Nagging about saving money for IVF



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    not judging, just throwing this out there based my personal experience....

    Infertility is a bi#ch and IVF is physically and emotionally draining. The financial drain with potentially no child at the end is a bitter pill to swallow too. I was deeply entrenched in infertility hell when a friend said this to me:

    So do you want to be pregnant, or do you want to be a mother?

    I am mom to two daughters adopted internationally, and I have never looked back.
    I want to be Pregnant AND be a MOTHER.! Is that selfish of me? I dont think so at all!

    So, adopt a child to call your own, and offer to be a surrogate mother for someone else? You get to have the pregnancy experience, a child of your own, and you don't have to spend 21k to do it
    Hey now, not a shabby idea. Save a life, and help someone else in the process.

    Ok... so now it's good for her to help someone else have their own baby, but not for her to want one of her own.

  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member

    I also went through adoption training classes in MN through Children's Home Society. Each class I got more and more scared. A panel of parents who had already adopted through the program came to talk. Afterwards, about half the class was even more excited to adopt and half wanted to run away screaming. Some were dealing with multiple 3 letter diagnoses that were not disclosed until after adoption - ADD, ODD, RAD - you name it. You fill out a questionnaire describing what behaviors you could deal with and what you couldn't. Would it be ok if they had a history of fire-setting? Abuse of animals? Food hoarding?

    The best part was that you can look through websites of waiting children, go through all the training and a homestudy, and not until nearly the very end of the process are you allowed to see their files or hear anything about their past. I went in with the best of intentions and abandoned ship near the end of the process. I cannot emphasize enough how much I respect those parents who were able to provide a home to a child, but anyone who thinks adoption would be "less stress" than IVF is sorely misinformed.

    wow I didn't know you could figure out if you're precious kidlet could be ADD pre-birth!!!! That's awesome!!! Good to know.
    A child tax credit is to invest in your kid's future, not pay off his creation. It is absolutely despicable that people are allowed to go into debt to procreate.
    wow I didn't even know that could be done- but I'm totally right there with you.
    The lengths people go through to have children is so weird to me... it just proves how selfish people are honestly.
    There isn't a logical reason to have children- much less multiple children at this point- so the only real reason is it's because it's something YOU want to do. Which is fine- but let's not get crazy with expenses and irrational justifications for having kids, it's a self serving choice and that's it.
    Obviously from the sounds of it, it sounds like you dont ever want children. To each their own. You DONT understand then and should not be commenting on this thread.
  • 19kat55
    19kat55 Posts: 336 Member
    I know (and trust me I certainly do know) the absolute longing to have a baby and the devastation of it not happening like everyone else, so it is with this wisdom and knowledge that I suggest you do this with one eye on the budget and the other eye on your relationship and marriage. Don't sacrifice one to gain the other.

    OMG this, X1000. Well said!
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,277 Member
    To all those that have adopted: Thank you for taking an emotional and financial risk to rescue a pre-existing child that desperately needed a loving home. You saved and enriched a life and had yours enriched in the process.

    This sort of mentality really bugs me too, adoption isn't "rescuing" a kid like they're a stray dog. I wanted to adopt because we wanted a child, I wasn't doing it to be heroic, but there were a million roadblocks and it's not as black and white as everyone seems to think.

    Yes it's true there are no guarantees either way, but at least if a person is able to conceive and carry a child they can do their best to take care of themselves before the baby is born, and then to raise them well. There's always a chance of health problems, but what I'm saying is when I went to adopt through CAS they said we were literally almost 100% sure to get a child with not one but several serious problems. We just wanted to have a regular family like other people have, like all our friends were starting to have, we weren't ready to take that on.

