Fat vs muscle for dummies



  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member

    The problem is those two objects are just sitting there. I could take abbot and costello and put them in a meme and say Abbot weighs more than Costello, but until you saw them both on a scale you wouldnt believe me.

    As you wish ....


    Psh! Those are totally fake! I want to see the muscle and fat cut directly from a body and then weighed!

    Heyyyyyyy. Why didnt I think of that! You know, you are right. Those are just pieces of rubber.

    We need to see it happen live on cam.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Just cause all of you are already aware of what she's talking about doesn't mean everyone is. I knew as well but someone else might not. This post might be extremely helpful for someone new. So if it doesn't apply to you, don't knock her. Move on. I'd understand the harsh reactions if she was peddling myths. But old people bullying a 22 year old from behind a computer screen is just so sad.
    No, I'm pretty sure that every single person is aware that a pound is a pound.

    Yep. That anyone thinks people are confused about that is mind boggling. Next, perhaps, a super long post on how 2 plus 2 equals 4.

    The problem with the maybe you gained muscle comments is that they assume silly rates of muscle growth, especially in a supposed deficit, not that anyone denies that one pound is one pound.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I live near north idaho, I would not take for granted that everyone knows a pound of one item weighs as much as a pound of another item. Especially if there are differing densities and volumes, or anything remotely close to science. Or math. Or education.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    'Scuse me... I heard there was a school for old people in this thread? So I'm just checking in.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    <<<<can make a nine layer density column in a graduated cylinder and accurately predict the layer a solid object will descend to using only the powers of my brain!


    but guess I'm just and unedumicated dummy cause Op says so. :sad:

    I have no idea what you just said...but it was hot!


    ...now I'm in for the promise of more.

    Oh, and to go back and read through what's going on in this thread.
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    Hmmm, maybe this is an appropriate place for this pic I just saw.mankofit_beforeafter_fitspo2.jpg
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Hmmm, maybe this is an appropriate place for this pic I just saw.mankofit_beforeafter_fitspo2.jpg

    It is hard to tell for sure due to the angles/clothing etc - but both of the BF percentages look quite exaggerated on either side.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Hmmm, maybe this is an appropriate place for this pic I just saw.mankofit_beforeafter_fitspo2.jpg

    It is hard to tell for sure due to the angles/clothing etc - but both of the BF percentages look quite exaggerated on either side.

    Yep. There's pretty much zero chance at those numbers being accurate.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    oh goody - more copy-pasta

  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Yup. People are right. These forums are full of condescending people. And I'm not talking about the OP. I'm talking about majority of the people who replied. Yes, she's 22 years old. So what? I think that one hits a nerve because I'm young myself. Too long for you to read? No one forced you to. I find those tl;dr comments rude. If it was too long then close the page and move on. Why take the time to respond complaining about how long it is? Yes, she's been here for 2 days, if what someone posted above was correct. So what? I didn't know experience on MFP directly correlated to knowledge on weight loss.

    Just cause all of you are already aware of what she's talking about doesn't mean everyone is. I knew as well but someone else might not. This post might be extremely helpful for someone new. So if it doesn't apply to you, don't knock her. Move on. I'd understand the harsh reactions if she was peddling myths. But old people bullying a 22 year old from behind a computer screen is just so sad.

    yeah, I knew everything when I was 20, too.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Hmmm, maybe this is an appropriate place for this pic I just saw.mankofit_beforeafter_fitspo2.jpg

    It is hard to tell for sure due to the angles/clothing etc - but both of the BF percentages look quite exaggerated on either side.

    Yep. There's pretty much zero chance at those numbers being accurate.

    SS and Sarauk2sf ~ Attached is a pic from HitchFit. By your calculations, are her stats correct?


    ETA: Add link: http://hitchfit.com/
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Hmmm, maybe this is an appropriate place for this pic I just saw.mankofit_beforeafter_fitspo2.jpg

    It is hard to tell for sure due to the angles/clothing etc - but both of the BF percentages look quite exaggerated on either side.

    Yep. There's pretty much zero chance at those numbers being accurate.

    SS and Sarauk2sf ~ Attached is a pic from HitchFit. By your calculations, are her stats correct?


    ETA: Add link: http://hitchfit.com/

    It is impossible to give an assertion that they are correct, mainly because all ways to estimate bf% have their limitations, and eye-balling has obvious ones, but in this case, mainly because there is only one pic/angle, and in the right pic she is stretching.

    I will say that I would not be too surprised if the right pic is not too far off (although I would peg her a bit higher). The left pic looks too low to me - she looks over 30%.

    However, as I noted, a quick 'eyeballing' of one pic, is not very accurate at all.

