

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi gals. OMG what a busy day. I have been running since 8! It’s now nearly 12 hours later and when I am done here I have to keep working to get ready for the trip. I bought the oddest assortment of food today for the trip…each couple is responsible for one day’s worth of meals for all 7 of us….pop, beer, chips, hot dogs….all kinds of things I never buy. I usually go to this one cashier (I’ll stand in line for her) and she said “Oh my goodness, girl, what is up with you!” When she saw my pile! Plus the bottles of water I wanted to get were stacked way up high and about 4 12-packs of the stuff fell on my head!

    So yesterday I went to lunch with my friend and former co-worker at a wonderful sushi place. We were having such a good time then she tells me she has endometrial cancer and is having a hysterectomy the 28th. :sad: So please send my friend Peggy prayers and good healing thoughts if you have time. She’s the one whose house was nearly destroyed in the storm with the baseball sized hail in June.

    Tina; we used to have this big, kind of aggressive dog and one day DH was walking her and some kid was walking his dog on one of those retractable leashes. His dog kept coming up to Chelsey and nipping at her. DH told this kid to keep his dog away, but finally Chelsey had it, snarled and picked up the dog and shook it. Then she literally threw it. It was ok but stayed away after that!

    Anita: welcome to the group. Darling little doggie. My inlaws live in Wadsworth, OH.

    Vicki: I’ll keep your body-hiding offer in my back pocket in case I need it! The kid and DD#2 are going out on their second date tonight; apparently last night’s date was a success! Keep us informed as to the grandchild’s arrival!

    Kim: DD#1 still at 21 believes that ¼ is bigger than ½ because 4 is bigger than 2. Now you know why I banned her from the kitchen! I’m so sorry about your family drama. I’m with you though. Vicki apparently knows how to bury bodies, so let her know if you need her services!:laugh: What a wonderful story about your mom….what a dear lady! Thanks for sharing

    Lestan (was it Lesley?)…good stepping and activity!

    Christy: welcome to the group!

    Michele: growing up in Hawaii, the water there is treated with fluoride (or it was when I was a kid). I think that’s why I don’t have cavities.

    Barbie: have a great trip!

    Joyce: wow what a day. Glad your sister was ok. Should she be driving? Your post was fine; we all rant once in a while! You know you can report her to the DMV and have them evaluate her.

    Patty: what a funny story!

    Heather: I am always amazed at your meals and your trips!:love:

    Yanniejannie: great step total!

    Katla: I shall be sure to give your regards to the lunching CO ladies! I’m with you on service; too many people are apathetic these days.

    Jane: hope DS’s air gets fixed before the next heat wave!

    Suzy: glad you are home safe and sound and had a good trip!

    Carol: putting your house on the market…how exciting!

    Vicki: as one Zoloft sister to another….up the dose! LOL :bigsmile: Those mood swings are awful and I hate them.

    Manclass: a triathalon! Wow good luck training; I’m sure you can do it!

    Sylvia: and why didn’t you call 911???? Take care of yourself! Go to the doctor!!!! I am worried about you! :flowerforyou: Oh my, I would have been livid too about the boating!

    Alison: hope you feel better!

    Margaret: sending get well wishes for sil

    Kandc: welcome to you!

    Wessecg: (Cheryl?) so sorry about your daughter but what a great response from her website! Isn’t your horse getting better?

    Kathy: we are all so happy to see you here again!

    Carol: about the church issue…do those in charge understand the rationale behind the rule of diaper changing in public? Have parents complained and wanted privacy? Knowing those answers can help you form a response. An option might be to have 2 people do the private diaper changing. That would satisfy both sides. But you can’t let your integrity be compromised! I’m with you on your opinion.

    Well ladies I must get busy! Take care all, Meg from cloudy sprinkly Omaha:drinker:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Kathy from IL - Congrats on making the Dean's list.
    Sorry your friend moved.

    Sylvia - we used to fold down our middle seat on our Caravan when the kids were little. Then the argument over who got to sit next to the window started. Can't win..... So glad you're feeling better. Your son's ex sure is a piece of work!

    Carol in NC - I wish you felt better. You dinner with those ladies sounds wonderful! I would NOT find it acceptable (the changing situation) So glad they are willing to negotiate with you.

    Vicki - how exciting!!!

    jane - I do so hope your current landlady talks to the realtor! That would be awesome

    Margaret - prayers for your SIL

    Sylvia - LOL the joke

    wesmas - welcome! Gluten free and dairy free. I have a friend who needs dairy free and she prefers to do gluten free. I'm sure you can give me some great hints as to what to serve her. You've joined a great group. You will find so much in common with us all.