    The thing that I find very frustrating is people seem to think that infertile people have to bear the burden of society's unwanted children, and to do anything other than that is somehow selfish or greedy or whatever. If fertile people want kids, they have a kid and don't think twice about it, no one is looking at them going "well why didn't you adopt instead of trying at all?" It would never even be a question, but the second someone has trouble conceiving and has to seek medical help, suddenly they're terrible people if they don't want to adopt before trying anything else first.
    Well said !! THank You!
    Of course you'd think so considering it falls under your onesided "supportive comments only" reason for starting this thread.
  • loveless_me
    loveless_me Posts: 115 Member
    How about both of yous open a savings account of some kind specifically dedicated to the IVF treatment, a fund that money goes into every week but no money ever comes out of. And then every week you and your husband BOTH put at least 40 dollars from your income into it (depending on what your income is) you could also get rid of luxarys such as sky tv for a while untill yous have gained enough money for IVF. And you could ask family and friends to donate a bit of money as well. I'm sure your parents and his parents would be happy to put what they can afford towards a future grand kid.
    my boyfriend is also terrible with money, I always bag him too and it never works. I took a different approach. I brought him shopping to aldi (instead of Tesco) and bought everything he usually buys for much cheaper, and he realised the quality was the same, and now he shops in aldi all the time to save money.
    Giving up smoking would help too (if you or him smokes that is) and it is also a good idea to give up smoking before having a kid for the benefit of the child too.
    just keep saving as much as yous can and I wish you the best of luck :)
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    Why aren't you considering adoption? Why force your body to do something it's not naturally inclined to do in your case?
    Plus, IVF isn't guaranteed. You could end up with 5 babies, or worse, have to "selectively abort" some until you have the choice amount. I all smacks of a puppy mill to me, to be honest.
    There are children already existing out there that need you, don't understand why people have to force their hands with this, taking drugs and going into a lab for impregnation (shudder). And before you say "I want my OWN child", I have a little girl that I adopted when she was 8 months old that couldn't be more MINE if I had carried her myself. We have the closest, best bond and I couldn't love her an iota more than I already do.

    In my previous posts, i mentioned adoption is my second option if IVF doesn't work. My body IS naturally inclined to have a baby. My husband is having issues with his semen. NO, I WONT end up with 5 babies. They select how many eggs they want to give me. One or two is usually the option. Which in my case, I would opt for 2. They WOULD NOT put 5 eggs back in me. That would just be silly and dangerous for me and the children. Yes, I am willing to go through all the drugs, injections, ect. to try to carry my OWN child. We want our OWN child. If it doesn't happen with IVF (we have 3 tries and get our money back if it doesn't work) then we will look into adoption. Yes, if I adopted a child, that child would be my OWN child regardless of weather I carried him/her or not. Just because we are having trouble getting pregnant doesn't mean we dont have the right to use the medical field to assist us.
    So you want to have your OWN child, yet would also consider an adopted child your OWN? Why not just take the step now and save a life?
    You dont get it, never mind
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    If anyone has suggestions for me, please share. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about 4 1/2 years. Our next route is IVF due to fertility issues. IVF costs $21,000.00. So, my husband and I decided we need to buckle down and start saving so we can do the IVF a year from now. The problem is, he keeps spending money. We both are ready to do this and wish it would just happen naturally, but it hasn't. He knows we need to save money and he wants to save money, but he spends money a lot easier than I do. I feel like I am a NAG constantly telling him "we need to start saving money, we don't really need that do we?" I feel like I am constantly nagging him about spending money. Yes, I may be getting a little overwhelmed and obsessive but if we want to do this, we need to start saving. We keep talking about it but can't seam to start saving. Any suggestions on how I can get him to stop spending money without being a total nag??? PLEASE HELP! He does get a weekly allowance of $100.00 and has a credit card for gas for work. But just yesterday he transferred $100.00 from our savings to his account....

    If you having trouble saving now with just the two of you, then your really gonna be struggling once you do have kids. Those little temper tamtrum, milk guzzling, poopy diaper, snotty nose, food throwing, mess making, waking up in the middle of the night monsters are expensive to raise!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    To all those that have adopted: Thank you for taking an emotional and financial risk to rescue a pre-existing child that desperately needed a loving home. You saved and enriched a life and had yours enriched in the process.

