Squats overrated?



  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    I really find myself questioning squats, they interfere with my running routine. I did a kettlebell class last week with high intensity squats with weights and I couldn't walk properly for 5 days afterwards, missed all of my running sessions for one high intensity class. Sucks!

    You can't run and do squats. Those two things do not work together.

    Pick one or the other.

    Squats can and DO help runners, I'm the fault in the cycle. Maybe I should have expressed myself clearer, I should concentrate on my running until I have lost more weight. I know my bodyweight is causing the issue as running and squats together is becoming too much with my current muscle mass vs bodyweight.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    I really find myself questioning squats, they interfere with my running routine. I did a kettlebell class last week with high intensity squats with weights and I couldn't walk properly for 5 days afterwards, missed all of my running sessions for one high intensity class. Sucks!

    You can't run and do squats. Those two things do not work together.

    Pick one or the other.

    I do both. I guess I should have read the memo prior?
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I really find myself questioning squats, they interfere with my running routine. I did a kettlebell class last week with high intensity squats with weights and I couldn't walk properly for 5 days afterwards, missed all of my running sessions for one high intensity class. Sucks!

    You can't run and do squats. Those two things do not work together.

    Pick one or the other.

    I'm not wrong, but thanks for playing.

    False. I squat over 200 lbs and run half marathons. You have to be smart about it though. Long run the day after squats? I'd rather die.

    Really? You're not wrong? Then how is it that I can do both? Am I a special snowflake? Wanting to run and lift takes extra planning, but you don't have to be superhuman to make it happen.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I really find myself questioning squats, they interfere with my running routine. I did a kettlebell class last week with high intensity squats with weights and I couldn't walk properly for 5 days afterwards, missed all of my running sessions for one high intensity class. Sucks!

    You can't run and do squats. Those two things do not work together.

    Pick one or the other.

    I can't agree to this.

    It's possible to mix lifting with all kinds of other activities if done properly.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    So then if you want to work your legs... and butt... and core... and gt some cardio in......

    walk backwards for an hour at full speed (somewhere safe & where there is no need to avoid people or stop for cars
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I really find myself questioning squats, they interfere with my running routine. I did a kettlebell class last week with high intensity squats with weights and I couldn't walk properly for 5 days afterwards, missed all of my running sessions for one high intensity class. Sucks!

    You can't run and do squats. Those two things do not work together.

    Pick one or the other.

    I do both. I guess I should have read the memo prior?

    Apparently we're special snowflakes. THANK GOD....here I thought I was just a normal human being.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    wow sounds like you are really going after it!

    haven't really had experiences like this other then when i first started or too a long time off.

    If its honestly interferring with other things you like to do in life, then i think you already have your answer. I mean, i don't think the meaning of life is to do squats lol.

    probably there is a way to do them and still go for it and not experience the soreness as bad.

    noticed you said you do them once a week. this might sound crazy but perhaps you are taking too much time off? maybe if you did them twice a week you'd eventually recover faster.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I really find myself questioning squats, they interfere with my running routine. I did a kettlebell class last week with high intensity squats with weights and I couldn't walk properly for 5 days afterwards, missed all of my running sessions for one high intensity class. Sucks!

    You can't run and do squats. Those two things do not work together.

    Pick one or the other.

    Squats can and DO help runners, I'm the fault in the cycle. Maybe I should have expressed myself clearer, I should concentrate on my running until I have lost more weight. I know my bodyweight is causing the issue as running and squats together is becoming too much with my current muscle mass vs bodyweight.

    OK. You're all right, and I'm wrong. Keep it up. Werent you the one saying you can't do it?

    I've done it. And, I learned after injury from not having enough rest in between my running days. But, do whatever the f--- you want to do. I'm not your mom.

    I'm currently lifting 3x a week. That's my priority. So I go for a 5 miler once a week and do some hill sprints on a couple of other days.

    If I wanted to run seriously 3x+ a week, then I'd move to 2x full body workouts and schedule my running appropriately.

    I have done both of these things. I did not get injured. It's unwise to judge what others can do based on your own knowledge and abilities.
  • LucasEVille
    LucasEVille Posts: 567 Member
    I really find myself questioning squats, they interfere with my running routine. I did a kettlebell class last week with high intensity squats with weights and I couldn't walk properly for 5 days afterwards, missed all of my running sessions for one high intensity class. Sucks!

    You can't run and do squats. Those two things do not work together.

    Pick one or the other.

    Squats can and DO help runners, I'm the fault in the cycle. Maybe I should have expressed myself clearer, I should concentrate on my running until I have lost more weight. I know my bodyweight is causing the issue as running and squats together is becoming too much with my current muscle mass vs bodyweight.

    OK. You're all right, and I'm wrong. Keep it up. Werent you the one saying you can't do it?

    I've done it. And, I learned after injury from not having enough rest in between my running days. But, do whatever the f--- you want to do. I'm not your mom.

    Calm down, i'm here for advice as I don't have all the answers. I thank you for replying. And you are right I cannot do it in my present weight and muscle mass. This is an internet forum, people will disagree and I've already apologised for not making my original message clear enough.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I really find myself questioning squats, they interfere with my running routine. I did a kettlebell class last week with high intensity squats with weights and I couldn't walk properly for 5 days afterwards, missed all of my running sessions for one high intensity class. Sucks!

    You can't run and do squats. Those two things do not work together.

    Pick one or the other.

    Squats can and DO help runners, I'm the fault in the cycle. Maybe I should have expressed myself clearer, I should concentrate on my running until I have lost more weight. I know my bodyweight is causing the issue as running and squats together is becoming too much with my current muscle mass vs bodyweight.