    Lestan - I have one of Tom's books on audiobook, I think it's called "why we get fat and what to do about it". He is very informative. So sorry about your granddaughter. I can imagine how it feels. Bryan seems to have done about the same with us and it breaks my heart. Vent all you need to vent, one of the reasons we exercise is to get large shoulders for others to lean on.

    Meg - are you OK after having the bottles falling on you? Prayers for Peggy

    Today has been semi-busy. Exercised, had breakfast, then Newcomer general meeting, then senior bowling (I took my carrots with me <as usual> and 54oz bubba mug of water), came home, had dinner, made some muffins, then Jessica called to say that she and Kris were coming down this weekend. Just earlier I bought shrimp to take to the Newcomer social. Truthfully, I'm not all that crazy about it now that I think about it. What it is is you go on some people's pontoon boats for a ride around Lake Hickory then dock at the marina and have the pot luck. I'm not crazy about the fact that you'll have the food with you while you're on the boat and then eat. In this heat, food should not be kept out over an hour. Even tho people are saying that I should bring Jess and Kris along, I'm just telling them that I'll ask Jess and Kris but I'm not holding my breath. Honestly, what will they want to do with a bunch of old people? Took back the shrimp that I was going to take. The shrimp is so expensive (I like to get the larger ones) plus I can use the room in my refrig. Then went to WalMart to return some things and buy others. Now home.

    Oh, Lance let me give him his insulin -- but not without a bit of growling. Now I have to get him to trust that not every time I go near him, he's going to get his insulin.

    Tomorrow we have lunch with the Newcomers. I've decided I'll get this grilled chicken salad without cheese. We also need to stop at the place where lexi is going to get her treatment and give them a $200 deposit. Well, I guess I can understand. People would make an appointment, they'd order the radioactive isotope, then when people realized how much it would cost them, they didn't go for it. And that isotope doesn't last long so the place would be out the money. So this is a sort of "insurance" for them that you're going to go thru with it.

    Michele in NC
  • ouray12
    ouray12 Posts: 68 Member
    Hot & humid here in N. Texas. Ready for fall. :drinker: Enjoy reading how everyone's doing.

    Joyce, sorry about your sister. Several years ago, my mom was seeing multiple doctors and getting meds that interacted.
    When she got off some of them, she was much better & back to herself. Hope all works out.

    Sylvia, know how stressed you are about the kids and your son. We have raised three grandchildren for 10 years. Our
    oldest granddaughter is not our biological grandchild and didn't know until she was 12 that our son was not her biological
    father. Destiny is 18 now and a wonderful girl. She took it all in stride, has always called her dad, dad and tells us that
    she loves us more as we love her unconditionally and have always been there for her, even though not blood kin. Hope
    it all works out.

    KancKnights – sugar & carb addiction - that is me. I'm convinced that it can be an addiction just as alcohol, nicotine & other drugs.
    Your body chemically changes in response to the sugar & carbs and that leads to needing more. Gloria had a great
    idea with doing the South Beach detox for 14 days. It's amazing how much better you feel, and more energy...and
    the best thing is losing the cravings! :love: That you are working out is great! Maybe change it up a little.
    As Lestan said, working out increases the energy level. We are all there with you!

    MancLass – Triathlon....wow, rooting for you!

    Ladies, leaving Sat for a week conference at UTexas in Austin. Will be a long week, but I'm staying with my daughter and son-in-law so some visiting. Taking my 13 yr old grandson with me...he's going to a camp for the week. All will be great, but I have to
    stay away from the Mexican Restaurants & Hey Cupcake....yep, it's addicting! :bigsmile:

    Almost forgot, my sister-in-law brought me three tops for my birthday. I fell in love with all three when I pulled them out of the bag.
    But then my heart sank. She bought me 1x and I wasn't sure they'd fit, but I'm there!! Sometimes, need to forget the scales & love
    the clothes! Made my day! :flowerforyou:

    Take care,
  • Ludka13
    Ludka13 Posts: 136 Member
    Keeping my goals for July simple:

    - Log my food every day.
    - Keep the carbs down and the fruit and veggies up.
    - Exercise as my health permits.
    - Meditate daily.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    What a day!
    Called about a house for rent in the town over-300 dollars cheaper.of course it rented.Then why keep it on the website?:sad:
    Then we took our long hair cat to get groomed.Got lost,couldn`t find the place,then we got there and we had forgotten the rabies recepit.The took Violet to Mcd`s to play and there were no kids there.:mad:
    Ready to go to bed.Hope tomorrow is better-have a mammagram appt.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    esmas - welcome! Gluten free and dairy free. I have a friend who needs dairy free and she prefers to do gluten free. I'm sure you can give me some great hints as to what to serve her. You've joined a great group. You will find so much in common with us all.

