Juice fast



  • TheWorstHorse
    Here we go again with the water weight I knew i would hear it from someone. Weight loss is weight loss whether its water loss or whatnot . By making a statement such as that regardless of whether or not your right or wrong destroys the happiness of ones achievements Thank you for the inspiration

    If you are trying to lose weight, then is it a good assumption that you are trying to lose fat and retain muscle mass? Is it also a good assumption you are trying to get to a weight you can maintain over the long term? If either of these assumptions are true, then your means and your goals are in conflict. There's lots of evidence that juice fasts, like any kind of VLCD, don't lead to sustainable weight loss. And similar mounds of evidence that water weight lost during a fast is typically regained within a few weeks of the fast's end. Moreover, there are few examples of people starting with a VLCD and managing to transition successfully to sustainable weight management programs.

    So what are you suggesting we to help you celebrate? Your decision to choose a well defined path to failure?

    By the way, you can certainly lose a lot of weight on a VLCD. Starvation works that way. And it is a pretty safe bet that whether it is fifteen or fifty pounds, you will have regained it within twelve months, while having actually lost muscle mass.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Tell you what dude i will bet the ranch that if i lose 50 lbs in the next 55 days on the juice fast you will tell me its water weight that i lost

    Not if you're in the hospital first…….
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Tell you what dude i will bet the ranch that if i lose 50 lbs in the next 55 days on the juice fast you will tell me its water weight that i lost

    Oh god. Please tell us you aren't really planning this.

    If you're thinking of that Fat Sick and Nearly Dead guy, he was under a doctors supervision when he went 60 days or whatever it was. Please don't do this. A human body needs more fat than you can get in vegetable and fruit juices. And without protein, your muscles will waste away. Think of someone in a cast. When they get their cast off after 6 weeks, their arm is all thin an atrophied. Don't fast for this long. Unless you want your whole body to atrophy like that.

    If you feel you want to incorporate juicing into an overall diet plan, that's a sustainable idea. But only vegetable and fruit juice for 55 days? Holy moly, just no.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Tell you what dude i will bet the ranch that if i lose 50 lbs in the next 55 days on the juice fast you will tell me its water weight that i lost

    So... what are we cleansing again?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Tell you what dude i will bet the ranch that if i lose 50 lbs in the next 55 days on the juice fast you will tell me its water weight that i lost

    Nope, probably muscle. Not a gamble I'm personally willing to take, seeing as my heart is made of muscle. But I've lost 35 lbs eating well over 1400-1500 calories per day every day since I've been here.
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    Tell you what dude i will bet the ranch that if i lose 50 lbs in the next 55 days on the juice fast you will tell me its water weight that i lost

    So... what are we cleansing again?

    Brain cells, apparently... :/
  • azymth99
    azymth99 Posts: 122 Member
    So people who actually know what they're talking about are haters? Juice fast all you want but don't try to tell people its "the way to go" when nutrition, physiology, science and plain old common sense disagree with you.
  • healthyeating555
    Dude relax I started on July 7 ending it July 21 if i can go that far and no i had no intention of doing this 60 days are you nuts ?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    weight loss whether its water loss or whatnot . By making a statement such as that regardless of whether or not your right or wrong destroys the happiness of ones achievements Thank you for the inspiration
    I should have thought twice about posting a thread of this nature let alone coming back to this site PERIOD. Water weight haters strike again

    How old are you? I ask because these two responses sound like they are coming from a frustrated teenager.

    Loss of weight and loss of fat are not the same thing. Everybody loses water in the beginning, and it especially happens when you do an all juice fast, which is also considered a VLCD.

    I suggest you go eat some food.
  • healthyeating555
    I said it was the way to go as far as quick fix never claimed to be an expert on nutrition
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    No one's brought up pantastrophes yet? Yeah, I don't like those. No juice fast for me, ewwww! I choose to lose weight eating the MOST food I possibly can. I'm weird like that :happy:
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I said it was the way to go as far as quick fix never claimed to be an expert on nutrition

    So uhh what are we cleansing again? You never answered my question.
  • healthyeating555
    Maybe i can sink some sense into you I never implied that losing what i lost will stay off forever I realize that as soon as i go back to food weight will come back in some form. If you read my thread i said that its an easier transition going from a fast and then going into counting calories instead of the other way around because you learn to appreciate the value of small amounts of food after you come off the fast Does that make sense to you?
  • healthyeating555
    Tell that to Joe Cross that all he lost was muscle Im sure he will take your comment to heart
  • healthyeating555
    If any of you are gullible enough to believe that by consuming over 1500 calories per day and in excess of 3000 then you are as dumb as you look I wouldnt be surprised with that amt of calories if you havent gained at least 30 lbs by now
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Just break up.
  • healthyeating555
    Maybe its your one track mind that needs a cleansing
  • healthyeating555
    cleansing all the bad toxins out of my system Ever heard the term reboot ? Shut down your digestive system for awhile to give it a long awaited rest
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    If any of you are gullible enough to believe that by consuming over 1500 calories per day and in excess of 3000 then you are as dumb as you look I wouldnt be surprised with that amt of calories if you havent gained at least 30 lbs by now

    We don't know who you're talking to if you don't quote who you're responding to. There's a button next to reply that says "quote." If you use that, we'll know what comments you're responding to.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    cleansing all the bad toxins out of my system Ever heard the term reboot ? Shut down your digestive system for awhile to give it a long awaited rest

    Which toxins? And why haven't you called the CDC???