Sugar Addiction Help



  • Imadorkable
    Imadorkable Posts: 419 Member
    For me white bread was like a gateway drug :) I literally would butter a piece of wonder bread and coat it in white sugar. Ok, I know that sounds repulsive, and it probably was, but I loved it.

    Nope, sounds good to me. Toast that sugar with a little blow torch and you've got a Wonder Bread Brulee :)

    Not crazy. I used to add cinnamon to mine.
  • smashy_smashy
    smashy_smashy Posts: 23 Member
    For me white bread was like a gateway drug :) I literally would butter a piece of wonder bread and coat it in white sugar. Ok, I know that sounds repulsive, and it probably was, but I loved it.

    Nope, sounds good to me. Toast that sugar with a little blow torch and you've got a Wonder Bread Brulee :)

    I like the way you think.
  • paulandrachelk
    paulandrachelk Posts: 280 Member
    Read "The Sugar Diet". Published by Rodale (?) books. Check ""-the Prevention magazine puts it out.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    If you want to stop eating ice cream and cookies, then the answer is simple. Stop buying them. Stop making them. Don't let friends or family be an excuse to buy them. If, in the event that you plan a treat for say a birthday party, have a serving.

    I advise NOT to use artificial sweeteners. They will not help you move away from wanting super sweet things, they will likely make it worse. Science has shown us that when we "crave" sugar we're needing energy, as another response states. A craving for chocolate can be cured by eating a sweet apple. The apple provides much more sustainability.

    We are hard wired to look for calorie-dense foods from a survivalist perspective, but we don't need to do that anymore. The way you beat something like this is sheer willpower. Don't buy, don't put it in your face. If you can't do it by yourself, entrust a family member to help you. Buy single serve packets if you do decide to have it so you don't have more than that. Drop the excuses that you use to permit yourself the noms.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    If you mean processed, white refined sugars or HFCS then here's some advice...

    At my office, there's a big bowl of chocolates and random candies (free!) and I used to grab from that thing every single day because I felt like I needed the energy and was craving it really bad. Now, I don't even think about the bowl at all and I rarely crave the sugars and I feel normal again. How did I do it? I cut down and eventually eliminated added sugars (ie. cookies, cakes, chocolates, white refined sugars, almost all flavored yogurts and breakfast cereals and granola bars if they are over 6 g of sugar, plus only use honey/maple syrup/coconut sugar sparingly in cooking) and I started eating whole fruits--bananas, mangoes, apples, etc. Did this for 6 months and now I'm sugar-crave free. Have all the energy I need from sleep and enough calories from food. Every once in a while, I'll buy a treat for myself (ie. nutrition bars as a dessert!) or eat something offered at work and a small portion is fine. No cravings whatsoever.

    The trick is to start slow with cutting down while increasing fruit intake and then eventually eliminate the added refined sugars. Do not buy it or keep it in sight. Keep yourself busy. Eat enough and eat regularly for your body. You'll be fine. :)
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,314 Member
    I am a type 2 diabetic and I resoundingly beat sugar by switching to a low carb, moderate protein, high fat dietary protocol. I ditched all grains and am currently losing weight through ketosis. This protocol normalized my blood glucose dropping it from HgbA1c of 7.9 in December with medications to 5.5 without medications so far and still falling. All through dietary modification and it has been extremely pleasant to boot. I have no desire for any nasty foods any longer and eat 100% unprocessed whole natural foods. The fat sources for me are: coconut oil, olive oil, grass fed butter and animal fats. No, they are NOT bad for you unless you combine them with a typical SAD diet and eat tons of carbs. That is what made me diabetic but I am off meds and have amazing energy. Research it and you will see.
    Dr. Bernstein's Diabetic Solution
    Wheat Belly, Dr. Wm. Davis
    Grain Brain, Dr. David Perlmutter
    The Art and Science of Low Carb Living, Volek and Phinney
    There are more but these are a great start for anyone, diabetic or not. Eating sugar and high carbs is a perfect recipe for diabetes, cognitive decline and heart disease. That is not for me any longer!
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I eat it by the truckload. As you can see by my ticker it hasn't posed much of a weight loss problem.
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    Fact: the more sugar you eat, the more you will crave it.

    Fact: the less sugar you eat, the less you will crave it.

    You are so right about this. I am a sugar addict and I gave refined sugar up. The first week was hard, but I'm into the third week and I don't even want it. I replaced it with fruit. I whip up frozen fruit in the blender with just alittle water to blend and that is better than Ice cream. I eat fresh ripe fruit all the time. I have 0% interest in eating sugar. That happened in the 2nd week. I'm only finishing the 3rd week this Saturday. Sugar is a drug. Yes it is. The more I ate the more I craved. Giving it up is Amazing.
  • EuphonyChloeH
    EuphonyChloeH Posts: 107 Member
    Besides trying to kick the heavy stuff, pay attention to what sparks your sugar cravings. I notice that if I have a carb heavy day I start craving more carbs AND sugar. Going child turkey seems to help the most.
  • LanaC1210
    LanaC1210 Posts: 37
    I try and eat more fruits to get natural sugar. Or if I must...then I eat dark chocolate covered almonds or acai berries
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    Besides trying to kick the heavy stuff, pay attention to what sparks your sugar cravings. I notice that if I have a carb heavy day I start craving more carbs AND sugar. Going child turkey seems to help the most.
    What I found useful was to avoid adding any sort of sugar to anything. I replaces it with sweetners at first and at the same time slowly reduced the amount of sweetness I was looking for.
    I look for my trigger foods. Oddly they are pears, grapes, baked beans. I also check my labels. I'm on a 5:2 diet and that has helped me reduce the amount of carbs I eat. I barely eat any form of bread. Yup occasionally I eat sweet but I can control it now.
  • Chelseapretorius
    Chelseapretorius Posts: 24 Member
    I kicked my sugar cravings/binge eating through fasting. I only did 8 hours and I found I stopped craving sugar as well as only eating when I really was hungry.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Sugar isn't an evil villan or a foe. If you want some, make it fit your calories for the day.
  • majinboox
    majinboox Posts: 16 Member

    No but seriously, sugar is not an addictive substance. Your body craves quick energy, sugar provides that. If you're concerned about getting proper nutrients, maybe try eating fruit instead of sugary candy or whatever.

    Sugar is like cocain and a poison to your brain,
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member

    No but seriously, sugar is not an addictive substance. Your body craves quick energy, sugar provides that. If you're concerned about getting proper nutrients, maybe try eating fruit instead of sugary candy or whatever.

    Sugar is like cocain and a poison to your brain,

    LOL no. In for fearmongering, tho.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Sugar is like cocain and a poison to your brain,

  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I stopped eating sugar except what is found in fruits and vegetables. No more cravings so far.

    I also haven't had bread for 40 days. I'm a little scared to add it back into my diet, it tends to make me very hungry and leads to cravings for sugar.
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    I didn't. I won't. Found out that Walgreen's was selling candy bars for .39. I walked out with two, plan on going back for more and ate one immediately upon leaving the store.
  • Dietmeyerl
    Okay, what is more important here, the candy bar or the type 2 diabetes. You had the one, now put the others away for a rainy day. Make it a goal to loose more then have another candy bar, spread it out. Don't fall off the wagon!
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I get a little hangry if I do not get sugar day to day


    OP--try to change your habits if you think its not something you can do without. I.E. double bag a treat, put it on a separate floor of the house, and on and on.