    Michele in NC

    Michele: DH thought he was gluten intolerant so we went off it for about a year. I'm lactose intolerant & have been forever, so here goes: Grill, bake, roast or boil any meat you like; salad with vinegar/oil dressing base; spices you like; steamed veggies such as beans, broccoli, peas, corn on the cob; brown or white rice, quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn tortillas; soup but not cream of anything. I can tolerate cheese, the harder the bet easier to tolerate, but ask her. Desserts: fresh fruit, watermelon is divine and so are all the melons. No butter, cream, or milk, even as ingredients in something else. Margarine, soy milk, rice milk, or almond milk might be okay. Ask her. I do fine with soy and rice milk. DS can't have almond milk or soy milk. Hopefully this will start you thinking of possibilities. There are a lot of labeled "gluten free" foods and crackers available, but they are often high calorie. Read labels.

    I hope this helps.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :frown: :embarassed: Have I really not posted since 1st July :noway: :noway: :noway:

    :flowerforyou: Had a lovely holiday, tried to log my food most of the days, but I'm not very good on lap tops, and the internet was so slow that everything took forever - and I was eager to get outside etc.

    Mimi - I know what you mean about keeping up with everyone, I find it hard too :bigsmile:

    :cry: On the last night of my holiday I stubbed my toe in the early hours of the morning (on one of my many visits to the bathroom!) boy did that hurt!! A few hours later, I decided to go for my last early morning walk before breakfast and was only a few yards from the hotel when - you've guessed it - I tripped over :noway: I was a little shaken this time - I don't usually hurt myself, but this time I'd scrubbed my knees and hands. Decided to sit on one of the seats and pretend I was looking at the view until I recovered enough to go back to the hotel and have a lie down and read my book before breakfast. I was waiting for the third thing to happen, but we managed to get home without any further mishaps. Next morning I noticed the biggest bruise on my elbow! Mind you I do bruise easily, but this was quite spectacular.

    Been back at work since Monday and as usual we are so busy that by the time I get home and after working with computers all day - I don't turn on my computer at home, hence I haven't checked in with you in over a week! Where does the time go?

    Put on 4lbs whilst on holiday, so really need to buckle down now.

    I'm walking in the 'Race for Life' this Sunday in Hull with my sister in law Helen, niece Tracy and her two little girls Autumn and Indiana, so hope the weather is going to be sunny but not too hot. We have been doing this for the last 4 years now and it's a lovely day, and we raise money for Breast Cancer at the same time.

    Hubby not feeling too well today, so I'd better go and check on him, he's been feeling sickly for the last few days but will not go to the GP. He is so stubborn - keeps saying he's okay. Probably just a bug but I'd like to be sure.

    Have a great day everyone, I've only read up to page 2 so I'm a bit behind - healing angels to those who need them :heart: :heart:

    Viv (Sunny York UK)
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Hi all missed a day, and it is late… but am going to try to catch up!
    Katla – thanks for your hugs!

    Heather – I have not cooked with celeriac – peel and roast??

    Sue – thanks for the recipe, I have to go find chia seeds…

    Carol – good for you! Both time with your friend and meeting with the realtor!

    Christy – sounds like you are doing well…keep on reading along and posting and we will all get to know each other! Love the squirrel distraction…

    Vicki – I love that you welcome new folks in the neighborhood….

    ManLass – Ok, I don’t run at all but if I could run from pie to pie I might be able to consider it but in 6km I think 12 pie stops would be about right!

    Joyce – glad you are going to the Dr. with your sister – Try to worry only about things you can affect…

    Sylvia – this is not good – you should have called the ambulance then they would have seen exactly how bad it is…

    MNMargaret – sending good thoughts to your sil…

    Lesley – you are doing great!

    Wessecg – Wow!!!