    That being said, the stats are far more realistic than the first one shown. Assuming the stats are correct, the woman in the 2nd pic has maintained LBM. The women in the first pic has apparently gained 51lb of LBM in 2 years, while lean. This is pretty much not going to happen, even with exogenous help.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Hmmm, maybe this is an appropriate place for this pic I just saw.mankofit_beforeafter_fitspo2.jpg

    It is hard to tell for sure due to the angles/clothing etc - but both of the BF percentages look quite exaggerated on either side.

    Yep. There's pretty much zero chance at those numbers being accurate.

    So I was curious and googled her.
    "Massiel “Massy” Arias, better known as MANKOFIT, is a 24-year old personal trainer and fitness model, based in New York City. Massy has become an instagram celebrity and icon in the online fitness community, establishing a fanbase of over 1.1 million on the photo sharing, social media website alone."

    These shots show a lot more than the one in the dress, above.


  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Hmmm, maybe this is an appropriate place for this pic I just saw.mankofit_beforeafter_fitspo2.jpg

    It is hard to tell for sure due to the angles/clothing etc - but both of the BF percentages look quite exaggerated on either side.

    Yep. There's pretty much zero chance at those numbers being accurate.

    So I was curious and googled her.
    "Massiel “Massy” Arias, better known as MANKOFIT, is a 24-year old personal trainer and fitness model, based in New York City. Massy has become an instagram celebrity and icon in the online fitness community, establishing a fanbase of over 1.1 million on the photo sharing, social media website alone."

    These shots show a lot more than the one in the dress, above.



    It moved.

    I'm not sure what 'it' is exactly, but it moved.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Tell me more tell me more
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Hmmm, maybe this is an appropriate place for this pic I just saw.mankofit_beforeafter_fitspo2.jpg

    It is hard to tell for sure due to the angles/clothing etc - but both of the BF percentages look quite exaggerated on either side.

    Yep. There's pretty much zero chance at those numbers being accurate.

    So I was curious and googled her.
    "Massiel “Massy” Arias, better known as MANKOFIT, is a 24-year old personal trainer and fitness model, based in New York City. Massy has become an instagram celebrity and icon in the online fitness community, establishing a fanbase of over 1.1 million on the photo sharing, social media website alone."

    These shots show a lot more than the one in the dress, above.



    It moved.

    I'm not sure what 'it' is exactly, but it moved.

    That's a big shoe in the background.
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    This may be true about fat and muscle, but a ton of feathers is WAY lighter than a ton of bricks.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Hmmm, maybe this is an appropriate place for this pic I just saw.mankofit_beforeafter_fitspo2.jpg

    It is hard to tell for sure due to the angles/clothing etc - but both of the BF percentages look quite exaggerated on either side.

    Yep. There's pretty much zero chance at those numbers being accurate.

    So I was curious and googled her.
    "Massiel “Massy” Arias, better known as MANKOFIT, is a 24-year old personal trainer and fitness model, based in New York City. Massy has become an instagram celebrity and icon in the online fitness community, establishing a fanbase of over 1.1 million on the photo sharing, social media website alone."

    These shots show a lot more than the one in the dress, above.



    It moved.

    I'm not sure what 'it' is exactly, but it moved.

    That's a big shoe in the background.

    Backgrou...oh. Hey, there is stuff behind her. I'll be damned.
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    What is this, "lets lecture everyone about what they already know night"?!

    But, but, but....they are all uneducated.

    It's like a teenager trying to tell me how I couldn't possibly understand what it feels like to be them! I feel the same urge to bash a head repeatedly in to a desk. *for the sake of my career we will pretend it's MY head*

    FIFY. The emphasis needs to be clear for maximum effect.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    It is hard to tell for sure due to the angles/clothing etc - but both of the BF percentages look quite exaggerated on either side.

    Yep. There's pretty much zero chance at those numbers being accurate.

    SS and Sarauk2sf ~ Attached is a pic from HitchFit. By your calculations, are her stats correct?


    ETA: Add link: http://hitchfit.com/

    It is impossible to give an assertion that they are correct, mainly because all ways to estimate bf% have their limitations, and eye-balling has obvious ones, but in this case, mainly because there is only one pic/angle, and in the right pic she is stretching.

    I will say that I would not be too surprised if the right pic is not too far off (although I would peg her a bit higher). The left pic looks too low to me - she looks over 30%.

    However, as I noted, a quick 'eyeballing' of one pic, is not very accurate at all.

    That being said, the stats are far more realistic than the first one shown. Assuming the stats are correct, the woman in the 2nd pic has maintained LBM. The women in the first pic has apparently gained 51lb of LBM in 2 years, while lean. This is pretty much not going to happen, even with exogenous help.

    Thank you ever so much Sarauk4sf for taking the time to answer my query. I guestimated her bf%@before pic to be around 32% bf and not the stated 28.5%.

    As always, your posts are informative, as I trudge along this learning curve. :happy: