30 day shred starting today. Any takers?



  • GFPeggy11
    Well ladies, Great job so far!
    Reading this thread made me want to get the Shred. Which I just got on Amazon. I'm SO movitaved to do it...LOL I'm blaming that on y'all tho.

    Keep doing the good job your doing, and you'll make it!!!
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    ok so i did 5 days of L1 and got on fine and then stopped.

    So I am starting again tomorrow with L1D1. How do I know when to go onto L2??
  • beesknees798
    L1 D3 completed! I feel a lot more productive when I work out first thing in the morning. It's almost lunch time now, I'll see how I do the rest of the day. :wink:
  • carmen1485
    Hey guys

    Welcome welcome welcome to the new people. Really glad you're taking up the challenge. It is so worth keeping going and I can definitely tell the difference in my shape. Eating sensibly made a difference to my weight but this has definitely toned and sculpted. Ok, maybe not sculpted very smoothly yet but I'm working on it.

    I've just done L2 D7 ish and it is definitely getting more doable. I can last all of all of the cardio now and no longer have to resort to whimpering during the squat thrusts. Still doing battle with round 3 of the strength but I will get there before I move up to L3.

    finnhead - move up to L2 when you are bored with L1 :-) I moved up after 10 days and that was about right for me. L2 was a real challenge but I could keep up all the way through L1 so thought I was ready. Anita still does modified moves in L2 and L3 so stick with her but definitely keep going up the levels.

    beesknees - I'm so impressed with first thing workouts - they are not my thing.

    Peggy - the real credit will be all yours when you've done it.

    Kate - yaaay, welcome back. Glad you're feeling better. While I don't miss the sweating and the aching muscles, I do miss the workout.

    Lisa - I know that exercising early suppresses my appetite. I also know it's not my thing but definitely will try and do it at the weekends. No way is it going to happen before work.
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    Hi all! Just completed my Day 10, but since I missed two days (not in a row) it's technically day 8..

    Anyways, I am moving on to level 2 now because I feel ready. I'm excited! Will report back this evening...

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Carmen -sounds as if you've really got into L2, hope I'm saying that by day 7!

    Beesknees - Good job on sticking with level 1!

    Finnhead - good luck with the shred. I also did 10 days of L1, I could keep up with most of Natalies moves by then, although it wasn't easy.

    GFPeggy - Good luck!

    Lisa, good job on gettinmg it done early. I like to do that at the weekends and my days off, I'm more motivated to eat well if I've exercised early, although I draw the line at getting up even earlier than normal on a working day.

    Ouch! I ache again today, those few days off are really noticable! Knees are hurting too. Never mind onward and thinward :wink:
    Level 2 day 4 today, I'll be doing it this evening once little one in bed. Swimming this lunch time too, despt it being -15 outside.... Must try not to get my hair wet, too cold to be walking around work all afternoon with wet hair.
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    @kate1500 - swimming at lunchtime sounds lovely! I wish there was a pool super close by. Do you have a particular routine that you do?

    ps: perhaps a travel hairdryer would be good?
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I get an hour lunch break and the pool is only about 5 mins away. Me and the only other lady in our department try to go at least once a week. By the time we get there, change etc we only get about 30 mins in the water, but I swim as hard as I can for that time. Usually I manage between 44 and 48 lengths or breast stroke depending on how busy it is. Unfortunately theres no time for anything other than giving my hair a quick towel, but I'm tucked away in the lab, so it doesn't really matter what I look like!
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    @kate - lucky you! I just looked to find our closest pool but it's a 20 minute bus ride away.. would be too long for me. But I think I will start going after work! :) thanks for the motivation
  • Cristy_AZ
    Just finished day one of level 2. Stated Nov 11, done consistently but not everyday, taken every Sunday off also took Thanksgiving and day after off (did work it that Sunday) anyone else have to do some modifications to get through? Too bored at level one but really honestly can't do all of level 2. I use 5lbs weights but use them one arm at a time for some, also can't do the plank abs in circuit 3 so I try to do the same move from standing up.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    L2 D5 done! Half way there!!!!:drinker:
    Felt good today :smile:
  • carmen1485
    bzbear - welcome back - glad you've managed to keep it going.

    kate - swimming at lunchtime - am so so impressed. -15?!! Eeek. I'm being pathetic about -7! Definitely thinward - that made me laugh out loud.

    crlflower - modified is definitely worth it for sticking to the programme. I swap between 2, 3 and 5lb weights because I certainly can't do the pendulum lunges with the heavier weights, nor the standing on one leg and lifting leg and weights thing (what is that called?) I'm not sure my plank abs are very 'plank' like, possibly look more like a camel!

