What were your breakfast calories today?



  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Was not feeling really great this morning. Only 180 for me. Quaker intant oatmeal with 1/2 c homemade applesauce.
  • hungrymarathongirl
    hungrymarathongirl Posts: 444 Member
    Rolled oats cooked with banana slices whipped in and almond milk. 250 calories
    Topped with frozen strawberries, sugar free syrup, cinnamon, and a spoon of peanut butter. Around 150

    So about 400 calories. :)

    Ohh...that sounds yummy! I will have to try it one monring.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    There is NO way I could eat that few calories in the morning, lol.

    But then, I exercise in the morning just before I eat most of my breakfast. 1800 net calorie goal + 700 calories burned in exercise = 2500 calories I need to eat that day. I am a big believer in eating as big (and healthy) a breakfast as possible, with lunch next on the list and dinner pretty low in cals. Most of the carbs in the morning and lunch and most of the fat in the evening. Some days I do better at it than others, but I try.

    My diary is public, feel free to take a look.

    This morning I ate 835 calories. The protein bar before the workout and the rest of it afterward. Then I ate my 2nd banana of the day about an hour later and another banana an hour or two after that.

    If you limit the intake of food at night, it is much easier to have a larger breakfast in the morning. For me, any way, I've found that this approach gives me the most energy through out the day and makes it easier for me to get a good nights rest at night.
  • flossicle
    2 weetabix with enough semi skimmed milk to make em go mushy...deeeelicioussss!!
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    quaker lower sugar oatmeal 110 cal, and a honey crisp apple 80 cal.
  • kscheuer1
    On the weekdays I have a hard boiled egg before I leave for work, and I eat a apple around 9am at work. 160 calories. Not alot but don't have that much time in the mornings so I eat a large lunch around 350-400 calories.
    On the weekends I typically have a large breakfast and smaller lunch. For breakfast I have 2 or 3 scrambled eggs with 100 cal english muffin with some cinnamon or peanut butter on it, or I'll wrap my eggs in a whole wheat tortilla. Depending on how many eggs I use my breakfast averages at around 350 cals.
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    bagel and cream cheese
    sometime i have almond milk too
    the weekends i eat other things but it's quick during the week and i eat it on my way to work.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Glass of orange juice 110 calories

    I can't eat in the mornings til I have been up 2-3 hours so its always pretty much the same thing. If I have to go somewhere and I wont be back for lunch I down a slimfast shake just before I go out the door.
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    Salisbury Steal, Mash Potatoes, Corn, 2 Slices of white bread and 2.5tbsp of reduced fat mayo. 533 cal.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    293 Calories, scrambled eggs on toast from our own chickens
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    3 scrambled egg whites with a little shredded cheese and 2 slices of honey wheat toast.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    100 calories: Oat Fit and coffee!
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    Dunkin Donuts Egg White Veggie Flat Bread w/o Cheese - 290
    1 Slice Fat-Free Cheese Slice - 30
    2 Fiber Gummies - 10
    24oz Water - 0

    Total : 330 Calories
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I treat myself once a week for Pret A Manger - Organic Egg and Bacon Breakfast Baguette - 390 calories. It is delicous! Crispy baguette, really good bacon and a scoop of egg salad. I also add in an orange and a cup of green tea.

    Most work days I have instant oatmeal with and orange and my tea. Works out to about 190 calories
  • allysar
    allysar Posts: 87 Member
    I had Oikos non-fat greek yogurt chocolate! 1/2 granny smith apple and coffee with cream and sugar. 236 calories! :)
  • cowpoke06
    For breakfast I had a giant bowl of rasin bradn (ugh...not poured by me and I didn't eat all but I like to estimate my calories on the high end) and some coffee with milk and sugar: total of 481 calroies. Geeeeeeez. I don't normally have that many breakfast calories. Not letting my boyfriend pour my cereal anymore :)
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    293 Calories, scrambled eggs on toast from our own chickens
    Your chickens lay eggs on toast?? amazing!! lmao:laugh:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I eat a big breakfast since I work out early in the morning. At least 400 calories for breakfast up to 600 or so depending on the workout. :bigsmile:

    It's always old fashioned oatmeal (150 calories) and it depends on the time of year for the toppings.
    Lately it's 1 cup of whole cranberries (60 cals) or
    1/2 cup solid pumpkin (40 cals) + (also could be 1/2 cup blueberries, strawberries, or other seasonal fruit)
    1/2 (70 cals)- 1 full serving (140) of chocolate Shakeology
    2 T. ground flaxseed (60 cals),
    1/2 cup cottage cheese (80 cals)
    1/4 oz walnuts (50 cals) (or sometimes 1 T. Natural PB- 90 cals)

    And I almost always either eat a banana as soon as I wake up or right after my workout (around 90 cals depending on the size of banana).

    As my Mom always said, breakfast is the MOST important meal of the day!! So start it off right!!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    350 ish I had : 1/2 c Oatmeal oldfashioned with cinn and nutmeg and 1/2 pat butter
    2 hard boiled eggs
    3 cups black coffee
    Usually I have 6 tablespoons of low fat 1/ n 1/2 total in my 3 cups of coffee.... no 1/2 n 1/2 today, I used it yesterday cooking stuff for tomorrow! Off to the store I go!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I induldged a bit today, since Mom and I were out on a shopping excursion. I had a Perkin's everything omlet with egg beaters, fruit bowl, and two slices of whole wheat bread with a cup of coffee. MMM good!