    Michele - AB won’t really be able to control as much as he would like, DN will be going to college, it is already paid for and he’ll be 18 so even if we have to apply without his dad it will happen… AB is just a mean person and it is so darn hurtful even though it is crap talk…

    Kathy – you may meet someone else in class to make it more fun again… I have a good friend who moved to NM from CA and she loves it.

    Sylvia – Based on my round of family challenges – I would tell your son to tell her no visits for a month… give everyone a break, and then no unsupervised visits… The childrens physical and mental safety needs to be his first concern.

    Mnmargaret – the penny thing? Does it work?? I have never heard of that….

    Carol – I need to start by saying I can be a loud mouth, and not very good politically, so NO this would not be ok by me as a visitor, or in your shoes; I would gather a group around me the lawyer, pastor, and who ever else you can find and say go back to following the rules, if they didn’t I would resign after I had sent an email to everyone at church, any folks at management of the church (bishop?), whose email you have with the policy, the reason for it, and the name of the person who is to stupid to see that her/his job is to protect the children first. Children can not learn about God successfully if that is the place they are put in danger.

    Tuesday’s step count: 16,848
    Today’s step count: 17,995
    Kim from N. California
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Michele: good wishes to Vince for his surgery. He’ll be happy to be able to see clearly again!

    Joyce, Sylvia, Carol, and Alison: extra thoughts going your way. Sylvia: ambulance guys (or gals) are often better at getting to the root of the problem than doctors are. :wink:

    Margaret: any news about your sister-in-law?

    Meg: sorry; had to laugh about the fractions. :smile:

    Michele: yay on the insulin!

    After days of rain it's very warm and muggy. Not my favorite weather. Work has slowed down for the end of the week, so I can get some other things done. Taking my dog to the chiropractor at the end of the afternoon.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Meg- We see hawks in our yard daily along deer, rabbits, and occasional fox and bald eagles. I love living in the country!

    Sandy- Glad to hear that your meeting with your DB went well. Sorry DD is not seeing the advantages of buying a house. I a;ways felt the same way about paying rent.

    Cheryl- So happy to see that your DD has solved her funding for college. She is very resourceful! You all deserve things to go well after everything you have dealt with in the past year or so. Hope your horse gets better quickly so you can ride again.

    Jane- Hope your current landlady gets her part done so you can get into the townhouse. It sounds like a great solution for you.

    We went camping for several days with DS and his family at Lake George. Very pretty area and wonderful kayaking! Still working on getting house ready for DMIL.She arrives Saturday.

    We had a tornado hit within five miles of our house. A total of 4 tornadoes touched down in the area. Four people died in the one closest to our house. We rarely have this type of weather here and there is no good advance warning system. If you are not listening to the radio or watching TV on a local channel, you would not know what is happening. Time to buy a weather radio. I do have my cellphone set up to send me weather alerts. We had been about two hours away for a day of kayaking and had just gotten back into town when my DD called to see if we were off the water and to warn us about the tornado warning. We live up on a hill and can see for mile. Frightening to watch!

    Am off to do chores! Have a great day!!

    Deb A in CNY
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Hope everyone is well this morning.. have had 2 cups of tea this morning, and will be taking Homer to the vet in a bit.. poor lil guy is getting some teeth extracted today.. he has had 7 pulled a few years ago, dont know how many they will pull today.. poor guy we already call him hillbilly homie...
    had a nice long talk with my DB DSIL this morning.. her brother is calling up there and harrassing them and works his mother up.. I told Jean to just unplug the phone.. they both have cell phones for emergencies and it just sends poor faith into a state when he calls.
    somehow I think they have to talk Faith into a restraining order .. it is just doing so much damage to the family... they had the locks changed on the house here in Ct. I have a key and they have keys .but luckly Wally doesnt..
    I did take the other half of the pain pill last night,because my hip is still bothering me..I think I pulled something no break.. so unfortunatly I am not going to over work it by racewalking or going to the gym, until it heals..

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Good morning<

    Thank you for your kind thoughts about DSIL. Unfortunately she does not live in town with us. We are getting the reports from her son. We do know she was having stomach issues before this happened. Last night they had her in the ICU because she was also having some heart issues too related to the pneumonia.. Very scary. She will turn 70 this September. Makes me appreciate sitting here at our kitchen table and smelling the milkweed right outside our window. It's smell is similar to lilacs. Simple pleasure.

    Deb A scary for you. Here in Minnesota we have a warning system because although not like Kansas and Oklahoma we do get them here. We lost a little boy to one about five years ago. My husband had a relative in Siren Wisconsin who survived a tornado by getting into her shower. We do have tornado drills in schools here too. We teach them to stay away from windows and cover there heads. If they have a basement head for it. Our local T.V. stations have an emergency app that will warn you about severe weather.