    This sort of mentality really bugs me too, adoption isn't "rescuing" a kid like they're a stray dog. I wanted to adopt because we wanted a child, I wasn't doing it to be heroic, but there were a million roadblocks and it's not as black and white as everyone seems to think.

    Yes it's true there are no guarantees either way, but at least if a person is able to conceive and carry a child they can do their best to take care of themselves before the baby is born, and then to raise them well. There's always a chance of health problems, but what I'm saying is when I went to adopt through CAS they said we were literally almost 100% sure to get a child with not one but several serious problems. We just wanted to have a regular family like other people have, like all our friends were starting to have, we weren't ready to take that on.

    The thing that I find very frustrating is people seem to think that infertile people have to bear the burden of society's unwanted children, and to do anything other than that is somehow selfish or greedy or whatever. If fertile people want kids, they have a kid and don't think twice about it, no one is looking at them going "well why didn't you adopt instead of trying at all?" It would never even be a question, but the second someone has trouble conceiving and has to seek medical help, suddenly they're terrible people if they don't want to adopt before trying anything else first.

    Not true at all. I question anyone who has a child; fertile or through medical assistance.... I also question who anyone would support and buy an animal like a dog or cat from a breeder. My thought is, if you want a child, or a pet... Don't have one created when there are so many out there already in need of a loving home. We need to stop bringing more unnecessary life into this world and take better care of the lives already existing.

    Generally, it's human instinct to want to procreate. Just because you had some ****ed up childhood where you were an unwanted child in an unloving home and has caused you to have some pessimistic, narrow-minded view of the world doesn't mean that is true of everyone. You have established that you think OP should adopt. You can move on now.

    Actually that was in response the this comment : "If fertile people want kids, they have a kid and don't think twice about it, no one is looking at them going "well why didn't you adopt instead of trying at all?" It would never even be a question, but the second someone has trouble conceiving and has to seek medical help, suddenly they're terrible people if they don't want to adopt before trying anything else first."

    I'm just saying, I don't judge infertile people for choosing to go the medical route and ignore those that conceive naturally. I was saying I feel the same regardless of the situation that brought that child into someone's life. Why bring more life into a crowded world when so many already exist needing care?

    Because it is human nature to want to procreate! I realize you are missing this here because your daddy ****ed up your head. If you don't want to procreate, that's great. Less likely of a chance of repeating the cycle. But seriously, stop criticizing people because they want kids and you don't. Your perceptions of the world are not a good fit for everyone, and simply having an opinion doesn't make you right.
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    If anyone has suggestions for me, please share. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about 4 1/2 years. Our next route is IVF due to fertility issues. IVF costs $21,000.00. So, my husband and I decided we need to buckle down and start saving so we can do the IVF a year from now. The problem is, he keeps spending money. We both are ready to do this and wish it would just happen naturally, but it hasn't. He knows we need to save money and he wants to save money, but he spends money a lot easier than I do. I feel like I am a NAG constantly telling him "we need to start saving money, we don't really need that do we?" I feel like I am constantly nagging him about spending money. Yes, I may be getting a little overwhelmed and obsessive but if we want to do this, we need to start saving. We keep talking about it but can't seam to start saving. Any suggestions on how I can get him to stop spending money without being a total nag??? PLEASE HELP! He does get a weekly allowance of $100.00 and has a credit card for gas for work. But just yesterday he transferred $100.00 from our savings to his account....

    If you having trouble saving now with just the two of you, then your really gonna be struggling once you do have kids. Those little temper tamtrum, milk guzzling, poopy diaper, snotty nose, food throwing, mess making, waking up in the middle of the night monsters are expensive to raise!