    I managed to squeeze this in between coming home and going out for a meal tonight. Don't think it was healthy dining but I though that working out beforehand was a better plan than not at all.
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    it's good to see the new faces and to have others join us in this challenge. please post your success (or struggles) each day so that we can encourage and support you.

    that's great that you squeezed in the workout before going out, carmen! hope you enjoyed the dinner! and kate and bzbear---keeping the momentum going. it's good to add other exercise into the mix to keep from getting burned out on the DVD.

    so, i won't be working out tomorrow (long day from 7am to 8pm). to make up for that, i did two workouts this evening. i did my first Workout #3 and then followed it with Workout #2. There are some challenging points in Workout three (rock star jumps being one of them--i'm not sure my feet are even coming off the ground; the lunge jumps are difficult for me too---I can manage 2, 3, or 4 and then will switch to the modified move). Overall, workout 3 seems less bouncy than the previous two and more focused on moves that build the core.

    So, day 18 with 19 workouts under my belt (which is feeling a little looser these days). It should be downhill from here, right? I'll finish out on Workout 3 for the next 6 days and then will be giving my body a breather. I am excited that I'll get the 25 workouts in 25 days....
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    oh dear, level 2 was HARD! But good. I am getting ready to go for a swim - when i come back, i will do the workout again - I can imagine it will def. get easier and easier, just like the last level!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Bzbear - Level 2 isd definitely more difficult, but it does get easier! Hope you enjoyed your swim!

    Lisa, Level 3 sounds challenging but good, I'm looking forward to trying it.

    Carmen - I also find the the lifted leg strength thingie tough, I've only got 5lb weights and by the second cycle I have to put the weights down half way through. Its a killer!

    Crlflowers - I can't to the plank abs in C3 either, at least I try but I don't think I'm even close to being in the correct possition!

    Woken up with a really sore right pec this morning, I suspect a slight strain because I'm not aching anywhere else. I'm going to wait until this evening to do my shred today to give a little time in the hope the soreness will ease by then. 2 weeks today is my work Christmas dinner, so if I contiune with the shred I'll be at L3 day 9 by then - almost finished, so I'm determined not to let anything get in the way of being toned in time to party!

    I've looking at some more of JM's dvd's. I'm thinking of getting either no more trouble zones or banish fat boost metabolism to do in the new year. Both are circuit style dvds but are 40 mins long instead of 20. Anyone done either of them or know the differences? I'd like something similar in format to 30ds, combining strength in with the cardio.
  • Cristy_AZ
    Thanks for the feedback and encouragement everyone! Thanks Carmen, I did the plank abs today and yes, looked more like a camel than a plank lol, but I tried. And the other are the military presses with the leg lifts, yeah those are tough. But day 2 of level 2 done and I felt I put in a really good work out. I did pause the DVD for about half a minute a couple times to catch my breath. I know she says no resting but I am 45 years old and 80 lbs overweight and I don't really think Jillian wants me to have a heart attack on my living room floor! :laugh: and that way I do all the work.
  • Cristy_AZ
    I think you just know. when you feel you're getting through one and need more challenge, I get bored and need change so I tried 2 too soon, went back to 1 for a week plus then felt I was ready.
  • IceFaith
    I"ve been thinking about picking up this video. Actually had it in my cart and put it back yesterday. I had decided I needed to visit here to see if it would be a good thing. I think I will try to pick it up next week along w/ some hand weights. I have a feeling this is gonna kick my butt...lol

    Thanks ladies for the information. :)
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    PHEW! Today it was - still really really hard (SO SWEATY!!!) but i didn't feel as... dopey. I felt like my form was much better. The only move that i have a really hard time with are the plank jacks! my mat moves aLL over. OUCH.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Level 2 day 6. And BREATHE!!!!