MFP without friends

twikoff Posts: 65 Member
I have been using MFP for a couple years now.. still have 0 friends. (pretty sad, eh?)
i didnt even bother filling in my profile until a couple days ago..
i pretty much was just using it for the food tracking, calorie counting, and integration with other apps (such as fitbit)..
I havent been posting status updates.. but have been wondering if Im missing out on the true MFP experience
Im in here quite a bit, every day.. so I figure its about time..

I dont want to just start randomly adding people.. but would be glad to accept any FR from people that are at least semi active, so I can get a better feel for how others use the site.

my quick story..
last year, i got up to 218 (6' tall male).. and decided it was time to do something about it.
I started hitting the gym at least 3 days a week.. and doing cardio at home daily..
dropped to 158.. with the intention of gaining back up to about 175-180 the 'right' way..
after my 6 month gym membership ran out.. I decided i wasnt thrilled with the place i had been going, and wanted to shop around for another one.. but slacked off on that.. and let myself climb up to the low 190s..
a new planet fitness opened up the road from our house.. so I joined back in january, and still didnt start going until about 3 weeks ago..
have been going 4-5 days a week, and working resistance machines (still intimidated by free weights).. and i try to make sure to hit at least 10k steps on the fitbit daily.. but havent gotten back up to running/jogging much..

This time.. I would like to get back down into the mid 170s, and greatly reduce my body fat % (my profile picture is from when i had dropped to 158.. so not recent)..

I would like to give the community aspect a shot and see about getting (and giving) tips, motivation, etc..


  • weather_nerd
    Congrats on getting active. I know that can be the worst part (I'm struggling with it too). I am finding that I let other things get in the way, so I just push off taking care of myself. For example, there are so many times I'd rather just crawl into bed for a nap or slam back four beers rather than work out.

    I'm working on getting better at these things.

  • Nataliea87
    Nataliea87 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey, congrats! I have no doubt you'll be able to replicate your earlier success, in a way that you feel is more beneficial for you.

    I'll go ahead and send a friend request. I just got started making friends as well, previously, I was friends with just people I knew. I've found that it greatly helps to motivate me! Plus, I like helping motivate others.
  • jms1739
    jms1739 Posts: 80 Member
    Good job on getting back to trying to get healthy. Its a one day at a time kind of thing. I just started incorporating walking 2-3 miles every other day. I would love to get back to running but I am not sure my back and knee would appreciate it.
  • twikoff
    twikoff Posts: 65 Member
    Ive read a ton of the posts about not putting on muscle, while on a calorie deficient diet.. and I definitely wont argue with that..
    Really, Im more interested in what most people feel is the best way to go about dropping weight, while also working on the transformation process. Id like to lower body fat, while also replacing some of the fat with muscle..
    I'm not looking to become a body builder or anything crazy.. just want a more defined body composition.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    The social aspect is the main reason I'm on here all the time, the healthy stuff is simply a result of it. Congrats on your decision to break out of the mold.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Hi there, aedreana here. I don't send friend requests but I accept friend requests sent my way. You are welcome to read my profile and if you decide you'd want me as a friend, please feel free to send a friend request to me. P.S. My profile contains valuable information as to what kind of stuff to be on guard against on the forums. There is a clique on here that thinks that they own the forums.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Congrats on getting active. I know that can be the worst part (I'm struggling with it too). I am finding that I let other things get in the way, so I just push off taking care of myself. For example, there are so many times I'd rather just crawl into bed for a nap or slam back four beers rather than work out.