    OK. You're all right, and I'm wrong. Keep it up. Werent you the one saying you can't do it?

    I've done it. And, I learned after injury from not having enough rest in between my running days. But, do whatever the f--- you want to do. I'm not your mom.

    Calm down, i'm here for advice as I don't have all the answers. I thank you for replying. And you are right I cannot do it in my present weight and muscle mass. This is an internet forum, people will disagree and I've already apologised for not making my original message clear enough.

    It's not about your weight and muscle mass. It's about intelligent scheduling. Balancing running (or martial arts, or tennis, or whatever) and lifting takes time and practice. You have to know both the disciplines you're trying to balance well enough to pull it off and not put yourself into the ground whilst you do it.

    It helps if you're not eating at a deficit, because weight-loss adds a third goal into the mix. This is where people usually go wrong with in-season style training and end up overtrained or injured.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Squats are to valuable of an exercise to sub out.

    Less volume more frequency. Worked for me. Didnt read all other posts.

    If you are only doing them once per week and you are destroying your legs then I am not surprised you have trouble with recovery.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Squats are to valuable of an exercise to sub out.

    Less volume more frequency. Worked for me. Didnt read all other posts.

    TL;DR: Dances with WOW showed up. There was a spat about running. OP is doing insane volume.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    I really find myself questioning squats, they interfere with my running routine. I did a kettlebell class last week with high intensity squats with weights and I couldn't walk properly for 5 days afterwards, missed all of my running sessions for one high intensity class. Sucks!

    You can't run and do squats. Those two things do not work together.

    Pick one or the other.

    Squats can and DO help runners, I'm the fault in the cycle. Maybe I should have expressed myself clearer, I should concentrate on my running until I have lost more weight. I know my bodyweight is causing the issue as running and squats together is becoming too much with my current muscle mass vs bodyweight.

    OK. You're all right, and I'm wrong. Keep it up. Werent you the one saying you can't do it?

    I've done it. And, I learned after injury from not having enough rest in between my running days. But, do whatever the f--- you want to do. I'm not your mom.

    Actually squats helped me overcome my ITB issues by strengthening the glutes. Depends on what your goals are I guess - heavier weights or long distance. I run a couple of times a week now and lift a couple or three. So I have no issues doing both.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I really find myself questioning squats, they interfere with my running routine. I did a kettlebell class last week with high intensity squats with weights and I couldn't walk properly for 5 days afterwards, missed all of my running sessions for one high intensity class. Sucks!

    You can't run and do squats. Those two things do not work together.

    Pick one or the other.

    Squats can and DO help runners, I'm the fault in the cycle. Maybe I should have expressed myself clearer, I should concentrate on my running until I have lost more weight. I know my bodyweight is causing the issue as running and squats together is becoming too much with my current muscle mass vs bodyweight.

    OK. You're all right, and I'm wrong. Keep it up. Werent you the one saying you can't do it?

    I've done it. And, I learned after injury from not having enough rest in between my running days. But, do whatever the f--- you want to do. I'm not your mom.

    Calm down, i'm here for advice as I don't have all the answers. I thank you for replying. And you are right I cannot do it in my present weight and muscle mass. This is an internet forum, people will disagree and I've already apologised for not making my original message clear enough.

    It's not about your weight and muscle mass. It's about intelligent scheduling. Balancing running (or martial arts, or tennis, or whatever) and lifting takes time and practice. You have to know both the disciplines you're trying to balance well enough to pull it off and not put yourself into the ground whilst you do it.

    It helps if you're not eating at a deficit, because weight-loss adds a third goal into the mix. This is where people usually go wrong with in-season style training and end up overtrained or injured.

    I agree with this. It can take trial and error to find the right lifting program and running schedule to meet goals without working yourself into the ground. Nutrition and rest become even more paramount. I ran Stronglifts 5x5 for about a year while I played around with running short distances. Then I wanted to start half marathons, so switched over to 5/3/1 so that I was only squatting one day a week. It's been working fabulously. I can time my running around my squat day so that I'm recovered enough to do both. I'm down with a totally unrelated injury right now, but I've been able to replace running with biking in the meantime and still have weight lifting and cardio goals. I do find that it can be hard to be GOOD at both...you're not gonna see powerlifters who win 5ks. But if you're not trying to be elite at one or the other, there's nothing wrong with mixing them.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Squats are to valuable of an exercise to sub out.

    Less volume more frequency. Worked for me. Didnt read all other posts.

    TL;DR: Dances with WOW showed up. There was a spat about running. OP is doing insane volume.

    :laugh: Thanks. I started skimming the posts and saw his volume. Im sure that is the problem and doubt it is age. Throw in dieting and that is a recipe for pain and possible injury.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    If you end up decreasing squat weight but are concerned about explosive strength for basketball as I think you mentioned earlier, you might consider adding a plyometric routine
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    didn't read what he was doing for volume, but if sports performance is a desired outcome then i definetly second the plyo.

    you'd probably get more sports specific results out of it then a squat.

    thats not to say that they trump squats for general fitness, mass building, etc. but if your training for a sport, especially one that envolves jumping, you'll get a lot out of the plyo
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I really find myself questioning squats, they interfere with my running routine. I did a kettlebell class last week with high intensity squats with weights and I couldn't walk properly for 5 days afterwards, missed all of my running sessions for one high intensity class. Sucks!

    You can't run and do squats. Those two things do not work together.

    Pick one or the other.

    Perhaps you can't do each of them *well* together, but I see no reason why you can't suboptimally perform both.