Phentermine to jump start weight loss under Dr.s supervision



  • WombatHat42
    WombatHat42 Posts: 192 Member
    What exactly is this? It sounds like it might have some serious side effects if it is causing that fast of weight loss?

    Not knocking you or your decision at all as some here seem to be. Everyone has their own differences some need it and you may be one. I am just curious about it as I haven't heard of it before.

    Yes it can have serious side effects, My dr. and I discussed that. Web MD states: shows what just a 10% weight loss can do for your health. Morbid obesity can cause diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart attacks etc. So which side effects are worse?

    I didn't get this pill off the internet. I am morbidly obese not anerexic. I am only on a regimen of 3 months with monthly check ups by my Dr. I am not dropping weight dramatically like some people do on phentermine. I have been losing about 2 to 2.5 pounds a week. I am making sure I am not starving myself and eating between 1200 and 1400 net calories after exercise. I am also exercising at 15 minutes or 30 minutes or more a day, A Realistic a maintainable goal.

    Some people do abuse this medication. Some people gain the weight back because they don't change their habits. Just like people who do nutra system and Jenny craig etc do when they stop eating the prepacked foods. If you don't change your behaviors why take the medication in the first place. You are just setting yourself up for failure.

    Wasnt attacking your decision as I said. Just wanted more info about it as I have an issue with weight loss due to chemo I had in the past messing with my ability to lose weight and curious if it is something I should look into.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    My dr. and I discussed coming off another medication that had caused me some weight gain and has made it difficult to jump start my weight loss... My Dr. said that a 20% weight gain can be attributed to both meds for a total of the 40 pounds I gained.
    The pills altered something about your body so that you needed fewer calories.
    Since you kept eating at a higher level, you gained weight.
    I used to be over 200 lbs too. Learning what portions look like, weighing food, getting active - these are the things you need to do, not take pills that make you nauseated.
    Telling someone the truth isn't the same as "tearing people down," and making excuses for why you personally need to take pills doesn't change the opinions of people who had the same obstacles as you but managed to lose weight on their own.
    If you want to have weight loss that will transition into maintenance, don't take pills. If you want to lose weight only while you are on the pills, eventually run out of the prescription and gain everything back because you never learned to manage your appetite, then take pills.
    I've never been nauseated while taking phentermine. Sorry you had that side effect.
    Your truth is apparently not the same truth other people have.
    And deciding to take (or not) a medication is a decision between her & her doctor. Personally, I'll take every bit of help I can get to lose weight.
    Getting my hunger under control has been HUGE, and there are days I forget to take a pill (or deliberately choose not to) and I'm still not hungry unless I haven't eaten for 6 hours or so... which seems pretty normal to me. I still lose weight. It's helped me learn to eat nornal portions, and reset my hunger signals, and I fully expect that to continue.
    so long as you use Phentermine as a tool to rid yourself of unhealthy habits then it is fine, but you'll have to continue to watch food intake and exercise if you want the results to last
    Yes. This.
    just don't give into the bs cravings. Eat what your only supposed to
    If only we were all so perfect as you.
    When I was constantly hungry, I could eat half a pizza and want more an hour later because I was physically hungry, not because I was 'craving' something. (A craving is wanting a specific food, and it normally doesn't go away once you eat unless you eat that specific food.)
    Now I get hungry if I haven't eaten for a while, which is normal. Once I eat, the feeling goes away, which is normal.
    If I were in pain, I wouldn't turn away a pain drug, expecting to be able to control the pain by willpower.
  • mysweetjenna
    mysweetjenna Posts: 52 Member
    Yes I have.

    My sister as well.

    My doctor as well.

    Fen caused significant heart valve issues. And was subsequently pulled from the market due to it.

    However, multiple studies have shown that Phen (not Fen) does NOT cause heart valve or attack issues.

    "Dry mouth and insomnia were the only statistically significant adverse events that occurred more frequently in phentermine group....US FDA has removed FENfluramin from the market in September 1997, due to the successive reports about the serious side effects of valvular heart disease and primary pulmonary hypertension." - Effects on Weight Reduction and Safety of Short-Term Phentermine Administration 2006 Study

    There is more that say the same thing.