    I must add though they are worth every penny, every hour of lost sleep, and every little bit of energy spent.
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,277 Member
    Why aren't you considering adoption? Why force your body to do something it's not naturally inclined to do in your case?
    Plus, IVF isn't guaranteed. You could end up with 5 babies, or worse, have to "selectively abort" some until you have the choice amount. I all smacks of a puppy mill to me, to be honest.
    There are children already existing out there that need you, don't understand why people have to force their hands with this, taking drugs and going into a lab for impregnation (shudder). And before you say "I want my OWN child", I have a little girl that I adopted when she was 8 months old that couldn't be more MINE if I had carried her myself. We have the closest, best bond and I couldn't love her an iota more than I already do.

    In my previous posts, i mentioned adoption is my second option if IVF doesn't work. My body IS naturally inclined to have a baby. My husband is having issues with his semen. NO, I WONT end up with 5 babies. They select how many eggs they want to give me. One or two is usually the option. Which in my case, I would opt for 2. They WOULD NOT put 5 eggs back in me. That would just be silly and dangerous for me and the children. Yes, I am willing to go through all the drugs, injections, ect. to try to carry my OWN child. We want our OWN child. If it doesn't happen with IVF (we have 3 tries and get our money back if it doesn't work) then we will look into adoption. Yes, if I adopted a child, that child would be my OWN child regardless of weather I carried him/her or not. Just because we are having trouble getting pregnant doesn't mean we dont have the right to use the medical field to assist us.
    So you want to have your OWN child, yet would also consider an adopted child your OWN? Why not just take the step now and save a life?
    You dont get it, never mind
    And you don't get that your husband's actions are speaking louder than his words. You can "WE" and "OUR" all you like but your delusional to the fact that if he "wanted this more than anything" he would straight up follow the guidelines you (supposedly) both set out for your situation.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    not judging, just throwing this out there based my personal experience....

    Infertility is a bi#ch and IVF is physically and emotionally draining. The financial drain with potentially no child at the end is a bitter pill to swallow too. I was deeply entrenched in infertility hell when a friend said this to me:

    So do you want to be pregnant, or do you want to be a mother?

    I am mom to two daughters adopted internationally, and I have never looked back.
    I want to be Pregnant AND be a MOTHER.! Is that selfish of me? I dont think so at all!

    So, adopt a child to call your own, and offer to be a surrogate mother for someone else? You get to have the pregnancy experience, a child of your own, and you don't have to spend 21k to do it
    Hey now, not a shabby idea. Save a life, and help someone else in the process.

    Ok... so now it's good for her to help someone else have their own baby, but not for her to want one of her own.


    Just saying; clearly people are going to procreate. If they can't save the money themselves, why not help someone else and then she gets her pregnancy experience while doing good for someone else and not having to pay out that much money. Believe it or not, I am trying here.......
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    To all those that have adopted: Thank you for taking an emotional and financial risk to rescue a pre-existing child that desperately needed a loving home. You saved and enriched a life and had yours enriched in the process.

    This sort of mentality really bugs me too, adoption isn't "rescuing" a kid like they're a stray dog. I wanted to adopt because we wanted a child, I wasn't doing it to be heroic, but there were a million roadblocks and it's not as black and white as everyone seems to think.

    Yes it's true there are no guarantees either way, but at least if a person is able to conceive and carry a child they can do their best to take care of themselves before the baby is born, and then to raise them well. There's always a chance of health problems, but what I'm saying is when I went to adopt through CAS they said we were literally almost 100% sure to get a child with not one but several serious problems. We just wanted to have a regular family like other people have, like all our friends were starting to have, we weren't ready to take that on.

    The thing that I find very frustrating is people seem to think that infertile people have to bear the burden of society's unwanted children, and to do anything other than that is somehow selfish or greedy or whatever. If fertile people want kids, they have a kid and don't think twice about it, no one is looking at them going "well why didn't you adopt instead of trying at all?" It would never even be a question, but the second someone has trouble conceiving and has to seek medical help, suddenly they're terrible people if they don't want to adopt before trying anything else first.

    Not true at all. I question anyone who has a child; fertile or through medical assistance.... I also question who anyone would support and buy an animal like a dog or cat from a breeder. My thought is, if you want a child, or a pet... Don't have one created when there are so many out there already in need of a loving home. We need to stop bringing more unnecessary life into this world and take better care of the lives already existing.

