1200 Calorie a day diet. Can it be healthy?



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Prove them wrong, report back in a few months how you did it despite all the naysaying.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    OP why not bring up that you are on a medically prescribed diet due to cardiac problems at the start of your thread. You should know that what is applicable to you is not applicable to a healthy person. In general it's not a good idea for the majority but if you at a risk of a myocardial infarction then the faster you lose the more likely you are to stay alive (and yes when it comes to cardiac arrest I am an expert)
    My point is, so many people on is forum think they are experst, without knowing all the details. I decided to leave them out

    People give advice without all the details (because people withhold the details ad force people to give advice without it) so you withheld details?

    Well. Okay then.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    OP why not bring up that you are on a medically prescribed diet due to cardiac problems at the start of your thread. You should know that what is applicable to you is not applicable to a healthy person. In general it's not a good idea for the majority but if you at a risk of a myocardial infarction then the faster you lose the more likely you are to stay alive (and yes when it comes to cardiac arrest I am an expert)
    My point is, so many people on is forum think they are experst, without knowing all the details. I decided to leave them out

    People give advice without all the details (because people withhold the details ad force people to give advice without it) so you withheld details?

    Well. Okay then.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Why for smack butt with logic?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    OP why not bring up that you are on a medically prescribed diet due to cardiac problems at the start of your thread. You should know that what is applicable to you is not applicable to a healthy person. In general it's not a good idea for the majority but if you at a risk of a myocardial infarction then the faster you lose the more likely you are to stay alive (and yes when it comes to cardiac arrest I am an expert)
    My point is, so many people on is forum think they are experts, without knowing all the details. I decided to leave them out

    Yeah. It really kind of goes the other way. If you are going to say that X calories is healthy FOR YOU, then you need to explain why.

    An "everybody should be able to eat 2500 calorie" comment suffers from same lack of context.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Fascinating; In the two hours after I started this thread around 50 comments and most of them nay Sayers saying that what I am doing is wrong, is not healthy, but as soon as I mention my Cardiologist and a Registered Dietitian all the negative comments stopped. Where are all the experts now?

    Stop depending on Google and the internet to determine your diet and go to a real professional, Truly fascinting that people believe anything they read on the internet

    So you posted this to get comments that you could then reply to by saying - well my doctor says it's ok so there.

    Ok then :huh:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Fascinating; In the two hours after I started this thread around 50 comments and most of them nay Sayers saying that what I am doing is wrong, is not healthy, but as soon as I mention my Cardiologist and a Registered Dietitian all the negative comments stopped. Where are all the experts now?

    Stop depending on Google and the internet to determine your diet and go to a real professional, Truly fascinting that people believe anything they read on the internet

    So you posted this to get comments that you could then reply to by saying - well my doctor says it's ok so there.

    Ok then :huh:

    Yup. Consider yourself schooled.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Fascinating; In the two hours after I started this thread around 50 comments and most of them nay Sayers saying that what I am doing is wrong, is not healthy, but as soon as I mention my Cardiologist and a Registered Dietitian all the negative comments stopped. Where are all the experts now?

    Stop depending on Google and the internet to determine your diet and go to a real professional, Truly fascinting that people believe anything they read on the internet

    So you posted this to get comments that you could then reply to by saying - well my doctor says it's ok so there.

    Ok then :huh:

    Yup. Consider yourself schooled.

    Oh I do, wait... :noway:

    What I go from his admission was that he's on a 1200/day diet as he's at major risk of a heart attack - so the risks of a VLCD are less than the risks of staying fat.

    That doesn't mean it's healthy - just that it's the lesser of two evils.

    But I'm sure he'll say I'm just a google expert.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    1200 calories is the minimum amount of calories a small woman needs to eat to meet her nutrient needs without supplementation.

    So, only if you are a small woman.
    I believe your source for that is the MFP forums, right?
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    1200 calories is the minimum amount of calories a small woman needs to eat to meet her nutrient needs without supplementation.

    So, only if you are a small woman.
    I believe your source for that is the MFP forums, right?

    Well to be fair it would also work for a man who was 5ft, 120lbs and 60 years old and completely sedentary.

    But there are always outliers.


    I'm guessing the source is all the BMR calculators all over the internet - the same ones Drs are suppose to use.

    But hey - you just keep saying that 1200 is a perfectly reasonable goal for lots and lots of people - and we'll all just keep laughing at you.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    So you're saying you have a source that says it's dangerous to eat under BMR? That one I'd really like to see.
  • Gawanne
    Gawanne Posts: 105 Member
    Not me! Chris, if you haven't given up on this site and seeing we eat somewhat similar, plus you being a chef, do you have any tips for adding to your meals as in spices. I sometimes use curry powder in my chicken and rice for instance. I think you wanted just simple yes an no's when you posted. Ha well, good luck on your journey and your diet can't be all wrong seeing I am still here to tell the tale. Let us know when you reach where you want to be.
  • Gawanne
    Gawanne Posts: 105 Member
    Not me was response to the "laughing" comment. Still trying to figure out how to add quote -I think
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Not me was response to the "laughing" comment. Still trying to figure out how to add quote -I think
    (Do you see a Quote button in my post? Below this?)
  • Gawanne
    Gawanne Posts: 105 Member
    Not me was response to the "laughing" comment. Still trying to figure out how to add quote -I think
    (Do you see a Quote button in my post? Below this?)
    So simple, aren't I the twit, thanks so much.????
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    So you're saying you have a source that says it's dangerous to eat under BMR? That one I'd really like to see.

    Plenty of sources to look through here.


    Some neat factors:
    compromised brain development
    increased chance of obesity
    increased chance of infectious disease
    compromised ability to heal

    amongst others both in human and animal studies. Well now.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Those are on 'undernutrition', which obviously exists. In years of asking, no one has come up with one thing that says eating under BMR is undernutrition or vlcd or any other dangerous situation.
  • melindafritz1976
    melindafritz1976 Posts: 329 Member
    ITs too few calories
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    I agree with BigT555.... I am fairly tiny and 1200 is just fine. I eat very well with occasional treats when I am trying to lose. I am vegetarian but eat organic eggs and dairy. I would NOT recommend this though for anyone who isn't my size, which is 5'1" and 104 lbs.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Those are on 'undernutrition', which obviously exists. In years of asking, no one has come up with one thing that says eating under BMR is undernutrition or vlcd or any other dangerous situation.

    I saw a couple abstracts talking directly about undernutrition as related to bmr. Nice try.

    Listen, I understand, you have a bias, and you want to protect that so you feel correct. I do it all the time. I lash out at anyone that likes any of the new Final Fantasies. Thing is, and this is really a hoot... it doesn't mean your viewpoint is right. It just means you want it to be right. Much like my opinion of any FF after 10.