    People with heart disease or taking MOI's are encouraged to NOT take it because it does raise blood pressure slightly. However, it does not cause heart issues in otherwise healthy people. Coffee makes your heart speed up as well.

    My heart is otherwise healthy- i tried it, stupidly, back in college. I felt like my heart was going to explode. I took (stole) them from my mother, who complained about how they made her heart feel. She also has a healthy heart. The doctor took her off of them after the complaints.

    This was in 2011. It wasn't Fen. It was Phentermine, and she was ALSO under a doctor's supervision. He also warned her from the beginning of the potential complications.

    Why did you take it? I don't think it is for someone that has 20 pounds of problem weight to lose. Phen is for people who are dangerously overweight, and are already suffering such health issues that potential weight loss is more beneficial than the side effects. It is support as you establish better eating habits, as the stomach gets used to not needing as much food to feel full. It gives a push to get off the couch and start moving so when one weans their self off of the drug, they've already built some strength and endurance to keep on going. It is true that if you do not establish good eating habits and get off your butt while taking the medication, its effects will be moot because you'll going to gain it all back-and then some. But if you're serious, its great support in the beginning of your journey.
  • mysweetjenna
    mysweetjenna Posts: 52 Member
    Like she said.
  • bumgarner0928
    I started taking this medication about 3 weeks ago, advised by my Dr., and I love it. I have been trying to get pregnant for almost a year now and have had no luck. I saw my Dr. we ran some test, and discovered there were a few issues. The biggest one being my weight. I have gained 90 lbs in 3 years, with no valid reason why. My lifestyle didn't change, my eating habits were the same, and I have never had to work out. I was always "naturally thin." Before I knew it I was 226 and miserable. Working with my Dr. we created a plan. 6 months on medication, lose all the weight we can, should be able to get pregnant by January. The medicine has given me energy, curved my appetite, and allowed me to make valid changes to make sure it stays off. I work out 6 days a week doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I am eating low carb high protein. I'm down to 113.4 as of this morning. AMAZING. Considering I had done just about every FAD DIET out there and gave up within a few days...I am so proud of myself. I am sure there are people out there who abuse this medication and use it as a fast answer to a problem they aren't addressing. Starving themselves, and not changing their habits. These are the people who say they gained it all back and it didn't work. There are weight loss clinics who will give it to anyone willing to pay, and don't monitor their health along the way. I think if your Dr. suggested it, and your under their care...go for it! Every drug isn't meant for every person. That's why their are a ton of possible side effects with every medication. Anxiety medication for example....the side effects of it are worse for some people than just dealing with anxiety.

    Good Luck to everyone out there trying to make changes!
  • 1ahayward
    1ahayward Posts: 9 Member
    I've had the good fortune of maintaining a 45 lb weight loss as the result of a Nissen - an operation to correct my hiatal hernia - for almost 5 years. I did that by recording what I ate and exercise. Recently I decided to try to re-set my setpoint again. I keep my goals modest: With a current BMI of 42, I've decided getting to <40 seems like it might be doable. (Being under 40 may keep me from the worst effects of obesity, according to the research.)

