movie quotes/trivia game



  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    A Christmas Story!

    #1: This fog's as thick as peanut butter!
    #2: You mean pea soup.
    #1: You eat what you like, and I'll eat what I like!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I know this is a Christmas movie, but I can't come up with it. (I can almost hear it in my head, but placing it is just not coming)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Christmas Vacation

    "I did it when I was a freshman, and you'll do it when you're seniors. but you're doing great. Now fry like bacon, you little freshman piggies. Fry!"
  • amie1979
    This is a movie quote plus my personal life quote that I can rattle off at a moments notice....

    "Why in God's name would I wanna keep writing about characters whose central preoccupation are weed and **** and fart jokes? I mean, ya gotta grow man. Don't you ever want anything more for yourself? I know this poor hapless son of a ***** does. I look into his sorry doe eyes and I just, I see a man crying out. He's crying out, "When Lord? When the **** can your servant ditch this foul-mouthed little chucklehead to whom I am a constant victim of his folly, so much so that it prevents him from ever getting to kiss a girl! ****! When, Lord when? WHENS GONNA BE MY TIME?"

    holden mcneil, jay and silent bob strike back.
    kevin smith is a god lol
  • amie1979
    this may be a tricky one...

    "I have lied about nothing except sexual fidelity."
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Batman Forever!

    how about:

    You just shot an unarmed man!
    Well he should have armed himself if he was gonna decorate his saloon with my friend!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member

    "The Valkyrie at my side is shouting and laughing with the pure, hateful, bloodthirsty joy of the slaughter... and so am I"
  • angelsandwolves09
    angelsandwolves09 Posts: 264 Member

    "The Valkyrie at my side is shouting and laughing with the pure, hateful, bloodthirsty joy of the slaughter... and so am I"

    Sin City....awesome movie

    "Sand is overrated. It's just tiny, little rocks."
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind .... I liked that movie alot too.

    "That'll do pig"
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member

    "On my clover everyone is a pony and they eat rainbows and poop butterflies"
  • abalina
    abalina Posts: 59 Member
    So say goodnight to the bad guy!!! Come on; the last time you gonna see a bad guy like this, let me tell ya!!! :)
  • kevinbc
    kevinbc Posts: 34 Member
  • jennigriff
    "Foster- Don't think boy. Meow, do you know how fast you were going
    Larry Johnson- laughs
    Foster- "Meow whats so damn funny?:
    Larry- I could have sworn you said meow.
    Foster- Do I look like a cat to you boy? Am I jumpin around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree?
    Larry- *busts out laughing*
    Foster- Am I drinking milk from a saucer??
    Larry- *more laughing*
    Foster- Do you see me eating mice??
    Foster- You stop laughing right meow!
    Larry- *stops laughing, swallows hard* Yes sir.
    Foster- Meow I'm gonna have to give you a ticket on this one. No buts meow. Its the law.
    Foster- Not so funny meow, is it?"

    Super Troopers...:)

    Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!
  • SteveRC
    Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!
    Gone With the Wind.

    I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss.