"Stop the Beauty Madness" Campaign
Came across this ad campaign and thought I'd share. I love how it focuses not just on body image issues, but also issues of race, age, etc. in relation to beauty.
From the site:
Today, there is more than a choir singing out the truths of true beauty. There is a great groundswell and the numbers are rising daily. We are a new tribe, and we know it is time to take back the streets-OUR streets. We know that begins with lifting our self-esteem, our self-imposed standards of worth, and honoring our deepest truths about what it means to be “enough.”
We are not only working towards this change. We are witnessing this change. We women KNOW we are done with competing, done with comparing, and done with playing the ugly/beauty game. We are waking up from the crazy beauty hypnoses we have been under.
We are determined to Stop The Beauty Madness in our ourselves, our mothers, our sisters and our daughters.
Part of this includes calling out the ugly truths hidden in our culture and our own minds. That’s what this campaign is about. It’s about strong words that reveal the ideas that need to be seen for what they are. It is not always pretty to see what is hidden deep in our psyche (or even just slightly under the surface), but it is important to see it clearly so that we may call it out and change it."
From the site:
Today, there is more than a choir singing out the truths of true beauty. There is a great groundswell and the numbers are rising daily. We are a new tribe, and we know it is time to take back the streets-OUR streets. We know that begins with lifting our self-esteem, our self-imposed standards of worth, and honoring our deepest truths about what it means to be “enough.”
We are not only working towards this change. We are witnessing this change. We women KNOW we are done with competing, done with comparing, and done with playing the ugly/beauty game. We are waking up from the crazy beauty hypnoses we have been under.
We are determined to Stop The Beauty Madness in our ourselves, our mothers, our sisters and our daughters.
Part of this includes calling out the ugly truths hidden in our culture and our own minds. That’s what this campaign is about. It’s about strong words that reveal the ideas that need to be seen for what they are. It is not always pretty to see what is hidden deep in our psyche (or even just slightly under the surface), but it is important to see it clearly so that we may call it out and change it."
it is cultural. In the west, a blonde girl will almost always symbolize beauty. A tiny one in US, with some more curves in Europe.
But In Japan, a blonde skinny girl is not a symbol or beauty, nor is she in Africa or in the middle east.
There is nothing bad with that, it is just cultural0 -
it is cultural. In the west, a blonde girl will almost always symbolize beauty. A tiny one in US, with some more curves in Europe.
But In Japan, a blonde skinny girl is not a symbol or beauty, nor is she in Africa or in the middle east.
There is nothing bad with that, it is just cultural
You are a white man. You do not have the experience of a woman behind you to back up "there is nothing bad with that." Plenty of women will tell you is it bad. You didn't even read what the OP wrote, because she said we should QUESTION why our culture says this is the norm.0 -
it is cultural. In the west, a blonde girl will almost always symbolize beauty. A tiny one in US, with some more curves in Europe.
But In Japan, a blonde skinny girl is not a symbol or beauty, nor is she in Africa or in the middle east.
There is nothing bad with that, it is just cultural
I'm American and I don't think only thin blondes get to be beautiful, and I can look at other cultures and see beauty. The problem with creating a standard of beauty is that not everybody can realistically fit that standard, even within an ethnic group, and it takes a toll on their body image. Look at the number of plastic surgeries being done in South Korea, for example. And also there are some places where being beautiful means losing part of their culture and looking more Western -- for example, in the Philippines whitening lotions and soaps are popular.0 -
it is cultural. In the west, a blonde girl will almost always symbolize beauty. A tiny one in US, with some more curves in Europe.
But In Japan, a blonde skinny girl is not a symbol or beauty, nor is she in Africa or in the middle east.
There is nothing bad with that, it is just cultural0 -
What is wrong with the pursuit of beauty?0
What is wrong with the pursuit of beauty?
Nothing until she gets a restraining order. :laugh:0 -
What is wrong with the pursuit of beauty?
Nothing until she gets a restraining order. :laugh:
Is that when she handcuffs herself? That is efficient!0 -
What is wrong with the pursuit of beauty?
Nothing until she gets a restraining order. :laugh:
Is that when she handcuffs herself? That is efficient!
Afraid not. You men, you're getting so you want us to do all the work these days. I mean I get how it's hard to approach someone with the cuffs behind your back when you're shy, but culturally, you still have to make the first move sometimes!0 -
it is cultural. In the west, a blonde girl will almost always symbolize beauty. A tiny one in US, with some more curves in Europe.
But In Japan, a blonde skinny girl is not a symbol or beauty, nor is she in Africa or in the middle east.
There is nothing bad with that, it is just cultural
You are a white man. You do not have the experience of a woman behind you to back up "there is nothing bad with that." Plenty of women will tell you is it bad. You didn't even read what the OP wrote, because she said we should QUESTION why our culture says this is the norm.