    I've been on the 15 mg capsule for three weeks, and I agree that it is somewhat helpful in curbing appetite: I don't crave carbs and can typically get through the afternoons without snacking on sweets. I have my calorie level set so that I lose only 1/2 lb/week and this is fine with me - again, modest. I truly believe weight loss and weight loss maintenance is a longterm (read lifelong!) process of experimentation and learning. Hopefully Phentermine will assist me with this, but I know that most of the effort is still mine. Good luck to everyone else. Be gentle with yourself!
  • NancySkier
    Phentermine is a great medication if used properly. You should use Phentermie as a crutch for no more than 90 days. The problem with Phentermine from my personal experience and observing others that have used this drug is extreme dry mouth, irritability and dependency issues. Please remember its for short-term use only and you should do great!
  • carrieanthony
    carrieanthony Posts: 70 Member
    I took Phentermine back when it was phen/fen and did great. I lost 80 pounds and kept it all off until I got pregnant with my first child. Then after I was done breastfeeding her, I was pregnant with my second. I tried lots of different things but had all kinds of excuses for not losing weight. It's only now, at 45 years old, that I get up at 4am every morning to go to the gym for 45 minutes. My doctor has put me back on Phentermine to try and get these 50-60 pounds off. I am not looking to be skinny ... just lose enough weight where I'm comfortable in my own skin and healthy and active. I do not have any of the bad side effects except the trouble sleeping at night, which is cured with a melatonin before bed. My alarm goes off at 3:50 to get up to go to the gym and I actually GET UP and GO to the gym!! I feel WONDERFUL. I take a half in the morning and a half at lunch time. I can drink coffee, diet coke, etc. and it doesn't affect me. I've had all my blood work done and all of the tests came back perfect. I don't feel "euphoric" but I definitely feel BETTER. Easy to focus, NOT grumpy, NOT edgy, very motivated and a whirlwind in getting everything done at work. Granted, this is NOT for everyone and if you do not make changes that you can ADHERE TO after you're off of the Phentermine then yes, you will gain the weight back. I am well aware of what causes the weight and know the diet that I have to follow. I know that I have to exercise. These are things that I KNEW back then but honestly just felt I was young and stupid and had the world by the tail and figured this was a magic pill. LOL. I know better know and can take the Phentermine as a tool to jump start this journey for me.
  • sllyrbbt73
    sllyrbbt73 Posts: 2 Member
    I took Phentermine with B12 shots and Chomium about 5 years ago, I lost almost 40 pounds and was doing fabulous. I moved and the doctors in that area really pushed the HCG diet which I was very against. 500 calories is not enough to sustain proper body functions. I continued to lose weight and did great even without Phentermine.

    However, after a child birth and hysterectomy I gained weight and have been unable to get it back off for 27 months. I have just started the same regimen as above with Phenetermine and B12 plus Chomium and a Baricare vitamin pack. Anxious to see where this takes me this time. I have 50 pounds I want to lose, though to reach my healthy rates I need to lose more like 100 pounds. One step at a time, a well rounded diet and exercise is the key to any diet program with or without prescription medication
  • kade_cando
    What about Qnexa, the new phentermine/topamax combo drug? I've never taken phentermine but topamax is great. I took it for about 3 months for migraines, I lost 40 pounds and completely kicked my diet coke addiction. Topamax changes the taste of things and at least for me, made diet pop tastes terrible.
  • RMZ2014
    RMZ2014 Posts: 31 Member
    I think an alternative such as an endometrial ablation for your heavy periods or even Mirena IUD would be worth a shot too. Good Luck.
  • SatinDoll85
    SatinDoll85 Posts: 9 Member
    If you are seeing a doctor and he/she takes the necessary precautions such as doing blood work and checking your heart and blood pressure before prescribing it, then i feel that it is ok. I just wish that people would understand the reason that they are gaining weight after the pill is because they do no maintenance! Someone who has always been able to maintain a thinner build can usually very easily lose the weight they gain for whatever reason they gain just by changing eating habits and exercising. However, someone like me who has been overweight since i was a child-it's not that simple.

    I don't care what anyone says, but your genetic makeup has much to do with it! The doctor i go to performs blood work on patients so that he knows if phentermine is the right medication even if they are obese, if it is not right for them, he takes another route. I have been exercising since middle school and i eat the healthiest out of everyone in my family and my skinny friends yet, i was not able to lose a considerable amount of weight until i started on phentermine. While on it, you are supposed to work on your eating habits such as portion control and making healthy choices.

    I lost 60 pounds my first time around and i am back on it to lose more. After i stopped i gained a couple of pounds but that is expected after anyone loses a substantial amount of weight. I started my weight loss journey at 284 pounds and i am now 232 and i am only 5'3 so i will continue to do this, eat right, and workout.. I also did weight watchers before i started the phentermine which was very helpful because it showed me what portion size and calories look like as opposed to what we sometimes think. I hate when people come on here and say "just eat right and workout" maybe that works for you and if it does that is awesome but as i said before, under doctor supervision i think a medication can be helpful. I did not experience heart palpitations nor dizziness while taking it and i believe everyone will respond differently to it.

