Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 12



  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    :heart: the pics, looking great you two!!!!!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    wow so much to catch up on this thread! you guys are so motivating! wish I had more time in the day to get on here to chat.

    Jaspers, Bru and Alyz - your pics are fantastic!

    Numbers - Love it! I'll open up the London branch!

    I kow this is the opposite to what I'm meant to be doing but have been forcing myself to rest and not to work out. Old ankle/foot injury that never really got completely better has come back with a vengance and needs operating on. So annoying espec because of the recovery time. Trying not to overdo it for now and secretly hoping that will be enough to avoid surgery.

    Anyway so far so good on my goals. I pass about 15 Starbucks on my journey to work which I think have been put there to tempt me! I have stayed away for just under three weeks (except one little slip on Monday). Must try and hold off tomorrow as well!

    Almost the weekend! Yay! What has everyone got planned?
  • RachM
    RachM Posts: 113 Member
    Is it too late to Join this group? I need to get my butt in gear and amp up this weight loss process :)
  • RachM
    RachM Posts: 113 Member
    Is it too late to Join this group? I need to get my butt in gear and amp up this weight loss process :)
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Happy Friday Pin-Ups!

    Nam - so sorry to hear about your foot. Hope you can avoid the surgery.

    RachM - Welcome - email your starting weight to RachVR6 and weigh in with us on Mondays and drop in to chat anytime.

    Speaking of Rach - we miss you, hope all is going well with your training and work.

    The weekend is upon us again. Last weekend I had great success with setting a plan/goals for the weekend so I'm going to do it again to hold myself accountable.

    This weekend my goal is to get a workout in both Saturday and Sunday and drink at least 8 glasses of water.

    Tomorrow my daughter and I are going shopping after her gymnastics so my plan is to pack my snacks and my lunch along with my water bottles to keep me from the temptation of making unhealthy choices.

    Have a great weekend ladies. Try and make healthy choices and get active!

  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm going out of town this weekend through Monday, so I guess I'll use today's weight for weigh in. 132.2. I'll send that the Rach, too. I hope everything went well with training and interviews!

    Have a good weekend ladies! I'm staying with my grandmother, so I imagine my weight will be up next week. :laugh:
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    Scale and I are NOT getting along this week. Monday I was 232... Wednesday I was 229.9 (wicked excited of course) and today I was up again to 235. Just getting aggrivated. I know weight fluctuates a lot during the week... and I need to wait until Monday. Sorry... I'm whining.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! I went to my first Boston Bruins game last night... and it was AMAZING!!! :)
  • brittanydaniel79
    I've been weighing every day this week too. I actually flipped it the bird today. It showed only a small increase, but I worked my *kitten* off last night and have nothing to show for it...except maybe a tighter *kitten*. lol. At least there's that, right? :happy:
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I've been weighing every day this week too. I actually flipped it the bird today. It showed only a small increase, but I worked my *kitten* off last night and have nothing to show for it...except maybe a tighter *kitten*. lol. At least there's that, right? :happy:

    I do this daily.
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I've been weighing every day this week too. I actually flipped it the bird today. It showed only a small increase, but I worked my *kitten* off last night and have nothing to show for it...except maybe a tighter *kitten*. lol. At least there's that, right? :happy:

    I do this daily.

    hahaha. its sooooo frustrating!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I've been weighing every day this week too. I actually flipped it the bird today. It showed only a small increase, but I worked my *kitten* off last night and have nothing to show for it...except maybe a tighter *kitten*. lol. At least there's that, right? :happy:

    I do this daily.

    hahaha. its sooooo frustrating!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey ladies!! Missed you!

    Trying to read everything I missed and get caught up. Training was boring and I barely learned anything. I practically just helped them with counting inventory. And no interview was done either, so I'm not too sure what's going on. I think it was a last minute thing and no one really knew what I was supposed to be there for.

    But anyway, I just got home a little bit ago and I'm dying for a nap!!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Nice to hear from you Rach!

    I'm just checking in I have met my goals for the week! I just finished Day 10 of Level I of the 30 Day Shred! Woo Hoo Tomorrow I move on to Level II. I am seeing and feeling the changes in my body.

    Have a great weekend Pin-Ups!

  • brittanydaniel79
    Hey girls, please read my blog. I need some advice...
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    The scale is looking like it will stay in my favor! *hugs* I hope you all have a great weekend :) I may be going ice skating this weekend :)
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    there's absolutely NO WAY I've gained 10 lbs since wednesday. throwing my scale out the window... and buying stock in poland spring... anyone else?
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    there's absolutely NO WAY I've gained 10 lbs since wednesday. throwing my scale out the window... and buying stock in poland spring... anyone else?

    You don't log your food? I was gonna take a peek at your diary but I saw nothing there. You may want to start logging, the 10 pound 'gain' is almost ALWAYS sodium and lots of it too. Make sure to get in your 8 gasses of water a day, and on saltier food days, up it to 10-12. I keep mine at 10-14 daily and on the really salty food days, I go no higher than 18 as too much of a good thing can still hurt you. Hope that helps a little. *hugs*
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    there's absolutely NO WAY I've gained 10 lbs since wednesday. throwing my scale out the window... and buying stock in poland spring... anyone else?

    You don't log your food? I was gonna take a peek at your diary but I saw nothing there. You may want to start logging, the 10 pound 'gain' is almost ALWAYS sodium and lots of it too. Make sure to get in your 8 gasses of water a day, and on saltier food days, up it to 10-12. I keep mine at 10-14 daily and on the really salty food days, I go no higher than 18 as too much of a good thing can still hurt you. Hope that helps a little. *hugs*

    Before mfp... I wasn't logging at all, and was losing steadily. Then I joined... started logging and continued to lose... just slower. Then I hit about a 3 or 4 week plateau... and didn't log for one week and lost about 3 lbs. So I'm not sure if I wasn't eating enough? or what? Then I stopped logging and continued to lose... until this past week. So i dont know... haha. Part of my "gain" was my scale... just bought a new one yesterday and I've miraculously lost about 7 lbs. haha.

    Thanks for the advice... I need to chug more water today!
  • js775219
    Whoot Whoot ladies, congrats to the losers ;) and here are my goals this week:

    -I will stay within my calories range!!!!! I can't say this enough
    -I will drink anywhere between 70-100 ounces of water a day! Even over the weekend
    -I will eat at least 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables
    -I will get 5 out of 7 days worth of exercising (meaning I have to workout every day this remaining week)
    -I WILL be in the 230's by this time next week, Or I will die trying (lol, okay that was extreme)

    have a great week and thanks again RachVR6 for making this awesome chart!

    I'm just quoting myself to ascertain my goals and whether I achieved them and final verdict is: FAIL.

    I barely exercised (which I guess was the break I needed to drop a lb. or two), I drank water most of the week and fruits and vegetables? let's just say I tried. But I DID make it to:


    Less than a pound away from 230' overall I am happy.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm up stinkin' 6lbs!!! Grrrr mixture of no water, no exercise, and horrible choices in food.

    One a positive note we're getting 2 puppies now.

    Here's Charlie now...


    And we're taking her brother too. He doesn't have a name yet, but he looks like a little polar bear. :)
