Secret tricks?



  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    As they're a secret I can't tell you. If I did I'd have to kill you
  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
    There's this really secret and magical to getting fit and losing weight, called working out and eating healthy.
    Like seriously what were you thinking when you posted this topic??

    Clearly you did not read my post properly.. I said AS WELL AS eating healthily and exercising. Whats up love? What did daddy do to make you such a *****?

    I'm sorry how is this not rude or insulting?

    You've been reported for it BTW. Its against the TOS

    Yawn. You fail to see what she said first. Actually not even bothered if I am banned from here. It is by far the rudest forum I have ever had the displeasure of joining. Good riddance.

    SO she told you the truth which is eat less move more and asked you what on earth you are looking for since the entire point of this website is to encourage heathly lifestyle changes. So you get to swear and insult her? Really?

    Now I"m just waiting for the haters thread to show up.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I feel a strong ragequit coming on...
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    There's this really secret and magical to getting fit and losing weight, called working out and eating healthy.
    Like seriously what were you thinking when you posted this topic??

    Clearly you did not read my post properly.. I said AS WELL AS eating healthily and exercising. Whats up love? What did daddy do to make you such a *****?

    I'm sorry how is this not rude or insulting?

    You've been reported for it BTW. Its against the TOS

    Yawn. You fail to see what she said first. Actually not even bothered if I am banned from here. It is by far the rudest forum I have ever had the displeasure of joining. Good riddance.

    SO she told you the truth which is eat less move more and asked you what on earth you are looking for since the entire point of this website is to encourage heathly lifestyle changes. So you get to swear and insult her? Really?

    Now I"m just waiting for the haters thread to show up.

    Pretty much seems to be this ladies mindset. Reminds me of a spoiled brat. She also said in another post that the people posting were "horrible on the inside" and the phrase "rolling turds in glitter" came to mind. :yawn:
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    There ARE NO quick fixes. Just get a food scale, measure out portions properly. Portion sizes are written on the sides of boxes/bags/whatever the food came in. Exercise. Start strength training. It makes you look good and feel good. Diet pills do nothing but cause your wallet to lose weight. They can also harm your organs.

    Also, getting mad and insulting people who are telling you the truth, instead of what you wanted to hear, is childish. Shame on you.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member

    OP took...

    4 posts to reveal mystery medical revelation
    7 to make a passive aggressive insult
    8 to directly insult someone and use profanity
    9 claim innocence and call other posters rude
    10 quit

    Is this a record?
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I feel sorry for the husband-to-be.
  • redman1740
    redman1740 Posts: 13 Member
    You may want to try "Intermittent Fasting" but that's more of a lifestyle change to the way you eat and how to get your body on a eating schedule. Google it and try it out, can't hurt right? As for tricks, secrets, etc.. its like this.... you can't get around hard work. That's the secret, the trick. However hard and long you workout, is how fast the results you will get. I started MY program late April and I'm down 29lbs already. I work for it tho, I pay the price, I put myself through abuse, what most people aren't willing to do. In the words of CT Fletcher... "if you want to be the best, you must become obsessed with it" Good luck on your health and fitness and your wedding. :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    There's this really secret and magical to getting fit and losing weight, called working out and eating healthy.
    Like seriously what were you thinking when you posted this topic??

    Clearly you did not read my post properly.. I said AS WELL AS eating healthily and exercising. Whats up love? What did daddy do to make you such a *****?

    I'm sorry how is this not rude or insulting?

    You've been reported for it BTW. Its against the TOS

    Yawn. You fail to see what she said first. Actually not even bothered if I am banned from here. It is by far the rudest forum I have ever had the displeasure of joining. Good riddance.

  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
    There's this really secret and magical to getting fit and losing weight, called working out and eating healthy.
    Like seriously what were you thinking when you posted this topic??

    Clearly you did not read my post properly.. I said AS WELL AS eating healthily and exercising. Whats up love? What did daddy do to make you such a *****?

    I'm sorry how is this not rude or insulting?

    You've been reported for it BTW. Its against the TOS

    Yawn. You fail to see what she said first. Actually not even bothered if I am banned from here. It is by far the rudest forum I have ever had the displeasure of joining. Good riddance.

    SO she told you the truth which is eat less move more and asked you what on earth you are looking for since the entire point of this website is to encourage heathly lifestyle changes. So you get to swear and insult her? Really?

    Now I"m just waiting for the haters thread to show up.

    Pretty much seems to be this ladies mindset. Reminds me of a spoiled brat. She also said in another post that the people posting were "horrible on the inside" and the phrase "rolling turds in glitter" came to mind. :yawn:

    Yeah i reported that one to. this is the strangest posting i have seen in a while. Ah well. Thanks everyone for keeping my morning at work entertaining!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I don't see anyone being miffed, I see a bunch of really honest answers to a question we see here all of the time. We're just trying to give you a very honest response. You're just reacting negatively because you are reading answers you didn't want.

    The truth is, I'll bet many of us have tried the pills, potions and other diet "tricks" that are out there just waiting to separate the gullible and desperate from their hard earned money. None of them work any better than eating less and moving more. As one other person said, if they did there wouldn't be an obesity problem and we'd all be thin and fit.

    Honestly, if you want a quick fix, go low carb. Try Atkins or paleo or any other nutrition plan that replaces starchy simple carbs with green vegetables and lean protein. You'll drop a bunch of water weight really quickly as your body loses glycogen. You'll also gain that water back as soon as you start to eat carbs again. In the meantime, you can drop more weight that you won't gain back as long as you continue to eat at a deficit.

    Good luck!