^ Yup.0 -
lived in multiple countries, worked in multiple countries.
Been managing multicultural team for severals years, gave training and seminars on cultures and their impact in the corporate environment...0 -
My political ideology is libertarian but I identify as a conservative.
*unwanted*0 -
lived in multiple countries, worked in multiple countries.
Been managing multicultural team for severals years, gave training and seminars on cultures and their impact in the corporate environment...0 -
My political ideology is libertarian but I identify as a conservative.
I gotta keep looking for the Engels to my Marx. Only with lots of naked time.
...Oh, and less facial hair between us.0 -
it is cultural. In the west, a blonde girl will almost always symbolize beauty. A tiny one in US, with some more curves in Europe.
But In Japan, a blonde skinny girl is not a symbol or beauty, nor is she in Africa or in the middle east.
There is nothing bad with that, it is just cultural
You are a white man. You do not have the experience of a woman behind you to back up "there is nothing bad with that." Plenty of women will tell you is it bad. You didn't even read what the OP wrote, because she said we should QUESTION why our culture says this is the norm.
My mom empowered me to be whoever the hell I want and ignore what people thought about "beauty". I was a tomboy, I never wore make up and I did "guy" things. I have a very strong sense of self now and nobody can take that from me by calling me names or talking bad about how I look.
I think if you want to try to change media you go ahead and do that. In the end it doesn't even matter why our culture thinks skinny blonde girls are attractive (really though, not everyone thinks that). I'll be over here empowering the boys and girls around me to just enjoy being who they are. (Yes, boys get it too. http://www.tickld.com/x/what-people-really-need-to-know-about-sexism-this-is-so-refreshingly-accurate)0 -
My political ideology is libertarian but I identify as a conservative.
I gotta keep looking for the Engels to my Marx. Only with lots of naked time.
...Oh, and less facial hair between us.
Your hatred of beards proves that you cannot be trusted.0 -
My political ideology is libertarian but I identify as a conservative.
I gotta keep looking for the Engels to my Marx. Only with lots of naked time.
...Oh, and less facial hair between us.
Your hatred of beards proves that you cannot be trusted.
True, I cannot be trusted. However, beards are one thing, but check out the photos of those two. You could lose the population of a small country in either one of their beards.0 -
[img][/img]0 -
0 -
In order to not wisecrack my way into hijacking the thread completely, here is why I like campaigns such as this while being absolutely determined to be thinner than is strictly required for mere good health:
I'm tired of being ignored by men my own age and hit on only by much older men who are, more to the point, all rightwingers. I have zero interest in them. I want someone I'm compatible with. Now an older leftist college professor, activist, or journalist might be another matter, but so far no luck. I'm just getting hit on by these old Fox News fans. And when I was fatter, no one was hitting on me at all. Ever. So reality. I don't have to like it, but I have to deal with it. When the men change, my mindset can change.
Wow, generalize much? You're assuming the person you're quoting has no job and is on welfare.....where did you get that from her post?
Please tell me this is snark.....0 -
In order to not wisecrack my way into hijacking the thread completely, here is why I like campaigns such as this while being absolutely determined to be thinner than is strictly required for mere good health:
I'm tired of being ignored by men my own age and hit on only by much older men who are, more to the point, all rightwingers. I have zero interest in them. I want someone I'm compatible with. Now an older leftist college professor, activist, or journalist might be another matter, but so far no luck. I'm just getting hit on by these old Fox News fans. And when I was fatter, no one was hitting on me at all. Ever. So reality. I don't have to like it, but I have to deal with it. When the men change, my mindset can change.
0 -
There is so much beauty going on in this thread right now, I can hardly stand it.0
I gotta keep looking for the Engels to my Marx. Only with lots of naked time.
...Oh, and less facial hair between us.
You have to aim at younger men on college campuses. As long as you are willing to be the breadwinner and provide free housing while they pursue their graduate degrees in Philosophy, you are in with the Marx kids. I bet at least a few of them shave... :laugh:0 -
I gotta keep looking for the Engels to my Marx. Only with lots of naked time.
...Oh, and less facial hair between us.
You have to aim at younger men on college campuses. As long as you are willing to be the breadwinner and provide free housing while they pursue their graduate degrees in Philosophy, you are in with the Marx kids. I bet at least a few of them shave... :laugh:
You mean I gotta be a commie cougar? Oh lord, not sure I can cope with that label! :laugh:0 -
There is so much beauty going on in this thread right now, I can hardly stand it.
Sometimes people remind me why we focus so much on their looks and not on their brains0 -
0 -
...sooooooooooo, if I do him, I will be beautiful right?0 -
I amfine with the pursuit of wealth and power.0
...sooooooooooo, if I do him, I will be beautiful right?
:laugh: Will it even matter to you what you look like if you're doing him?0 -
Are we done with the thread hijacking? Can we get back on topic?0
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