    Generally, it's human instinct to want to procreate. Just because you had some ****ed up childhood where you were an unwanted child in an unloving home and has caused you to have some pessimistic, narrow-minded view of the world doesn't mean that is true of everyone. You have established that you think OP should adopt. You can move on now.

    Actually that was in response the this comment : "If fertile people want kids, they have a kid and don't think twice about it, no one is looking at them going "well why didn't you adopt instead of trying at all?" It would never even be a question, but the second someone has trouble conceiving and has to seek medical help, suddenly they're terrible people if they don't want to adopt before trying anything else first."

    I'm just saying, I don't judge infertile people for choosing to go the medical route and ignore those that conceive naturally. I was saying I feel the same regardless of the situation that brought that child into someone's life. Why bring more life into a crowded world when so many already exist needing care?

    Because it is human nature to want to procreate! I realize you are missing this here because your daddy ****ed up your head. If you don't want to procreate, that's great. Less likely of a chance of repeating the cycle. But seriously, stop criticizing people because they want kids and you don't. Your perceptions of the world are not a good fit for everyone, and simply having an opinion doesn't make you right.

    Or how about if you post on a f**king public forum expect there to be people that don't agree and wish to share their argument, because I don't know, maybe because you asked a bunch of people on the internet.
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    not judging, just throwing this out there based my personal experience....

    Infertility is a bi#ch and IVF is physically and emotionally draining. The financial drain with potentially no child at the end is a bitter pill to swallow too. I was deeply entrenched in infertility hell when a friend said this to me:

    So do you want to be pregnant, or do you want to be a mother?

    I am mom to two daughters adopted internationally, and I have never looked back.
    I want to be Pregnant AND be a MOTHER.! Is that selfish of me? I dont think so at all!

    it is.

    and you have to be okay with that.

    I'm selfish- I don't want kids. But I know I'm selfishly choosing ME over a child. Sometimes it's okay to be selfish- you just have to be okay with knowing that's exactly what you want.
    LOL! I am being SELFLESS!!! You think its fun taking medications that make you crazy, giving yourself shots, going to apt's every other day? Not really, but you know what? I will do Anything to carry a child in this world. If it doesn't work with IVF, maybe its not meant to be. But no, nothing wrong with being SELFLESS :)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Why aren't you considering adoption? Why force your body to do something it's not naturally inclined to do in your case?
    Plus, IVF isn't guaranteed. You could end up with 5 babies, or worse, have to "selectively abort" some until you have the choice amount. I all smacks of a puppy mill to me, to be honest.
    There are children already existing out there that need you, don't understand why people have to force their hands with this, taking drugs and going into a lab for impregnation (shudder). And before you say "I want my OWN child", I have a little girl that I adopted when she was 8 months old that couldn't be more MINE if I had carried her myself. We have the closest, best bond and I couldn't love her an iota more than I already do.

    In my previous posts, i mentioned adoption is my second option if IVF doesn't work. My body IS naturally inclined to have a baby. My husband is having issues with his semen. NO, I WONT end up with 5 babies. They select how many eggs they want to give me. One or two is usually the option. Which in my case, I would opt for 2. They WOULD NOT put 5 eggs back in me. That would just be silly and dangerous for me and the children. Yes, I am willing to go through all the drugs, injections, ect. to try to carry my OWN child. We want our OWN child. If it doesn't happen with IVF (we have 3 tries and get our money back if it doesn't work) then we will look into adoption. Yes, if I adopted a child, that child would be my OWN child regardless of weather I carried him/her or not. Just because we are having trouble getting pregnant doesn't mean we dont have the right to use the medical field to assist us.
    So you want to have your OWN child, yet would also consider an adopted child your OWN? Why not just take the step now and save a life?
    You dont get it, never mind
    And you don't get that your husband's actions are speaking louder than his words. You can "WE" and "OUR" all you like but your delusional to the fact that if he "wanted this more than anything" he would straight up follow the guidelines you (supposedly) both set out for your situation.

