as well, but for others, they may use it as a way of denial. (Note: the denial thing isn't directed at anyone, just a thought in general because I could see people doing that.)

    As for the 8 drinks making a woman a "heavy drinker," that seems a bit low, especially if it's 15 for men. I get that women are typically smaller than men, but it seems like a rather large disparity without having any idea as to the reasoning, which I'm willing to admit. So, if someone has the reason for this, I'd love to know.

    Women are more vulnerable to alcohol's side effects.

    I guess I'm asking if anyone knows why off the top of the head. If not, Google is my friend.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    It's cultural. I'm from one Asian country and live in another. In both, 8 drinks a week would be heavy drinking. However, in the UK it's perfectly normal. People can have at least half that many drinks on a weeknight and not catch any flack. That said, the UK has a lot of problems with alcoholism... anyway, the point is that many you should go with the doctors. Sometimes really unhealthy things can seem totally normal within a cultural context. Like smoking, for example.
  • GeordieGirl80s
    GeordieGirl80s Posts: 120 Member
    I'm not sure I even have 8 drinks in an entire year.

    This was exactly my thought. At the beginning of this month I was on holiday & on 1 night I had a single measure of whisky & 2 nights later a single measure of archers (with lemonade), they were the first alcoholic drinks I'd had since my birthday in January.

    When I think back to up to like 5 years ago it was a very different story, I'd be out 2 or 3 nights a week drinking 7 or 8 pints + 4 or 5 Jack Daniels & Coke as well as wine/cans of lager/whisky at home maybe 2 other nights.
  • AdaVanderlyle
    AdaVanderlyle Posts: 113 Member
    I'll just get a bigger glass.

    :laugh: Amen to that!
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    nobody knows...

    Read this: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/dietandfitness/10916556/Want-to-live-a-long-life-Eat-fermented-cabbage-and-drink-a-litre-of-olive-oil-a-week.html for a different view point.

    I try and keep everything in moderation, enjoy good wine and get on with loving life.... Isnt it 'not the number of years in your life but the life in your years' that matters?