Phentermine to jump start weight loss under Dr.s supervision



  • sfranklin2012
    I have a question for those taking Phentermine. I have just recently started taking it on day 3 actually. I feel great in the morning and by 4:00 I am extremely tired and can barely stay awake. I take it in the morning with breakfast. Is there a better way to be doing this or am I doing something wrong to be so tired by mid day?? Thanks!
    The only time I have experienced this is when I haven't eaten enough. You really do forget to eat and if you aren't getting in a good 1200 calories, you will be tired. I take it in the morning before breakfast with a full bottle of water (which I am not a fan of, but I try to drink as much as I can). If I don't eat enough, my scalp starts to tingle too. As soon as I eat, the sensation goes away. Good luck with it!
  • doriswildflower
    Is Phentermine by prescription only I cant find a doctor who prescribes it
  • sfranklin2012
    Prescription only. Look for physician assisted weight loss centers.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    <shrugs> I took phentermine, too. Like most, it suppressed my appetite to the point where I was forcing myself to eat 1000-1200 calories per day. And like most, once I stopped taking it and my eating patterns returned to normal, I regained all of it, plus a bit extra.

    I took my 30-day Rx, and broke each pill in half, and took it for 60 days, instead of 30. I lost about 35lbs...maybe if I had been on MFP then, and had developed better eating habits and exercise support (read: got my tail kicked for missing a gym day) I might have been able to keep it off once I stopped taking it.

    Other than a bit of dry mouth (making me drink water, which isn't a bad thing) I didn't have any side-effects to speak of. The first day or two when I took a whole pill and really didn't eat anything, I did get headaches and was tired, but that corrected itself when I dropped to a half dose.