    Hmm... or he could actually have a real addiction to spending money that actually impairs his ability to recognize how his actions are impeding him.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    To all those that have adopted: Thank you for taking an emotional and financial risk to rescue a pre-existing child that desperately needed a loving home. You saved and enriched a life and had yours enriched in the process.

    This sort of mentality really bugs me too, adoption isn't "rescuing" a kid like they're a stray dog. I wanted to adopt because we wanted a child, I wasn't doing it to be heroic, but there were a million roadblocks and it's not as black and white as everyone seems to think.

    Yes it's true there are no guarantees either way, but at least if a person is able to conceive and carry a child they can do their best to take care of themselves before the baby is born, and then to raise them well. There's always a chance of health problems, but what I'm saying is when I went to adopt through CAS they said we were literally almost 100% sure to get a child with not one but several serious problems. We just wanted to have a regular family like other people have, like all our friends were starting to have, we weren't ready to take that on.

    The thing that I find very frustrating is people seem to think that infertile people have to bear the burden of society's unwanted children, and to do anything other than that is somehow selfish or greedy or whatever. If fertile people want kids, they have a kid and don't think twice about it, no one is looking at them going "well why didn't you adopt instead of trying at all?" It would never even be a question, but the second someone has trouble conceiving and has to seek medical help, suddenly they're terrible people if they don't want to adopt before trying anything else first.

    Not true at all. I question anyone who has a child; fertile or through medical assistance.... I also question who anyone would support and buy an animal like a dog or cat from a breeder. My thought is, if you want a child, or a pet... Don't have one created when there are so many out there already in need of a loving home. We need to stop bringing more unnecessary life into this world and take better care of the lives already existing.

    Generally, it's human instinct to want to procreate. Just because you had some ****ed up childhood where you were an unwanted child in an unloving home and has caused you to have some pessimistic, narrow-minded view of the world doesn't mean that is true of everyone. You have established that you think OP should adopt. You can move on now.

    Actually that was in response the this comment : "If fertile people want kids, they have a kid and don't think twice about it, no one is looking at them going "well why didn't you adopt instead of trying at all?" It would never even be a question, but the second someone has trouble conceiving and has to seek medical help, suddenly they're terrible people if they don't want to adopt before trying anything else first."

    I'm just saying, I don't judge infertile people for choosing to go the medical route and ignore those that conceive naturally. I was saying I feel the same regardless of the situation that brought that child into someone's life. Why bring more life into a crowded world when so many already exist needing care?

    Because it is human nature to want to procreate! I realize you are missing this here because your daddy ****ed up your head. If you don't want to procreate, that's great. Less likely of a chance of repeating the cycle. But seriously, stop criticizing people because they want kids and you don't. Your perceptions of the world are not a good fit for everyone, and simply having an opinion doesn't make you right.

    EXACTLY. Having an opinion does not make me right, nor does it make you. We each have our own thoughts an ideas to throw out her, OP can chose to read and talk to heart what she will.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    To all those that have adopted: Thank you for taking an emotional and financial risk to rescue a pre-existing child that desperately needed a loving home. You saved and enriched a life and had yours enriched in the process.

    This sort of mentality really bugs me too, adoption isn't "rescuing" a kid like they're a stray dog. I wanted to adopt because we wanted a child, I wasn't doing it to be heroic, but there were a million roadblocks and it's not as black and white as everyone seems to think.

    Yes it's true there are no guarantees either way, but at least if a person is able to conceive and carry a child they can do their best to take care of themselves before the baby is born, and then to raise them well. There's always a chance of health problems, but what I'm saying is when I went to adopt through CAS they said we were literally almost 100% sure to get a child with not one but several serious problems. We just wanted to have a regular family like other people have, like all our friends were starting to have, we weren't ready to take that on.