    Jane hope everything is working out quickly so you can get settled. I find I do things like your forgetting the rabies receipt when I am in transition. Be kind to yourself.

    KIm I have just started the penny in the birdbath too. My friend just told me about it. So far it does seem to be helping. Although I am changing the water more frequently too because we do have a bumper crop of mosquitoes this year.:grumble:

    Tonight we are dancing outside so tomorrow I will feel stronger.

    2014 word: contentment
    :heart: MN Margaret
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning!

    No rain at the moment but expecting more later today..........birdbath was overflowing. Very humid, of course. DD out for her run.

    Deb A...........I was wondering if any of our N.Y. ladies were affected by the tornados.............what a close call for you! So glad they all missed you and you are safe.

    Karen..........Great NSV (non-scale victory, for the newbies) with the tops!!! WTG!!!

    Viv...........Ouch! Sorry about your accidents. Hope your DH is feeling better.

    Kim.........Fabulous step count!!!!

    Lesley...........Sorry you were taken advantage like that and now have the bills to pay! I do suspect that there are many more her age who think their "wants come before actual needs"--of themselves and others.

    Best to everyone!
    Stay strong!
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All, I wish I had more time but I'm at work for 45 more minutes and then off to DD and the kids. She is doing well and I think will be OK next week on her own with the kids, but it's still hard to get up and down steps.
    I have lost 2 lbs this week, just goes to show you running after a 2 and 4 yr old is a great form of exercise. Since I work 1/2 days this week I drive home at night after putting the kids into bed and I am exhausted by that time. The kids are usually put to bed by 9 so it's 10 by the time I get home and I think the worse part is that it's about a half hour drive on back country roads so you get sleepy.
    I just finised eating a peach and I have to say that it was incredible. I love a good ripe peach and they are hard to get around here. I must stop back at that market and get more.
    Guess I better get back to work, tomorrow I won't come in at all so I need to finish up some things.
    Take care all, I hope I'll soon be catching up with everyone.

    Deb CNY, So glad you are OK but saddened by the losses suffered by others.

    Viv UK, I hope your hubby is doing OK and that you have recovered from your fall.

    Karen, I agree that sugar and carbs can be as addictive as any drug or alcohol, maybe worse as you can live without the others.

    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning ladies! It looks like we might get a little rain here today. That would be nice. I'm feeling good again today.

    I had to get up to the studio early this morning to meet with a man who broke his favorite mug and wanted me to see if I could fix it. The old one was a LA Lakers commemorative mug that was 35 years old and the handle was broken completely off. Of course I can't fix it. I talked him into making a new favorite mug. This one will have the names of his three grandsons carved into it. He especially liked the way the old one felt in his hand and against his lips, so it will be a challenge to duplicate that, but I love a good challenge. This will be fun. And will get me back to the wheel. I have not made anything in such a long time. I kind of like special orders like this. I once made a bowl with a peanut drawn in the bottom for a little boy they called Peanut, and a double bowl for two cats who like to eat together. And a friend's mother brought me her teapot because she broke the lid. She brought me all the pieces and I managed to make a replacement lid that was almost identical to the original, right down to the glaze. I was pretty pleased with that one. Luckily this guy is not in a hurry. If he was I would have said no.

    My son is coming to swim lessons with us this morning. He has so much trouble breathing, and it's horribly humid in the pool area, but I think we can sit by the double doors that open onto the patio and the air will be better over there. The kids are so excited that Daddy is coming to watch them. I sure hope he doesn't back out.

    I waited all afternoon yesterday for a sales rep to send me a drafting job that she said was urgent, and it never came. That's par for the course with that particular woman. So today I'm not waiting around.

    Deb, I'm sorry to hear about the tornado and the loss of life. They are frightening things especially when they are so close and people are hurt.

    Meg, did I understand that you grew up in Hawaii? How did you wind up in Omaha?

    Gotta go get the kids now. Have a great day everybody!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    Good afternoon!
    Got to get out into the garden in a bit. My new slug traps have arrived. They have lids so the rain won't wash all the beer out! :laugh: I also want to dig up one of the garlics to see if they are ready. On the TV they said to cut back the chives to get new growth so DH will get his shears out. :smile: It is hot here today, but rain is expected at the weekend.
    We have just picked the last of the blackcurrants so we drove to town to buy raspberries and redcurrants to make a Summer Pudding. I think DH'S sister is going to be the lucky recipient of that deliciousness when she comes to stay soon.:bigsmile: I bought some white bread to line the bowl, but it needs to dry out a little so I will assemble it all tomorrow.