    I'm working on getting better at these things.


    haha! Sounds like me!
  • SheBeButLittleSheisFierce
    The social aspect has its pros and cons. I enjoy having friends on my list that are active and a motivation to me. Although I have been "sucked in" to the pointless chats a few times, I really do enjoy the motivation/support section.
    My story is simply I allowed some minor "conditions" with digestion become my excuse for being the weight I was. I had some personal issues happen last fall that simply knocked the wind out of me. I decided to do something for me and began working out with a trainer friend of mine. It wasn't what i expected and I fell in love with it. I have, for the first time in my life, started seeing results. I don't like what I look like, or what I have allowed my body to become, but I am the only one that can change that. I have been on MFP for a little over a month and it has helped me considerably. Good luck to you in your continued journey. Feel free to add if you wish.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    The social side is a slippery slope. Some people end up ONLY socializing and not actually dieting or working out.
  • RachelSteeners
    RachelSteeners Posts: 249 Member
    The social aspect is the main reason I'm on here all the time., the healthy stuff is simply a result of it. Congrats on your decision to break out of the mold.

    I'm on MFP more than Facebook these days haha :D
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    MFP... a place where you can be totally narcissistic and justify it in the name of weight loss and fitness.


    something about that keeps me rather motivated.

    coming from another diet plan that had an almost useless community i definitely see better results with people watching and a place to ramble on and on about the stuff my already thin friends dont care about and my overweight friends dont want to hear because it makes them feel uncomfortable.

    if i dont talk about it... i lose my motivation.

    i love to use the words i and me on this site. moreso than any other. i i i i i. its all about meeeeee.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    The social side is a slippery slope. Some people end up ONLY socializing and not actually dieting or working out.

    Dat's me.
  • twikoff
    twikoff Posts: 65 Member
    I'm a straight, white, male.. and I have LOTS of opinions

    Thanks for the heads up! ;)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Hi there, aedreana here. I don't send friend requests but I accept friend requests sent my way. You are welcome to read my profile and if you decide you'd want me as a friend, please feel free to send a friend request to me. P.S. My profile contains valuable information as to what kind of stuff to be on guard against on the forums. There is a clique on here that thinks that they own the forums.

    OP, a little back story on this. People do not support unsupervised VLCDs, nor do a majority of the community here appreciate when someone who eats 625 cals a day tries to encourage certain behaviours. Please do not let this person sway you from participating in the community or groups.

    One group I'd recommend joining because of the great info is the Eat, Train, Progress group here on MFP.

    Here's a link that might interest you. It has a lot of great info and advice and you'll end up seeing this put out a lot for those that are new :)

    Welcome to the community and just know that even if people might be a bit blunt, a little snarky, jokesters, and such, that they are probably nice people who are just answering things how they do. Don't read into things too much and just take the information provided if it is what you need :)

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    The social side is a slippery slope. Some people end up ONLY socializing and not actually dieting or working out.

    WHO would do this?? People are SICK. Sick, I say.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    The social side is a slippery slope. Some people end up ONLY socializing and not actually dieting or working out.

    WHO would do this?? People are SICK. Sick, I say.

    Wait..... you mean I have to actually DO something. Never-mind, I'm out.
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    The social side is a slippery slope. Some people end up ONLY socializing and not actually dieting or working out.

    this place helped me socialize while I exercise. I love assisted body weight calisthenics and "zumba"!!
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Hi there, aedreana here. I don't send friend requests but I accept friend requests sent my way. You are welcome to read my profile and if you decide you'd want me as a friend, please feel free to send a friend request to me. P.S. My profile contains valuable information as to what kind of stuff to be on guard against on the forums. There is a clique on here that thinks that they own the forums.

    Profile states that she is "the voice of reason."

    FR sent!!!!!!!
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    Sounds like you and I have very similar goals. FR sent. I'm not extremely active on the forums though.
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    Hi there, aedreana here. I don't send friend requests but I accept friend requests sent my way. You are welcome to read my profile and if you decide you'd want me as a friend, please feel free to send a friend request to me. P.S. My profile contains valuable information as to what kind of stuff to be on guard against on the forums. There is a clique on here that thinks that they own the forums.

    Profile states that she is "the voice of reason."

    FR sent!!!!!!!

    that is a gross understatement... she is "the unofficial, self-appointed voice of reason"