Any c25k newbies?



  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    The key is to do more running, regardless of the breaks. The walking engages different motor muscles and stresses the body differently. Therefore you feel as though you are making progress, without overstressing the body. You do not work the muscles to exhaustion by putting in the walk segments. Before I completed C210k I did a HM using 5 min run, 1 min walk intervals, despite having done 5k as the longest single run session. Other than a stiffening later in the morning resolved by a 2 mile walk, I had no ill effects. I could never have run it. Trust with the programmes they do work.

    Thanks for the explanation.

    Going back to walk / run intervals was nice on a mental level too. It helps break up the routine and keeps my motivation high to work towards the longer continuous run at the end of the week (which I am pretty sure I could do right now in reality.)

    I will put my trust in the programme though - it ain't broke and all that...
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Thanks for the explanation.

    Going back to walk / run intervals was nice on a mental level too. It helps break up the routine and keeps my motivation high to work towards the longer continuous run at the end of the week (which I am pretty sure I could do right now in reality.)

    I will put my trust in the programme though - it ain't broke and all that...

    Some people struggle with run walk cycles as they cannot get back into gear after the walk segment. I have a sports watch which I set to 5m/1m work/rest intervals. I found that sticking to it was actually easy when I set my mind to it. The hardest part is walking after the first 5 minutes because you feel as though you are just getting into your stride. In a few weeks you will have the fun of running for a whole hour (or thereabouts). Have fun.

    Edited to include quote so that it made sense
  • steebsthegreat
    steebsthegreat Posts: 70 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm doing C25k for my second time.
    I did it earlier in the year for the first time. I came off 3 months of physical therapy for ankle problems, graduated C25k, and ran my first 5k in July at 39:24. Very slow, but I wasn't last!

    I'm looking to start it again, but I think I'm going to do each week twice. I'm looking to following people who will motivate and support me, preferably someone around the same age (23) and with the same fitness goals (trying to ultimately lose about 20 lbs, getting down to 140 lbs).
    Also, my next 5k goal is to finish my next 5k (July 2015) in 36 minutes!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Week 6 Day 3 is scheduled for tonight.

    Looks like it is continuous running for the next couple of weeks.

    I think the hardest part of that will be the mental side of it more than anything. With the intervals there was always a cut off I knew I could reach whereas it is a bit more open ended now.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I completed Week 7 Day 1 yesterday (after a pesky social life interfered with my running.)

    It was fine and although I struggled a little around the 17 minute mark I had a second wind and finished with legs to spare.

    I have decided I am not going to track any metrics (such as pace / heart rate etc) for the time being. I am enjoying simply running and going by feel.
  • granturismo
    granturismo Posts: 232 Member
    Completed 5k twice now, averaging 33 minutes each time. I bought a new pair of running shoes, wore them for 2 short runs and then one 5k, I havent been able to run for about a week now due to a sore foot arch. I've rested and iced it and hope to get back running in a few days with my old shoes.
    I had gait analysis for the new ones and am now trying to get them returned.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Week 7 Day 2 completed yesterday.

    I was a little wary of doing back to back days but given how busy I am this week it had to be done.

    It was cold and raining but I have cycled in a lot worse conditions (and also have some rather handy wind and waterproof clothing I can use from cycling) and it was an enjoyable run.

    I will probably do a park run in the next few weeks as I think I am in touching distance of a 5k now (not sure of the distance as I don't track it - just time so far.)
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Week 7 Day 3 completed yesterday.

    Lovely run in the drizzling rain and chilly evening time. A friend of mine gave me a reflective hat over the weekend which along with the reflective jacket I have makes me nice and bright (unlike some ninjas I come across...)

    Signed up for a 5K fun run next weekend which I am looking forward to doing.
  • will77_1977
    will77_1977 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm having a real tough time with week 7.....Feel like i'm regressing...
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    my best boyfriend and I are on W8 D2 and running had never been a thought prior to C25K. It just gets better and better!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    So, I completed Week 8 Day 3 yesterday night. Yay me!

    Lovely run, no probs, pacing is getting better, finished strong.

    I haven't been tracking distance so I don't know if I am actually running 5k now that I can run continuously for 30 minutes. I have a 5k fun run on Sunday but this isn't timed either.

    I may give a timed 5k a crack in the next few days to see how I go. I have Endomondo on my phone. Now if I can only remember how to use it and switch the settings over to running...