Do you believe in strictly Calories In - Calories Out?



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    <rubs eyes>

    When you hit the quote button a field pops up with all the quoted material. There will be a
    and a
    at the top and the bottom. Scroll down to the bottom [/Quote], click to put your cursor after it, hit "Enter" then type your response.
  • AnswerzPwease
    AnswerzPwease Posts: 142 Member

    Remember me???

    I started this thread! Can I just ask another question before we go back to 10 more pages of arguing haha.

    So do I just keep going for another month and hope th scale starts to move?

    I don't think I can cut my calories back much more.
  • 59gi
    59gi Posts: 307 Member
    <rubs eyes>

    When you hit the quote button a field pops up with all the quoted material. There will be a
    and a
    at the top and the bottom. Scroll down to the bottom
    , click to put your cursor after it, hit "Enter" then type your response.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I thought we establishment it was a troll.
  • 59gi
    59gi Posts: 307 Member

    Remember me???

    I started this thread! Can I just ask another question before we go back to 10 more pages of arguing haha.

    So do I just keep going for another month and hope th scale starts to move?

    I don't think I can cut my calories back much more.

  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    <rubs eyes>

    When you hit the quote button a field pops up with all the quoted material. There will be a
    and a
    at the top and the bottom. Scroll down to the bottom
    , click to put your cursor after it, hit "Enter" then type your response.


    Laugh it up but you clearly need a tutorial on its use.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member

    Remember me???

    I started this thread! Can I just ask another question before we go back to 10 more pages of arguing haha.

    So do I just keep going for another month and hope th scale starts to move?

    I don't think I can cut my calories back much more.


    She is speechless
  • 59gi
    59gi Posts: 307 Member
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member

    Remember me???

    I started this thread! Can I just ask another question before we go back to 10 more pages of arguing haha.

    So do I just keep going for another month and hope th scale starts to move?

    I don't think I can cut my calories back much more.

    Sorry OP, if you stated how many calories you were taking in and your exact workout routine somewhere it got buried and I missed it.

    If your concern is when you started lifting the scale stopped moving then I would recommend you ignore the scale and continue doing what you are doing, it is impossible that lifting weights without changing your diet stopped you from losing fat. The fact your scale weight hasn't changed as much as you would like is undoubtedly due to water retention and not a change in your fat loss rate...if anything lifting is going to help with your fat loss and definitely with your overall fitness.

    Whether you are eating enough or eating to much is hard to know without your diary being open or a mention of your intake.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    if I eat fruits and veggies 1500 calories = 1500 calories of fast food. I will lose the same amount of weight.

    Body composition will look different but exact same weight loss.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member

    Gina, please just stop. You're embarrassing yourself. In fact, at this point I'm embarrassed for you.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    she is a lost cause who needs our help but she is too stubborn.
  • ketoambahh
    ketoambahh Posts: 67
    Absolutely not. 2000 from breads and starches versus 2000 calories from fat/protein will affect your body QUITE differently. One will cause your blood sugar to skyrocket while the other gives you proper energy and nutrients your body naturally needs.

    "Everything in moderation" is great if you're trying to maintain weight. However, if you're trying to lose it it's better if the calories come from fats and protein and VERY MINIMALLY from carbs and sugars.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Remember me???

    I started this thread! Can I just ask another question before we go back to 10 more pages of arguing haha.

    So do I just keep going for another month and hope th scale starts to move?

    I don't think I can cut my calories back much more.

    What was the question again?


    Keep going for a few more weeks - you are most likely retaining water/glycogen from starting to exercise - it can take a fair few weeks to settle down (I have seen up to 2 months for some) and it can mask 'real' weight loss while it is doing do.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Absolutely not. 2000 from breads and starches versus 2000 calories from fat/protein will affect your body QUITE differently. One will cause your blood sugar to skyrocket while the other gives you proper energy and nutrients your body naturally needs.

    "Everything in moderation" is great if you're trying to maintain weight. However, if you're trying to lose it it's better if the calories come from fats and protein and VERY MINIMALLY from carbs and sugars.

    Minimal fruits and veggies?

    It is not better for me for my carbs to be minimal - I like energy for my workouts - which help my body comp.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    if I eat fruits and veggies 1500 calories = 1500 calories of fast food. I will lose the same amount of weight.

    Body composition will look different but exact same weight loss.

    To be clear, your mean time and frequency in bathroom will both be substantially higher in one of these scenarios too.

    (Or maybe that was just my own n=1 a couple of years ago when my excessive fruit consumption led to all kinds of disgusting tests that I'd rather not think about ever again.)
  • AnswerzPwease
    AnswerzPwease Posts: 142 Member

    Remember me???

    I started this thread! Can I just ask another question before we go back to 10 more pages of arguing haha.

    So do I just keep going for another month and hope th scale starts to move?

    I don't think I can cut my calories back much more.

    Sorry OP, if you stated how many calories you were taking in and your exact workout routine somewhere it got buried and I missed it.

    If your concern is when you started lifting the scale stopped moving then I would recommend you ignore the scale and continue doing what you are doing, it is impossible that lifting weights without changing your diet stopped you from losing fat. The fact your scale weight hasn't changed as much as you would like is undoubtedly due to water retention and not a change in your fat loss rate...if anything lifting is going to help with your fat loss and definitely with your overall fitness.

    Whether you are eating enough or eating to much is hard to know without your diary being open or a mention of your intake.


    Thank you.

    Last few days im around 1000 to 1500 cals a day now.

    I workout every other day. Up to 4 sets (8 reps each) of squats, bench press, dead lift, shoulders and arms.
  • AnswerzPwease
    AnswerzPwease Posts: 142 Member

    Remember me???

    I started this thread! Can I just ask another question before we go back to 10 more pages of arguing haha.

    So do I just keep going for another month and hope th scale starts to move?

    I don't think I can cut my calories back much more.

    What was the question again?


    Keep going for a few more weeks - you are most likely retaining water/glycogen from starting to exercise - it can take a fair few weeks to settle down (I have seen up to 2 months for some) and it can mask 'real' weight loss while it is doing do.

    How long do you think I should wait until I start seeing a steady loss again?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Absolutely not. 2000 from breads and starches versus 2000 calories from fat/protein will affect your body QUITE differently. One will cause your blood sugar to skyrocket while the other gives you proper energy and nutrients your body naturally needs.

    "Everything in moderation" is great if you're trying to maintain weight. However, if you're trying to lose it it's better if the calories come from fats and protein and VERY MINIMALLY from carbs and sugars.

    Just what this thread needed. Some extremist (aka keto) dietary viewpoints on the "best" way to lose weight.

    You know another way to lose weight that is potentially less dangerous and just as effective? Eating at a slight caloric deficit over time.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    if I eat fruits and veggies 1500 calories = 1500 calories of fast food. I will lose the same amount of weight.

    Body composition will look different but exact same weight loss.

    To be clear, your mean time and frequency in bathroom will both be substantially higher in one of these scenarios too.

    (Or maybe that was just my own n=1 a couple of years ago when my excessive fruit consumption led to all kinds of disgusting tests that I'd rather not think about ever again.)

    missing the point of CICO. but yeah my friend went on a 3000 calorie fruit diet and lost his erection with a girl.