30 day shred starting today. Any takers?



  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Morning shreddes!

    Feeling great this morning! Going for a swim in my lunch hour and then shredding tonight.
    Is it possile to see a difference in just 4 days? I swear that when I looked in the mirror this morning my thighs have a lost a bit of their wobble and my tummy is looking better. Not enough that anyone else would notice, but I was pumped to see it! Or maybe I wasn't awake and still dreaming:yawn:
  • Hi all

    Finished Day 5 ... just. I reverted to my smaller weights today on the basis that I don't want to bulk up but just want to tone so I'll swap them in and out but it didn't seem any easier at all!

    I managed one whole proper push up and that was it before reverting to 'copying Anita'. Going to have to make some progress there.

    @kate1500 - I think it's possible to see a difference in just 4 days. My muscles certainly *feel* different. I though I caught a glimpse of a quadrucep but it could have been a trick of the light - will have to look more closely tomorrow.
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    I completed the Day 4 workout this morning....little by little, I'm feeling stronger and gaining endurance.

    Carmen--my upper body strength needs a lot of work. I'm still doing the modified push ups and hope to jump to the "regular" push ups at Workout 2. Good for you for getting one in today!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Just finished day 5, I even managed quite a few of Natalie's moves today. Getting stronger every day!

    Carmen, Lisa, I'm still ddoing the Anita push ups too, I haven't attempted a full one yet, just consentrating on completing the full set for another few days before copying Natalie.
  • Day 3 for me, still fInding it very tough and my poor calves are aching! All modified press ups for me and very light weights! Still I'm sure I will improve!
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    I just completed Day 5. I'm feeling good and noticing small differences in my body. My thighs are feeling heavier/tighter, which I take as a sign of increasing strength. As much as I hate those static lunges and side lunges, they are making a difference!

    Peejay---hang in there, you will start noticing a difference in your endurance and strength soon.

    I'm planning to do my workout as soon as I wake up tomorrow morning so that I can enjoy the rest of the day w/ family and watching football. :)
  • I ate far too much chocolate today after a rather emotional couple of days. All my willpower scooted out the window and I fell off the wagon.

    However I did just manage to do Day 5 (two full press ups) to try and counteract some of the unhealthy eating.

    I'm definitely noticing a difference. I think my abs are a bit more defined (not difficult) My BF is away till Monday (boo!) and he's really good at spotting when I change shape so I'm hoping he's going to notice. I do feel better in myself.

    Peejay - my calves felt better on Day 4 and even better on Day 5 so hope tomorrow that you feel a lot better.

    Really think we can get through this, all 30 days of it. Woo hoo!!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Day 5 done! I really didn't feel like exercise tonight, but I feel much better now that its done.
  • Kate - well done for getting the DVD turned on and going for it. Glad you feel better for it.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Day 7 done! Yesterday should have read day 6 done! I think I'm loosing my marbles along with the fat :wink: I'm glad I have this thread to keepmt honest:embarassed: Today was hard, I wasn't really in the mood. Maybe it was becaues I was keeping half an ear on my daughter while I did it, or maybe it was because I did it int he morning instead of my usual evening work out.
    My lower abs were a bit sore, didn't notice until I went down to do the pushups. I'm still finding level one hard, but I'm considering trying level 2 just to mix things up a bit, maybe I'm just getting bored. But then again I've heard that level 2 is MUCH harder than 1 so myabe I'll see how I go with level 1 tomorrow and decide from there.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all that are celebrating:flowerforyou:
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    Day 6 is history.

    Kate--Level 1 is still a challenge for me too. I'm still building a good sweat in the workout and getting my heartbeat racing.

    I purchased a set of 3 lb weights yesterday, which I'm using for the second round of strength exercises within each set. I think maintaining the form is better than trying to push through a set where I can hardly lift my arms.

    Yesterday and today I did a little exercise before the DVD (walk, slow jog on treadmill), and I think it makes it a lot easier to get through the workout with my body already warmed up.

    Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for this support group to help us reach our goals!
  • Day 7 done, now to shower and then out dancing for an hour or so.

    I'm doing most of Natalie's exercises now except the push ups - although I'm increasing by one proper one per day so up to whole 3 today but that's only in the first set.

    Still struggling with the side lunges. LisaYvonne - you're right that good form is better than heavier weights but I can't seem to get my butt to go back and keep my knees from going over my toes.

    Kate - think I might watch Level 2 tomorrow but I'm going to stick to level one for at least another day or so.

    'See' you guys tomorrow.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Good morning both! Not in a very good mood this morning, scale shows a 2lb gain. And that gain is justified. Even though I've been exercising consistantly I've been over my cals quite a few times this week. I'm stuggling to keep my head in the game, I think switching from loosing to maintaining has left me finding it hard to keep the motivation up. It was easy to stay motivated while the scales were showing a consistant loss, but not so easy when I just want them to stand still.
    Going to shred again today, and I've booked a week off work next week (should help with lowering the stress levels) and I'm hoping that will help me get back on track mentaly and I can loose those 2 lbs again before Christmas.