    Carol - the pesto crust is simply pesto mixed into breadcrumbs, I use panko, with a little lemon zest and a bit of olive oil. Then I pat the mixture over the fish fillets and bake. It was gorgeous, but because of the oil etc I counted 200 each for the crust, but only 125 for the fish! Good job I only had broccoli with it!:bigsmile:

    Deb and others - so sorry you have to live with the threat of tornadoes. We do have storms and floods in our neck of the woods and last winter was awful with long power cuts, but nothing quite as damaging. We bought a higher off the ground car after this year's floods.

    Viv - hope all your scrapes heal up and you don't have too many bruises.:flowerforyou:

    Meg - I send my best wishes to your friend. We care so much about our friends, our "chosen family", don't we.:flowerforyou:

    To everyone with loved ones suffering, healing thoughts..:flowerforyou: :love: :heart:

    Oh well, must get out to battle the slugs!
    Love Heather in sunny and warm Hampshire UK

    PS Kim - celeriac you can peel and roast, or boil and mash, or grate and use in salads. If raw toss in lemon juice so it doesn't turn brown. I love it any which way!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Greetings from hot Omaha! I have a full day planned with last minute details getting ready for our trip. We are leaving tomorrow at the crack of dawn. I’ll have internet tomorrow night, but after that, I don’t know. So I may be MIA for a while. If any of you has incantations for keep the bears away, please send them. Also you can include rabid squirrels, ninja rabbits, snakes, spiders, ticks, warewolves, and any other attacking creatures of nature you can think of!:tongue:

    Michele: yes, I was fine. Luckily for me I have a hard head! Sending good wishes for Vince

    Karen: have a good trip. I could easily avoid the cupcakes, but not the Mexican food! YUM!!!

    Ludka: simple goals are the best!

    Jane; what a frustrating day! Hope today is a better one!

    Viv: so glad you weren’t seriously hurt! Hope DH is ok!

    Cynthia; a doggie chiropractor??? Now that’s a new one for me!

    Deb: that is unusual weather for you! I have a wind-up weather radio so you don’t need batteries or electricity. It runs for about 30 minutes before you have to wind it again. I also get text messages from the weather channel for severe weather. Glad you are all ok there.

    Grandmallie: I think a restraining order is a great idea

    Margaret: I think I will have to try the penny in the birdbath myself!

    Sylvia: yes I was born and spent much of my early childhood in Hawaii; my dad was in the navy and he got stationed at SAC headquarters here in Omaha. He was the Navy representative on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

    Heather: slay those slugs!!!

    Well, that’s about it from me. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for my friend Peggy. She really is a dear. I’ll probably check in tomorrow evening and then afterwards when we have access. So keep calm and carry on! Take care! Meg in a packing frenzy in Omaha
  • Cheryl_Ann62
    Cheryl_Ann62 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I already introduces myself in the intro section...but long story short, ive used MFP before and now Im back. I recently had neck surgery and lost quite a bit inthe hospital but gained 7 lbs back lol. Due to all the kind people bringing us yummo meals. I have probably 15 pounds to get off.

    I cant really exercise now but I have been cleared to walk 30 min at a time so I am going to do just that. Walking 30 in the am and 30 in the pm if possible. Just depends on pain level. and this dumb brace drives me crazy. I cant wait until I can run again, but Im taking it slowly, im just 4 weeks out of surgery. I have a long way to go with the healing process and I do not want to mess that up!

    Im glad to meet all of you peeps!!!:flowerforyou:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Heather we used to have a major slug problem. We have lots of Hosta, a slug favorite. What helped us the most was to really make sure we cleaned out our gardens in the fall and spring. The slugs like to lay their eggs on old vegetation. For that reason I do not use wood mulch. I still have some slugs, but no where near what I had before. I also watch for their damage :angry: and check under the rocks I have lining our garden where the damage is noticed. Good luck I know they can cause a lot of damage. We have something called a Japanese beetle:angry: that causes even more damage than slugs, but that discussion is for another day.
  • Cheryl_Ann62
    Cheryl_Ann62 Posts: 21 Member
    not sure im using this right. cannot see my post