    It is about developing healthy habits in the process and if a person can't do that then they should not take phentermine because yes the weight will come back on. It is not an easy way out because some people struggle losing weight while on phentermine so that is not the issue.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    STOP taking this crap. It will kill you.
  • sfranklin2012
    I started taking this about a month ago and have lost 18 of the 60 pounds my doctor and I decided I needed to lose. I love it. I have had only a few side effects which really are good ones: my scalp crawls a little if I don't eat and my mouth gets dry if I am not drinking my water like I should. No racing heart. No nausea. No hyper-ness. For the first time in a long time, I feel in control of my weight and food and eating are not my primary focus. I use MFP to keep my calories between 1200-1400 and I walk. As you all know, sometimes just getting started is the hardest part. This med is what that is intended to do.

    For all you naysayers, you aren't me. I made this choice and it is working for me. I've tried every diet in the world at one point or the other. Never have I felt this in control. I am a stress eater. I love to cook. I work 80+ hours a week sometimes. In addition to that, I make cakes on the side. I have a large family that gathers around a good meal oftentimes. We are from the south after all:) I have just gone through menopause. This is just the perfect storm for weight gain. I couldn't do it on my own. I know that because I know ME.

    And for all those considering this med, don't let others negativity stop you from considering this option. I was ashamed I guess to ask for this. My GP and OBGYN both refused to even consider it (they both were women who weighed @100 pounds each). Their advice: "just eat healthy and exercise". Well, if I could do that, I wouldn't be here subjecting myself to your disgusted looks. Thankfully, I found a physician who specializes in weight loss who is following my progress very closely. I feel like a new person with just this small amount of weight loss. I have energy, enthusiasm, confidence. I can breathe! My clothes fit better. My aches and pains have disappeared. I am happy and healthy. You can't put a value on those changes.
  • sfranklin2012
    I guess you just have to decide if the benefits outweigh the risks.
  • sfranklin2012
    STOP taking this crap. It will kill you.

    Just curious, have cases of this med killing people actually been reported?
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    I have taken Phentermine in the past. Yes it works! THe problem is, it suppresses your appetite so much, that you have no desire to eat. I could go days without eating. 15 years ago, that seemed awesome! Looking back on it, how stupid! Sure I lost a lot of weight, but if your doc is a good one, he won't let you stay on them for long. As soon as my doc quit giving them to me, the weight piled back on because I didn't work on changing my eating habits.
    I'm not condoning them, but PLEASE be sure you eat right. Good luck!

    ^ This.

    If you want to take Phentermine, plan on having to remind yourself to eat. It removes every desire of eating you may have.

    This and this ^^^. When I took Phentermine (under my dr's supervision) he suggested setting a timer on my phone to remind me to eat small balanced snack meals every few hours. Also, don't underestimate how hungry you will feel once you have to stop taking the meds. Do it gradually so you can begin learning the self control/portion control without the meds by he end of it. Eating small snack meals at this point is still super helpful to keep from going back to old habits. A good doc will help with this process too. :)
  • cassie4488
    I have a question for those taking Phentermine. I have just recently started taking it on day 3 actually. I feel great in the morning and by 4:00 I am extremely tired and can barely stay awake. I take it in the morning with breakfast. Is there a better way to be doing this or am I doing something wrong to be so tired by mid day?? Thanks!
  • TheRealNoodlette
    TheRealNoodlette Posts: 132 Member
    I have a question for those taking Phentermine. I have just recently started taking it on day 3 actually. I feel great in the morning and by 4:00 I am extremely tired and can barely stay awake. I take it in the morning with breakfast. Is there a better way to be doing this or am I doing something wrong to be so tired by mid day?? Thanks!

    When I took phentermine, I took it later in the day. I was told to take it on an empty stomach and not to eat one hour before and after taking it. I usually would take it around 10am or after lunch. It's also possible you're feeling fatigued because you'r e not eating enough, or you're dehydrated, or your sodium is low. Try eating something salty (like some pickles, salted peanuts, or chicken broth), check your calories, and/or drink water and see if you notice a difference.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I have just started Qsymia which is a combo of phenteramine and topomax. I would like to meet others on prescription aided weight loss plans. I am working with a doctor and dietician. I haven't noticed much yet, I still get hungry, but my mouth is really dry. I do have some weight related health conditions that I am hoping will improve with diet and exercise.