    Sorry for the grumble!
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    Kate - first of all, don't worry too much about the 2 pounds. That could also just be a fluxuation! But think of it as a kick in the butt - a motivation for you!!!

    I can imagine that maintaining must be harder in some ways - but the great part for you is that you have caught it "early" this time and it'll only take a couple of days of buckling down to get you back down to your GW.

    In terms of the shred - oh boy! I really struggled again this morning, but i think perhaps I am starting to reach the top of the hill! I hope so :) I can't help but feeling like it's really good for me though!!!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    day 8 done. Admittidly I didn't give the first cardio round my all, but I was tired after 20 mins on the strider earlier. So mycal count was about 50 less than yesterday.
  • Mondo_
    Mondo_ Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I've just joined Myfitnesspal today and spotted the dreaded word Shred! Me and around 10 other girls from my baby group did this a few months ago and ALL of us went down at least a dress size in the 30 days. Weight loss wasn't huge for most of us, the old muscle weighs more than fat was said over and over again. I only lost 4lbs in weight but lost an overall 6 inches in total from various parts. I found I ate more whilst doing it even though I was dieting I was just starving for at least an hour after doing Shred.
    Personally I loved Level 2, Level 1 had too many damn star jumps in and Level 3, although I loved the cardio with weights the rest did me in!
    Overall my fitness levels and stamina increased a lot and it's only 3 months later they are starting to wain a bit.

    Good luck to all those doing it, you will see a difference at the end of it.. we keep saying we should do it again to hopefully drop another dress size before Christmas!
  • Kate - hope you're not fretting about the gain. It'll come off again really soon. I'm on MFP because I can lose weight but find it tough to maintain. Right now I'm in the losing weight (again!) phase but I know it's so hard to keep it off. You can definitely do this.

    Day 8 done. I even felt like I got the side lunges going a bit better today. I am definitely finding it easier than day 1 but my abs are still screaming on that last set.

    I'm just watching 'Level 2' in mental preparation although I'm not sure whether I'll try it tomorrow! Looks pretty demanding but not 'no way, never going to manage that' impossible.

    I'm doing the 12 pounds of Christmas challenge so weighing and measuring tomorrow. Am really hoping for some results on the tape measure after this week, if not on the scales.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Carmen - I know it will come off again, I'm just finding motivation hard to come by at the moment. I was so close to not doing the shred tonight, but at least I made an attempt.
    I watched the first part of level 2 this evening, and I agree, it looks hard but not impossible.
    Good luck for your weigh/measure tomorrow! Let us know how you get on!

    Mondo09-thanks for your post I hope I see similar results at the end!
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    I just finished the Day 7 workout. I've been sitting on the couch all day grading term papers, and was not really motivated to workout, but it felt good to move after a sedentary day. I don't doubt that I can get through the workouts anymore...I know I've done it for 7 days already and that my body is capable of doing what I need it to do.

    The mind, on the other hand, can be very challenging to control. I can definitely relate to your struggles, Kate. And like Carmen, I'm doing this right now because I have not been able to maintain the weight when I lose it. I seem to gain/lose the same 10 lbs every couple of years. I don't know if you are doing this, but others have recommended that once you hit your goal weight, to allow yourself to fluctuate a few pounds +/- your goal weight. Also, I have to remind myself that this is about a lifestyle and changing patterns...it's not a week to week weight but a long term goal that I'm working towards.

    I ate more calories yesterday (it was Thanksgiving here in the U.S.) and today. It wasn't a huge amount over, but I know that If I was not tracking my food and doing this challenge, that it could have been much worse.

    Hang in there---you've lost a lot of weight and will lose those 2 lbs as well. Good for you for finding the motivation to do the workout today in light of your disappointing news.

    We wont' let you give up!!

    BZBear--glad that you're still with us in this challenge.

    Carmen--as Jillian would say, on that last set of abs, that is fear leaving your body! :) Good job ladies!!
  • Well I lost 1lb this week and given that I was over my calorie goal 4 (!!!) times is still pretty good. But more importantly I've lost 3/4" from my waist, 3/4" from my hips and 1/2" from 1 thigh and 1/2" from my bra band measurement plus some at knees and arms. Hurrah! And none off my bust measurement - even bigger hurrah, don't want that to be changing!!

    Next week I am going to stick to my calorie goals and keep up with the exercise. I have 5lb to go by Christmas and JM and this thread is going to help me lose that and then my changed mental attitude is going to help me to keep it off.

    Day 9 later today. Am still in the Level 1/2 dilemma, will probably close my eyes and hit the play button and see what comes up!
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