    The thing that I find very frustrating is people seem to think that infertile people have to bear the burden of society's unwanted children, and to do anything other than that is somehow selfish or greedy or whatever. If fertile people want kids, they have a kid and don't think twice about it, no one is looking at them going "well why didn't you adopt instead of trying at all?" It would never even be a question, but the second someone has trouble conceiving and has to seek medical help, suddenly they're terrible people if they don't want to adopt before trying anything else first.

    Not true at all. I question anyone who has a child; fertile or through medical assistance.... I also question who anyone would support and buy an animal like a dog or cat from a breeder. My thought is, if you want a child, or a pet... Don't have one created when there are so many out there already in need of a loving home. We need to stop bringing more unnecessary life into this world and take better care of the lives already existing.

    Generally, it's human instinct to want to procreate. Just because you had some ****ed up childhood where you were an unwanted child in an unloving home and has caused you to have some pessimistic, narrow-minded view of the world doesn't mean that is true of everyone. You have established that you think OP should adopt. You can move on now.

    Actually that was in response the this comment : "If fertile people want kids, they have a kid and don't think twice about it, no one is looking at them going "well why didn't you adopt instead of trying at all?" It would never even be a question, but the second someone has trouble conceiving and has to seek medical help, suddenly they're terrible people if they don't want to adopt before trying anything else first."

    I'm just saying, I don't judge infertile people for choosing to go the medical route and ignore those that conceive naturally. I was saying I feel the same regardless of the situation that brought that child into someone's life. Why bring more life into a crowded world when so many already exist needing care?

    Because it is human nature to want to procreate! I realize you are missing this here because your daddy ****ed up your head. If you don't want to procreate, that's great. Less likely of a chance of repeating the cycle. But seriously, stop criticizing people because they want kids and you don't. Your perceptions of the world are not a good fit for everyone, and simply having an opinion doesn't make you right.

    Or how about if you post on a f**king public forum expect there to be people that don't agree and wish to share their argument, because I don't know, maybe because you asked a bunch of people on the internet.

    Okay... so you think you can convince her not to have a baby?
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    To all those that have adopted: Thank you for taking an emotional and financial risk to rescue a pre-existing child that desperately needed a loving home. You saved and enriched a life and had yours enriched in the process.

    This sort of mentality really bugs me too, adoption isn't "rescuing" a kid like they're a stray dog. I wanted to adopt because we wanted a child, I wasn't doing it to be heroic, but there were a million roadblocks and it's not as black and white as everyone seems to think.

    Yes it's true there are no guarantees either way, but at least if a person is able to conceive and carry a child they can do their best to take care of themselves before the baby is born, and then to raise them well. There's always a chance of health problems, but what I'm saying is when I went to adopt through CAS they said we were literally almost 100% sure to get a child with not one but several serious problems. We just wanted to have a regular family like other people have, like all our friends were starting to have, we weren't ready to take that on.

    The thing that I find very frustrating is people seem to think that infertile people have to bear the burden of society's unwanted children, and to do anything other than that is somehow selfish or greedy or whatever. If fertile people want kids, they have a kid and don't think twice about it, no one is looking at them going "well why didn't you adopt instead of trying at all?" It would never even be a question, but the second someone has trouble conceiving and has to seek medical help, suddenly they're terrible people if they don't want to adopt before trying anything else first.

    Not true at all. I question anyone who has a child; fertile or through medical assistance.... I also question who anyone would support and buy an animal like a dog or cat from a breeder. My thought is, if you want a child, or a pet... Don't have one created when there are so many out there already in need of a loving home. We need to stop bringing more unnecessary life into this world and take better care of the lives already existing.

    Generally, it's human instinct to want to procreate. Just because you had some ****ed up childhood where you were an unwanted child in an unloving home and has caused you to have some pessimistic, narrow-minded view of the world doesn't mean that is true of everyone. You have established that you think OP should adopt. You can move on now.

    Actually that was in response the this comment : "If fertile people want kids, they have a kid and don't think twice about it, no one is looking at them going "well why didn't you adopt instead of trying at all?" It would never even be a question, but the second someone has trouble conceiving and has to seek medical help, suddenly they're terrible people if they don't want to adopt before trying anything else first."

    I'm just saying, I don't judge infertile people for choosing to go the medical route and ignore those that conceive naturally. I was saying I feel the same regardless of the situation that brought that child into someone's life. Why bring more life into a crowded world when so many already exist needing care?

    Because it is human nature to want to procreate! I realize you are missing this here because your daddy ****ed up your head. If you don't want to procreate, that's great. Less likely of a chance of repeating the cycle. But seriously, stop criticizing people because they want kids and you don't. Your perceptions of the world are not a good fit for everyone, and simply having an opinion doesn't make you right.

    Or how about if you post on a f**king public forum expect there to be people that don't agree and wish to share their argument, because I don't know, maybe because you asked a bunch of people on the internet.

    Okay... so you think you can convince her not to have a baby?

    Nope, not at all. I think se can be convinced to stop asking stupid questions online and actually just speak to her partner.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    To all those that have adopted: Thank you for taking an emotional and financial risk to rescue a pre-existing child that desperately needed a loving home. You saved and enriched a life and had yours enriched in the process.

    This sort of mentality really bugs me too, adoption isn't "rescuing" a kid like they're a stray dog. I wanted to adopt because we wanted a child, I wasn't doing it to be heroic, but there were a million roadblocks and it's not as black and white as everyone seems to think.

    Yes it's true there are no guarantees either way, but at least if a person is able to conceive and carry a child they can do their best to take care of themselves before the baby is born, and then to raise them well. There's always a chance of health problems, but what I'm saying is when I went to adopt through CAS they said we were literally almost 100% sure to get a child with not one but several serious problems. We just wanted to have a regular family like other people have, like all our friends were starting to have, we weren't ready to take that on.

    The thing that I find very frustrating is people seem to think that infertile people have to bear the burden of society's unwanted children, and to do anything other than that is somehow selfish or greedy or whatever. If fertile people want kids, they have a kid and don't think twice about it, no one is looking at them going "well why didn't you adopt instead of trying at all?" It would never even be a question, but the second someone has trouble conceiving and has to seek medical help, suddenly they're terrible people if they don't want to adopt before trying anything else first.

    Not true at all. I question anyone who has a child; fertile or through medical assistance.... I also question who anyone would support and buy an animal like a dog or cat from a breeder. My thought is, if you want a child, or a pet... Don't have one created when there are so many out there already in need of a loving home. We need to stop bringing more unnecessary life into this world and take better care of the lives already existing.

    Generally, it's human instinct to want to procreate. Just because you had some ****ed up childhood where you were an unwanted child in an unloving home and has caused you to have some pessimistic, narrow-minded view of the world doesn't mean that is true of everyone. You have established that you think OP should adopt. You can move on now.

    Actually that was in response the this comment : "If fertile people want kids, they have a kid and don't think twice about it, no one is looking at them going "well why didn't you adopt instead of trying at all?" It would never even be a question, but the second someone has trouble conceiving and has to seek medical help, suddenly they're terrible people if they don't want to adopt before trying anything else first."

    I'm just saying, I don't judge infertile people for choosing to go the medical route and ignore those that conceive naturally. I was saying I feel the same regardless of the situation that brought that child into someone's life. Why bring more life into a crowded world when so many already exist needing care?

    Because it is human nature to want to procreate! I realize you are missing this here because your daddy ****ed up your head. If you don't want to procreate, that's great. Less likely of a chance of repeating the cycle. But seriously, stop criticizing people because they want kids and you don't. Your perceptions of the world are not a good fit for everyone, and simply having an opinion doesn't make you right.

    Or how about if you post on a f**king public forum expect there to be people that don't agree and wish to share their argument, because I don't know, maybe because you asked a bunch of people on the internet.

    Okay... so you think you can convince her not to have a baby?

    I don't want to convince her not to go through with it. It's her, and her husbands choice in the end. She asked for advice, I am sharing mine the same as everyone else here.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member